Chapter 169
[Freed Punch! Freed Punch!]
Author: FreedGoldenFur
After activating Supernova, I completely wrecked that pathetic dude using full power core skills.
(Picture of Freed elegantly dodging attacks like a butterfly and striking like a bee)
How does she dodge all that chaos? The graphics for those attacks are so dizzying, yet she somehow manages to evade them.
ThinSo (lying): Hero has arrived! (Con)
DustToBankruptcy: Whoa, look at those attacks, damn lol. This is giving me severe combat phobia.
SunlightHolySword: Seriously insane. Even most celestial realm users would be flabbergasted seeing those attacks and die instantly.
Yeah: Of all people, it had to be him, huh lol. The string of bad luck is unreal.
[We live in the era of Freed.]
Author: FreedGoldenFur
If there is even one Freed fan in the world, it’s probably me.
If there isn’t a single fan of Freed, then I no longer exist in this world.
Freed, my love.
Freed, my light.
Freed, my life.
Freed, my soul.
Freed, me.
Yeah: Freed should be getting completely wrecked though.
NKimKkaeTtoLack: Yeah, shut up, it’s about delivering proper education, ya know?
hope5555: I can totally see Freed running away lol.
DadMoansVian: Freed has decided to marry me ㅡㅠㅡ
Yeah: We should wipe out all these guys ㅡㅡ
[Wondering why the core users keep using mechanical poses.]
Author: SweetGuy
Seems like Sky’s new chaos is optimized for the core.
With multi-angle intertwining attacks coming in, bigger skills maximize the effects.
That dude who made this core program is pure evil.
SunlightHolySword: Looks like the basic speed core also maxes out toughness. At first, Freed was trying to parry, but didn’t get staggered, lol.
TheDominater: So that’s how simultaneous parrying works even during group attacks. I’m curious how they implemented that mechanism.
ZeeKGaTerBelt: This pre-season has brought so many flashy skill weapons, but this one seems to be the best. It has minimal initial delay and the effects are flashy, making it a slaughter time when a core user gets their hands on it.
Yeah: No wonder even Wardens and Lotuses would get wrecked by it. Tsk tsk.
[I participated in ranked games like Freed with Supernova.]
Author: MidirWhoEatsSister
(Just a picture of my totally wrecked game record)
Never do it. After hearing about Supernova’s skill description, I thought I’d give it a shot since Freed was doing it, but it’s definitely not a good pick.
Using it, it seems like it not only increases stats but also enhances perceived time scaling… The problem is that no matter how much the scaling increases, our reaction speed just can’t keep up.
Yeah: Reminds me of a certain mobile suit that boasted 100% dodge.
NLAmpadu: When did we go that far back? But knowing that, I’m a legend too, lol.
NDustToBankruptcy: We’re not genetically modified super humans. Just humans.
KimKkaeTtoLack: But it’s really surprising. Those core users at that tier just spam their skills like crazy, but that pathetic dude who fought Freed managed to climb to the highest ranks. How did he win knowing how the game works and angles? Does Supernova cover that?
NGeneralLance: Is it possible that Freed’s perceived time scaling is different from ours? Unless her physical specs in reality are outstanding, it doesn’t make sense.
“Got it.”
Before I knew it, while dodging rampant core users wildly, I was in a temporary channel practicing randomly with pro team gamers.
During a brief break, I thought about what my sister might be doing and tuned into Freed’s channel, only to find myself focusing on her POV screen instead of practicing.
The way Freed evaded all those attacks was as smooth and beautiful as a reflection of the moon on water, dizzying enough that even pro gamers couldn’t dare to gauge her escape paths.
If this battlefield were a stage, she would undoubtedly be the best dancer who could grace it.
But it was unexpected. This core program wasn’t just a usual nuisance; I thought no regular gamer could defeat it.
Freed shattered that expectation beautifully. And chat and community responses were busy praising her.
Watching this, I shook my head.
