Volume 4 Chapter 8: “The Long-Awaited Reunion”


Volume 4: “Eternal Contract”

Volume 4 Chapter 8: “The Long-Awaited Reunion”

Despite progressing along the unpaved road, the impact of the bumps inside the carriage was surprisingly minimal. No matter how many times I experienced it, using this so-called “blessing” still felt like a strange phenomenon.

If this is just from the “Wind Shield” blessing, then unraveling all the many blessings might allow us to describe these phenomena in terms other than mysterious occurrences.

“Ugh, I shouldn’t be escaping reality with these thoughts.”

Stretching his neck from the driver’s seat, Subaru peered past Otto toward the front—his eyes locked onto the exterior of the “Sanctuary,” which was just within reach.

Just a short distance away, I could see a clearing in the forest, with wooden roofs peeking through the trees, indicating the homes of those living in the “Sanctuary.” From this distance, I could sense the presence of a remote village, yet there was nothing particularly striking about it.

If I had to describe my impression, it would be:

“There’s a gloomy vibe hanging around…”

The entrance to the “Sanctuary,” featuring an extremely dilapidated stone gate, only added to that image. The low fence surrounding the village gave a rather closed-off impression.

Upon voicing my thoughts, Garfiel, who had caught wind of Subaru’s comment, slammed his knee excitedly.

“See? It’s a gloomy place, right? Just so you know, the folks inside are even gloomier! They all have these long faces, acting like they’re dead even though they’re alive, you know?”

“You’re really laying it on thick, aren’t you? But hearing that just makes me even more distant from the image of ‘Sanctuary.’ It’s more like…”

Breathing out at Garfiel’s ironically cheerful affirmation, Subaru recalled the earlier statement. He had called this place “Sanctuary,” but Garfiel was openly mocking its nature. So—

“What does it mean to say it’s the grave of the Witch of Greed?”

It seemed Emilia had arrived at the same question as Subaru.

Her eyes were resolute as she posed the question, but the way her fingers subtly clutched the hem of Subaru’s clothes indicated her reliance on him. While feeling a sense of satisfaction from this, Subaru also held a complicated feeling, knowing the source of her anxiety.

“Witches—basically, when you mention ‘Witch,’ it’s widely known that it refers to the Witch of Envy. Almost no one knows about the other witches bearing the names of the seven deadly sins.”

“Really? But weren’t those others famous for over four hundred years?”

“You’re not wrong with what you’re saying, Emilia. But it’s not that the Witch of Envy is too famous to overshadow the others—records of the other witches devoured by the Witch of Envy have practically vanished everywhere. But well, there are exceptions.”

“So this place is one of those exceptions?”

With Garfiel picking up on Subaru’s query, he nodded at Emilia’s question. Emilia seemed momentarily stunned, and for Subaru, who lacked deep insights into witches, it settled at a “Is that how it is?”

No, however, a different doubt quickly swept away that nonchalant feeling. If there are multiple witches,

“You’re not seriously saying there are Witch Cultists dedicated to each Witch, right? Do you know how much trouble I went through just to take down one of those Archbishop of Sin? Come on, give me a break!”

The very reason for his unease stemmed from this—it was an element he couldn’t disregard.

From what he had picked up from Petelgeuse’s words, it appeared he could surmise that Petelgeuse was a high-ranking member of the faction that worshiped Satella, the Witch of Envy. The “Gluttony” and “Greed” leaders he would eventually have to face were likely from the same lot.

But if there were factions devoted to other witches…

“We’re talking scary stuff here, but you don’t need to worry about that, Natsuki.”

But denying the chill that raced down Subaru’s spine was Otto, who was still clutching the reins, facing forward. Unlike Emilia, who was completely ignorant about the Witch Cult, or Garfiel, who was semi-trustworthy at best, Otto could be relied on for his knowledge and sense of the common folk.

“The Witch Cult… I’d rather not say too much about them, but they only worship the Witch of Envy. Other witches’ names are somehow even more taboo than that of the Witch of Envy.”

“More taboo than… the Witch of Envy? What’s that supposed to mean? Are they worse?”

“It’s that they don’t know what might happen when they hear names of witches they worship. Have you heard about the commotion in the southern Volakia Empire that completely wiped out one of the cities?”

At Otto’s mention, Subaru recalled a story he had previously heard. While discussing the horror of Witch Cultists during the Petelgeuse hunt, Wilhelm had told him of it. It goes something like this.

