Chapter 168

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Japanese Empire, Tokyo

Around this time, the Japanese Empire was seeing an influx of Russian capital, and many Russians were staying in Japan due to Japan’s proactive efforts to improve relations (?).

Among them, the Okhrana was propagating to portray Japan as a suitable Asian partner for Russia through the Russians living in Japan.

“Oh! The samurai culture of Japan is really cool!”

“Oh wow. Is this sushi? It’s delicious.”

By showing their admiration for Japanese culture first, the Japanese were feeling an increase in their favorability towards Russia, believing they were being treated as equal due to the recent recognition of a rising white nation.

The influence of Anastasia’s “My War” was also significant.

The Tsar, regarded as an absolute monarch and worshipped almost like a divine being, created a huge connection for the Japanese, who believed in the divine emperor.

Japanese people seemed to have buried the memories of the Russo-Japanese War somewhere in the Pacific, as they showed favor towards the Russians.

“My War, written by your empress, was incredibly moving!”

“Gosh. Russian women are really beautiful.”


Anastasia’s “My War” didn’t just create a connection but also attracted various fan groups due to Anastasia’s overwhelming beauty on the cover.

The government was also extending favors to figures like Russian diplomats and Russian entrepreneurs residing in Japan to foster friendship with Russia.

And sensing this atmosphere, Ishiwa Kanji of the Imperial Way Faction sought out the Russian ambassador in secret.

“I have come to see you, Mr. Ambassador, wishing for the friendship between our country and Russia to remain unchanged.”

Pouring the drinks, he initially sought to please the ambassador.

Meanwhile, Ishiwa Kanji planned to ascertain the true intentions of Russia through the ambassador as a pillar of the Imperial Way Faction.

“Is there anything you’d like to say?”

“Well, what does your empress think about Japan managing Asia?”

In the quest for the ultimate war, aiming for Asian liberation and racial harmony, Ishiwa Kanji recognized the need to understand Russia’s intentions bordering on its land.

“Hm, in fact, there are some hopes in our National Duma for Japan to manage Asia as a partner.”

“Is that so?”

What pleasant news to hear!

This meant that Russia could not expand its influence in Asia without regard.

“As you know, our empress is revered as a saint. Although we are aligned with Britain and France due to the anti-aircraft treaty, we cannot support a colonial empire that is ultimately unsustainable anyway.”

“Ah, that’s right. That makes sense.”

True. The Russian empress is indeed venerated as a saint.

Someone in her position cannot defend a colonial empire. While constrained by the anti-aircraft treaty, the mere existence of the saintly Tsar meant Russia could never follow the path of England and France.

Around this time, Japan was also pretending that Korea and Taiwan were not colonies but rather justly annexed parts of Japan managed as territory.

Thus, at least on the surface, it meant Koreans were treated as Japanese, although in reality, the Japanese rule was still just oppression for Koreans.

“We’ve already divided Manchuria between us. Given our position of having to deal with those European communists, frankly, it’s the judgment of our Duma that we hope Japan can take good care of Asia.”

The Russian ambassador casually hinted to Ishiwa Kanji, following the directives of his homeland.

Russia acknowledges Japan’s management of Asia.

Russia sees Japan as a partner in Asia.

Moreover, the sentiment between the countries has completely flipped compared to the time of the Russo-Japanese War.

Of course, within Russia, there were those basking in nationalistic pride, believing they had restored Constantinople as the successor of Byzantium, thus being indifferent to Japan.

“That’s interesting.”

“Honestly, looking at France’s situation, I wonder if they can maintain French Indochina. As for British India, that’s a different story.”

“Is that so?”

Now that was a new bit of information.

So it seems Russia is keeping an eye on the situations of England and France.

Of course, being a European country, this was to be expected, but Ishiwa Kanji contemplated how this might align with their interests.

“Would the haughty British even be wary of Communist Germany and go so far as to support their reintegration?”


Ishiwa Kanji’s eyes sparkled.

Is that rumor really true? Was it just propaganda from Communist Germany?

If that claim is true, might we liberate French Indochina? Furthermore, could we reach as far as British India? This is truly fitting for the final war.

