Chapter 190

Great Negotiator (1)

The wounds left by the month-long siege of Rome were immense.

The walls, cracked in various places, looked precarious as if they would collapse at any moment without immediate repairs, while the buildings destroyed by cannonballs were not the main issue.

After all, these problems could be resolved with time and money.

“The real post-war issue is dealing with the corpses.”

Yusuf frowned as he surveyed the area around the walls.

The casualties on both sides had reached 60,000, and including those who could drop dead at any moment, nearly 40,000 corpses had to be dealt with.

Even though they said 40,000, considering the population of Rome before the pillaging was about 55,000, it was as if an entire city had been wiped out.

The bigger issue was that they couldn’t delay corpse disposal out of laziness.

“Mehmet, have the soldiers suspected of the plague been identified?”

“We’ve checked those showing symptoms and isolated them, but it’s difficult to distinguish the prisoners from the injured soldiers who haven’t received proper treatment.”

“It can’t be helped.”

In a situation where there were not enough personnel to treat the injured soldiers on our side, there was no reason to care for prisoners.

“If anyone wishes to die, let them take their own life or help them do so.”

That was the only consideration Yusuf could afford to offer.

In an era without effective painkillers, many would prefer death over suffering endlessly without treatment.

“A common tetanus infection would be excruciating.”

Tetanus might seem trivial, but in close combat, there were as many deaths from tetanus as from being stabbed by weapons.

It manifested in symptoms like severe convulsions, where the body curls up, and during this time, all sensations remain intact, leading to a death of horrifying pain.

Even without tetanus, there were plenty of cases where people died from shock due to pain; thus, this was the most humane option available.

Yusuf watched the corpses being thrown into a massive pit from a distance.

Since it was impossible to cremate so many corpses, burying them together was the best method, but it was hard to gauge how deep the pit needed to be.

Still, with over 20,000 prisoners captured this time, there were enough personnel, so there was no need to worry too much.

“What about the looted goods?”

“Since we received additional supplies not long ago, the quantity is considerable, but it would be better to melt down the cannons.”

“Do as you see fit.”

Compared to the cannons used by the Ottomans, the cast ones were almost useless scrap metal.

However, the food stocks that had been hoarded to feed a large army were decent spoils.

After encouraging the soldiers tidying up the battlefield, Yusuf returned to summon the commanders.

“Hasan, what about the fleeing enemy?”

“About 10,000 stragglers have escaped to Naples, and the enemy fleet that occupied Ostia has disappeared.”

Chasing down the stragglers and delivering a severe blow wouldn’t be a bad idea, but there was no need to burden the exhausted cavalry who had already marched far and fought.

With the remaining forces, barely a fraction of the original 80,000 left, it wasn’t worth worrying about too much.

If they fled, they would surely lose half due to stragglers, and the deserters were likely to turn into bandits within the Kingdom of Naples.

“If the enemy fleet has vanished, it means they have a vague idea of our movements. Although it’s a meaningless realization.”

Yusuf smirked as he gestured, and Hasan unfolded a map on the table.

“By now, our fleet that has taken Tunisia should have occupied Málaga and Gibraltar.”

If Carlos had not attacked Rome and instead tried to defend Tunisia, he would have focused on occupying Malta, Tunisia, and Morocco to take complete control of northern Africa.

But now that he had recklessly entered the gambling game, he couldn’t be satisfied with just that.

“How many troops can we mobilize, Mehmet?”

“We need to keep at least 10,000 stationed in Rome, so about 30,000 can be mobilized.”

Given that the enemies hostile towards the Ottomans were scarce, 10,000 forces were enough to control the prisoners and maintain order in the city.

“Do you believe we should attack Naples, which has suffered considerable losses?”

Being close to Rome and under the reign of Carlos, Naples was the country from which troops were predominantly drawn.

A force of 30,000 could inflict substantial damage on Naples, but Mehmet appeared skeptical.

“It would be fine to inflict damage, but with just 30,000 troops, it would be challenging to occupy Napoli’s territory.”

“That’s true.”

Although they have lost many soldiers this time, it was not enough to cause Naples to collapse.

Considering that the population of Naples, the capital of the Kingdom of Naples, is around 200,000, they would have the resources to resist occupation.

Yusuf curled his lips into a smile.

“Then where do you think we should aim?”

“We should send troops to Africa to take complete control of the north.”

Mehmet pointed to Morocco.

This was a region where the Wattasid dynasty and the Saadi dynasty clashed, and to exert proper influence over the Strait of Gibraltar, it was essential to occupy this land.

“Indeed, to avenge Portugal, the objective of this expedition, we must inevitably occupy this land. What else can we do if they refuse to yield?”

“Are you still sticking to that justification?”

“Even a flimsy justification is better than none.”

Yusuf grinned mischievously.

The two dynasties that must have only barely survived while Spain and the Ottomans were at war were bound to leap at this opportunity.

In any case, Portugal was just a pretext for occupying Morocco. To put it bluntly, they didn’t have the luxury to attack Portugal.

“The fleet that departed from Rome will likely try to reclaim Gibraltar and Málaga, but they should be able to hold out.”

By the time the fleet that departed from Rome reached the two ports, they would have fortified the harbors to a certain extent, and with the Ottomans’ fleet around, they wouldn’t easily capture them.

“The problem is we can’t expand further.”

In order to aim for the southern Iberian Peninsula beyond the two ports, there were not enough troops. If they got greedy and stretched themselves too thin, they could suffer significant losses instead of just losing the ports.

Ultimately, they would have to maintain the status quo while occupying the two ports.

“If Venice occupies the Principality of Ferrara, they will come to Rome to transport their troops. It shouldn’t take long.”

