Chapter 172

Sure. Then it would be best to do this.

I opened my mouth while twirling my hair around my finger.

“I will work hard to support armament and prevent the spread of communism. Please do this.”

“Wouldn’t it be better to directly mention military intervention?”

“If we do that, won’t it be too obvious? MacArthur might become wary of us too. Well, we could justify it by saying we want to beat the communists due to the Bolsheviks. Still, we need to lay the groundwork if we want to reclaim Alaska.”

In plain terms, we’ve prepared to deploy the army at any time to catch the communists in the United States!

This and—

We are ready to support the United States in various ways to catch the communists within it!

Between the two, the latter seems cleaner and would be good to snag Alaska.

It feels off to prepare for direct intervention and to support MacArthur.

And then the next homework that came up.

It’s about sending Japanese international students.

“Are you saying you’re sending international students from Japan?”

“Yes. This is a proposal made by Japan as their favorability toward Russia has increased.”

“Not bad. If we’re not going, then just accept it.”

If we’re not going, it doesn’t matter much.

Anyway, no one in Japan would be influenced by their ideology. But sending Russians into Japan, which could very well become a battlefield, feels a bit concerning.

“And a pro-Russian organization has been formed in Japan.”

“Isn’t the Imperial Way Faction pro-Russian?”

So, a pro-Russian organization has formed separately?

The unnecessary pro-Russian factions forming means that these guys are seeking something from Russia.

Even if they’re pro-Russian, thinking that Russia would support them shows they have some ridiculous fantasies.

“Aside from that, there’s an organization called ‘Anadan’ formed among the young generation in Japan that idolizes your Majesty.”

What the.

I’m trembling, my hands and feet shaking, and my head buzzing.

Is this really possible in reality?

Well, thinking about it, it’s not just me; similar organizations can be seen in various countries.

“Is ‘Anadan’ derived from my name, Anastasia?”


In other words, isn’t that a fan club for me in Japan?

I can’t believe such a thing has come to exist in this era. Ah, of course, there is a concept of a fan club even in this era, but is it acceptable to have a Tsar admired in Japan, where they serve their Emperor?

No, no matter how you look at it, how can there be otakus in this era?

Of a real person no less?

“It’s truly rude and bizarre to even mention, but some call me Anachan.”

I just want to give up thinking about it.

No, but isn’t it none of my business?

The more the Japanese dig themselves in, won’t Japan become more messed up in this world line?

Could the international student talk be related to that?

Because pro-Russian factions keep emerging in Japan.

It doesn’t matter which side. We don’t need to step in and stomp on what naturally arises.

“Let’s leave it be. After all, when the war starts later, they’ll just disappear naturally. It doesn’t matter what the Japanese worship internally. To complain about that would just embarrass them, right? Isn’t that interference in internal affairs?”

That’s a fair point. If we directly told the Japanese government to disband Anadan! they’d be dumbfounded.

The Japanese government might see Anadan as a thorn in their side.

After all, in the skies over the Japanese archipelago, only their Emperor exists, and suddenly they worship a foreign Empress in all sorts of meanings.

It’d be a bit off if the call came from Russia to disband it, wouldn’t it?

“Yes, then I’ll just leave it.”

No, wait. Hold on a minute.

Isn’t it a bit off to just let this go?

Because I’m looking at it from a modern perspective, I find myself viewing Anadan in a somewhat otaku way. However, in this era, Anadan could very well be an organization that genuinely worships me instead of the Emperor.

Even if that’s not the case, there’s a reason why I must support them.

“Oh, wait. I’ve thought of a good idea.”

“Yes? What do you mean by a good idea?”

“Let’s support Anadan behind the scenes.”

This isn’t just like a typical anime character fan club or something.

In any case, it’s a fact that groups that praise me exist in Japan.

What happens when these people in Japan go rogue?

Or we have to prepare for the situation where they might shout ‘Attack Russia!’ internally.

