Chapter 17

“Hmm, so you’ve heard that we arrived yesterday.”


“Yes, show them in.”

At Catherine’s gesture, Karem reluctantly fed her the last morsel of broth-soaked bread and rose from his seat.

The distance from the kitchen to the front door was quite short, but even as he went to open the door, the presumed guest continued to knock at a steady rhythm.

The knocking ceased the moment Karem turned the doorknob.

“Hmm? Ah, it seems to be the steward.”

As soon as he laid eyes on the guest, or rather the guest accompanied by guests, a respectful tone instinctively emerged from deep within Karem.

“Greetings. I am Karem, the dedicated steward who also serves as a cook.”

“A cook? At such a young age?”

What caught the eye first was the glimmer of curiosity shining from the eyes behind a bear-head helmet.

Beneath it was heavy armor made of plate and chain, covered by a thick bear-skin cloak, and at each hip were long swords.

Behind the knight stood a row of soldiers clad in leather-padded armor.

It was undoubtedly the knight leading the soldiers.

“That’s not the important matter. I’ve heard that Duke Atanitas is staying here. Is he inside?”

“Indeed, my lord. You were instructed to welcome the guests inside.”

“I see. You shall remain here.”

Karem politely guided the knight into the house.

To be honest, the house wasn’t even large enough to warrant such guidance, but regardless, they were guests.

The heavily armored knight was so hefty that the floor creaked and groaned with every step, but the knight paid no mind as he walked forward with Karem leading the way.

Fortunately, the floor held firm until they entered the kitchen.

Catherine seemed to have anticipated the knight’s arrival, as she calmly handed over a scroll that she had previously shown when entering and exiting the outer and inner castles. The knight, effortlessly breaking the seal, checked the contents of the scroll—an appointment letter—and returned it to Catherine.

“My apologies, Duke Atanitas. I am Sir Hyphon of Bearpond. It seems I have interrupted your meal—”

“You needn’t apologize. Though my cook was in the middle of his meal.”

“Hmm, it shouldn’t be a problem to interrupt a meal. After all, breakfast should be hearty.”

Karem took a renewed glance at Hyphon. With a size like his, it wouldn’t be surprising if he could devour a whole roasted pig for breakfast.

However, it was rather peculiar in the Kingdom of Seophone, where breakfast was typically a light affair.

“Cook, please finish your meal.”

Hyphon’s words seemed sincere as he lifted the visor of his bear helmet, staring intently with wide eyes, though he silently asserted this.

Hearing this, Karem immediately sat down and finished off the little remaining chicken broth, leaving only bone fragments.

“Do you need time to prepare your belongings?”

An obvious question, considering they had arrived early in the morning.

However, Catherine had already sent their belongings ahead to their destination.

Considering the circumstances, Karem’s only possessions were a bag of coins and a stuffed backpack made of mossy boar hide, filled with cooking tools.

Yet, he still needed to pass the keys to Hamerson, the owner of the house.

Understanding the situation, Hyphon immediately escorted Catherine and Karem as they carried their few belongings.

Borderster and its surroundings were bustling at this time.

Even the inner castle, a typical affluent area, was crowded with people moving about busily before the break of dawn to prepare for winter.

However, as a group of soldiers approached through the middle of the inner castle, the crowd parted like sheep avoiding a shepherd dog.

Even the grumbling people became courteous out of nowhere, clearing a path as they spotted the heavily armored knight leading the way.

It was an unmistakable situation where one had no choice but to notice.

But unlike Karem, the knight, Catherine, and even the soldiers following them walked through the crowd with an air of authority, as if it were completely natural.

“So, Sir Hyphon,”

After enjoying the crowd’s reactions for a moment, the enthusiasm faded, and Catherine called out to Hyphon.

“Who is the person in charge of the guidance?”

“The Duke of Iceland has appointed Elder Iona as your guide. It was she who asked to guide you this morning.”

A priestess, huh? Karem frowned at the mention of a priestess, but quickly relaxed his brow.

Fortunately, no one seemed to notice the small boy’s discomfort.

Catherine, surprisingly, looked a bit impressed.

“Oh, an elder? I expected just a steward to be sent.”

“Hah. It wouldn’t be appropriate to send just a steward to guide the Great Spirit of the Cold Wave. The Elder honored the Duke’s command by coming in person.”

While the Kingdom of Seophone was, indeed, a polytheistic nation, fortunately, the ranks among the priesthood were unified as priest, high priest, elder, and archpriest.

Naturally, as one moved from priest to archpriest, their rank within the sect increased.

But considering that the archpriest remained at the sect’s headquarters, the role of an elder was essentially that of a practical administrator overseeing religious duties within a region.

Karem had expected that someone high-ranking would come eventually, given that they were hired by a wizard. However, the sudden appointment of a figure of such high status left Karem’s mouth dry.

Catherine, on the other hand, looked bewildered.

“Th-the Great Spirit of the Cold Wave…”

“Is there something amiss, Duke Atanitas?”

“N-no, it’s nothing.”

Of course, it was not nothing.

The title of the Great Spirit of the Cold Wave was essentially a traumatic memory she had created for herself.

Every child experiences their own version of adolescence in various ways.

Unfortunately for her, her adolescence had coincided with the emergence of her powers.

Enthralled by her abilities and talents, Catherine had spent years as an adventurer, referring to herself as the Great Spirit of the Cold Wave in the third person, roaming the world.