Upon hearing Yusuf’s statement, which suggested arrangements had already been made, the commanders nodded.

If Venice provides assistance, there shouldn’t be much worry about troop transportation.

“Moreover, by now, the troops that departed from Cairo should be heading to Algiers, so there shouldn’t be a shortage of forces.”

“As long as there are no special variables, there should be no issue.”

Unless a sudden outbreak of plague occurs, or the troops encounter rough seas on the way to Algiers, there shouldn’t be any disruption in the plan.

“Thank goodness that no such variables are in play.”

Not needing to worry about unforeseen natural disasters was already a fortunate role.

“Venice has occupied Ferrara this time, but I wonder how France will act.”

“Hasna is confident, so I believe it will be fine. Isn’t that why you permitted them to go as far as France?”

There’s a reason why the seductive strategy is part of the thirty-six stratagems.

If François II had fallen head over heels for Hasna, he would surely have mobilized the army. Of course, even if he didn’t, it wouldn’t matter much.

“The gathered allied forces have been shattered, and if our Ottomans have set foot on the Iberian Peninsula, then it’s a disaster for Carlos, especially if the French army is headed for Milan.”

“He will likely seek to negotiate.”

“Negotiation, indeed. It’s necessary.”

Unless the Habsburgs were going to continue to the bitter end, the Ottomans should negotiate as well.

It would be quite troublesome if the Holy Roman Empire were to join the fray.

“The time is approaching to transition to stabilizing the Empire.”

Five years had already passed in the promised fifteen, and there was much to do in the remaining ten years.

Including delivering a significant blow to Moscow, which would become a major problem for the Ottomans.

If they could remove Ivan IV, known as the Terrible, the chances of an anti-Ottoman Russia emerging like in original history would be greatly reduced.

Anyway, it was essential to wrap up the war at an appropriate level, and Yusuf twisted his mouth.

“Then who holds the negotiation advantage becomes vital?”

In negotiations, the one who is desperate tends to lose, and looking at the current situation, it seemed a bit ambiguous.

If France occupies Milan, Carlos would lose anything worthwhile immediately.

Venice and France would be satisfied with their respective gains, but for the Ottomans, in order to occupy southern Spain or attack Portugal, they first needed to eliminate Spain’s fleet.

The problem was that the fleets composed of Spain, Genoese mercenaries, and Portugal were forces that even the Ottomans could not easily eliminate.

“There’s also the possibility that they’ll act boldly since they’ve already lost everything.”

Once a gambler is broke at the gambling table, they become reckless.

So, there was only one solution.

“I have no choice but to make it urgent for them.”

That plan was already underway.


Murad wandered around the occupied city of Málaga.

The population of occupied Málaga was only about 6,000, and they had no capability to fend off the sudden appearance of the Ottoman army.

Having easily taken Málaga, Murad gazed impassively at the terrified residents.

“There are no Muslims left.”

“After Málaga was occupied, all the Muslims here were sold into slavery, and this place was filled with people from surrounding areas. This happened about fifty years ago.”

“I see.”

In southern Iberia, there had been the Islamic state of the Emirate of Granada, which used the Alhambra Palace as its royal palace.

Through Mediterranean and Sahara trade routes, it had achieved considerable prosperity, but was ultimately destroyed by the last victims of the Reconquista, the Castile and Aragon Union, which became the precursor of Spain.

During this process, the 18,000 Muslims living in Málaga were sold into slavery, and now the residents were those who had settled here afterward.

Of course, it had become hard to call the Ottomans an Islamic state now, and it didn’t matter to Murad that those who were sold were not subjects of the Empire.

He was only interested because it had some relation to upcoming work.

Murad, whose interest lay in matters regarding the Empire’s subjects, passed the frightened locals and was approached by a soldier while surveying the city’s defenses.

“Prince, the ones you were looking for have arrived.”


At the soldier’s report, Murad rode up to the castle built on the mountain of Gibralfaro, which overlooked Málaga.

Upon entering the castle, those who had gathered around greeted him with tearful faces.

“Is it true that the Ottomans have come this far? Thank you, Allah!”

Seeing those wearing hijabs and calling upon Allah, Murad nodded.

These were Muslims who had been hiding in the Iberian Peninsula whom he had sought.

When the Reconquista was underway, the Muslim peasants could keep their Islamic faith as they were called Mudéjares, which meant ‘tamed ones’, but that tolerance ended with the completion of the Reconquista.

Many Muslims, who were forced to convert to Catholicism and live as second-class citizens known as Moriscos, rebelled against these measures and hid in the mountainous regions; they were the ones standing before him.

“There’s one thing we need to clarify. We didn’t come to liberate you. We simply do not have the resources to do that.”


“While I am sorry for your situation, it is difficult to send troops all the way here to reclaim the territory of the Emirate of Granada.”

Beginning with a clear boundary, Murad’s words caused the gathered people to contort their faces.

“Then why did you call us here?!”

Having hoped for a resolution to their meager lives hidden in the mountains, they felt betrayed by this expectation.

As the soldiers’ faces turned furious at the rude response and they began to draw weapons, Murad raised his hand to halt them.

“However, that does not mean we won’t help you. Do you wish for freedom? Then obtain it yourselves. I will assist you.”

Receiving Murad’s signal, the soldiers brought forth large boxes.

When they opened the heavy boxes, what appeared were matchlock guns.

“I will provide you with sufficient weapons to arm yourselves.”


“Since there are already bandits and pirates, we might as well have some mountain bandits too.”

Yusuf, who had spread poison throughout southern Spain, twisted his mouth into a grin.

A great negotiator knows how to create a favorable situation.