“One of the Archbishops of Greed took down a city all by himself in that so-called empire. Even with heroes present, they couldn’t stop it, right?”

“The extent of the damage was so grand that it feels like it’s forgotten. But the frightening part about why the Witch Cultists did that in the first place is that the city was largely known for its trade amidst the closed-off Volakia… They say there was a rumor of some witch-related artifact found.”

“Witch-related, huh?”

“What that artifact was is still unknown to this day. However, there are always those who crave such things! If it had belonged to the Witch of Envy, it might’ve been dismissed as mere poor taste… But as it stands, the result was that a city’s downfall occurred.”

It seems “Greed” had moved to acquire or erase that artifact. The Volakia Empire unwittingly provoked the Witch Cultists and paid a severe price for it.

“Since then, interacting with anything besides the Witch of Envy has been strictly off-limits for the sake of avoiding provocation. …Still, the shameless ones engage in backdoor deals without fail.”

“You’re unusually cynical today. What’s gnawing at you?”

“It’s not a big deal—just that I had relatives in that city back then who got caught up in it. It all happened over fifteen years ago, so I really wasn’t involved since I was just a kid.”

With that, Otto closed his lips, effectively shutting down any further inquiry on the topic. Subaru, feeling he had no choice but to abandon his questioning, scratched his cheek and redirected his focus toward the interior of the carriage.

Regardless, Garfiel, who had been waiting for Subaru to align his understanding, asked him, “Are you satisfied now?”

“I don’t know the details. But it’s safe to say that this is indeed the grave of the Witch of Greed, as constantly echoed by the elder villagers.”

“I’m interested in what was rotting there, but it seems you don’t know much about it either.”

“I’m only interested in being the strongest. If you want to hear the details, you’ll have to grab Roswaal by the collar and extract it from him. I don’t know if I can do that now.”

“Huh? What do you mean by that…”

“Sorry, but it appears we’ve arrived. Can we just walk inside like this?”

Just as Garfiel’s meaningful statement hung in the air, Otto shouted from the driver’s seat, cutting him short. Garfiel muttered, “Well, I guess…” and hopped off the dragon carriage.

“If they let us in without a word, we’d be seen as intruders and get attacked by the paranoid villagers like ‘Laughing Magmarin full of holes.’ Just wait here; I’ll go talk first.”

“Oh, please do. By the way, you were the lookout for the ‘Sanctuary,’ right? Given the circumstances of our encounter.”

Yet, it felt like he had almost nonchalantly discarded that responsibility. Especially considering he had ventured out alone. But then again, with someone like him, it might be more efficient to act solo.

To Subaru’s inquiry, Garfiel merely waved his hand, refusing to respond. At the same moment, both Emilia and Subaru turned toward her, as she gasped slightly.

With a surprised expression, Emilia seems to have suddenly pointed toward the front with her raised finger. Following her gaze, Subaru too figured out what had shocked her. Standing there was—

“—You’re back, Garfiel. You seem to have returned quite early.”

“There’s no need to circle the forest anymore. It’s unusual for you to be so far from Roswaal; have you finally kicked the bucket?”

“If that were to happen, this place would probably be up in flames, courtesy of a mad Ram. So be sure to thank Roswaal for that.”

“That’s a ridiculous theory; I don’t get it at all!”

The familiar sight of a maid, with pink hair flowing, stood facing Garfiel. While Garfiel laughed cheerily, her expression remained cold and devoid of emotion. Upon recognizing that after a long time, Subaru felt his shoulders relax in relief.

“Ah, so that’s the lady I’ve heard about. Makes sense. Naturally, she resembles the sleeping young lady quite a lot.”

Thus, Otto, who was seeing her for the first time, let out such a compliment. The girl standing before them could have easily been mistaken for Rem; yet, she was utterly different inside.

It was a long-awaited reunion with the nonchalant servant of Roswaal’s Mansion—Ram.


Noticing Subaru waving from the dragon carriage, Ram narrowed her eyes and gazed at him, then clearly shrugged her shoulders and shook her head.

“I’m not sure who this Balus is, but I must say I’m disappointed by your very late arrival. I expected you’d notice the abnormality and come here much sooner… Ah, it seems that was impossible for someone like you, Balus.”

“If you’re saying you don’t know me, then stick to that claim! Stop changing your story! And Roswaal, both of you are incredibly vague about what you want. I’ll definitely complain to them later!”