Fortunately, this phase was but a fleeting moment in the grand scheme of her lengthy life.

Now graduated from her adolescence, she had come to accept the disaster she had once created.

“The Great Spirit of the Cold Wave, huh?”

“Hmm, you didn’t know who you were hosting? It would be shameful for a subordinate not to know the achievements of their superior.”

“Could you perhaps enlighten me about it?”

However, it’s said that people leave their names behind in death.

Although those who had faced the Great Spirit of the Cold Wave directly had since passed, records of her accomplishments continued to endure, resurfacing to pain her whenever she tried to forget.

“Surely you aren’t unaware that she reached sagehood at the youngest age and achieved immortality?”

“Ah, I know about that. My lord, I’ve never heard of sagehood before, though.”

“At least it’s good to know you understand that much.”

Having rescued a noble caravan from an ogre ambush, vanquished a band of thieves threatening the city, and eliminated mutated trolls that plagued the kingdoms for years.

Not to mention battling the undead troll known as Seaweed Beard, and many other notable feats…

Any one of these actions would have drawn the admiration of bards, but to Catherine, they merely served as catalysts to recall her embarrassing past.

‘To dare bully the weak before the Great Spirit of the Cold Wave, is that not shameful for a knight!’

‘Is this all there is? Is the might that intimidates even knights only this? Ah, I want to die from the absurdity.’

‘Behold! The Great Cold Wave descending upon the earth!’

‘With overwhelming power! Oh, boundless strength!’

‘T-take me back! Damn it, you little brat! To betray your employer!’ Catherine nearly exploded with her inner thoughts, but fortunately arrived at the Brewed Ale Inn, handed over the keys to an elven maid, and managed to conclude her story.

Hyphon led Catherine and Karem to a larger and more luxurious inn than the surrounding buildings, accompanied by an enormous stable.

Inside the stable, which was just as vast as the inn, people hurriedly moved between carts, unloading their belongings.

Following Hyphon were soldiers bearing similar heavy armor, alongside dozens of warriors equipped like Vikings, all loosely formed in the open space of the stable.

It would be easy to be distracted by the inn, but Karem’s gaze was fixed on the stable.

What caught Karem’s eye wasn’t the soldiers, the horses, or even the lavish inn.

Brrr-! Brrr-!

A massive beak.

An enormous size comparable to a horse.

With fur that made it look even larger.

The giant bird, often seen as a mount in games, let out a unique cry as it welcomed the tamers’ touch.

“I never thought I would see a Snowrunner here.”

“A Snowrunner? Is that what that is?”

“Yes, the little one. That’s the main ingredient in the skewers you had yesterday.”

Though he had heard of birds like it before, it was entirely different from what Karem had envisioned.

While it might seem cute at first glance, it clearly exhibited traits more aggressive than an ostrich.

With its enormous beak and foot-long claws—wasn’t it closer to a dinosaur?

“That thing looks like it could easily devour any ordinary monster.”

“Though they live in packs and boast such size, Snowrunners are actually timid creatures. Plus, they’re herbivores.”

“Herbivores? With claws like that and a beak like that, they’re timid?”

“They may look ferocious, but a Snowrunner carrying a knight will obediently follow its rider’s commands.”

Karem watched as a Snowrunner nuzzled the knight appearing to be its tamer. Suddenly, he recalled how a warhorse, aggressive and clever, could tear a beast apart.

“Oh, looks like the guests we’ve been waiting for have arrived!”

Karem turned his head at the elderly voice.

A plump old man, dressed in voluminous sleeves and flowing garments, was just exiting the inn.

With each step down the stairs, the end of a beaded necklace nearly hidden in his neck fat swung rhythmically outside his beard.

Contrary to his build, he was surprisingly spry.

He resembled a rolling sack of white cloth more than anything.

“Allow me to introduce—”

“Ah, ah. Sir Hyphon, please let me handle the introductions. I am Iona, serving as the elder and steward of the Felwinter family.”

“I am Catherine Marigold Atanitas, the contracted wizard of the Felwinter family.”

Iona focused on the documents Catherine presented. With each nod he made, the jowls he couldn’t hide wobbled.

“Indeed, it appears the lord’s appointment is in order.”

“Elder, shall we depart immediately?”

“Yes, as long as preparations are complete. Duke Atanitas, I apologize for the suddenness, but please board the carriage.”

Before there was even time for a response, Iona promptly led Catherine to the grandest and most luxurious four-horse carriage in the stable.

It appeared the coachman was already in place.

Though Karem’s status was merely that of a cook, fortunately, Catherine’s claim of being his dedicated steward allowed him to board the carriage as well.

However, it seemed Iona still had business to attend to, leaving Catherine and Karem momentarily.

“Um, Duke Atanitas, you seem quite busy.”

“Quite so. We’ve got time to spare since we arrived ahead of schedule, but that doesn’t mean we can dawdle.”

“And yet you arrived ahead of schedule?”

“It’d be best to arrive early, lest winter catches us by surprise.”

As Catherine took her seat and adjusted her attire, Karem discreetly sat in the spot she had left empty for him.

“Hmm, does it often snow there?”

“It’s quicker to see with your own eyes than to have me explain it. After all, in Iceland, you’ll be watching snow every year till you’re sick of it.”

No sooner had her words ended than Iona entered the carriage.

Before long, the carriage rattled and set off.