Chapter 182

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Republic of Southwestern Ukraine

Around this time, after the chaos of the Great Depression, the citizens of Southwestern Ukraine began to look around them.

To be precise, they were reflecting on Eastern Ukraine, which had split off due to anarchism during the Russian Civil War and was later reintegrated into Russia.

Eastern Ukraine had regained stability after being incorporated into Russia and was emerging as an autonomous region treated well by the National Duma.

“We must never be called the puppet state of that old lion, Britain, or ‘Little Russia’! We are Slavs just like Russia! If not now, when will we unify with Russia?”

“But we just gained our independence, and now you want unification?”

Some were discouraged at the thought of giving up the independence they had fought hard to achieve.

Independence or not, Southwestern Ukraine was a puppet state of Britain, and the number of people crossing over to Eastern Ukraine was increasing every day.

“What have we gained from our independence? What have we gotten under those damned Brits? Look at the Eastern Ukrainian Autonomous Republic that has been incorporated into Russia! It’s the same Ukraine, but they are thriving!”

“That’s right! The current Tsar is different from the former Tsar! The threat of communism continues. If it weren’t for Russia, many people in Southwestern Ukraine would have died by now due to the economic crisis!”

The current Tsar was indeed different from the former Tsar.

He had revitalized Russia, and the National Duma was treating the incorporated Ukraine well.

“Annexation is the wrong term! Unification with Russia must be achieved!”

“We are of the same blood as Russia! There was never a reason to seek independence in the first place! Let’s hold a national referendum!”

A referendum on the incorporation of Southwestern Ukraine into Russia. Britain could not prevent this.

The British merely gritted their teeth and watched as the referendum was conducted, ignoring them right in front of their eyes.

Some British officials even proposed to host the referendum for the stability of Southwestern Ukraine but ended up getting beaten by angry Ukrainians.

“With a staggering 98% approval rate, the people of Southwestern Ukraine have voted in favor of incorporation into Russia. Let’s immediately request our Tsar in Moscow for incorporation into the Union!”

“O Slavic people, let us unite!”

The National Duma approved Southwestern Ukraine’s request for incorporation into the Union.

“Our National Duma hereby approves the incorporation of Southwestern Ukraine. We will establish the Ukrainian Autonomous Republic by merging Eastern and Southwestern Ukraine and grant representation in the Duma.”

With this, Ukraine was completely incorporated into Russia, and the anti-aircraft alliance welcomed this.

“Austria, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey welcomed Ukraine’s incorporation into the Union.”

Isn’t it only by Russia becoming stronger that it can protect them from communism?

Britain, which had previously recognized Russia’s incorporation of Ukraine, could do nothing about it.

At least Communist Germany protested against this.

“Russia is still an imperialistic nation, having swallowed up Southwestern Ukraine and turning its workers into slaves under imperialism. We, Germany and Italy, absolutely cannot recognize Russia’s annexation of Ukraine!”

It was quite amusing that Southwestern Ukraine itself had acknowledged it, yet the communist bloc did not.

* * *

Southwestern Ukraine’s entry into the Union was nothing short of a great victory for Russia.

They had regained much of the land lost in the Brest-Litovsk Treaty.

Moreover, they had completely recovered Ukraine, which could be responsible for Russia’s food supply.

Poland had now become their meat shield.

However, this led to a surge of national pride within Russia.

“The Tsar has triumphed over Britain in diplomacy and has recovered Southwestern Ukraine!”

“Long live the God Tsar!”

“Russia and Ukraine are one!”

For the time being, my authority had further risen.

The National Duma began to implement policies related to Ukraine under my name to stabilize it.

Though, there was one problem.

“How could World War II possibly break out when everything is going so well?”

I couldn’t shake off the feeling of unease.

This kind of thing typically means that after things go smoothly, a major blow comes.

Thinking back, everything has gone too smoothly so far.

I can’t shake off the ominous feeling that something will hit us.

Could Japan attack Vladivostok instead of Pearl Harbor?

No, surely not. What else could happen?

“The Spanish Civil War is also going on properly.”

Unless Communist Germany suddenly went crazy and pushed us back, the Falangist Party remained at an advantage.

The Falangist Party, with Burgos as its temporary capital, continues to overpower the National Front from all sides.

They hadn’t captured Madrid yet, but that was due to the National Front underestimating them early on.

The National Front, which had quickly captured the capital, had increased the defensive and offensive capabilities of the People’s Front.

Thus, the National Front continued to occupy regions outside the capital.