If America is currently divided, we could import resources from Russia and move southwards.

With the meeting with the Russian ambassador done, Ishiwa Kanji sought out Kita Ikki, who could be considered the leader of the Imperial Way Faction.

“Just as expected, Russia is favorable towards Japan.”

“Hmm, though I’m not sure if that’s a good thing.”

Kita Ikki shook his head hesitantly.

He’d pushed aside figures like Araki Sadao and Masaki Jinzaburo to lead the Imperial Way Faction, but he felt uneasy.

“Anyway, if we’re aiming for racial harmony, isn’t this correct? Now, we need to get the emperor’s approval and return all powers back to him.”


Kita Ikki (Kita Terujiro) had a nonchalant expression.

That’s only natural since Kita Ikki aligned with Ishiwa Kanji but had always opposed advancing into China.

Originally, the goals of Ishiwa Kanji, who sought to position the emperor as a true divine sage, and Kita Ikki who viewed the emperor as a tool for achieving his ideals, could never align.

However, in the case of contingencies…

The Russian empress, in whatever scheme she had, must recognize that the emperor, being human, could naturally die from shells and bullets.

The Russian empress had established the National Duma, but in reality, it was nearly self-governing.

Kita Ikki seemed to be leading with the emperor in the forefront but was clearly attempting to manipulate things from behind.

Kita Ikki’s and Ishiwa Kanji’s mutual understanding stemmed from their common goal of transforming the emperor into the sage of Asia through war, while Kita Ikki aimed to pursue his own ideals and politics under the emperor’s visage.

“Yeah. Only until that time.”

If, by chance, the emperor died in the war, Kita Ikki could then use that to realize his own vision.

Of course, the Imperial Way Faction needs to secure power firmly before that, though.

* * *

London, England

While grilling Edward deliciously, Churchill found it hard to conceal his shock one day.

The death of Franklin Roosevelt, KFC, MacArthur’s military government, and Huey Long’s Confederate States of America.

Churchill was grasping his temple at the news that England supported the Confederate States.

Isn’t the Confederate States a disgraceful “honorary red” government attempting to conspire with the multiracial Communist Party found in America, known as KFC?

Sure, if you delve into the details, Huey Long was orchestrated into this mess when MacArthur backstabbed him and took over Kentucky before he could settle urgent matters, but that was a trivial issue for Churchill.

“Why did you decide to support Huey Long’s Confederate States, Minister?”

“Our British Empire is a democratic nation. It seems more appropriate to support legitimately Huey Long’s Confederate States than MacArthur’s military regime, doesn’t it?”

“Ha. Why not say it plainly that you’re supporting the opposing faction of where Russia is backing? Trying to cleverly draw advantage using the French situation, huh.”

Since when did the British Empire start to consider such things to benefit its national interests?

Without dragging France into it, Britain would have practically been a loner.

Did they really think they could afford to be toyed by Russia anymore?

“Are you a member of the National Duma in Russia, Churchill? Or does your ancestry go back to a Russian?”

“Wh-what? Well, if so, doesn’t that make you an honorary KFC for supporting Huey Long, who’s hand in hand with those black reds?”

Such childish remarks shouldn’t fit this discussion, but the audacity of a pseudo-red transforming himself into that Russian was indeed enough to make even Churchill’s blood boil.

“Mr. Churchill!”

“With this opportunity, wouldn’t it be better to discuss sending troops to North America to reclaim the colonies of our great Empire instead of quietly supporting the Confederate States? Why not suggest everyone bite their tongues and commit suicide instead?”

Even though Churchill had supported bullion, it didn’t mean he favored Russia.

The Russian empress had also supported Churchill as needed, and he too was utilizing Russia.

However, supporting the Confederate States, which had once aided Communist Germany, while joining hands with KFC was evidently a significant problem in many ways.

The frogs might have supported the Confederate States, fearing a communist or military revolution, but the British Empire should not have done so.

“Realistically, do you think that’s feasible?”

Of course, it was impossible.

With the management of the colonies already strained, there was no way they could muster the resources to send an army to America.

But at least it was far more nutritious than supporting those red Confederate States.

