Chapter 190
How much gold do you need to be ahead to overcome a composition difference?
It’s obvious, but there isn’t a definitive answer to that question.
However, one thing can be said for sure: SY isn’t generating enough of a gold lead to overcome the composition difference right now.
『“SCV! They’re slowly making their way out. For the first time in this game, they’re showing up near the river!”』
『“How long has it been since they last saw a river? Oh, they’ve also eaten a rock crab.”』
『“I have no idea how long it’s been since I’ve eaten… this is a delicious rock crab!”』
『“That’s right! But isn’t it uncomfortable for SY? Just how much is the global gold difference right now that the opponent is sneaking out?”』
As the commentators pointed out, it’s SY who feels the greatest discomfort at this point.
Just a moment ago, the opponents were barely breathing; now they want to come out?
It’s time to punish them.
“Keep an eye on LeBlanc.”
In the bush, LeBlanc lurks.
Rainbow’s LeBlanc, precariously standing above a pink ward, is eyeing the SCV champion who is unaware.
For LeBlanc, Ruler, who is clearing vision, is simply a delectable target.
Though Baegah nearby may be a slight nuisance, Rainbow’s LeBlanc could easily slice Ruler and escape.
『“Is Rainbow aiming for her now?”』
In that moment.
LeBlanc shot out of the bush and targeted Ruler with a double dash.
Of course, Ruler tried to react, but two of LeBlanc’s skills were already flying toward her.
– Grow!
Ruler couldn’t withstand the well-fed LeBlanc’s damage and had to use her ultimate as well as a transformation.
As LeBlanc’s objectives were fulfilled and she attempted to retreat via W, Baegah’s Q-R combo that had just arrived flew toward her.
Thanks to LeBlanc’s quick reaction, she managed to dodge the non-target skill Q.
However, Baegah’s ultimate is a targeting skill.
Proving that fact, Baegah’s ultimate followed LeBlanc back to her spot.
– Boom!
Was that the sound of an explosion?
Upon being hit by Baegah’s ultimate, LeBlanc’s health, which had been just shy of half, plummeted below 5%.
Startled, LeBlanc reflexively felt threatened and used Flash.
『“Oh my gosh! Rainbow almost just died!”』
『“What’s with the damage… Is this the same Baegah who’s supposed to be feeding?”』
『“Well, he hasn’t been completely useless, he did secure some CS… but still, that was quite the display!”』
『“Yes! LeBlanc just used her Flash! Considering what she needs to do moving forward, this is not good for SY!”』
-What’s happening?
-Why is Baegah’s damage so high?
-One ultimate just took away a third of LeBlanc’s HP, lol.
-Is that a nuke flying over?
-Wow, what a ridiculously overpowered champion.
-Baegah’s coming through.
The mischievous mage, who earlier hardly dared to show near the turret, now possessed the power to wipe enemy champions with a single motion.
Once Baegah has a target in his sights, at least one enemy will surely die.
However, strategically speaking, SY should still be in a favorable position with a global gold lead.
Unfortunately, SCV has long since surpassed SY in tactics.
『“Ah… the global gold difference is decreasing rapidly. It’s now only a 2000 difference!”』
『“Yes, considering the difference in team compositions, there’s practically no real gap!”』
-Wait, SCV might actually win?
-This is crazy!
-The broadcaster is all smiles, lol.
-Can they keep this up?
-That’s ridiculous.
-Don’t get ahead of yourself, it’s not over yet.
-You salty ones are fuming, lol.
-Yep, SCV won~
As Baron appeared, the game hurried towards the mid-phase.
Both teams remained calm, following traditional Baron postures.
What is the essence of strategy?
There are many kinds, but fundamentally, it means avoiding fights when the enemy has the numbers and initiating fights when your side has the advantage.
So, both team’s tops utilized Teleports while the bot lane held the mid, and the mid headed to the top near Baron for some growth. Finally, the junglers farmed their jungle, preparing to deal with any unforeseen variables or create new ones.
