Chapter 169

Humans don’t change easily.

Each life carries its own inertia, and ultimately, it tends to return to its original position.

The struggle to change is merely a fleeting moment.

Soon, tormented by all kinds of self-justification, the instant one succumbs to that temptation just once, a relentless cycle of self-return begins.

This process repeats infinitely, and that is the reality of most lives.

However, there are those who escape such a life of servitude and achieve self-realization.

Based on this world, the students who enrolled in the Empire Academy were such individuals.

Driven by innate talent and passion, they push themselves to their limits, determined to become the best.

They have never once compromised in their resolve against themselves.

By steadfastly pursuing the path they wish to take, they ultimately gained admission to the Empire Academy, a place where only the finest talents are accepted.

“But that’s just as far as it goes.”

From what I’ve experienced after dozens or even hundreds of regressions, the passion of the academy students stops right there.

In Korean terms, it’s akin to the mindset that having entered a good university means the end of life.

In other words, the academy students are intoxicated.

Intoxicated by the fact that they are students of the Empire Academy.

And among them, the students in Class S were even more so.

Being part of the upper echelon in an academy that gathers only the best talents, it’s easy to become enamored with their own skills and status.

However, if you were to ask whether such a mindset is wrong, in most cases, I would say “no.”

After all, they worked hard to get into Seoul National University, and they’re in the top ranks there.

Isn’t it justifiable to feel a bit proud of their effort and talent?

Even if they were in the lower ranks of Seoul National University, just being admitted is something to be proud of.

It’s Seoul National University after all. Seoul National University.

So, in ordinary circumstances, a degree of arrogance and banter could be tolerated.

No, in fact, it could even be encouraged, patting them on the back to feel proud of themselves.

The effort they made to gain admission here is certainly not easy.


But what if the collapse of the Korean economy is 100% inevitable, and the only people who can prevent it are the Seoul National University students?

If their inability to showcase their capabilities guarantees the fall of Korea?

In that case, I would have no choice but to wield the rod of discipline.

While other professors might be cautious of the high nobles’ scrutiny, I would toss that concern aside.

While others strive to conduct training with minimal injuries, I would push them to the maximum without such concerns.

While other professors prepare a curriculum aimed at stable development, I would design a curriculum that maximizes danger but certainly strengthens them.

“Uuuaaahhh… Uuuaahh…”

“I can’t move anymore…”

Today, I have pushed the academy students to their limits.

I even received special permission for Elena and the princess to stay overnight, leading to an entire day of rigorous training followed by preparations for sleeping outdoors.

I’m truly driving the students to their extremes.

However, this training is minuscule compared to what will happen when demons invade, so we still have a long way to go.

There’s no time to indulge their whining.

“Puhaha! It’s nice to get some fresh air.”

“Agreed. It feels just like camping.”

“This class seems like a sweet deal.”

Moreover, those relaxed faces of the Class S students.

Seeing their casual expressions makes me acutely aware of the shortcomings of my class.

Had I not prepared a special dungeon for them, I would have felt quite regretful.

Given that all their stats are filled, I am determined to fully meet their expectations and requirements.

All that remains is to lead them to the dungeon.

To this end, I contacted Eve.

It’s time to cast the bait.


After that, Ed set up the field tent and assigned sentry duties.

Since we’re sleeping in an ancient forest teeming with monsters, having a night watch is essential.

Having taken all necessary precautions, Ed called the Class S students and spoke.

He mentioned that he had urgent matters to attend to and would return in the morning, asking them to stay put and not leave.

In other words, he asked them to refrain from wandering off.

Most of the Class S students shrugged their shoulders and nodded.

“Well then, see you bright and early tomorrow.”


With that, Ed suited up and activated the repulsor engine to take flight.

Many of the Class S students blushed at the sight.

Regardless of the era, a sleekly designed mech fires up something in the chest.

“Hey, anyone up for a drink?”

