Chapter 17

A man slightly heavier than average, wearing glasses. On the desk where he sits, there’s a ramen stand, and on it, a pot boiling two packets of ramen.

Loving internet broadcasting in a twisted way, the man squeezes the fun out of internet streaming to its utmost limits.

On the main monitor, he has nine streams running simultaneously, frequently watching them in multi-screen mode.

On the dual monitor, he accesses the ‘Pazzk Minor Gallery’ where the respective streamer is broadcasting.

However, today was different. Something particularly interesting had happened recently.

So the man unusually turned on just one stream on the main monitor.

It was the stream of ‘Squirrel’. He has no interest in VTubers, so he could enjoy watching the broadcast burn in amusement.

Alongside the dating rumors of a major VTuber, Squirrel became the next target of interest.

The screen displays a person with a blank expression, still not fully grasping the situation, and beside them, a chaotic chat window bustling like a busy eight-lane highway during rush hour.

While it seems only viewers are present in front of him, watching a VTuber who is secretly dating her boyfriend, it felt like a form of ‘just desserts’ to the man, and he even found a certain catharsis in it.

The man doesn’t type in the chat. It was a promise he made to himself. This way, he could maintain the illusion of a final boundary between the ‘real ones’ and himself.

But while watching, a question arose in his mind, prompting him to write a message.


– Wait, can you only join with a Pazzk account?

Why are there so many trolls?


– You can’t stop trolls no matter what.

– At first, I thought Pazzk wouldn’t have any trolls, so it’d be alright, lol.

Yeah, but the real hardcore psychos buy accounts and troll with multiple accounts, right?

– There are people who hit first, and those who genuinely troll with multiple accounts, so you have to rack up a kick to get them removed, making it hard to catch them.



The man nodded in understanding and turned his gaze back to the broadcast.

At that moment, the man’s pupils slightly widened.


“Taking a break because I’m sick. Our female streamer can’t be alone when she’s sick. T_T Ah… I’m sick… [Deleted message.]

A view only allowed for me… ♡ The male fans who donate won’t even see these girls’ XXX for a lifetime. Just that feeling of superiority makes me want to X them… ♡ [Deleted message.]

Did you not feel sorry for Squirrel’s fans? Did you not feel sorry for Squirrel’s fans? Did you not feel sorry for Squirrel’s fans? Did you not feel sorry for Squirrel’s fans? [Deleted message.]

If you’re dating a boyfriend, why act innocent? (I seriously don’t know) [Deleted message.]

Nice kick-out.

Fuck, let me get kicked out too, lol. [Deleted message.]

[Deleted message.]

What’s with the kick-out speed? ◈◈

[Deleted message.]

[Deleted message.]

[Deleted message.]

[Deleted message.]

[Deleted message.]


The seemingly infinite array of troll chats began to be eliminated one by one from the top down.

Explicit comments were deleted. Even comments that hinted at any intent were removed.

‘How can they kick out all those one by one?’

The man chuckled to himself while slurping his ramen.

… However, after finishing his noodles and lifting his head.

“…… Huh?”


[Deleted message.]

[Deleted message.]

So scary.

[Deleted message.]


[Deleted message.]

[Deleted message.]

[Deleted message.]

[Deleted message.]

[Deleted message.]

[Deleted message.]

[Deleted message.]

[Deleted message.]

Kick-out physicality, what the hell, lol.

[Deleted message.]

[Deleted message.]

[Deleted message.]

[Deleted message.]

[Deleted message.]

[Deleted message.]

[Deleted message.]

[Deleted message.]


The troll chats that seemed to be spawning infinitely were gradually cleaned up.

Blatant comments were deleted. Even comments that hinted at some intent were removed.

‘How can they kick them all out one by one?’

The man chuckled inwardly while slurping his ramen.

… However, when he finished his noodles and lifted his head.

“…… Huh?”


[Deleted message.]

[Deleted message.]

So scary.

[Deleted message.]


[Deleted message.]

[Deleted message.]

[Deleted message.]

[Deleted message.]

[Deleted message.]

[Deleted message.]

[Deleted message.]

[Deleted message.]

What’s with the kick-out speed? ◈◈

[Deleted message.]

[Deleted message.]

[Deleted message.]


The speed of the kick-outs gradually increased from above, quickly catching up with the most recent chat speed.

This wasn’t just random kick-outs; only the trolls were being removed. One after another, more than a hundred people were purged, and the entirety of the viewers witnessed it.

The number of viewers has now increased to 2000. Troll chats were still crawling out.

For several minutes, a perfectly accurate sequence of kick-outs continued without fail.

The chat window gradually quieted down, with only messages like ‘◈◈’, ‘What the heck’, ‘Nice’, and ‘Phew’ remaining visible.

The man, puzzled, checked the manager list, but it only showed ‘tlgus123.’

Now the chat speed had significantly decreased.

A momentary silence fell in the chat. It was a strange coexistence between trolls who didn’t want to get kicked out and existing viewers.