Generally, the strategy in Legends of League derives from this principle.
If SY had a moment to capitalize, it was right now.
With the third Dragon yet to spawn and the enemies in a hesitant position to hit Baron.
SY’s task force was LeBlanc and Lee Sin.
Their target was Baegah, stationed at the top.
Baegah’s steady growth was not just concerning; if they could take him down at this timing, they could aim for the soon-to-appear Dragon or, looking bigger, even Baron.
『“Looks like they’re aiming for Baegah…”』
『“For SY, it’s really uncomfortable that Baegah is growing this well! Let’s see…”』
LeBlanc and Lee Sin were quietly hiding in the bush, waiting for Baegah.
“This is dangerous.”
“Yeah, I thought so too; guess we’re seeing things the same way, sis!”
-Yeah, Baegah is dead for sure.
“No, it’s LeBlanc.”
Baegah is obviously dead; the real issue is what kind of mess Baegah is going to leave behind while dying.
In that moment.
Lee Sin and LeBlanc pounced on Baegah.
However, it wasn’t a flawless ambush.
As AllDay’s Baegah cautiously checked the bush with W, the revealed Lee Sin and LeBlanc rushed out.
『“Oh no! Got caught! But is that all?”』
『“SY has nowhere left to retreat! They have to do this!”』
With ferocious intent, Lee Sin and LeBlanc charged at Baegah.
But Baegah was no longer the frail apprentice mage of the past.
『“Uh, uh-oh?”』
The commentators’ surprise echoed,
-Enemy champion eliminated!
Baegah burst LeBlanc.
Right when the third Dragon was about to spawn, their key damage dealer had fallen.
-Enemy champion eliminated!
Of course, Lee Sin did manage to take down Baegah, but exchanging a 2:1 ratio like this is far from a favorable outcome.
『“Wait, did AllDay just get out of that with a kill?!”』
『“It looked risky, but I didn’t expect him to get away with it!”』
『“It seems like LeBlanc’s earlier Flash not being available has come back to haunt them, doesn’t it?”』
『“Exactly. If nothing happened, it wouldn’t be an issue, but now that LeBlanc is dead…”』
Both teams lost their mid-laners.
Let alone Lee Sin is now positioned at the top.
After returning home, rushing to Dragon will be cutting it close.
Since SY invested in the top, SCV naturally gained control over the vision around Dragon.
And then the third Dragon appeared.
『“SY, can they engage?”』
『“Even if they do, it’s still only two Dragons; giving this up isn’t necessarily bad… but the timing isn’t in SY’s favor!”』
As SY was left fidgeting, SCV burst the Dragon down.
They tried to initiate a fight to stop it, but with Gwen and Pipo both holding W and keeping their ground, there was no way to enter.
Despite having died once early on, BlackDog’s Aphelios, with his eyes wide open, was locked on intently.
-Blue team has slain the ocean dragon!
When Yoon-ki’s Lee Sin finally reached the dragon nest, it had already been devoured.
And thus, the prior strategies repeated.
The only difference this time is that there was no longer any power felt coming from SY.
-Blue team has slain the ocean dragon!
By now, SCV has claimed three Dragons.
Considering that the next dragon will give ocean soul, SY can no longer avoid a Dragon teamfight.
『“Despite SY still being marginally ahead in global gold, they’re not able to fight! They can’t fight!”』
『“If they were going to pick like this, they should have been more aggressive during the draft; SY was way too hesitant!”』
SY failed to snowball in the early game.
As a result, they tried to chip away at the unfavorable composition by pushing sides, hoping to transition into a teamfight strategy.
However, in this meta of 4 Dragons and Elder Dragons, that would be futile.
In the current meta, if you secure dragon soul, you’re almost guaranteed to win.
Especially with ocean soul, which is known to be the most overpowered.
