Chapter 189

In the war against Dedorant, our Empire is not the only one shedding blood.

To the east, the Three Kingdoms Alliance of Burgai, Kaden, and Polrand.

To the south, though it may be small-scale, the Southern Kingdom’s army has provided their own form of assistance.

Lastly, coming down from the north, Nobogord has battered Atria.

The difference lies in the fact that the eastern Three Kingdoms Alliance and the Southern Kingdoms either take turns with the Imperial Legion or rotate amongst themselves.

The Three Kingdoms Alliance, being stationed far from their homeland, naturally faces difficulties in reinforcing troops.

As for the Southern Kingdoms, their small troop size made rotations a necessity from the very beginning.

On the other hand, Nobogord has been present on almost every battlefield since they joined as allies of the Empire.

They particularly held the Atria front, fighting at times even more fiercely than the Imperial Legion.

Moreover, their military size consistently rivals or even exceeds that of an entire regular Imperial legion.

No one understands just how fiercely the Demon Tribe fought better than I do.

I’ve received many reports, seen it firsthand, and had numerous conversations with Charlua.

If I were to fail in grasping the situation there, it would mean I was slacking off.

“Right. But, still, I can’t help but feel it’s a bit odd to be laying siege to the Royal Capital.”

Of all places, it’s the Royal Capital. Even if Atria was a place where the royal family had vanished.

Although it has practically been merged into Dedorant, retaining only its name.

Regardless, isn’t it the heart of the lands occupied by the Empire?

Its symbolism must hold significant weight; it can’t be said to be insignificant.

“I think I know what you’re pondering. Chief of Staff, what are your thoughts?”

“Even if it’s merely a shell of the Royal Capital, a Royal Capital remains a Royal Capital. Even after Dedorant’s capital was turned to rubble, they still boldly marched in and planted the Empire’s flag. The significance of this action cannot be taken lightly.”

That sentiment resonates with me, Chief of Staff. The Emperor gazes at me as he continues.

“But, let’s be candid. It’s not even worth countering, but Nobogord certainly has much to say.”

“…I apologize.”

Indeed. The blood of that traitor. Nobogord certainly paid a heavy price.

While not as much as our Empire, they suffered overwhelmingly high casualties among the allied forces.

While they could have fought conservatively, they faced the battlefield with tenacity greater than anyone else.

Even if the reason stems from their animosity and rivalry with Atria itself.

Ultimately, there’s no denying that they bled considerably.

If they were to demand a fair payment for that, it would be awkward for the Empire to refuse.

“The Minister of Foreign Affairs is quite troubled by this matter, and the Minister of War is extremely displeased. They’re fully aware of the situation here, so why must it be this way?”


If it were something trivial, the Empire would simply turn a blind eye.

Or they would resolutely state, ‘Absolutely not.’ Yet, both options feel tenuous.

To concede would undermine the symbolism, and refusing them seems to directly dismiss their bloodshed, raising concerns about public perception.

“How is the situation progressing on your end, Your Highness the Crown Princess?”

“We entered into practical negotiations, but there hasn’t been notable progress. Nobogord’s demands are clear, while our Empire has no choice but to adopt an ambiguous stance.”


Given that negotiations have occurred, it appears both sides sought a compromise.

However, failing to narrow their differences resulted in the deadlock we face now.

With that, I find myself increasingly curious about what exactly is going on in Nobogord.

“Even during the height of the war, Nobogord had no substantial disputes. If they wanted to meddle in the Empire’s actions, they should have shown signs of it from back then. Now’s just too ill-timed.”

Right. No matter how I think about it, it feels odd. If they wanted to make a fuss, they should have done so long ago.

Now that the war has nearly concluded and the Empire has firmly established its position as the top power.

There’s no indication they’re doing this for the sake of enhancing their own value, demanding the Royal Capital now that the situation has settled?

Something’s amiss. A signal for help is being sent my way.

“…Your Majesty. And Your Highness the Crown Princess. It seems I must assume you didn’t hear what I just said. Something urgent seems to have come up.”

“That’s fortunate. I was wondering how to handle the Chief of Staff’s retirement.”

Suddenly, I wonder if the Emperor and Crown Princess sitting there are precisely aiming for this.

But what can I do? Even if that’s the case, if this were the reason, I’d have to acknowledge it.

I would have stepped up first, declaring that I would take care of this matter.

“Chief of Staff. I delegate to you all authority concerning negotiations with Nobogord.”

“I am truly honored. I shall meet the expectations of Your Majesty with utmost dedication.”

After parting with the Emperor and Crown Princess, my first stop before heading towards Atria was the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

I needed to see if there were any newly acquired information. Did Nobogord’s stance change?

In such matters, they are undoubtedly much more knowledgeable than I am, so seeking their opinion was crucial.

