Chapter 184


『“Malphite… has been picked?”』

『“Yeah, it’s a bit of a strange choice… Malphite isn’t a bad pick against LeBlanc, but it’s not exactly a top-tier choice right now.”』

『“Anyway, the fact that it’s been picked means they’re somewhat prepared, right?”』

『“That’s true! No matter what, I’m excited! SCV needs to show their stuff, right?”』

『“Exactly! SCV didn’t make it this far easily, did they? They need to step it up!”』

The audience reactions were not much different from the commentators.

– Oh

– Malphite?

– Yeah, that’s it

– If they had picked something weird, they would’ve really gotten wrecked by LeBlanc lol

– Let’s go, bus timeeeeee

– AllDay seems to have gotten his act together

– Whoa, shocker lol, the viewers just broke through Diamond 20 d(ⓒ◕‿-◕)b

– For real, Outlaw is legendary…

– Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw!

– Spam bot, get out

The atmosphere changed.

Above all… I felt like I finally understood where AllDay’s Malphite pick was coming from.

‘Well, this is something…’

A wry smile escaped my lips.

Of course SCV had a good reason to agree to a scrim, but I didn’t expect them to run out of steam so quickly…

‘Well, this is what makes it interesting.’

Before I knew it, the second set ban/pick phase was completed.

This time SCV was on blue side.


[SCV / SY]

Top: Graves / Jason

Jungle: Jarvan III / Lee Sin

Mid: Malphite / LeBlanc

Bot: Lucian / Miss Fortune

Support: Nami / Ruler


『“Looking at the overall ban/pick… So this is why they let LeBlanc and Lee Sin go? Did it go exactly according to SCV’s plan? One could argue that.”』

『“That’s right. However, no matter how prepared they are, they’re up against the Rainbow Yoon-ki duo. Whether their calculations work out as planned remains to be seen.”』

『“Yes. There’s a reason for not giving away top-tier champions like LeBlanc and Lee Sin. We’ll have to see how SCV’s strategies pan out.”』

『“Exactly! There’s a reason why you don’t give away OP champions! Now, let’s see!”』

– They both let everything go lol

– Now this is what makes it fun

– Will SCV show us something?

– But honestly, I feel like SY will win, I just hope SCV puts up a fight

– For real

The game started in earnest.

– One, two, three. SCV fighting!!

– One, two, three. Right now. SY fighting!!!

The cheers from both teams’ fans echoed as the champions burst out of the fountain.

– But why isn’t the host saying anything while commentating?

– True

– Seriously, say something already

– Freeloading lol

No matter how well I could speak, I wouldn’t compare to the professional commentators.

So I had been quiet, but it seemed that the audience’s responses were becoming rather intense.

“Uh… I was trying to stay quiet so I wouldn’t be a nuisance…”

– ?

– Nah

– Start talking now

– Okay, go ahead and talk

– Wasn’t that the reason you came into the broadcast room in the first place?


It suddenly hit me that I was making a major misunderstanding.

“So, can I start freely commenting from now on?”

– Okay

– Yeah

– Seriously, why are you worried about what others think? Lol

– For real

“If you wanted to hear professional commentary, wouldn’t you just go to a pro match?”

– Truth lol

“…Then I’ll do that.”


Honestly, I wasn’t confident.

But now that I had turned on the broadcast, sharing my insights with the viewers didn’t seem like a bad idea.

– Great

– Okay

– Nod nod

The early invade phase was pretty standard.

Both teams faced off near the bot lane, but since they met from a distance, only some mental warfare occurred—no real incidents happened.

“Nothing major happened. That’s good for SCV.”

– Why?

– ?

“The composition itself means SCV will perform better as the game goes on. It’s not that SY is bad… Just a fact.”

Then the lane phases began.

In the previous game, SCV had pushed for a stalemate, but this time both teams were doing their usual jungle buff routes.

“Good start. This looks slightly better for SCV.”

Malphite is one of the picks that shows extreme potential against LeBlanc, but it’s not that straightforward from the get-go.

Malphite’s champion performance completely transforms at levels 6, and with each item core, making him a champion that becomes stronger as time passes.

Naturally, this means the longer the game goes, the better he gets, while on the flip side, SY needs to make the most of Malphite’s weaker early game.

“Best case would be catching Malphite… But since AllDay picked him, it’s probably not going to be easy.”

Unlike top or bot lane, mid dives are relatively tricky.

That’s because the champions that stand in the mid lane are usually excellent at clearing waves and have escape routes to both sides.

‘But with Rainbow and Yoon-ki, there’s a scary chance they could pull it off.’

Especially since they picked top-tier predators like LeBlanc and Lee Sin in the mid-jungle matchup.

『“Seems like a normal setup. There’s a slight CS gap in mid, but considering the traits of the Malphite pick, it’s at an acceptable level.”』

『“That’s right. Even though Malphite’s champion tier has dropped recently, his inherent strengths aren’t gone. The side that gets anxious as time passes will probably be SY.”』

At that moment.

“Hey, we should check bot now.”

The movements of the champions in the bot lane shown on the minimap seemed suspicious.