Subaru retorted, pointing his finger at her unchanged attitude. Ram dramatically dropped her shoulders at his response, then turned her gaze to Emilia, standing next to Subaru.

Just like Subaru, Emilia relaxed her cheeks in relieved contentment upon confirming Ram was safe. However, in Ram’s eyes, Subaru noticed a fleeting look of ephemeral sentiment that seemed to vanish in an instant.

“Emilia! Thank you for coming as well. Lord Roswaal is waiting for you, so please head toward the building within. Garfiel, kindly escort the dragon and driver to a suitable spot.”

“That’s such a lousy way to treat me! You should at least ask me nicely if you want me motivated.”

“If you want to enjoy my cooking, then work hard. If you squander the slightest opportunity through your careless words and actions, I won’t say anything at all.”

“Fine! I got it! You’re such a hard-to-get woman, and that’s exactly what’s great about you! Hey, you, driver. Stop the earth dragon and carriage on the side and follow my lead.”

“I think I introduced myself properly; could you please stop this humiliating way of addressing me!? I mean, seriously, interacting one-on-one with this person feels incredibly dangerous!”

Otto showed a strong rejection to Garfiel’s intimidating presence, but Subaru flashed a thumbs up at him, showing off his teeth.

“I’ll collect your bones!”

“That’s definitely a phrase that won’t be used in a good context! I’ll seriously demand compensation if something happens!”

Leaving those words behind, Otto helped Subaru and Emilia down from the dragon carriage and then followed Garfiel. Watching the duo head toward the back of the village while Patrasche rubbed his nose against them, Subaru cracked his neck and declared, “Well then.”

“I have a lot of things I want to ask and talk about, but can you indulge me on that front?”

“…I haven’t been given permission from Ram to share that. You should directly ask Lord Roswaal. I don’t know how much Garf has blabbed.”

“Garf… Oh, you mean Garfiel. He’s different from the image I had just heard about. By the way, he said something that’s caught my interest.”

“What are you talking about?”

Ram raised her eyebrows, looking cautious about the information Roswaal hadn’t disclosed, yet Subaru crossed his arms and replied, “Does he have feelings for you? He seemed to imply that with his words.”

“…What are you bringing up now?”

Ram released a sigh, unable to hide her genuine exasperation. However, her non-denial made Subaru chuckle uncontrollably.

“I’m not saying it’s weird or anything. You’re cute, looks-wise. …But keeping those feelings for you through a long relationship must be quite a feat.”

“It’s natural that some men would be captivated by Ram’s beauty and intelligence. However, all of me has already been dedicated to someone who’s supposed to receive it, so there’s no hope.”

Contentiously responding to Subaru with irony, Ram decisively declared her stance regarding Garfiel’s affection. She then turned her back, leaving only a “Let’s go” as she walked ahead.

Subaru didn’t intend to have an intimate conversation, yet that straightforward attitude left him feeling a bit disappointed. Admittedly, he probably had no right to say anything, fearing to unveil the topic he needed to bring up.

“Even now, I hesitate to mention Rem’s name. I’m not expecting anything, but still…”

It was terrifying to inquire about it.

Given that he had already been told by Emilia and Petra that they knew nothing of Rem, he still found it challenging to ask her sister, who was her own kin.

In this situation, Rem’s lack of acknowledgment could already depict an answer to his questions that couldn’t be posed.

“It won’t do much good to worry about hypotheticals. For now, let’s move on regarding Ram, Emilia. —What’s wrong?”

Subaru addressed Emilia, who had been silently watching since they stepped off the dragon carriage. Fidgeting and scanning her surroundings, she replied softly, “I don’t know, but I feel restless. It’s, like, I can’t articulate it, but it feels weird…”

“Feeling restless, huh? As someone who’s shy and a homebody, fresh locations tend to feel that way to me… but I don’t actually sense anything too unsettling here.”

Looking around with Emilia, the place seemed to leave a fairly ordinary impression of a cold village. While it felt somewhat older and more neglected compared to Araham Village, those minor details could be disregarded.

However, there were still hints of unease present. What exactly that unease was troubled Subaru as well.

“Even if I’m cautious, it doesn’t change anything, Emilia. Well, Ram and Roswaal are here, so it’s likely safe. We just have to go by that judgment.”

“It’s not about being cautious or anything… No, it’s fine now. Honestly, I wish I could discuss this with Pack.”

