Chapter 181

### Chapter 181 – Party Time – Entering Ice Hell (8) Fin

– Han Kain

On the third day of Party Time, we began our final preparations before entering Ice Hell. My sister was over there, checking things off one by one from her notes to make sure we hadn’t forgotten anything.

“Jinchul! Have you set up the tent?”

“I have. It’s way easier to set up than the one I used in the army. This should be quick.”

“Songi! Make sure the arm parts of the insulated blanket suit are secured. I saw them about to come apart earlier!”


“What about Elena? Why doesn’t she keep practicing her skills? Kain and Ahri said she seemed a bit frantic earlier. Sometimes personal training is the best team play.”

“Should I?”

“Grandpa! Are you really just piling on greasy meat?!”

“I know best about these things. When going to a cold place, this is what you need!”

“Sure, do as you please. And Kain!”

Oops! Now it’s my turn. I was already stuffing food into my backpack beside Grandpa.

“I’ll pack this sturdy—”

“No, pack that later! Use your advice now. Dinner’s in a few hours. Have you figured out what to ask?”

With that, Ahri, who was sewing something with Songi, walked over.

“It’d be nice if you could take it easy during Party Time. So, what are you thinking of asking?”

“This is a tough three-part question! I’ve been thinking about it since yesterday, but it’s vague. I know nothing about Ice Hell, so what should I ask? Maybe just, ‘What kind of place is Ice Hell?’ but that kind of vague question—”

“The Owl would love to mess around with that.”

“… Yeah, you’re probably right. I’m scared it’ll just reply with something like, ‘It’s very cold.’ I was trying to think of a better question when something came to mind! But it’s not quite there!”

“Why is there even a three-part question anyway? That just makes choosing a question even harder.”

“Actually, I asked that yesterday.”

“Oh? What did it say?”

“‘Questions outside of Wisdom’s authority consume all three opportunities.’”

“… It feels like it gave a polite answer while saying absolutely nothing. There’s nothing about why a question is outside that authority. So far, the two times we’ve consumed all three opportunities were in Room 104 and Ice Hell, right? Both are just facilities within the hotel.”

“I think asking about this would be pointless too. Maybe it’s telling us to figure it out ourselves. Anyway, here’s what I’m thinking of asking: ‘How should I deal with Ice Hell?’”

“Rather than asking what the place is like, asking how we should handle ourselves there seems like it would get a more concrete answer.”

“Exactly! What do you think?”

“Sounds good to me. Go ahead and ask. Dinner’s coming up soon.”

Advice: 3 → 0

“How should I deal with Ice Hell?”

[That place is the beginning and the end of all things; perhaps a place to make wishes. Work in sync with experienced individuals.]

Did it feel like we were getting too many vague answers lately? Thankfully, this time we received a kinder response.

“What did it say? What did it say?”

Besides Ahri, everyone else perked up at my words. I explained loudly for everyone to hear.

“It says Ice Hell is the beginning and end of all things; perhaps a place to make wishes. We should work in sync with experienced individuals.”

It fell quiet for a moment as everyone processed what I said. I was the first to speak up.

“First of all, the phrase ‘the beginning and end of all things’ seems to refer to Ice Hell itself. I don’t quite get what that means, though.”

My sister chimed in quickly.

“The next part is relatively clear. Experienced individuals… I think I know who that refers to.”

The last part clicked for me too. Surely it had to do with dealing with supernatural things, and the ones who could be called ‘experienced’ in our group were specifically defined. Grandpa had a reaction.

“You’re picking me and Ahri first. Kain, the advice you heard differs a lot from what Elena got from her sponsor.”

“Didn’t Elena say she was told, ‘This isn’t your place to get involved?’”

Hearing that, Seungyub, who was beside us, piped up.

“Actually, I think I heard something similar.”

“What did you hear?”

Seungyub seemed to be rummaging through his memories for a bit before answering.

“It was something like, ‘Not everyone needs to participate’ or ‘You don’t have to overdo it.’ But I was a bit angry with my sponsor then, so I’m not sure.”

I can’t believe he’s only sharing such important info now!

I felt bewildered for a moment, but since it was Seungyub, I sighed and let it go. Besides, he could be mad at his sponsor—well, I’d feel that way five times a day too, so let’s leave it.

“It seems like we won’t all be doing something together like in the Curse Room?”

“From the various scattered bits of info I’ve gathered, it seems like that. It’s not a team effort; only some of us should participate. To the sponsors, Elena and Seungyub don’t seem like they’re suited for this, while the three of us—Kain, Ahri, and myself—are the right picks.”

“There must be a reason for choosing me, Grandpa, and Ahri and not someone else.”

I couldn’t say exactly what would happen, but I began to imagine the general characteristics of the tasks we had ahead.

It didn’t feel like we’d be doing a full team play like in the Curse Room. It wasn’t suitable for Seungyub or Elena. Rather, it seemed to be something appropriate for Kain, Ahri, and Mooksung, requiring ‘experience’ in dealing with supernatural matters.

With a few more points coming to mind, we chatted about them, and the last day of Party Time smoothly passed by.

The next day, we set off for Ice Hell.

— Whoooosh! Whoooosh!

