Chapter 160


The master of the Red Square, Aster, quietly closed his eyes with his two disciples in front of him.

It was already surprising enough that they had come together, but what he said next was even more shocking.

“Killing the Plague and Disease isn’t really that strange of a statement. It’s been a wish of humanity and the Square for decades.”

However, the fact that it had never been accomplished in so many years made it sound more like a joke.

He didn’t know what had sparked this change of heart, but he surely understood that it wasn’t going to be easy, yet he still felt the need to say it, which meant he probably had a plan.

And most likely, that plan was—

“Is it related to that existence?”

A serious voice flowed from Aster, not as a kind grandfather, but as a great mage.

That existence. A monster that could only be seen as a remnant but was certainly a symbol of menace that couldn’t be dismissed. He was sure it was involved. The reason why Hong Yu-ri brought it here was most likely tied to the extermination of Disease and Plague.


The immediate response without hesitation made Aster let out a long sigh. It wouldn’t be that simple. No, it likely wasn’t simple at all.


What on earth did they sacrifice to gain the cooperation of that ominous being? Or where on earth had such a being been hiding? Aster clenched his jaw as he closed his eyes tight. He set his emotions aside and calculated with the mind of a mage.

No matter what cost it took, he couldn’t let this opportunity slip by. Even if it meant sacrificing the life of one of his disciples or something equally significant. After all, this could be their last chance.

Ultimately, if they couldn’t stop the Plague and Disease, humanity would eventually be doomed.

Aster nodded heavily, and the expressions of Hong Yu-ri and especially Dorothy brightened up. If Aster, the Master of the Square, was helping, persuading the other squares wouldn’t be that hard.


As he passed the time talking with Baek So-yul, he waited for Hong Yu-ri to return. If nothing else, she was the only one who could persuade the mages of the Square.

And when night fully fell and Hong Yu-ri returned, the Wolf stared intently at her face. Just when he thought she had failed, her tired expression lit up with a grin, and he let out a small gasp of amazement.

To finish things in just two days was nothing short of impressive.

“Well, it’s not entirely over yet… but I think it should be fine.”

With a tone that seemed to suggest otherwise, the Wolf chuckled. If she was saying it like that, there probably wasn’t any issue. The only concern was still the Master of All Things. Just her existence. If she showed even a hint of dissent against Hong Yu-ri’s words, public opinion could flip in an instant. It was impossible to predict how she would act, and preparing a response wouldn’t be easy.

Of course, it would be best if such a thing didn’t happen… but still, she was an unreasonable existence in many ways. It was utterly impossible to know what she was thinking. Without the Square’s help, the fight wouldn’t even be possible. They couldn’t afford to make this whole journey a waste.

As the Wolf pondered, Hong Yu-ri nodded towards the second floor.

“By the way, did you hear?”


“That one. She’s going to join the Square soon.”

She must be talking about Baek So-yul. The Wolf silently listened to Hong Yu-ri’s words.

“The Purple Square… Are you okay with this?”

With a hint of concern in her voice, the Wolf nodded. The absence of chaos meant that the Butterfly of Covenant hadn’t perished.

What lay ahead was uncertain, but if the Butterfly of Covenant knew about the Master of All Things, it would be reassuring, especially since she was in a similar situation to Baek So-yul.

Yet, the question remained—why the Purple Square? He had thought she would follow her master into the Red Square.

“She was incredibly bold.”

At his question, Hong Yu-ri replied in disbelief. However, she was smiling, clearly liking her audacity.

“With the heir of the Purple Square vacant, she claimed it for herself.”

Upon hearing that, the Wolf couldn’t help but chuckle as well. Like master, like disciple. It seemed she was serious about her decision. It was true that the heir to the Purple Square had remained vacant since Agail’s death.

The path wouldn’t be easy. That also meant she would have to reach the pinnacle among all the mages of the Purple Square.

But if she was the one called a Witch, she wouldn’t find it impossible.

“But there’s something off about her. And what about the Fairy-type monster?”

Since they always hung out together, it seemed they were both concerned about the absence of the Fairy.

