Chapter 185
After the failed three-person mid dive that felt like the future of the game was at stake, the situation began to change rapidly.
“Looking back, I can’t help but think that the three-man gank was reckless. Mid dives aren’t easy, you know.”
“True. Of course, it was an option we had to take in a dire situation, but it’s disappointing.”
“Lucian has turned into a monster.”
While Ruler was away from the scene, Lucian, who had been farming the bot turret with Nami, truly became a monster, and in the meantime, Miss Fortune, feeling the pressure from the dive, couldn’t even properly soak up experience.
The gap between the bot lanes began to widen immensely.
To make matters worse, who’s currently playing Lucian?
A player notorious for his sheer brutality, earning him the nickname as the beast duo of SCV.
With such a player powering up, it wasn’t an exaggeration to say the direction of the game now rested in his hands.
– BlackDog! BlackDog! BlackDog! BlackDog! BlackDog! BlackDog! BlackDog! BlackDog! BlackDog! BlackDog! BlackDog! BlackDog! BlackDog!
– No joke, BlackDog is different.
– AllDay bus mode ON.
– Shall we show them?
– Let’s go, let’s go.
Of course, the opponent is SY.
No matter how bad the situation is, they are a team that knows when to take risks.
The chaotic pinging of SY rang out.
The destination was clear.
“We have to watch the top.”
Barely finishing their sentence, SY’s mid-jungler, who had just failed the mid dive, turned to the top, where the wave was just starting to push.
“Apparently they don’t know.”
SCV had already missed one gank.
Naturally, it was a timing that AllDay would suspect SY had caught their return timing, meaning SY’s timing was to exploit the enemy’s gap.
“But SY is also in danger now.”
AllDay had just began returning home.
This meant he could teleport to top depending on the situation.
That is, SY was betting the game at this point.
“Wait, are they really going for this again? Is it possible?”
“It seems a bit tough… but they are going for it? Oh, they are!”
“Who is SY? They can’t back down after failing once!”
The commentators had their worries.
After the failed three-man dive, SY had certainly lost some health and mana.
In a hurry, King’s Graves noticed the threat coming.
But the enemy was already close.
– This is it, he’s dead.
– They’re deciding on a top gank here, lol.
– For real, lol.
“Can this work? If they take down Graves here, it can turn the tides!”
“Indeed! We have to see how King’s Graves will handle this, but it really does look risky!”
Everyone anticipated Graves’ demise.
Here, Graves’ unique survivability began to shine.
Graves doesn’t behave like a typical long-range champion; he has insane survival skills and tankiness that defy belief.
That’s why he doesn’t shy away from the sweaty battlefield that is top.
Proving that fact, Graves easily dodged Jason’s Q as he approached the minion wave and quickly used Smoke Grenade to obscure the vision of his greatest threat, LeBlanc.
“Wow, he survived!”
If Graves had even slightly misplayed, he would’ve been dead.
But King’s Graves played textbook perfectly.
SY’s three-man squad chased Graves up to the turret, but unfortunately, they couldn’t secure the kill.
– This is real.
– Look at that angle!
– Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw!
– King did well, so why is the support getting praised? Lol.
– That’s true?
– For real, lol.
– Haha, King did the work while Outlaw takes the credit.
– Is this… a mosquito?
And with that, failure usually means paying the price.
– Weoooo…
From the top minion, the flames of teleportation ignited.
It was Malphite, freshly back from the shop.
Of course, no matter how weak the opponent seemed, they were still outnumbered.
However, the number of missing players can be filled.
“Jarvan is coming right now!”
Vendetta is a passive jungler.
That’s a fatal flaw for a jungler who should always be proactive, yet the reason Vendetta remains at the top is simple.
“Vendetta never misses an opportunity.”
And Vendetta moving meant one thing.
“SY needs to back off now! The enemy’s shopping for items, and they’re full health!”
SY was in a major crisis.
Proving that fact, SCV’s champions slowly started to encircle them.
“The good news is it’s not yet level six… but those who can live should just try to survive.”
However, my thoughts differed.
One flaw had emerged in the encirclement.
“Graves is in danger.”
In that moment, without waiting for the words to finish, Rainbow’s LeBlanc lunged at Graves, who was caught in the encirclement.
And a torrent of concentrated fire followed.
– Enemy defeated!
Graves, who was already in poor health, fell after SY’s counterattack.
– ?
– Wait, how does he say something and it just works?
– Is this… the vision of the ranking first place?
– Wow.
