Chapter 164

* * *

Around this time, KFC, which had emerged as a new force of communism, was up to some new tricks.

For now, KFC wasn’t in a situation to rise up, so they didn’t engage in armed struggle.

Then, they were behaving in the usual communist way.

In that case, there was only one way to create chaos in this situation.

“First, let’s support the White House.”

“If we do this, if the reform is successful, those Yankees might hunt us down.”

“Just wait and see. The current American society is in extreme chaos. There are bound to be those opposed to Huey Long. Isn’t it known among comrades that the main ethnicity of KFC is Black?”

KFC issued a statement supporting the White House from Kentucky.

Of course, this was due to Trotsky’s calculations, knowing that the factions opposing Huey Long would team up with communists to cry out against him.


There were those who were not happy with Huey Long’s reforms.

Chief of Staff Douglas MacArthur.

He trembled in anger, his hands shaking, as he read on the front page that Huey Long had allied with the communist KFC.

“Ha, isn’t this ultimately collusion with the communists? That damn KFC or Kentucky Fried Chicken or whatever. We must catch them! These guys are just Reds pretending to be KFC! Even the Empress of Russia pushed through reform while killing all the Reds!”

Earlier, MacArthur had suspected KFC was behind the Great Depression based on the Empress of Russia’s radio broadcasts, and he believed this theory had been confirmed when the White House allied with KFC.

Furthermore, Huey Long was pushing his policies dogmatically.

Wasn’t he just like that Secretary of the Communist Germany?

Isn’t this a case of honor Reds?

At that moment, a thought suddenly crossed MacArthur’s mind.

“Ah, I get it. It’s certain. KFC is trying to seize the White House. In that case, I must act first.”

Before the White House could push through Huey Long’s New Deal policy, MacArthur mobilized the military.

“Sir! The Chief of Staff has mobilized the army!”

“Why on earth!”

Huey Long had to flee south to avoid the unexpected coup.

Thus, in the North, MacArthur’s Military Government was established, while in the South, Huey Long’s Confederate States government was formed with the support of Southern entrepreneurs.

* * *

A major incident finally erupted in the United States.

Douglas MacArthur expelled Huey Long from the White House, who was attempting to collaborate with KFC for radical reforms.

And immediately, a military government was established.

Shockingly, just before this, Roosevelt had been assassinated, and now another major event had unfolded.

Does this make any sense? Is this how plausible a world is supposed to be?

“Douglas MacArthur established a Military Government? How on earth?”

Wait, were there no Bonus Army?

No, could it be that the Bonus Army was absorbed by KFC? If so, things were getting fishy.

“Do you know about the Bonus Army?”

I casually inquired to Boris Savinkov, who had submitted the report from the Okhrana American branch.

“Yes. It’s an organization of impoverished veterans in America, isn’t it? I believe they stopped protesting due to KFC’s intervention.”

I see. So they ended up dragging veterans into this after all.

KFC supporting Huey Long’s White House; I doubt Trotsky genuinely backed them; it was probably a calculated move.

As expected of Trotsky. He anticipated that the communists and those opposing Huey Long would rise up.

If America splits like this, it would be easier for KFC to rise.

As the conflict between Huey Long and MacArthur divides the nation, the only ones who would suffer would be the people, resulting in an increase in those joining KFC.

“Huey Long has reportedly moved south and established the Confederate States government.”

It’s said he formed a government to oppose MacArthur with the support of the South. Thus was born the Confederate States.

Honestly, I wasn’t picturing anything as extreme as a Civil War, just hoping Trotsky would annoy America a little.

But things escalated more than I expected.

So, KFC, the Military Government, and the Confederate States are going to clash?

“Hm. This is not good.”

Wouldn’t this lead to a three-way conflict including KFC?

Wow, things are turning out weirder than I thought.

So MacArthur established a Military Government. Hmm. What’s MacArthur’s support base like?

Huey Long’s camp accepted KFC’s proposals for handling the Great Depression, right?