“It’d be much better than supporting reds. This is an opportunity to either intervene and restore the American colonies or establish a puppet state to reclaim the dominance we lost to them!”

“Supporting Huey Long’s government cannot be done simply as per Russia’s wishes! We’re barely holding our own in mainland defense! So stop the nonsense!”

Churchill trembled with frustration at the frail display of parliament.

To be in this position and refuse to support the Confederate States simply due to defiance against Russia was ridiculous.

Indeed, things should not have gone this way.

Only he could restore greatness to the British Empire.

* * *

Russia is busy.

The National Duma is diligently working hard today to bolster Russia’s national power for the sake of the “Second World War.”

To prepare for war, the pace of Russia’s development was incredibly rapid.

And as usual, I am grading papers.

Perhaps Stalin of the Soviet Union was lazier than I am?

No, while purging his political rivals, he was probably busier than me.

For me, power isn’t something I’m interested in anyway, given I am merely an heir to K. I don’t bother with what the members of the Duma do among themselves.

However, I am continuously monitoring external developments.

“Looks like the King’s Party, including Churchill, is fiercely criticizing Baldwin’s cabinet for supporting the Confederates.”

As I was grading in real-time during the Duma session, Boris Savinkov submitted a report.

“That’s surprising. I thought even Churchill would support the Confederates for the sake of national interests, despite our little help.”

Honestly, I thought Churchill would have taken the opportunity to incense us by supporting the Confederates.

Surprisingly, only Baldwin’s cabinet stood behind the Confederates.

“The problem is that they’ve mentioned reclaiming the old American colonies in the process.”

“Oh. That lunatic.”

To talk about reclaiming America through the power of the British.

Well, I commend the ambition. Truly a person worthy of being called an imperialist.

Honestly, when else is America this divided?

Moreover, considering the neutrality of the west, Britain might have a shot at a nibble.

“What the king said had reached such a level.”

Ah, I slipped and cursed during the Duma.

But then again, is it reasonable to think that way?

Even if they manage to secure naval dominance, given Britain’s current strength, is it feasible to conquer America?

“Cough, realistically, don’t you think Britain could have difficulty concentrating its power back home after abandoning all its colonies to aim for America?”

I cleared my throat and stated it thus with difficulty.

“Yes. How about the ones who are struggling with Communist Germany? But at least for not supporting the Confederates, I think it’s commendable.”

Yeah. That’s commendable.

No matter what, I still feel a bit off about it. That Churchill guy. If his ambitions are larger than expected, he might become a nuisance against Russia later.

No, at least for now, are there any problems?

It might be best to leave them be until colonial stabilization is achieved.

“Perhaps. It appears that Churchill’s King’s Party has taken the lead?”

“Yes. Churchill’s King’s Party is actively spreading the news of the cabinet’s failures all over Britain, causing a drop in support for the cabinet.”

“The conservative party is collapsing. How about France? Their alignment with Britain is truly unexpected. I wonder how things are within France.”

The issue is whether France will turn towards the Commune.

If they cross over to the Commune, a Germany-Italy-France alliance might form.

No matter how red they are, that is somewhat threatening.

Thus, we must prepare for the possibility that France might lean towards the German alliance.

“The Croix de Feu is criticizing the government, calling for support for MacArthur, while the Commune side is at least quiet for now.”

The Croix de Feu should be viewed as a fascist entity, to some extent.

Is Larocque aligned with French fascism?

But this time, supporting the Confederates appears to come close to targeting the Commune.

“Hm. Then, we can interpret that the French government has endorsed the Confederates to appease the Commune.”

To pacify the Commune.

Since Huey Long, who attempted to compromise with KFC, leads the Confederates, it would make sense for the Commune to favor the Confederates.

If they are cautious of the Commune, this could be quite dangerous.

Wouldn’t it be nice if the Croix de Feu could make another blunder?

Sure, what can I expect from someone like Elang, who had his head handed to him six weeks ago? That side should realize that no matter which regime comes to power, they will ultimately become enemies of Russia.

Time to focus on Japan.

What will happen to our Japan in the future is certainly an intriguing matter.

How far will Japan’s ambitions reach? It’s something Russia needs to keep in check.

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