– Help! I’m dying! Help! I’m dying! Help! I’m dying! Help! I’m dying! Help! I’m dying! Help! I’m dying!
– At this point, it’s acceptable for the support to get the credit.
Of course, SY had to pay for that as well.
If they had backed off, maybe one or two could have survived, but they lost the opportunity to escape because they counterattacked.
“It’s not over yet.”
Along with that, Jarvan and Malphite began picking off SY’s champions one by one.
Already, SY champions were low on health, mana, and skill resources and could no longer retaliate.
So this wasn’t a battle.
This was a one-sided hunt.
– Enemy defeated!
– Double kill!
In the blink of an eye, all three upper champions of SY were wiped out.
A 1:3 exchange.
It was effectively a one-sided loss for SY.
“No way, they’re countering this beautifully! Amazing SCV!”
“Exactly. I thought SY was overextending after using their turn once, but SCV brilliantly seized the opportunity!”
“Looks like SCV has won.”
– ???
– Huh?
– Uh oh…
– Already?
“You’ll see.”
I know all the players on both teams.
So I also know that SCV’s players will never let such a favorable opportunity slip away.
Time passed.
[Malphite – Level 6]
With no damage taken, Malphite’s level 6 timing was approaching.
Rather, SCV seized control, so this was where the real snowballing would begin.
The first Rift Herald was smoothly taken by SCV.
No matter how good SY or Rainbow was, they weren’t foolish enough to start a fight when the gap was this wide.
Of course, Legends of League isn’t a game where fights are avoided just because the opponent doesn’t want to fight.
If the door is locked, you just have to force it open.
– Senna’s revenge!
“Ahhh!! Why is Lucian’s damage like that?!”
BlackDog’s Lucian, empowered by Nami’s buff, forcefully pushed back the opponents.
– The blue team has destroyed a turret!
Using the Herald, they easily pushed down the mid first tower and successfully rammed into the mid second tower.
“This… Rainbow has to do something. Of course, with Malphite on the enemy team, it won’t be easy! But they have to do something. Otherwise, there’s no way out!”
“Exactly. What’s needed in moments like this is a super play!”
As the commentators said, the tightrope play of LeBlanc began.
One mistake and it’s over.
Yet, Rainbow’s LeBlanc seemed to be managing well.
Until AllDay’s Malphite finally caught her just as she boldly dove deep into enemy territory.
“Ah, no…!”
– Enemy defeated!
– Executed!
The precarious line that had supported SY until now was finally cut.
“What do we do now! Can they hold without LeBlanc? SY is in emergency!”
“Exactly! Rainbow’s LeBlanc did well but finally fell! Now the remaining team members have to step up!”
From this point on, the outcome was clear.
SCV’s troops surged forward.
SY’s surviving champions tried to block them, but unfortunately, without Rainbow, it was too much.
“This is where the Nexus gets destroyed!”
Everyone had anticipated the winner of this finals to be SY.
It wasn’t just about fandom; there was a clear gap in performance between the two teams until now.
– Wow…
– I’m kind of torn about who deserves POG this game.
– Isn’t it BlackDog? AllDay did well, but…
– But King played amazingly in the early top lane; if he had died there, the game could’ve gone differently for real.
By the time the first set ended, fans who’d confidently expected SY were starting to feel uneasy.
That’s how extraordinary SCV’s performance had been.
“Something about this feels familiar…”
For some reason, SCV’s game felt very similar to a certain team.
Then it happened.
Kim Jae-min, who had been crouching until now, spoke up in a timid voice.
“Can I say it now?”
…Did I say not to say anything?
I didn’t really remember telling him that, but he seemed to be picking up on my vibes.
“He’s somewhat perceptive.”
Since it was already on broadcast, it felt unfair to let him stew like that, so I said.
“Go ahead.”
I was worried about what Kim Jae-min might say…
Well, it’ll work out somehow.
As I had a banter with Kim Jae-min and the audience, the third set’s ban/pick phase began.
SCV again let LeBlanc go and picked Malphite.
Having only just won with that pattern, there was no reason not to do it again.
“Are they really letting Malphite go again? I thought it might be better to cut him…”
“True. Or are they letting him through on purpose thinking of a counter? If they have some card prepared, now’s the time to show it.”
Could it be that SY was being stubborn?
The commentators’ concerns soon became reality.
Against all odds, SCV took the win in the third set as well.
“Who dared to predict this? SCV takes the first two sets against SY!”
“What will SY do now? They’re in deep trouble! SY is in emergency!”
A 2:1 situation.
The throne holder was cornered.