“However, MacArthur’s Military Government still has a weak support base. They are proclaiming anti-communism, so there’s unlikely to be any collaboration with KFC.”

“Then surely, they need to find a way to resolve the Great Depression. Otherwise, MacArthur’s Military Government could crumble easily.”

According to the report, Huey Long’s policies seem to receive enthusiastic support except for the American privileged class.

The issue lies in the fact that MacArthur, who is in opposition, has risen.

If this continues, MacArthur might sabotage KFC. So what could the Great Depression measures be?

“MacArthur’s government isn’t thoughtless either. He proposed moving towards modified capitalism, referencing our Russian Republic.”

Oh, so he plans to follow our example, huh?

If he aims to, then there will definitely be solid measures for dealing with the Great Depression.

He can address the Great Depression without siding with KFC or dismissing the communists.

Rather than teaming up with KFC, MacArthur seems inclined to collaborate with us.

Moreover, with the current image that the communists are following Russia, it might not be a bad thing for MacArthur.

“Hmm. I see.”

“Furthermore, it’s reported that the MacArthur government has mobilized troops to pass various laws, including the abolition of the gold standard and the passage of securities laws.”

Got it. The report contains plenty of details, so I can understand.

Or rather, Huey Long is likely doing something similar.

The only two differences are that he is collaborating with KFC and has a grip on the military.

Additionally, Huey Long was chased out before he could do anything.

I don’t quite get why all this is happening.

Well, it could be possible if I went there personally or learned the situation.

Huey Long was indeed a radical enough character to get cut off by Roosevelt. So he worked to compromise with KFC and quickly sought to escape the Great Depression.

Originally, Herbert Hoover, his predecessor, was also devising measures to confront the Great Depression. In the original history, it was Roosevelt who inherited this and elevated it into the New Deal policy.

Huey Long, having pushed too hard, has brought about MacArthur’s discontent.

“We also believe we must support one side.”

“Huey Long was trying to team up with KFC, right?”


“In that case, we must bolster MacArthur’s Military Government.”

I don’t know how MacArthur’s Military Government will end up, but one thing for sure is, given the situation as it stands, a civil war seems inevitable.

Well, this is more than I wished for.

What I wanted was to toss a small stone into a lake to create ripples, but that stone turned out to be rather large and is now causing a mess.

To be precise, it’s that they’re now unable to deal with the Great Depression.

“So what happened with the investigation I asked you to conduct?”

“The Tuskegee syphilis experiments indeed existed.”

The Tuskegee syphilis experiment. I never thought that would come to light here as well.

Yes, only KFC existed. This KFC would not have influenced the Tuskegee syphilis experiment.

The syphilis experiments likely occurred the same way.

“Then, let’s spread it at an opportune moment.”

“At an appropriate time, you say?”

“Right now, Huey Long’s Confederate States claims to be the legitimate government of the United States, correct?”


Then, is there any reason to call it the Confederate States? It brings to mind the American Civil War. Did the Southerners create this?

And with Trotsky added to the mix.

“Let’s create some noise and stir up the civil war at the right time.”

If this gets out, Trotsky would use it to rise up.

Ultimately, it would accelerate the onset of civil war.

“At an appropriate time, when do you think would be best to let it out?”

I drum my fingers on the table and contemplate.

Indeed, this is a bit of a variable.

This current Trotsky incident is escalating beyond my expectations.

If a civil war were to break out right now, it would be a bit difficult for us too.

Although there’s no need to blow up Tuskegee for now, judging by the current state, it feels like a civil war is imminent. It would be better if we were somewhat prepared first, but how can we proceed?

It’s best to discuss this in the National Duma.

* * *

“The president-elect Roosevelt has been assassinated in America.”

At my words, the Duma was thrown into chaos.

After all, the president of America had been assassinated.

What kind of nation is America? The richest country in the world that turned the tide of great wars.

Additionally, it helped beat the Bolsheviks during the Russian Civil War with overwhelming provision.

Given such a country, it’s no surprise the Duma would be in uproar.