『“Wait, we need to check bot. Bot!”』

The Madman, known for his excellent map reading, caught on quickly.

Of course, the situation was already over by then.

– First blood!

– Enemy eliminated!

As expected, shortly after, the portrait announcing Miss Fortune’s death appeared.

Though the observer was a beat slow, making it impossible to show the exact kill scene, one fact was clear.

A solo kill happened in the bot lane.

And it was the AD carry who died.

– ?

– What?

– Solo kill?

– Whoa

– No way

– Whoa

– BlackDog! BlackDog! BlackDog! BlackDog! BlackDog! BlackDog! BlackDog! BlackDog! BlackDog! BlackDog! BlackDog!

– Solo kill lol

– Wow

– This is it

SCV’s beast duo.

Just as the rumors said, one of the world’s best bot duos, snagging a solo kill against SY’s Longbow and GuineaPig.

Truly legendary.

『“When SCV was given the Lucian Nami combo, this kind of situation was anticipated! SY seemed to try to counter with Miss Fortune Ruler, but it backfired!”』

『“That’s right. No matter how well Miss Fortune plays nowadays, it’s tough to handle the current Lucian Nami synergy. Oh, the replay is up.”』

Soon, the screen showed the situation before the bot kill occurred.

WhiteCat’s bold forward Flash and bubble.

Leading to Lucian’s barrage of damage.

Truly a dazzling performance, just like a mad movie producer.

– Wow

– That was insane

– No way

– Beast duo lol, they’re really going wild

– This is it

– Bot lane fools might as well just catch the Rainbow bus instead of risking it

– Got caught lol

『“Ah… this is what happened. Longbow probably wished he had decided to flash there. It seems he overestimated his own movement.”』

『“Exactly. That’s how the bot lane took critical damage, finally relieving some pressure from mid for SCV! Good for them!”』

– Wasn’t it just a late reaction?

– For real lol, great at excuses

– Stop packaging it!!!

“Just as Madman said, SCV’s situation has improved a lot. This allows Malphite to scale up while bot lane clears waves.”

Maybe feeling a sense of urgency due to the situation.

After SCV’s turn, a revived Miss Fortune headed to pick up the waves, with SY’s Lee Sin and even the returning Ruler quickly heading to mid.

“Looks like they’re aiming for Malphite. They’re probably planning a full dive.”

While Malphite is known for wave pushing, unfortunately, his early lane pushing capability isn’t that strong.

Meaning, if the opponent is determined to create a dive wave, they won’t have trouble doing so.

– No way

– For real

– Mid dive cringeworthy

Currently, Malphite’s passive was inactive.

But if he calculated the time right, it would become available again soon.

‘If he can hold out until then…’

When Malphite is on cooldowns, getting hit resets his passive cooldown.

In other words, if AllDay could avoid the enemy skills before the passive resets, he might have a chance of mitigating this dive.

『“AllDay is in danger right now! The status of the allied jungler is far away!”』

『“Graves does have teleport, but the lane situation isn’t looking good, so he can’t take advantage of it!”』

Little by little, the enemy encirclement was closing in.

It all started with LeBlanc.

Rainbow knew Malphite’s passive would regenerate soon, so they pushed forward to reset it.

However, AllDay was unshaken.

– Bang!

An immediate back flash without a hint of hesitation.

Thanks to that, AllDay’s passive was able to regenerate.

“This… he’s alive.”

– ?

– What?

– For real?

Almost simultaneously, Lee Sin and Ruler crashed into the mid tower.

The first aggro was taken by Ruler.

Ruler minused Malphite’s passive with a basic attack while taking the tower aggro himself.

Then came Ruler’s Q shot.

Malphite, with a godlike movement inside the turret, dodged Ruler’s Q.

Once the first button was missed, naturally, everything else began to go awry.

『“AllDay, AllDay, AllDay!”』

In spite of the commentators’ wishes, LeBlanc’s chain struck Malphite.

He was literally in target practice mode.

Just as Ruler’s sound wave shot flew in.

As if it had been waiting for this moment, the Voidling summoned before AllDay blocked the sound wave.

It wasn’t mere reaction; it was the realm of prediction.

This was a super play that only Malphite could pull off.

『“No way, he just stopped that! AllDay!”』

Naturally, for Lee Sin, who missed the sound wave, he couldn’t follow up with any additional damage.

– Whoa

– What the heck?

– Wow lol

– That was insane

Since it was such a reckless dive, SY’s players could no longer withstand the turret aggro and withdrew.

Lingering any longer wouldn’t allow them to catch Malphite, and instead, they’d be the ones to get caught.

In the end, AllDay single-handedly stalled SY’s three-man dive.

『“AllDay! He just held out! He fended off a three-man gank!”』

『“AllDay’s performance this set is completely different! It’s like he’s armored up!”』

『“That’s right! This is AllDay! No matter how powerful the Rainbow team is, AllDay is not one to be pushed around!”』

Amidst the admiration of the commentators and audience, the nearly lifeless AllDay stood steadfast on his feet.

“See, I told you so?”

– Okay;;

– I acknowledge it

– I agree, I agree, I agree

– Vision god 233333