Why was that? She had always been the sister I revered…
“It feels like… she’s gone too far.”
We’re not on bad terms now. If anything, it’s probably good between us.
Still, I sensed a gigantic wall blocking us from fully becoming close.
Like a dying sun radiating its final light, it was a woman so radiant that even I felt insignificant.
Coincidentally, Freed set an unbeatable achievement with the skill I recommended to her, and I swallowed something rising in my throat with great effort.
It tasted… extremely bitter.
Behind that thought, a black flow of energy flickered and then vanished.
* * *
The ongoing scandal of Soul Warfare’s core program.
Due to the massive production of core users, ranked games were paralyzed, and rumors spread that Soul Warfare was on the verge of collapse.
It all began with Freed’s one-on-one showdown against a core user.
Numerous viewers had already witnessed it through streaming.
Using Supernova as a trap pick, she utilized her reaction speed to completely overcome every hurdle, wrapping up with a clean finish by beheading the opponent, showcasing her arms as the Holy Sword.
Even Freed couldn’t defeat core users. They were foes no pro gamers had been able to conquer, opponents no one could fight against with the system.
This remarkable feat flipped the expectations of many, with the phrase “The Age of Freed” echoing throughout the Soul Warfare community.
After Freed schooled the core user, an announcement appeared on the official Soul Warfare website.
It stated that all core users would be dealt with and that an emergency patch was underway to block the currently circulating cores.
On a day when everyone was shouting “We are the world” in response to this sweet form of justice,
“On that note!”
Freed and Sehee were leisurely stretching.
“So that means those ruckus-makers aren’t on Earth yet.”
Dayoung, with a serious expression, summarized their prior conversation.
The curse shown to Suho was undoubtedly the work of the Demon King.
Could it be that forces from other worlds invaded this Earth?
Though Dayoung was concerned, Sehee remained carefree after logging out of virtual reality.
“Nothing significant. Since they approached using the catalyst of the core program, once we cut down the spells that were infesting the program, the power diminishes.”
“If it took only a day to catch them, it seems like the core program they distributed was ordinary. Since they plotted from somewhere else, the usual companies couldn’t catch it, which might explain the delay in the patch.”
Dayoung rubbed her throbbing forehead at Sehee’s nonchalant response and Ajin’s opinions while looking at the website announcement.
Still, the Demon King… If such a monster descended on this Earth, it would be a big hassle if people close to her were in danger.
Well, her sister is the strongest, so it should be fine.
At that moment, she was horrified by a rough gesture that tousled her hair. Turning her head, Jihee spoke with a confident smile.
“Never thought I’d see a Demon King acting up in virtual reality. But I think there’s no need to worry. Just like Sehee said, once that ruckus-maker reveals themselves in reality, we’ll clearly identify them, and we can deal with them then. By that time, Earth shouldn’t underestimate our strength either.”
The total number of heroes now was five. Among them, one was a transcendent hero who had broken limits.
Any ordinary Demon King would be terminated in a split second after solidifying their presence on this Earth.
After all, heroes exist to protect the world; when a Demon King threatening that world reveals themselves, current restrictions would surely be temporarily lifted.
There was no reason to fear, Jihee thought.
“I agree with you, Jihee. It’s one thing if there were just one or two, but with this many heroes gathered, we shouldn’t be worried.”
“Not that I’m worried about that. I’m just concerned whether those around us would be harmed… Wait a sec.”
Dayoung’s expression turned cold as she obtained an important realization she had overlooked until now.
Gathering her shaking eyes, she turned to everyone.
“How did that ruckus Demon King know about this Earth and make trouble? The Demon King from the world I’ve visited didn’t even realize where the Earth was.”
Since the overwhelming power had made her disregard the threat posed by the Demon King, it hadn’t bothered her much.
However, if, just as Dayoung said, the current Demon King had meddled with this earth… how did he know of this place?
“When he reveals himself, we just need to smash him and find out, right?”
With Sehee’s absentminded answer, the atmosphere turned chilly.