“Ha. American society will be thrown into chaos.”

The president was assassinated during the Great Depression.

This was something that never existed. There had been attempts on his life, but Roosevelt hadn’t died.

As for Huey Long, it seems he’s the one who gets assassinated, but initially, Governor Long had now risen to president.

“The newly inaugurated Huey Long attempted to handle the Great Depression by trying to team up with KFC, but was chased south by a coup led by Douglas MacArthur, the anti-communist Chief of Staff, resulting in the establishment of a military government by MacArthur and the formation of the Confederate States government by Long centering on Southern figures.”

Boris Savinkov explained directly to the Duma members.

The American Military Government, the Confederate States, KFC. It doesn’t seem like there’ll be more added to this. Nevertheless, the Duma likely didn’t expect this.

No matter how uninformed one is, the White Army generals and the Southern Russian government negotiating with America clearly understood its power.

“This means it’ll turn into a three-way conflict.”

“Your Majesty, you must have sent Trotsky to America just to see this unfold.”

Why am I getting such a backhanded compliment here?

I feel unjust. I certainly didn’t send him to expect this.

I never thought things would blow up like this.

“I didn’t really plan on this, but I suppose it could have happened.”

“We must be prepared to intervene in the civil war at any time.”

That’s right. We must always be ready to intervene in America.

“Yes. If Trotsky’s KFC is the only enemy, that would be one thing. But now KFC, the Military Government, and the Confederate States all coexist at the same time.”

For all they said, if KFC rose up, it could be managed from the U.S. perspective.

But then that very America is also split in two.

In this case, Trotsky’s KFC could grow even stronger.

“May I ask the military? If a civil war breaks out in America, can we prepare to intervene?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. If we truly wish to engage in military intervention, it is certainly possible.”

That’s a relief.

If I were to give a suitably persuasive speech from the middle, then the Russian army could intervene for America’s sake.

Well, specifically, for the Military Government’s sake.

The Russian people likely want to help MacArthur, who follows Anastasia’s modified capitalism.

“I see. Given that America is divided like this, more people will join KFC. Eventually, it will lead to a three-way conflict.”

“In that case, wouldn’t it be better for the civil war to erupt a bit faster? If more time passes, Germany might offer to assist KFC.”

Could Germany really cross the Atlantic? It’s hard to say.

“Germany must first cross the Atlantic. Even if the U.S. is split into three pieces, the Navy will be held by either the Military Government or the Confederate States, so Germany’s crossing would be prevented.”

“However, it’s uncertain whether Americans will support MacArthur.”

“If they handle KFC and the Confederate States, which has partnered with KFC, and promise to hold elections to choose the president again after resolving the Great Depression, the support for MacArthur will increase, at least in the short term.”

Since they adopted our method, it shows a willingness to resolve the Great Depression.

MacArthur’s support base will likely grow stronger.

“Still, it’s remarkable that Douglas MacArthur would mention your name while proposing modified capitalism. Isn’t that a concept unique to you?”

What Ungern refers to is the idea of Anastasiaism.

Russia’s modified capitalism is known globally as Anastasiaism.

To the Roman Nationalist Party, it would appear that Douglas MacArthur was influenced by me to adopt modified capitalism.

This means that even those Russians who shout for Anastasia would hold positive feelings towards Douglas MacArthur.

In other words, aiding in the intervention of the civil war shouldn’t be too difficult.

“But we shouldn’t extend the hand first. For now, let’s just claim we support the American Military Government and keep an eye on the situation before casually throwing out comments.”


That alone should be sufficient.

If Douglas MacArthur perceives us as overly eager, it might put him off.

This kind of thing requires a push and pull.

“Trotsky will be under surveillance, right?”

“Yes. We have infiltrated the Okhrana into KFC, so we can assassinate Trotsky whenever needed.”

The Okhrana has been placed in KFC.

They’re prepared to take out Trotsky at any given time.

We could kill him right now, but since we’ve come this far, I’d prefer to see how the civil war plays out.