At that moment, one chat with a knife-shaped emoji appeared.


tlgus123: What are you all doing to one girl? Even if it’s an anonymous internet, you’ve crossed the line by far.

tlgus123: I’ll start streaming, so everyone come over here.



The man adjusted his posture. Laughing, he flooded the Pazzk Minor Gallery with “hahaha.”

The manager of the VTuber rumored to be dating (presumably her boyfriend) rushing in to kick everyone out at an incredible speed and then scolding trolls while inviting them to his own stream was something he thought was a self-inflicted wound.

No matter what the boyfriend said, the viewers wouldn’t listen, not even with the ear.

Anyway, he thought there couldn’t be a more entertaining development than this.

The gallery appeared to share the same sentiment as the posts began to increase.

With trembling hands, the man clicked the link sent by the manager. The black screen of a live broadcast lit up.

The rampaging trolls were once again unleashed.


Why are you kicking me, you fucking bastard? Why are you kicking me, you fucking bastard? Why are you kicking me, you fucking bastard? Why are you kicking me, you fucking bastard?

Bring the arena back on, lol. Bring the arena back on, lol. Bring the arena back on, lol. Bring the arena back on, lol.

Please lift the kick-out on Squirrel’s broadcast, T_T (I just saw it today.) Please lift the kick-out on Squirrel’s broadcast, T_T (I just saw it today.)

Moon Si-hyun, does Squirrel attach ‘Daram Daram’ at the edge of the bed too? Moon Si-hyun, does Squirrel attach ‘Daram Daram’ at the edge of the bed too?

So, is he really the boyfriend? So, is he really the boyfriend? So, is he really the boyfriend? So, is he really the boyfriend?


No, it wasn’t a black screen. Upon further inspection, there were four icons on the left. It was the computer’s black desktop screen. Notepad, Classic Game Running Program, VR Device Running Program.

The mouse cursor moved to the VR Device Running Program.

Before long, the screen switched. It was the basic operating program for the VR headset.

This too was pitch black. The background screen was only showing Fiore.

Arcade games, and Fiore. All of which were games that Squirrel frequently played.

Thus, Moon Si-hyun = tlgus123 became a foregone conclusion for the viewers. The chat window became even more frenzied.


Ah, lol.

This is a bit…

Smashing unicorn horns lol. Smashing unicorn horns lol. Smashing unicorn horns lol. Smashing unicorn horns lol.


Stop it already, I’m heartbroken.

Our Hako Virtual Minor Gallery declares a withdrawal of support for Squirrel. Our Hako Virtual Minor Gallery declares a withdrawal of support for Squirrel. Our Hako Virtual Minor Gallery declares a withdrawal of support for Squirrel. Our Hako Virtual Minor Gallery declares a withdrawal of support for Squirrel.


After the screen switched, after a moment, a rustling sound was heard. The chat slowed down just a tiny bit.

Then, a voice was heard.

[…… Ah.]

It was a human voice. The moment the voice rang out, the chatting stopped.

“…… Huh?”

The man paused for a moment. He thought with his finger on his chin.

‘It’s not a man’s voice, right? But he is a man, did his voice change slightly? No, I can’t say that…’

At that moment, the voice echoed again.

“…… Can you hear me?”

It was certain. It was a woman. After glancing at the chat for a moment, the woman took a deep breath and spoke again.

“You should feel embarrassed, everyone.”

It was a cold voice, like ice, suppressing emotions.

It had the speech style reminiscent of Moon Si-hyun and tlgus123.

The man’s shoulders, hidden behind the group, slightly stiffened.

Moon Si-hyun was experiencing an overwhelming surge of emotions after a long time.

Could it be because of his involvement in that incident? The request for the manager was made by Lee Da-ram, as was the introduction to Fiore, but it can’t be said that it was entirely her fault.

When Moon Si-hyun entered, Lee Da-ram had been streaming for ten minutes. The chat was in chaos. Da-ram’s image was still continuously moving her mouth. Naturally, Moon Si-hyun thought, given the situation, that it had gone beyond what a high school student could handle.

Moon Si-hyun checked the situation, booted every nasty troll in the chat, and then typed in a message.

He sent the link to his profile. Then he searched for how to start a broadcast. It was much simpler than expected.

After managing to start the stream, viewers from Squirrel’s broadcast all exited and entered Moon Si-hyun’s stream.

The nasty trolls he had forcibly kicked out immediately flooded back in.

Moon Si-hyun didn’t feel alarmed or hurt by it. Calmly, he connected to the VR headset with a microphone and opened his mouth.

“…… Can you hear me?”





Is it really a girl?


What the heck

Wait, is she really?


Is it really a girl?????

What the heck is happening?


She shot a glance at the stunned chat window.

“You should feel embarrassed, everyone.”

And then she brought up what she wanted to say, and what she had been thinking.

“What the heck is going on, gathering thousands to bully one girl? Even if it’s a few dozen people yelling at her, it’s something a person would remember for a lifetime, so is it funny to gather like this and bully a girl? Don’t you feel any guilt?”