However, as soon as the person in charge of their group vanished, the atmosphere began to loosen considerably.

They began pulling out the delicious snacks and drinks they had secretly prepared and started a party.

And the students leading this atmosphere were none other than the Class S students.

Confident in their abilities, they felt they could handle any surprise situations, even if slightly tipsy.

Moreover, after seeing the lower classes struggle all day, their unique sense of self-esteem was skyrocketing.

“Drink up! Drink up!”

Thus, most of the Class S students began gathering in groups for a drinking party.

The remaining class students also, after a hard day, started drinking and sharing jokes as they formed their groups.

Gathering with like-minded friends to drink secretly from the professor is one of the highlights of academy life.

“Are they totally gonna go off the rails?”

“Right? How long are they going to keep this up?”

Despite bickering daily, Isabella and Enya were completely separated.

The two kept their distance, not having seen each other’s faces all day.

Lucas and Claire looked at the two with concerned expressions.

Although precarious, they had maintained their friendship for over ten years. To see them drift apart because of one guy was bewildering.

“I just don’t get it.”

At that moment, Claire said with a pout.

When Lucas asked what she didn’t understand, Claire replied.

“It’s about Ed Fix. What on earth is even appealing about him?”


Claire, exclaiming she couldn’t understand why their ten-year friendship was cracking over just one guy.

Lucas smirked at this.

When Lucas asked why she was amused, Lucas replied.

“Just seems like you really don’t like Ed. There must be 50% of the girls in the academy—no, the entire empire—who are crushing on him, and you seem immune to it.”

“……… Ugh. He’s just too perfect. It’s like he’s too unreal… Anyway, he’s just not my type.”

Lucas nodded.

He understood what she meant, but he commented that it was a vision he himself had been chasing.

“Still, Ed has that something. He makes you dream, you know? Like when he told us about the existence of the universe… He makes you keep chasing after him.”

Lucas said that Ed had liberated him from his inferiority complex.

Born the son of a common mercenary, with his mother the Grand Duchess, he was burdened with a sense of inadequacy.

He said that Ed had freed him from that inferiority complex.

Because unlike him, who had pretended to be the perfect noble to shake off the label of “half-bred noble,” Ed had proven his worth and become a true noble among nobles.

In other words, he learned from Ed that to truly be a noble meant to break free from the judgments and gazes of others and prove one’s own value.

“….Looking back at it all, it’s embarrassing. All the care I put into how others perceived me… all the pretentiousness and flattering words. That shallow pride I forced myself to maintain perfection externally.”

Lucas chuckled bitterly as he reflected on his past self.

In the past, he had hastily clung to others’ evaluations and perceptions in order to shake off the stigma of being the son of a mercenary.

Though his mother, Adela Elmar, stood tall as the empress of the Eastern Kingdom, having freed herself from the disdain and ridicule of the world, her son clung to others’ opinions and was consumed by them.

“And that’s why I like being Ed’s friend now. It feels like I’ve found someone who can lead me. Maybe Enya and Isabella are fascinated by Ed for the same reasons.”

Lucas rambled on various stories in response to Claire’s comment about not understanding why she liked Ed Fix.

However, Claire only chuckled.

She playfully tapped Lucas on his shoulder and joked that they might end up in a love square.

Lucas responded with a chuckle.

“Well, that’s just how it goes. Ed really draws people in. Even…”

Lucas trailed off.

He suddenly thought of his mother.

The beautiful empress of the East, Adela Elmar, who had just turned 37.

A woman who, all her life, had treated men like a child treats toys, who had never shown a smile to any man other than him, becomes a girl in front of Ed.

Even the mother who had meticulously maintained a routine and practiced strict self-management disregards her schedule when Ed Fix visits.

She welcomes Ed as if her deceased father has returned to life.

The mother who wouldn’t even touch alcohol now drinks, and the one who wouldn’t even look in the mirror stops to check her appearance.