As she touched the crystal pendant around her neck—the green stone she wore—Emilia called out the name of the spirit sealed inside. It was clear that Pack’s absence was weighing heavily on her at that moment.

Feeling irked that he couldn’t be a reliable presence for her, he sighed, “—Let’s go.”

Without thinking, he took her hand, diverting his gaze to say it. He started walking before she could protest. Naturally, Emilia followed along, caught in Subaru’s impulsive demeanor.

He thought it was an embarrassing action, enough that his face felt hot. But that’s just how feelings led him despite any thoughts he had. Let’s just hope it wouldn’t be seen strangely.


However, despite Subaru’s rapid heartbeat, she didn’t pull her hand away.


—That house remained one of the most decently preserved structures within this “Sanctuary.”

Built with stone materials, it was a relatively average single-family home by the standards of the original world. A single-story design with simple room divisions likely made it somewhat comfortable to reside in.

Having been accustomed to living in locations like Roswaal’s Mansion or Crusch’s Mansion, Subaru felt the space was rather cramped, but given his humble origins, he’d probably find it more comfortable here with time. It was decent enough to warrant that impression.

Just then, “Hey there, Emilia-sama and Subaru-kun! It feels like we haven’t seen each other in ages!”

With a relaxed smile, Roswaal waved at them during their reunion.

This marked their first face-to-face encounter since the capital. Considering there hadn’t been a single reunion in the last loop, it had been roughly a month since they last interacted. The grievances Subaru had accumulated toward him during that time were immense, and he had planned to slap him across the face as soon as they met.

“I’m just glad you’re both safe, Emilia-sama! Did you hear about the problems happening around the mansion from Ram? I’ve been an absolute mess worrying about the two of you and feeling uneasy if anything happened!”

“If you think that, you should have prepared better… No, nevermind that, what’s the deal with you? What happened here?”

Although relieved to see Emilia safe, Subaru felt anxious about the events surrounding them. The multitude of subjects he wanted to raise scattered into the wind before Roswaal’s presence.

Lying prone on a bed, being fixed up with bloodstained bandages wrapped around numerous injuries on his body made for a painful sight.

At Subaru’s inquiry and Emilia’s silent gaze, Roswaal gently traced his covered left eye with his uninjured arm, responding with a wry smile.

“Oh, you want to hear about this? I’m still a man after all, you know? It’s quite humiliating to be in such a state, so I hope you understand my desire to be left alone.”

“I’m not going to let it slide that easily. Seriously, what happened to you, Roswaal? How come you’re all beat up… and by whom?”

Emilia countered Roswaal’s teasing banter, as she hesitated to reach her trembling fingers forward to touch the damaged Roswaal. Noticing her hesitation, Roswaal responded with a sheepish expression as he looked up at the ceiling and muttered, “Well then, where should I start…”

“What do you mean by ‘where should I start’—?”

“It seems Emilia-sama’s in a rather bad mood. Though, that may be expected considering this place.”

Subaru felt a surprising sense of unease as Emilia’s inquiry turned sharper, which Roswaal observed simultaneously. At this point, it was a fact they both acknowledged as Garfiel joined in.

“Something’s unsettling about here. What is this place? I’ve heard it called ‘Sanctuary,’ but it doesn’t feel that way at all. If anything, this is more like…”

“It makes much more sense to call it the ‘Witch’s Graveyard.'”


As Roswaal lowered his pitch when uttering that, it seemed that what Garfiel had mentioned now carried a heavier weight to it.

Emilia glanced quickly from Subaru to Garfiel, her expression swirling with various complicated emotions. Echoing their shared confusion, Subaru tilted his head and then said, “Wait, let’s sort through the questions I wanted to ask first. At this rate, we’ll end up all over the place, and nothing will come of it.”

“Oh? It seems you’ve become quite the organizer since I last saw you. Subaru-kun, has something changed with your mindset?”

“If I start discussing that, it would take a while. For now, there’s just one thing I need to know.”

Raising a finger to Roswaal, Subaru shot him a glare.

“The alliance with Crusch has been formed. You probably heard that from Ram, but are you satisfied leaving me behind like this?”

“—I’m quite satisfied indeed. After all, you were a treasure to come by.”

With a satisfied smirk, Roswaal made Subaru sigh and close his eyes. Although Subaru had expected it, his actions apparently played into Roswaal’s designs after all. While he had utilized this aspect, being used wasn’t very amusing.