“Nobogord continues to desire the Royal Capital of Atria. They haven’t expressed any other demands.”

That was the Ministry’s response. This complicates matters even further.

Nobogord isn’t a bunch of fools, and despite their deep-seated animosity towards Atria.

Is there a reason to stubbornly insist on demanding it when the Empire could offer something far more realistic and practical?

No matter how I look at it, it feels like asking for flesh while offering bones in return.

“Chief of Staff, it seems there may have been some shifts in Nobogord’s political landscape.”

“Shifts? Could it be the hawks have regained power?”

“Not at all. The hawks have weakened significantly since the Empire’s great victory. Nobogord aligned with the Empire to topple Atria, and they have drastically lost influence since. This time, the situation is quite different.”

Individuals who aren’t particularly antagonistic towards the Empire, but simultaneously wish to see Nobogord rise.

Rather than merely cooperating with the Empire and bowing down, they seek to take a more assertive role.

It seems to be a new faction that totally excludes ‘battle’ from the hawks.

“Isn’t Nobogord a victor of this war? They also brought down Atria. It appears the Demon Tribe supports these new political powers. Not just cooperating with the Empire, but explicitly demanding their due in return.”

Goodness. This is getting tiresome. Have I been too absorbed in the occupied territories?

But soon I shook my head. Relations with foreign nations aren’t my purview.

In fact, I should be grateful that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs updated me with this timely news.

Anyway, I’ve gauged the opponent’s stance, and now it remains to confront them directly.

I headed straight to the old Atria occupied territory to check on the Imperial Legion stationed there.

After that, I would appropriately assess the public sentiment in the area, and the next day I could start negotiations with Nobogord.

And there, I came to learn the reason behind Nobogord’s sudden demands.

“It’s an honor to meet you, Chief of Staff. I am Rundis of the Demon Tribe Council.”

“Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Council Member Rundis.”

Originally, Charlua, who frequently exchanged insight with me, had remained silent.

In her place, a middle-aged Demon woman has greeted me on behalf of Charlua.

It seems this Demon is one of the key figures of the emerging faction mentioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

It goes without saying that she wouldn’t be like the hawks demanding war against the Empire.

Even if the Demon Tribe is fierce, they aren’t so senseless as to lose their minds in battle to that extent.

In the current situation, there’s no greater method of suicide than to fight against the Empire.

“It’s been too long, Lady Charlua.”

“Yes. I hope you’ve been well during this time?”

As we exchanged pleasantries, I quickly caught up on the situation.

“…The internal situation in Nobogord seems to be shifting quite dramatically.”

“With our victory, a strange wind has begun blowing. We acknowledge that the Empire holds the upper hand, but it’s only fair that we receive in return what we’ve bled for.”

Are they truly fearing we might turn a blind eye and give them nothing at all?

Surely they’ve seen what the Eastern Three Kingdoms Alliance and the Southern Kingdoms are walking away with?

They must have witnessed the mercy being offered in the former Dedorant territories.

Yet here they are, making absurd demands like asking for the Royal Capital from the Empire.

This theme was further reinforced during my subsequent meeting with Council Member Rundis.

“Nobogord desires the Royal Capital of Atria. No other conditions will suffice.”

“The Empire also wishes to keep the Royal Capital firmly within its territory, Council Member.”

“Hasn’t the Empire already seized Dedorant’s Royal Capital? Since our Nobogord forces had such a significant showing here in Atria, I consider this demand reasonable.”

Indeed, it is reasonable. I’ll admit that part. If I were a Demon, I would nod in agreement.

What I cannot comprehend is why, at this time, they would insist on stirring the Empire’s ire.

If they had intended to make a fuss, they should have done so during the war. What do they hope to achieve by acting now?

“Is there no room for compromise beyond the Royal Capital?”

“We have clearly conveyed our intent on behalf of Nobogord.”


“However, since it’s you, Chief of Staff, who has come personally, I would like to open a small avenue.”

With Council Member Rundis’s words, both I and Charlua widened our eyes in interest.

Nobogord’s insistence laid out for the Royal Capital seemed to narrow down to two core demands.

One was a portion of the arable lands around Atria. The other was an ice-free port.

I seem to recall that both mentioned demands were already discussed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The problem, however, was that it was decided only one of the two would be granted to Nobogord.

Giving them both would undoubtedly make them too strong, hence we must remain vigilant.

Honestly, even handing over either one of those would be more than acceptable for Nobogord.

Whether it be arable land or a port. But instead, they chose to demand the Royal Capital?

While it may hold symbolic significance, would it truly provide substantial benefit?

“There’s something more. There’s definitely something behind this, but what could it be….”

In a flash, a possible scenario popped into my mind.

The reason they constantly demand the Royal Capital in front of the Empire.

With the proclamation of justice and emphasis on legitimate claims, their true reasoning.