Struggling with her emotions, she temporarily bit her lip before continuing. The dark broadcast screen remained silent.

“I don’t know much about this internet field, but everyone who typed those comments, your humanity is really lacking. Do you really think it’s right to express your anger in such a lowly manner?”

Glancing at the chat window, she wanted to check for any opposing arguments.


I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry

I came in because there were a lot of viewers, but I don’t really know what’s going on, I’m sorry.

I don’t know, just keep talking.

A complete defeat for the ultra-garbage gallery season 139041843, lol.

Say something even more contemptuous.

I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you.

The scientific basis for Pakahaeng is here.

Sorry for doubting you, I’m sorry for trolling, I’m sorry for being born.

Even if it’s something Moon Si-hyun (♂) says, something Moon Si-hyun (♀) says, it can’t be helped, ㅇㅇ.



Moon Si-hyun tilted his head. It didn’t make sense.

‘Why are they suddenly so compliant?’

Moon Si-hyun still doesn’t understand internet culture well. He only became somewhat accustomed to the systems and broadcasting emotions through his role as Lee Da-ram’s manager and got used to cursing through Fiore.

So she was clueless about the fact that most of the viewers gathered were not people with a certain strong emotion, but those who merely found it ‘fun’ or were ‘just curious.’

The reason they turned their stance so quickly was simple.

It was due to the unexpected and immensely more entertaining development of “turns out, she’s a girl,” something no one could have imagined.

And the fans who had been hurt the most found relief in the fact that Moon Si-hyun was a girl. The happiness they thought was lost returned even greater.

At that moment, a particular chat caught Moon Si-hyun’s eye.


Sorry, but could you please just say “you bastard trolls… I’ll stomp on you” once? T_T [Deleted message.]



Without even a moment to think, Moon Si-hyun instinctively responded to the chat.

Under normal circumstances, he wouldn’t plan to kick anyone from his broadcast, but that chat gave him a disconcerting feeling the moment he read it.

Still unable to comprehend, Moon Si-hyun looked at the chat window, then realized there was no need to understand and took a deep breath before speaking.

“Everyone… please treat Squirrel well. She’s just as she appears on the broadcast. She’s honest about her feelings, kind, dedicated to what she loves, hard-working even in her part-time job… always doing her best for the viewers. She truly is a girl without any rough edges. I may have only spent a month with her, but I know her well.”


Yes, your sister.

Yes, your sister.

I want to treat my sister well too…



Ah… I can’t hold back.

Yes T_T.


Except for a few rough chats, the overall atmosphere of the chat quickly turned peaceful.

‘Could they really be the ones who typed those nasty comments earlier?’

Moon Si-hyun was even left with that doubt in his mind.

Adapting to the rapid shift in the viewers was challenging, but he felt a sense of relief. He initially thought there would be a bit more pointless banter.

Moreover, feeling something unfamiliar caused the corners of Moon Si-hyun’s mouth to raise slightly.

“…… That’s right, be kind. You all need to keep chatting like that. Even in Squirrel’s room.”


Yes T_T T_T T_T.

I’ll live kindly from now on.

A slight mix of laughter, lol.

I won’t be able to anymore…

Ah… Sister…

Are you a voice actress?

But seriously, how did you manage to kick everyone out all by yourself?


You’re really a sister, huh.


The previously heated atmosphere had seemingly reached a lull.

At that moment, a strange notification sound was heard.


ㅇㅇ has donated 1000 won.

How on earth can you tell if they’re Moon Si-hyun or a girl pretending to be Moon Si-hyun, lol? There’s no proof at all.


Yeah, shut up, you bastard. lol.


Time to go.

That’s quite reasonable, ㅇㅇ.

A female fighter master doesn’t make sense, ㅇㅇ.

Yeah, she already got smashed, lol. Good luck, lol.



While the chat was really resistant, Moon Si-hyun felt it was a valid doubt to present.

But she had no worries, since she had nothing to feel guilty about.

“Alright then. Shall I show you Fiore by turning it on?”




Wait, is it really true that a fighter master is a girl?

Will she really show it?

Is it real?


Moon Si-hyun swirled her finger in the air and started Fiore. However, the frame dropped immediately from the starting screen. It was broadcasting, after all.

Moon Si-hyun pulled the graphics down from ‘medium’ to ‘lowest.’

“Now it’s fine.”

As soon as she said that, the chat exploded again.


Well, what’s with the lowest quality?

What kind of computer do you need to have the lowest quality?

I’ve never seen anything like this in my life.



‘Lee Da-ram said medium specs were fine.’

“Just watch.”

For some reason, Moon Si-hyun’s face felt a bit warm. She awkwardly stated this while stretching.

At that moment, one chat caught her eye.


With that physique, a 100 in physicality and 0 in brainpower, can a fighter be viewed?


“0 in physicality, 100 in brainpower.”

Moon Si-hyun immediately corrected herself. There was a noise as her fingers cracked.