Regardless, Subaru focused on recalibrating the conversation.

“To start with, how are the people from Araham Village? Since Ram is safe, I assume that’s no issue, but I’m worried about the evacuees who fled.”

“Rest assured! You may not trust me due to my current state, but I’m still the lord of this territory. I made it my duty to protect the citizens. They’re all currently residing in the village cathedral.”

“The cathedral, huh? We can save details of that for later. So, what about…?”

He felt relieved knowing that the evacuees were safe, considering he had made the choices for their escape alone; thus their safety and circumstance had turned into the final concern from the previous loop. After all, none could go back on that point.

Letting out a breath, Subaru signaled Emilia with a glance. Nodding, she held her thin chin high.

“Tell me about this place. Roswaal referred to it as ‘Sanctuary,’ but Garfiel called it ‘The Grave of the Witch of Greed.’ Which is the truth?”

“Both are true, Emilia-sama. This place was once the final resting site of the Witch of Greed—Echidna. It is rightfully a ‘Sanctuary’ in my eyes.”



Both Subaru and Emilia choked on their breaths in unison at his response.

Roswaal spoke quietly, his voice now devoid of his humorous facade, making his statement ring with undeniable truth.

After taking a breath, Emilia blinked a few times and then stated, “The Witch of Greed… is a different witch said to have been destroyed by the Witch of Envy, right?”

“Yes, that is correct. Now, her name has been lost to the annals of history. There is almost nothing left except for the memories of the few who knew her.”

“Wait, wait, wait! What you just said doesn’t sit right!”

Reacting to Roswaal’s solemn words, Subaru interrupted, swinging his hands. Under Roswaal’s narrowed gaze, he struggled to maintain his composure.

“My memory says that the Witch of Greed was annihilated by the Witch of Envy four hundred years ago. While I can accept this place as her last known location… your connection to her feels impossible!”

“I’m not saying I personally knew her—this is a tale passed down through my lineage, the Mei Zaas family… specifically to those who inherit Roswaal’s role.”

“Passed down? So, that means the ancestors of the Mei Zaas family were involved with the Witch of Greed?”



After Roswaal simply offered the name, Emilia’s eyes widened in surprise. He then turned to face her and, verifying, muttered again, “Echidna.”

“When you refer to her, please call her by her name. Calling her the ‘Witch of Greed’ carries an evil connotation that doesn’t sit well, you know? It’s also a lengthy title.”

“I understand. So, Echidna’s last place is this village and has been managed by the Mei Zaas family for generations… is that correct?”

“Yes, that’s correct. It’s not as if we managed it with great effort. This place retains a strong influence from Echidna, so no one can wander in without proper protocols. The fact that you and Emilia were allowed entry… well, it must have been due to some cooperation from Frederica.”

Nodding along with Roswaal’s confirmation, Subaru digested the information. Following that, he stepped forward to seek further clarification.

“So, this grave of Echidna is under your management. That clears things up, but what I still don’t get is what this place is actually for and why you and the villagers have yet to return.”

“It might be absurd for me to say, but your acceptance of this information has been surprisingly smooth. I guess it’s surprising that I secretly kept the existence of the witch’s grave a secret.”

“While that might be the case with the Witch of Envy, I have no knowledge of what Echidna did. Quite frankly, most people don’t know much about that either, right? Just associating witches with evil is rather shortsighted. For instance, you can’t expect everyone to think Emilia-chan is this adorable just because she’s half-elf.”

“…You shouldn’t say that. No sneaky comments are allowed!”

An unexpected compliments at the end of a serious discussion led Emil to give Subaru a light pinch on his side. As he chuckled at her adorable retaliation, Roswaal quickly caught on and mischievously laughed, “My, it seems you’ve gotten so close together during our time apart.”

“After all the ups and downs, we finally enjoy a little romance. It’s tempting to boast about it, but let’s bring this back on track and get your answer. What’s this place’s purpose, and why haven’t you come back?”

“You seem trustworthy now that some of your rookie charm has faded. Now, regarding why I and the villagers haven’t returned… it’s a rather simple story. We can’t go back because we’re unable to.”

“Unable to go back?”

Subaru furrowed his brow at the perplexing response, and Roswaal nodded.

Following that, he simply chuckled in the face of Subaru’s confusion and stated:

“Right now, we’re all in a situation where we’re effectively under house arrest by the villagers residing here. Ah, you two are now in the same boat since you entered here too.”