She hesitates whether to put on makeup, ending up with flushed cheeks as she rushes out to meet Ed.

Seeing a mother who only shows such a vulnerable side to someone her own age is… it’s hard to describe.

It fills me with an oddly suffocating feeling, but I can only pass it off as “It’s Ed Fix.”

After all, Ed ticks all the boxes for the criteria my mother had always mentioned about a “real man.”

Even if he’s younger, she sees him as a man.

“Even? Even what?”

At that moment, Claire leaned in, curious about what he was about to say next.

Lucas scratched the back of his head before answering.

“Nothing. Just, a lot of people could like Ed, that’s all.”

As he said this, Lucas imagined his mother nestled between Enya and Isabella.

Each time, the ‘Golden Sun’ version of Ed Fix from dreams and fantasies flickered through his mind.

“Ha ha ha, you have such a wonderful mother, huh?” Ed would tease…

How to relieve the strange rising feeling of anger each time he daydreamed about such nonsense…

In the midst of this, the cries of a girl interrupted Lucas’s thoughts.

“Help me!!! Help me────!!”


A girl, covered in blood and limping toward them.

Lucas and Claire immediately jumped up and rushed to the girl.

Several students who were enjoying the drinking party also scattered to assist her.

As the girl stumbled and collapsed, Lucas was the first to arrive, catching her.

“What happened!? How did you end up like this…?”

“Waaah… please… please help me… if you don’t hurry… my entire family…!”


Lucas calmed her down and treated her wounds for the time being.

Soon afterwards, Claire and the other students arrived and asked what was going on.

The girl spoke.

“There’s a goblin dungeon… if we don’t hurry, my whole family will die! The people in our village, my brother, my dad…!”

The students looked at one another in confusion.

Getting messed up by mere goblins?

They inquired about the location.

“It’s… not far from here… if you keep going south… there’s a cave… there…”

Lucas nodded.

He then pulled out a communication magic stone that Ed had given him for emergencies.


But it seemed Ed was preoccupied with something else, as there was no response.

No matter how many times he tried again, there was only silence.

The girl clutched Lucas’s sleeve and exclaimed.

“W-we don’t have time… even now, those monsters… they’ll eat people!”

“……… Goblins eat people?”

“Waaah… y-yes… they aren’t your average goblins…”

The students’ expressions turned serious.

Meanwhile, Isabella and Enya, who were curious about the situation, approached.

After Lucas explained what the girl was facing, he got to his feet and spoke.

“…I can’t get in touch with the professor.”


“And right now, time is of the essence. What do we do?”


A momentary silence fell.

But it was only for a brief moment.

One student, with a serious expression, spoke up.

“It’s just a goblin den.”


“What kind of Class S students would hesitate in fear of mere goblins? I vote to go.”

Mikango from Class S, ranked 26th, raised his hand.

Then, most of the Class S students raised their hands, adding remarks like ‘Yeah, just goblins, right?’

Lucas nodded in agreement.

“…Yeah. The professor wouldn’t want to ignore this situation. As students of the Empire Academy, we have an obligation to protect national resources.”

Lucas said this while looking at Enya and Isabella.

Enya nodded firmly, and Isabella shrugged indifferently.

“In that case, since it might be dangerous, let’s only take half of Class S.”

With that, Lucas selected the personnel to go for the rescue.

He chose 13 students, including Lucas, Claire, Enya, Isabella, and Charlotte, and they dashed toward the direction of the goblin den that the girl had mentioned.

Once the rescue team was dispatched, the remaining students moved in an organized manner to set the night watch again.

They moved the injured girl to a tent to let her rest.

However, as soon as the girl was brought into the empty tent, her tearful expression quickly stiffened.

She grinned, pressing her ear down.

A robotic sound dinged through the air as the girl spoke.

“Brother. They went that way.”

“……… Good job. We’re all set over here.”