Chapter 19

“That’s all for today.”

It seems like the chat finally understood as I turned off the replay. It really took a long time.



Did I manage to handle it?



I stretched for a moment.

Clarifying the relationship between Lee Da-ram and me, and correcting any misconceptions along the way.

Now that what I wanted to accomplish is finished, all that’s left is to say goodbye.

I also need to check on Lee Da-ram’s condition quickly.

“I’ve finished everything I wanted to do, so I’ll be heading out now. Thank you for listening until the end.”



Is it over already? ㅠㅠ

Please turn it on again next time.

Your voice is so soothing…

But can you keep streaming, Si-hyun?

It was fun.

When will these guys step on a murder step with diamonds again?

But why did we even gather?

I might turn into broth myself.


The chat had become much more mild than earlier. That person, and that person, and even that one… It was the same usernames that were trolling just a moment ago.

“…… Aren’t the people who were spamming earlier cleaning their mouths a bit too quickly?”

I said it on a whim.




Excuse me?

I just came over from Fiore. ㅠㅠ

I wasn’t typing anything in the chat.

I won’t cause trouble again.

I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!

I literally didn’t type anything at all.


Thus, the chat split into those who were repenting and those who were explaining themselves. There were no more malicious comments.

“…… Okay. For those of you who feel sorry, be sure to apologize to the Squirrel.”


Cheese donated 1000 won.

“I’ll apologize to the Squirrel and send a donation. Aren’t I nice? Am I pretty?”


“Yes. You’re nice and pretty.”

My lips curled up slightly at that donation.

The voice and tone of the donation reminded me of a small boy who had just been scolded, making my heart flutter a little.

It was strange, just like before. He was definitely not that kind of person.



Me too!


I’m sorry, my little squirrel…

Please smile often.

Me too!

Me too!

I love you, sister!

Please take care of me!



At my words, the chat exploded once again. Why do they like me so much…?

But how do I end the broadcast? I was just rummaging through the broadcast management window.


Hogunick donated 100,000 won.

“You don’t have to return it; just keep streaming in the future.”



It was a completely different sound than the sporadic donations from before.


What the heck?




Hogunick from Pazzk?!?!



It was an amount I hadn’t even seen in Lee Da-ram’s streams. I momentarily lost my words, then barely managed to speak again.

“I’m sorry. I have my daily life, and it’s not easy to stream as a hobby.”


“Thank you very much for the 100,000 won. But please don’t donate. I’ll return everything.”

I awkwardly expressed my gratitude late. I never thought I would have to say something like this.


Storyteller donated 1000 won.

Storyteller: “Moon Si-hyun’s account was created today, one month ago. Yet she has accumulated 312 hours in Fiore.”


“…… Can we forcefully remove this donation?”


What the…





Is this real?



Whaaaaaat? Hahaha!

This is terrifying without the jokes.

Wait, did you really play for 10 hours every day?

That’s really scary.

You must be going to a Korean University!


In the end, I couldn’t find a way to stop the donation sounds until the end.

My face slightly flushed with the donations and the chat reaction.

“…… I took a leave of absence for personal reasons from university. And I’m not a shut-in.”



Ah, yes!

I’m not a shut-in (even though I play 300 hours of games a month).

But is it really 300 hours? Is that even a possible number? Is this a lie?

Yes~ I understand.


“…… I really have to go now. Thank you for your hard work. Good night, everyone.”

While I really thought about showing my student ID, it felt like I would lose everything. I’ll just leave it at that.

I said my final farewell and pressed the broadcast end button I found.

Once I confirmed that the stream had ended, I immediately headed for the table.


Late at night, Lee Da-ram’s phone rang.

[Da-ram, are you okay?]

As soon as I picked up, Moon Si-hyun’s voice was heard. Her voice was calm and soft, tinged with a bit of concern.

Hearing that voice, Lee Da-ram smiled to herself for a moment.

“Yeah, I was a bit surprised, but I’m okay.”

While saying this, Lee Da-ram recalled what had happened today.

The sudden and chaotic situation had been resolved instantly with the appearance of Moon Si-hyun.

[…… Are you really okay? With thousands of people harassing you like that?]

“I’m really okay. …… If I was alone, it might have been different.”