Historical Japan also resorted to absurd methods to expand its frontlines to extract more resources, right?

They might seize the opportunity while Russia is caught up in European wars.

Especially Ishiwa Kanji’s Imperial Way Faction. This isn’t your average Imperial Way Faction from the start.

They’re unpredictable madmen.

Dealing with them might even be more interesting, but we need to establish safety measures.

“Ahem. Are you talking about Anadan?”

“Seriously, I’m looking to see if we can grow that Japanese organization that simply likes me into a power.”

No matter what, I don’t want to hear that in a future wiki, ‘Japanese otaku culture originated from Tsarina Anastasia’s My War.’

So it must be right to support them.

We must turn them into something completely different.

Filling Anadan with Japanese students who came to Russia and became pro-Russian could also be a good tactic.

“Would they be useful?”

“Let’s think positively. Anadan members could be international students, and the international students that come here will likely become pro-Russian. If they can raise their voices in Japan, it could benefit us in the future. Let’s properly investigate first and see if this is worth supporting.”

At least that’s better than having nothing, right?

They wouldn’t eat up our Russia but would consume Japan instead. If they grow in number, it wouldn’t be bad for us.

As long as there isn’t a rumor later saying we raised them, that’s fine.

Even for that reason, we need to play it cool and let slip how we wouldn’t know how we managed that later.


“And there’s also a figure called Kita Ikki in the Imperial Way Faction, right? Have you looked into their ideology?”

I’ve only heard that Kita Ikki is part of the Imperial Way Faction.

What if they’re influenced by ideologies like Ishiwa Kanji? We should check into Kita Ikki even to consider that possibility.

Ishiwa Kanji may not be normal either, but as long as they don’t give off a hostile vibe towards Russia, we might handle it on our end.

Kita Ikki is a completely unpredictable person.

So we need to know about them in case we need to counteract anything.

“They stated that they would uphold the Emperor and establish a new restoration.”

Are they thinking of achieving the Shōwa Restoration?

Kita Ikki wishes to put the Emperor at the forefront while manipulating Japan behind the scenes like a puppet master.

It’s similar but a bit different from the constitutional monarchy of the control faction.

It seems they are heading toward an autocratic monarchy, using the Emperor’s name to exercise power unilaterally.

If that happens, the Emperor’s authority will certainly diminish.

If Anadan were to step up and exert influence within the Imperial Way Faction?

If, in the post-war reconstruction process, Anadan—no, to put it simply, a pro-Russian faction—were to take power, that would be beneficial.

We need to keep building our relationship with Mutaguchi Renya.

Mutaguchi Renya is the governor-general of Southern Manchuria, so once we get friendly, it’s predictable he might stab us in the back immediately.

“Hmm, new restoration. Hmm.”

“Should we support Kita Ikki as well?”

Supporting Kita Ikki might make it easier for the Imperial Way Faction to come to power.

Wait a minute. I hesitated to support the Imperial Way Faction but then shook my head.

No, they probably wouldn’t welcome support from a nation whose entire populace constitutes my fan club.

Besides, I don’t have enough resources to support everyone.

Spain is enough for now.

After all, the emergence of Anadan shows how high Japan’s favorability towards Russia is. They can easily come to power without us making an effort.

“No, that’s fine.”

It’s time to start saving some funds anyway.

Spending has been high lately, so it’s time to refill the wallet.

First, I’ll support MacArthur and reclaim some money along with Alaska.

If the Spanish Civil War breaks out, I need to use it cunningly. First, when the civil war breaks out, I’ll support the Republicans with arms while extracting some gold.

Meanwhile, I could either send volunteers to the Falangist Party.

“First, we need to prepare for when the Spanish Civil War breaks out.”

“The Spanish Civil War and a civil war in the United States. What a civil war-filled world we’re in. Aren’t we the only peaceful nation in the world?”

That’s true.

Immediately, Britain is unstable in its colonies, and the effects of the Great Depression linger. Germany is struggling with revolution issues. The United States is on the brink of civil war, and Spain is on the verge as well.