The answer in this meta is teamfighting.
Thus, SY couldn’t provide a solution.
『“If only SCV would at least hit Baron once, there could have been a chance… they are leaving no openings for SY!”』
『“Honestly, it’s so relentless that it’s hard to believe anyone thought SY would wither away like this.”』
The ocean dragon appeared.
It was a dragon that neither SCV trying to solidify their lead nor SY looking for a chance could afford to give up.
『“Finally… it’s here. SY can no longer avoid a fight!”』
『“It’ll be tough, but they’ll have to try! If they can’t stop this, they’re really done for!”』
『“That’s right! SY isn’t a team that would give up like this! They’ll certainly give it their all!”』
『“In the end, they’re going to have to rely on LeBlanc’s hands once more.”』
『“No matter how good Rainbow is… what can be done in this situation?”』
-“Rainbow, do it!”
-Another Rainbow, lol.
-Just lose already, damn.
-No hope for this team.
-Magic wand of release is waiting in the wings.
In the worst possible situation,
SY began to move toward the dragon.
No, they were supposed to.
『“Why are there so many traps laid out? We can’t get in!”』
While SY was floundering, the dragon soul ultimately fell into SCV’s hands.
-Blue team has obtained the ocean dragon soul!
In the end, the fight that erupted as the dragon fell was too pitiful to be called a teamfight.
It was pure slaughter.
With SCV’s onslaught, SY’s champions fell like autumn leaves.
-Enemy champion eliminated!
-Double kill!
-Triple kill!
5:1 exchange.
Or rather, it was a humiliating defeat not even worthy of being called an exchange.
-What on earth was that draft!?
-Remember when they were asking how to counter Rainbow’s LeBlanc? Lol.
-Seriously, the salty players switched gears and it’s hilarious.
-It’s over.
Whether one person dies or not, SCV charged straight for SY’s Nexus.
There were no longer any defensive forces in SY to stop this advance.
『“In the end, SCV pulled off the unthinkable! Who could have predicted this outcome?”』
『“It wasn’t easy. It was a tough road. It was a fiercely contested finals that even went to game five. But SCV! They managed to pull through. Truly impressive!”』
The twin turrets were destroyed,
And the Nexus was finally shattered.
『“SCV has dethroned the reigning champions and risen as the new kings!!!”』
-AllDay! AllDay! AllDay! AllDay! AllDay! AllDay! AllDay! AllDay! AllDay! AllDay! AllDay! AllDay! AllDay! AllDay!
-BlackDog! BlackDog! BlackDog! BlackDog! BlackDog! BlackDog! BlackDog! BlackDog! BlackDog! BlackDog! BlackDog! BlackDog!
-That’s a lot of cheering.
-Salty fans are finished! Salty fans are finished! Salty fans are finished! Salty fans are finished! Salty fans are finished! Salty fans are finished! Salty fans are finished! Salty fans are finished! Salty fans are finished!
Against everyone’s expectations,
SCV became the kings.
Scenes rushed by.
SCV players hugging each other, celebrating their victory.
The deafening cheers of the fans.
Party confetti fluttering all around.
SCV players greeting their fans.
Lifting the championship trophy high.
SCV players receiving all the accolades.
Amidst all that…
The player interviews began.
The first player to be interviewed was, of course, AllDay, who had been selected as the POG for game five.
『“I have to ask about Baegah’s pick. How did that choice come about?”』
『“Ah… We saw the other team use it in scrims, and it looked good, so we decided to pick it.”』
『“Ah, I see.”』
Usually, this would be the end of the interview. But for some reason, the interviewer added a comment.
『“Oh, did you win that scrim match?”』
And the chat erupted.
-Oh… oh no!
-Don’t tell me?
-Is something big coming?
-Wait for it, wait for it!
-Here it comes?
Of course, AllDay, unaware of the context, smiled as he replied.
『“No, we lost.”』
The chat exploded.