Lee Da-ram briefly closed her lips before opening them again.

“I had you with me. Hehe…”


“Why aren’t you saying anything?”

[…… Just.]


Lee Da-ram quietly laughed.

‘Sister, your ears must be all red, right? You’re super weak to compliments.’

Imagining that alone made her laugh, her mood improving further. She began to sway her feet that were tucked under her chair back and forth.

Then she spoke again.

“Sister, you know, honestly, sometimes I really feel like, is it really okay to have a four-year age gap? It feels odd sometimes, you know?”


“But at times like this, I really feel like you’re an adult.”

Sharing her honest feelings made her a bit embarrassed, and Lee Da-ram chuckled with a “heh heh.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow! I’m going to bed now. … Thank you. Really.”

After speaking, Lee Da-ram’s face grew even warmer. She murmured her parting words as she listened to Moon Si-hyun’s farewell and then hung up.

Tomorrow’s part-time job perfectly coincided with Moon Si-hyun’s schedule.

Looking forward to that day, Lee Da-ram went to sleep with her hands clasped.


The broadcast ended. The 3401 viewers that had been present dispersed.

They returned to their own territories like a flood.

It was like the ebb and flow of the tide. Many more people arrived than had left.

It was the moment when the thin, huge palm of the broadcasting and gaming galleries of DC was flipped over once more.


Pazzk Minor Gallery


– These idiots should all die, haha.

(Capturing the malicious rumors about the Squirrel’s boyfriend from Hako Virtual Minor Gallery)

Picking up the shit from the outskirts gallery, they came over, grinning!

(In Lee Da-ram’s room, the malicious chats were flooding)

Harassment and bullying of minors was followed by…

(tlgus123’s 498-member kick log)

Within 5 minutes, a manager completely suppressed them…

(Moon Si-hyun’s voice clip)

And the manager wasn’t even a man…

Ah… Just…

(Combining a photo of “Number 2030” with a Pazzk gallery entrance)

“The worst generation ever.”


– Honestly, watching it from the side, it was really disgusting.

– They insisted until the end, and then got collectively kicked out by the ‘ordinary person,’ Moon Si-hyun. They got mad and rushed to Moon Si-hyun’s room for punishment, which was priceless, haha.

– The broth boys are causing a ruckus again collectively.

N-no way, haha. This gallery will also collapse; they will repeat the old paths of destruction again, ugh.

N-no way, they started it first, but after failing so miserably, they’re saying “the broth boys are causing a ruckus again” and “this gallery will collapse,” haha.

N-what a bunch of idiots, just die.

N-I can’t believe how disgusting you are, you moronic cam-taku bastards.

N-If the V-Taku act like idiots, then the cam-taku will rise. This time, it’s the opposite, so why are you having such a breakdown? If you had so much fun beaten up last time, just stay quiet this time.

N-no way, haha. How long has it been since the Pazzk gallery was active?

N-Just bite each other peacefully, fuck off, haha.

N-You guys are trash, causing a massacre and then losing like dogs, haha.


Today’s remarks from Moon Si-hyun (tlgus123).clip

(Clip of Moon Si-hyun’s admonishment echoed on a black screen)



– Ah.

– “Do you really think it’s right to express your anger in such a despicable manner?”

N-Oh, shit. I didn’t even type in the chat, but I felt a jolt.

– Honestly, even the most abusive insults couldn’t hurt, but that hit hard.

N-Indeed, haha.

N-What’s funny is that it’s just a very reasonable statement, but when it’s combined with “woman,” “really cold and soothing voice,” and “ordinary person,” it totally blindsides you.

N-Comparing with ordinary people, it makes you realize just how much of a lunatic pit that place is…

N-Shaming minors by collectively spamming is really not human…

– I think I should live healthily from now on…

– The moment a woman’s voice came out, the atmosphere in the chat shifted drastically, haha.

– I didn’t go to the trouble, but why am I splitting the pay now, damn.

– It’s pathetic to be beat up and act cool about it while pretending to like a girl.

N-No way, haha. It’s not all of them, but definitely not just a few.

– I can see the really stupid ones are just focusing on finding any excuse to attack, haha.

N-So that’s why they’re in the Pazzk gallery.