Turkey has also been battered by great powers, and if you consider, Russia has also experienced a civil war.

The important thing is that it rose up after experiencing that civil war.

“We’ll prepare to support the Falangists with arms.”

Support for the Falangists, huh.

I suppose I have to do that, but the Falangists won’t accept it immediately.

I’ve already approached José Antonio and offered gold, so he’ll likely see us favorably.

After all, they’re being helped.

The reason I’m saying this now is simple.

Historically, the Soviet Union extracted a lot of gold from the Republican government in exchange for arms.

This left the Republican government’s currency in shambles.

“The Falangists should be supported later while we support the Republican government at first. Prepare accordingly.”

I plan to support the Republican government.

I’ll probably add some threats too, extracting money from them.

After that, I can look at the Red faction within the Republican side and see them as a fake government and then support the Falangists. That’s the plan.

Honestly, I’m not wrong.

The Republican government is being infiltrated by Reds internally, so it’s not that unreasonable of an excuse.

Extract some money and then just hand over the supplies directly to the Falangist Party.

“The Republican government?”

“We need to extract gold from the Republican government. We need to fill our treasury and turn their currency into toilet paper.”

After all, the Falangists will be getting their rebellion funds from the outside, so unlike the Republican side, currency issues shouldn’t matter.

It might be bad after the civil war, but it’s fine during.

“But that means we’ll have to give weapons. Won’t the Falangists think poorly of us?”

“We could first get the gold and then find a way to give them weapons. We can provide numerous justifications. There are communists in the Republican government, so we accepted their gold but couldn’t return it because we can’t accept this situation, and we’ll leave the weapons to the Falangists, who will become the Spanish government.”

“Oh, that’s a good method.”

Yes. That’s what’s important.

We despise Bolsheviks and communists around the world.

To the point where we’re willing to go to war.

The reason we don’t attack the Spanish Republican government directly is that, after all, it at least provided us with gold. That could work as an excuse.

I’m quite kind, you know.

I could never hand weapons to communists. They’ll be passed on to the legitimate Spanish government, the Falangists. That’s the bare minimum, right?

“Of course, the Republican government could collapse faster than expected, so our foreign ministry should explore various avenues in Spain.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The Republican government could also be one of the variables.

After all, didn’t MacArthur’s Military Government exist?

“Is there another problem?”

“It’s nothing serious, but Austria has recently begun fortifying its borders with Communist Germany around Sudetenland, and tensions are rising.”


So Hitler is preparing for defense.

A defensive-acting Hitler is quite unexpected. Still, I have to give him high marks for not being complacent and proactively thinking about fighting.

But isn’t Italy also defending?

“Are they leaving Italy unguarded?”

They should be preparing defenses too.

After all, they’re in a position where they could get caught in the middle of a brawl.

“Yes, it seems they aren’t preparing.”

“Hmm, isn’t it ultimately a budget issue?”

Does Mikhail Drozdovsky see it as a budget issue? Well, considering Austria’s national strength.

It seems tough for Austria to fortify the borders with just their own strength.

Should we also set up a proper defense line along the border at this time?

Stalin Line, Molotov Line. Those exist.

The Stalin Line was totally blindsided and pierced through during the German-Soviet war, but we need to fortify the borders at least once.

Still, it feels a bit off to do just that.

It seems good to scratch a bit of Germany and the Baltics, right? Poland aside, we should squeeze the British out of the Baltic like it’s the right moment.

It’s nice that they gained independence, but it wouldn’t hurt to let them know they can’t do without Russia in the Baltic states.

Look closely.

After all, they’re a pro-British government stuck to the UK. And now, the unreliable Britain.

Meanwhile, Russia, the air defense alliance country, has built fortifications along the border.

While they may be an air defense alliance, it means Russia is willing to use its military for its own defense.

I wonder how the Baltics will respond? That’s what I’m most curious about.