To me, it seems obvious that unless Germany and Italy provide national resources to support the People’s Front, the Falangist Party will win.

So, what’s the problem?

It seems certain Denmark will fall.

I’ve never felt so uneasy before!

Rebecca’s fields of plenty, the incorporation of Southwestern Ukraine into the Union.

Is America the next target?

Could MacArthur and Huey Long band together in anti-Russian sentiment?

While I was caught up in various concerns, the Prime Minister and Duke Yusupov visited the Kremlin.

“Your Majesty, we have received a response from the Confederate States of America and the Military Government of the United States.”

Speak of the devil! It seems my wishes have come true.

Looking at their faces, I sensed that something successful had occurred.

“Oh really?”

“The Confederate States of America stated that since it’s an area that can’t be governed anyway, if they recognize American interests, it can be transferred in a mandate style.”

First, I checked the report submitted for grading.

It was the reply sent by the Confederate States of America, and honestly, I could hardly believe my eyes.

Did Huey Long and the Southern businessmen just give away Alaska?

“What the hell?”

No, this can’t be right. Shouldn’t something troublesome happen at some point? This is going too smoothly.

No, wait. If it’s a mandate territory, something feels suspicious.

They’re transferring Alaska, which is not even a colony, in a mandate style.

I know that’s nonsense that justifies the colonial rule of imperialist countries.

In the end, they seem to be planning to grant independence at the appropriate time.

However, Alaska was never a colony to begin with.

Many Americans have crossed over.

If that’s the case, Huey Long might want to reclaim Alaska using those Americans later on.

But as a diplomatic achievement, it’s still perfect.


“Oh, never mind. So, is it certain? What about the Military Government?”

Next, it was the turn of the Military Government.

“The Military Government is willing to protect the Americans and property in Alaska; if they recognize resource rights, they responded with an ‘it can’t be helped’ stance. However, they suggested discussing payment in gold later, given its strategic importance.”

They want us to recognize the resource rights.

So this means we will take the resources, and you can just own the land for now while gathering justification! That’s it.

As expected, it’s a bit off for Americans to solve things with money.

Hmm, I should consider this cleverly from their perspective.

“In the end, both imposed conditions upon us.”

This is just an opportunity to make money on gold while fighting communist Germany and find a way to reclaim Alaska.

Surely, those two wouldn’t just be like, ‘Sure, we’ll hand over Alaska to you! Hehe!’

There are ulterior motives. They both need to maintain their regimes somehow, so they’re pretending to transfer Alaska under various pretenses.

In this case, Japan genuinely needs to strike America for us to reclaim Alaska more legitimately.

It seems both governments are thinking more strategically than I expected.

They’re only pretending to throw Alaska away to leverage Russia.

While we’re busy with communist Germany, reclaiming Alaska—eventually, Japan might target America, when they wouldn’t care about Alaska.

“While it could be considered a substitute, the Military Government and the Confederate States of America are planning to provide economic support for the sake of amicable US-Russian relations with gold—”

“So, what you’re saying is, they want to pay us friendship fees?”

That’s just, “We want to get along with you, so here’s a friendship fee.”

If both the Confederate States of America and the Military Government pay friendship fees, hmm.

Now it’s time to attach ourselves to those who give us a lot of money, right?

“Ahem. Yes.”

“Let’s inform MacArthur of the friendship fee from the Confederate States of America and procure even more gold, and later use it for the budget of Project A.”

Project A. This is Russia’s nuclear weapon project, which I haven’t properly named yet.

Of course, this isn’t something we’re rushing into. Russia doesn’t have money flowing like the United States yet.

We’re looking to develop it with a more relaxed timeline.

While the Great Depression is on the verge of division, I’m curious how they plan on depositing friendship fees; anyway.

Well, if we don’t get Alaska, we’d better secure some money for this nuclear weapon project.

“Understood, Your Majesty.”

“Duke Yusupov, how’s the acquisition of the uranium mine going?”

Nuclear matters are crucial here.

“It has been successfully acquired.”

“Bring in as much uranium as you can. And make sure to bring it in without being detected by Communist Germany or Italy.”

If they catch wind of anything, Communist Germany might also want to develop it.

Even if our military is overwhelming, if Communist Germany possesses nuclear capability, it will become a nuisance.

“I will do so, Your Majesty.”

“What about Oppenheimer?”

Um, but you know.

What the hell? Is everything really going too well? This feels off.

What trials lie ahead now that things are going this smoothly?

“Duke Yusupov, what about Oppenheimer now?”

“Oppenheimer has accepted. Currently, he is in Moscow, familiarizing himself with the research facilities.”

