Chapter 19

Lee Sin was retreating down below, dodging Sion’s passive and turret fire, when he bumped right into me.

From my perspective, it was like Lee Sin had jumped straight into the tiger’s mouth.


He probably thought it was a successful dive, but unfortunately, that was pure arrogance.

Lee Sin’s health was barely above 10%, and without any spells or skills left, catching him was an easy task, even for the completely useless Sylas.

– Enemy eliminated!

– Taken down!

I turned my gaze away.

Using only minimal skills and basic attacks to catch Lee Sin hardly took any time.

The next target: Renekton.

Even though Lee Sin had been tanking the turret aggro and wasn’t taking hits from it, Sion, equipped with Frostborn runes, had stubbornly latched onto him, preventing Renekton from creating any significant distance.

Soon enough, Renekton was practically my prey.

E, E

Because Sion stubbornly stuck to him, Renekton didn’t even attempt to dodge the chain and ended up getting bound by Sylas’s chain.

– Enemy eliminated!

– Double kill!

With two champions taken down and top lane minion experience in my pocket, I quickly leveled up by two.

[Sylas – Level 5]

The Sylas, who had flopped initially, had now racked up two kills and matched the enemy’s well-farmed jungler in level.

The real power of Sylas’s jungle begins only after enduring hardships and finally claiming kills.

And then, the predetermined sequence followed.

– Enemy eliminated!

– Rampage!

It was literally a massacre that ensued.

Although the early game had been difficult, there was no way the Diamond locals could stop me now that I had fully recovered with 2 kills and 1 assist.

– Enemy eliminated!

– Unstoppable!

Of course, the opposing team wasn’t just sitting idle.

If the opponent is strong, you exploit their weaknesses.

Before long, the enemy team, who had just joined the fray, managed to catch our bottom lane, which was a weak point.

– Ally taken down!

– Enemy, double kill!

The kill score was now 10 to 10.

At first glance, it seemed evenly matched, but there was a catch hidden within.

“Considering turret status, CS, and the takedown situations… our team leads by over three thousand in global gold.”

Not only that, while the opposing team had shared the gold relatively evenly among their five members, our team had achieved the exact opposite.

To put it extremely, even if you added the gold of our two bottom lane champions together, it would still be less than mine.

There’s a saying in Legends of League:

The one who’s doing well should keep doing well.

It’s far more damaging if someone who has performed well fails once than if someone who struggles fails a hundred times.

And in this game, I was someone who could outperform anyone else.

– Enemy eliminated!

– They can’t stop me!

If the enemy kills our team, I also eliminate their team members who are without spells or skills.

There were no exceptions, even for the bottom lane, who had been doing well, or the mid-laner who was no longer seen.

[All][Master of Je-do Kim (Zed): Are you serious, taking that with a stolen ult?]

[All][Master of Je-do Kim (Zed): Teacher, stealing in this situation is forbidden.]

[All][2021.06.07 (Samira): For real, ha-ha.]

The mood of the opposing team was quite cheerful despite having lost a game they had seemingly dominated.

After all, the stakes in ranked games can drive people mad; unless they are seriously furious, it’s rare to find someone taking normal games that seriously.

Especially since the difference in tiers was already apparent, the opposing team couldn’t possibly feel bad.

If anything, they seemed delighted to encounter a celebrity.

…Well, I felt a bit guilty about this part.

Amidst the chaotic brawling, the game reached the mid-point.

[Sylas – Level 16]

[Lee Sin – Level 13]

The level gap between the junglers was now 3 levels.

Eventually, the opposing team, unable to hide their anxiety, attempted to sneak Baron.

Of course, it was a clumsy attempt.

I promptly stole Lee Sin’s ultimate and booted him out of the Baron pit.

– Blue team has slain Nashor!

And then, a team fight that was already decided took place.

The enemy, having recklessly focused on Baron, had already crumbled their formation, not to mention their health, mana, and skill statuses were in shambles.

– Pentakill!

In the end, not only had they lost Baron, but they also gifted me a pentakill.

[All][DiaorDai (Lee Sin): Wow… it really is different.]

Dia 2.

It wasn’t a tier that would be disrespected anywhere, but unfortunately, it felt like he’d hit a wall.

[◎] [◎] [◎]

With the Baron buff backing us, we marched towards the empty enemy base.

[All][Master of Je-do Kim (Zed): You can’t be serious, ending it just like this?]

[All][IlIIIIIIIIllllll (Renekton): For real, this is boring.]

[All][2021.06.07 (Samira): Please, just let us see this once.]

[All][JaeHyukMaster123 (Kai’Sa): Lol, you said they were so bad, I knew this would happen.]

[All][JaeHyukMaster123 (Kai’Sa): Bbch, Bbch, ooo.]

[All][2021.06.07 (Samira): That Plating is a bit… ]

[All][JaeHyukMaster123 (Kai’Sa): Yeah, next, that Plating will fall to a Yeti.]

Amidst the various chatting rushes, the game came to an end.


I logged out of the client without even checking the damage dealt.

I figured it would be noisy in the chat, so I made my escape early.

“Was this enough of a test?”

I slowly reminisced about the scenes from the game earlier.

When I successfully made a shot with Lee Sin’s stolen ultimate.

When I lifted all five opponents with Nami’s stolen ultimate and secured an ace.

When I booted Lee Sin from the Baron pit with his own ultimate and succeeded in stealing Baron.

…Somehow, it felt like I mostly stole Lee Sin’s ultimate, but perhaps it was just because I was accustomed to it.

“Well, whatever.”

Despite not being accustomed to the equipment yet, the results were quite satisfying.

“Tomorrow, I’ll try out different gear.”

I wanted to test it right away, but unfortunately, I was way too tired.

It had been quite a challenging game, considering it was just a normal one.

“I’ll just go to bed.”

I threw myself onto the bed.


It was chilly.

Until recently, my room’s environment had been nearly perfectly controlled, but lately it had been poorly managed.

This was one of the changes that had occurred in my life.

If my mother had treated me like a fragile porcelain doll, constantly worrying, now she treated me just like any other mother would.

In other words, instead of sealing off the room and ventilating it using an air purifier, it was simply done by opening the window.

That’s probably why.

I was now curling up under a thick blanket like a caterpillar, unlike before.


The long silver hair that tickled my nose in the morning had become part of my daily routine.


Roughly waking up to a natural bodily function, I habitually searched for my smartphone on the bedside.

It wasn’t to check if anyone had contacted me or anything, just a reflexive action.


I immediately suspected my half-closed eyes.

I had received a text from an unfamiliar number.

“Hello. This is Jang Seok-Hwan, a coach from GRS. Are you the Prisoner?”