Honestly, this wind hasn’t gotten any more familiar even after coming through the second floor several times. But now we were somewhat prepared.

Leading the way was my guide, Eunsol, suited up, and at the back was Jinchul, keeping a watchful eye to help anyone who might stumble. Everyone in the middle was holding onto the white edges we made by tearing and tying the curtains.

Eunsol: “Here! This way!”

Following the signal in the chat window, as we walked quietly, suddenly everything around us went silent.

“Uh? Did we arrive?”


“Wow~! How can it be like this?”

“Sis, thanks for your effort!”

“Thanks. Everyone take a breather and let’s open this ominous door.”

That ominous door of Ice Hell’s space felt quiet and calm. There weren’t any clear physical walls or doors, but it felt like an invisible wall was protecting this area.

“What happens when we open the door? Will we all get sucked in like in the Curse Room?”

“Who knows… This time, I’m not feeling like it’s a group thing.”

“That’s not just a feeling; it’s pretty assured. Since Elena and Seungyub have been told not to get involved directly.”

“So I don’t think we’ll all get sucked in together like in the Curse Room.”

“Alright, everyone drink this. Unfortunately, we don’t have personal cups.”

Ahri handed out hot coffee from a thermos to everyone. After sipping a bit to calm our minds, we all looked at each other to boost our spirits. My sister took one last look around.

“We might not know what’ll happen, the hotel’s turned risky, and we came together, but… judging from the circumstances, not everyone’s participating, right? So if you feel it’s not for you, step back. We don’t know what’s coming.”

It’s time to go in now.

/Would you like to enter Ice Hell?/

This place is solely filled with pain.

— Hrrrrgh! Hoooorrrk!

The sight was filled with countless frozen statues. From all of them resonated moans drenched in agony, enough to fill the world. Each statue trapped an ‘intellectual being’ within. In Ice Hell’s surreal grim scenery, we were utterly dumbfounded.

Right now, at this moment, we couldn’t even feel the coldness worse than on the hotel’s second floor.

The first to regain composure was Songi, who had already experienced something similar.

“It’s just like what we saw in the Human Farm. There are plenty of people in between, but there are also many beings that aren’t human.”

Ahri, clutching the flapping edges of her clothing, looked around and muttered.

“Is this some alien specimen display? Even by Administration standards, there are so many unidentified aliens. Lots of humans too. And it’s freezing cold, but at least it’s more visible than the second floor. Though frankly, I’d rather not see all of this.”

For a while, no one spoke except those two.

Just then, something in my view started flickering.

/Understanding the Scenario(!)/

“This thing activated after a long time.”


“Understanding the Scenario. It just popped up. I’ll click on it now.”

/Scenario: The Sounds Heard From Ice Hell/

The group entered Ice Hell through the mysterious door on the second floor of the hotel. Stunned by the horrifying sight of the sinners throughout hell, they found a path that seemed to beckon them to follow it.

Please follow the path./

Checking the content and facing forward, I sort of saw a path-like thing.

“Over there, that’s the path. It’s narrow but stretches in a straight line. Let’s follow it.”

One by one, my dazed companions began to stand up and walk along the path.

— Aaaah…!

The next moment, a voice filled with pain resounded right next to me. I couldn’t bear to look away. There was a person with black hair trapped in an ice statue, writhing in anguish.

What era could they be from? From their clothing, it looks like they’re definitely not someone from the 21st century. They squirmed, eyes closed like they’re in some horrible nightmare.

“Kain, don’t look at that.”


“Staring at these one-by-one is going to make it hard to take a step. Don’t empathize too much and just pass by.”

“… Got it.”

Taking Ahri’s advice, I decided to keep my eyes forward and proceed. After about 20 minutes, while walking along the path, the scenario flickered again.

/Scenario: The Sounds Heard From Ice Hell/

The group walking along Ice Hell’s path discovered an unbelievable statue! Only then did they realize the true nature of this place.

What could be the reason for the freezing on the second floor of the hotel? Perhaps it’s the sorrow and pain of those who died in the hotel that has become the source of the coldness?

Please check your Status Window./

At the end of the path we were following stood a small statue. It looked big enough for just a teenage girl to fit inside.

Inside it was a girl strikingly similar to Ahri. Ahri sank to her knees in front of the statue.

At that moment, everyone was at a loss for words, and I confirmed the reality of this place through the Status Window.

[Current Location: Layer 2, Ice Hell]

[Current Location: Layer 2, Ice Hell – {Mysterious Place}]

[Current Location: Layer 2, Ice Hell – The Room of Resurrection]

In Greek mythology, Orpheus traveled to the underworld to save his deceased wife, Eurydice. To resurrect the dead, one must journey to where the dead dwell.

Finally, we had arrived at a place where resurrection was possible for the deceased.


Thank you, dear readers. Regrettably, the Escape from the Haunted Hotel will take a two-day hiatus for the Chuseok holiday starting tomorrow. I hope you all have a wonderful Chuseok!

I’ll eat delicious food at my grandmother’s big house and come back with a better story after gaining a bit more belly fat. Thank you.

The next chapter will air on September 11.

+ The above content will also be posted in the announcements.