– It’s like a bunch of idiots rushing for a lynching, and suddenly a “real adult” crashes the party, haha.

– Cowardly trying to win with logic.


– ???: If it comes to this, does that mean I win?

(Photoshopping the Squirrel’s face larger on the Pazzk Minor Gallery entrance)

Then from now on, the Pazzk gallery will be under our Squirrel faction’s control.


– Go Squirrel!

– Nice to see you, Squirrel!

– Nice to see you, Squirrel!

– Nice to see you, Squirrel!

– Nice to see you, Squirrel!

– Nice to see you, Squirrel!

– Nice to see you, Squirrel!

– Go Squirrel!

– Nice to see you, Squirrel!

– Nice to see you, Squirrel!

– If we lose after invading… we should be under their control!

– I just got off work, and what the heck is this?

N-From now on, this gallery belongs to Da-ram.

N-From today, I’m your host who will colonize this dump.

– The dark age of the Pazzk gallery… the ‘V-Taku Occupation Era’ starts again…

N-Right, it’s dark only for the cam-taku.


– I hope Moon Si-hyun opens her stream… for real.

Both V-Taku and Cam-Taku won everybody’s favor.

(Capturing the viewer count)

Even after the broadcast, despite the induced panic, the viewership remained at 3401.

In a situation where anyone would panic, they managed to convey their opinion clearly.

With a voice that sounds excellent and plays Fiore at a crazy level.

At this point, streaming seems to be her calling.

Most importantly, she should still be a virgin…


– for real

– haha.

– Honestly, I just came to watch, but I think many people got their heads cracked.

– For the fact that the people came to genocide and were moved a hour later, the view count remaining at 3000 is a talent.

– People who came to cause a ruckus have changed their minds, people just came to see Fiore, and people who are just curious are all here.

N-Alerts for every case are circulating; the broadcasting V-Taku has nothing to do with it, and the fighting game masters are all here because of the female fighter, haha.

N-It’s a merger between Gametaku, V-Taku, and Cam-Taku, haha.


Virtual Hako Minor Gallery


– These idiots should have their heads chopped off, haha.

(Capturing hate towards the Squirrel’s boyfriend)

(Capturing harassment of the Squirrel by a troll)

(Capturing an instance of a troll getting clowned)

(Capturing those who agree with the trolling)

(Capturing those who targets those agreeing)

Especially the last one, the trolling bastard definitely deserves to be taken down, haha.


– Go Squirrel!

– Cut off their heads, Squirrel!

– Everyone should die, Squirrel!

– Those who slander the cute Squirrel should jump out of the window right now!

– These bastards think just adding Squirrel at the end is good enough, it really pisses me off.

– Just check the group madness with only the suspicion as a conclusion.

N-Truth be told, I understand; I met a 21-year-old named Moon Si-hyun at work who turned out to be a girl. How could I doubt that?

N-It’s seriously lucky that the Squirrel is a minor… I was feeling suicidal.

N-What’s unbelievable is how it turned out to be true, haha. It’s f*ing ridiculous.

N-So I’m relieved…


– I seriously want to get scolded by Moon Si-hyun.

(Voice clip)

She looks like an absolute spoiled girl who was raised with utmost care, yet if she lay around without cleaning up, she’d softly admonish me with “That’s not good.”

“Hey, sister, it hurts there… please help me…”

Then, she’d be panicking and, taking my advice,

“… D-doing it this way will make it better?”

And she’d probably be holding me from behind, unbuttoning my pants, and pulling down the zipper…










(A photo of a soccer player roaring)


– Boobs.

– Boobs.

– Damn it, Boobs.

– Boobs.

– Pretending to be a perv, pretending to be a perv about Boobs.

– Ah, Boobs, you bastards.

– Boobs, haha.

– Damn it, these bastards can’t shake off the habit of harassing Hako VTubers and are now doing it to an ordinary person too.

N-Honestly, looking at Moon Si-hyun talking, it seems like she doesn’t even know what DC is…

N-For real, haha.

N-Let’s just keep things undiscovered.

– Pinched.


I really started to like Moon Si-hyun…

(Clip of Moon Si-hyun asking what “포야” means)

Her voice is mature, yet why does it sound so pure…