It seems the Duke Yusupov is prouder than ever for having accomplished something.

“Hmm? He accepted easily, huh?”

I threw the bait, but I had intended to develop nuclear capabilities with the existing research team if that didn’t work out, yet he followed right along.

Does he possibly have some hidden thoughts?

I can’t imagine someone who has fallen into leftist ideology would join us.

“I’ve heard he’s a reformist capitalist.”

“A reformist capitalist?”

Was he originally a reformist capitalist? That doesn’t seem right.

“It seems he was influenced by reformist capitalism while witnessing his country suffer during the Great Depression.”

He was outspoken during the Manhattan Project phase, . . .

So he’s turned into a reformist capitalist, huh.

I’d thought about how Oppenheimer might cross over if there’s a KFC nearby.

I felt slightly anxious.

After all, if he doesn’t know what we’re doing, it’s impossible for KFC to embark on nuclear research. However, I can’t predict what kind of impact the figure Oppenheimer will have.

Weapon technology advancing faster than original history.

Tesla’s wireless revolution.

Research and development of the atomic bomb.

The Russian economy developing based on Keynesian economics from Britain and Simon Kuznets’ economic indicators of GDP.

Everything is going well.

This is why I had been curious in various ways.

What kind of trouble might arise from this situation soon?

“Your Majesty! The Italian army has invaded Ethiopia!”

“It seems they have finally committed the act.”

I guess it’s lucky I anticipated this.

Unlike the original history where Britain and France were sane, Ethiopia wouldn’t be isolated but could not escape the invasion of Italy.

“Your Majesty! A communist revolution in Denmark!”

Damn it.

Was everything going so smoothly to invoke this?

What a tiresome issue these Reds are!

* * *

Ethiopia, Addis Ababa

Ethiopia received advance notice of the Italian invasion from Russia.

Initially, Ethiopia did not believe the invasion due to unfamiliarity with European affairs, but when Russia offered military advice and support, they thought it would be better than nothing and proceeded with military modernization.

Above all, Emperor Haile Selassie began to observe international relations by touring Europe, noticing that Europe was clearly divided into red and white factions.

Fearing that Italy would incite a communist revolution on Ethiopian soil, he sought to resolve the issue of tribal integration through modernization, and as a result, Ethiopia had become considerably stronger militarily than in original history.

At this time, Britain and France were attempting to placate Italy to sow discord between them, realizing that communist Italy was different from Germany, leaving Ethiopia abandoned.

Russia was far away.

In such a situation, the Italian army was said to be invading.

“That treacherous Italy has once again invaded our land! Once, our friend Russia warned us of this, providing military advisors and weapons, and today we will not stand idle against the invasion of Italy, and like during the Battle of Adwa, we will capture them!”


Haile Selassie, the conquering lion of the tribe of Judah, the chosen one of God, declared before the people that he would confront Italy.

With the war approaching, the advisors from the Russian Republic, with their experience in the Great War and the Red-White Civil War, advised the Ethiopian army to fortify their forces on the mountain ranges as a blockade.

“They surely will put in their full strength this time. It will be difficult.”

With two fronts opened to the north and south, Ethiopia secured as many weapons as possible through Russia and decided to fight their enemies in the highlands to the north and south.

The Ethiopian nobility, who had sided with Italy in the original history, Haile Gugsa and Abba Joffir, Haile Haimanot, would not align with Italy due to its communist ideology being incompatible with monarchy, and Ethiopia fortified its defenses to remind Italy of the memories from 40 years ago.

“At this juncture, it might not be bad to join the anti-aircraft alliance through the Russian ambassador.”

In fact, Russia had subtly been probing the possibility of joining the anti-aircraft alliance, but the lords of the Empire were opposed to getting involved in someone else’s war.

Had they joined the anti-aircraft alliance, Ethiopia would have been the only African nation on equal footing with those European powers, and the anti-aircraft alliance’s military would have certainly come to assist alongside their own forces.

But alas.

That dream never materialized.

Russia probably just tossed out an inquiry.

No white country was treating an African country like Ethiopia as equal during their European tours; thus, Russia may have merely asked for formality.

Even so, they were determined not to lose the war.

“I shall tear you to shreds, you wretched invaders of the tribe of Judah!”

Haile Selassie clenched his fist with firm resolve.

At the very least, if they could hold out for a long time in this war, and if a red-white war erupted in European soil, then allies would emerge from that moment onward.

With such thoughts in mind, Haile Selassie directly encouraged the soldiers on the northern and southern fronts, boosting their morale.