She said it was in molting and that it was taking time; Hong Yu-ri blinked.


Do dragons even do that? I’ve never heard of it… I thought after considering that they’re closer to reptiles, it might make sense, so Hong Yu-ri nodded absently. It wouldn’t do for the Wolf to overlook matters regarding the Fairy-type monster, so she must have handled it fine.

“So, is there any sign of the Plague and Disease moving?”

The magic of the Square’s mages had temporarily driven back the Plague, halting the advance of the troops. But that wasn’t the end of it. Although blocked by obstacles, the remnants of the Plague were still moving back towards where the army was stationed.

Even now, if he listened closely, the Wolf could distinctly hear sounds of gunfire like in a war.

The only fortunate thing was that during the last invasion, the response from the Indigo Square was quick enough that Tehran didn’t have to be completely abandoned.

“…I can see the Plague moving, but I can’t see the Disease.”

While he could capture the position of the injured Plague, the Wolf nodded at the mention of not being able to locate the Disease. Considering the nature of the Disease, that made sense.

Besides, in the worst-case scenario—they were anticipating when both would appear together—whether or not the Disease manifested didn’t change anything. If it didn’t, that was great; if it did, that was still fine. He just hoped the Square’s mages would cooperate, and the Wolf silently awaited that moment.


The words from the Red Square spread to the other squares as expected, and inevitably, the owner of this Floating Island became aware of it too. The girl perched on top—sitting on the roof—propped her chin up with one hand as she peered down below.

With a look that suggested boredom, she appeared oblivious to the scenes unfolding on the ground.

She had seen it countless times. Barbed wire and traps. Humans desperately setting up barricades and strongholds, firing guns and raining bombs, trying anything to stop the advance. She’d witnessed it so many times that she felt no emotion anymore, but the outcome was always the same.

This time, they wouldn’t stop it either.

And, they shouldn’t.

But he wouldn’t give up, as he always had. The ignorant hope would burn endlessly, hopelessly, until he became ash. Not even knowing what awaited at the end.

The current hope could not burn away the Plague and Disease. She had confirmed that he was still weak.

Though he had grown, confronting the Plague and Disease was far too early.

So ultimately, nothing would change. He would fail, and the Plague and Disease would continue their massacre.

Yeah. They surely wouldn’t stop it this time either. Many would die, and the Floating Island would drift further east.

Their struggles should remain just that—struggles.

Because they still needed more time.

But what if—if, by any chance, they really did make progress… perhaps. Just perhaps…

A fleeting hope gripped her.

So, she decided to simply watch.

To see just how far he could go.



Awoken by murmurs outside, Baek So-yul rubbed her eyes. Checking the time, it was still early… She could afford to catch a few more z’s, but she stretched and got out of bed. After all, today was the day she would head to the Purple Square, so it wouldn’t hurt to prepare in advance.

…Just thinking about how she was so close to parting ways with Alpha made her feel a bit melancholic.

Sometimes, she thought about wanting to be Perry. That way, she wouldn’t have to be apart from him… As she sighed and finished her rough preparations, Baek So-yul stepped outside to find an unexpected sight.

Hearing voices, she thought it must be her teacher and Alpha, but the person there wasn’t the red-haired girl. Instead, it was a tired-looking female mage she had never seen before, quietly sipping coffee as she sat across from Alpha, making her feel a little uncomfortable.

As she shook those unnecessary thoughts away, Alpha noticed her and waved a tentacle, causing Baek So-yul to wave back.

That scene struck her as surprisingly cute, making Baek So-yul smile. She knew she was being a bit ridiculous.

Following Alpha’s actions, the mage also turned her gaze toward her. Thinking she had never seen her before, she suddenly recognized her as Anela Morest—the mage from the Purple Square she had briefly met last time.

What could they have been talking about? The girl, desperately trying to hide her red-rimmed eyes and trembling voice, masked it all with a smile.

“Baek So-yul, right? I remember that name.”

Baek So-yul nodded.

“Yes, it is. Anela-nim.”

“You remembered me? That makes me happy. I heard you’re thinking of joining the Purple Square?”


With narrowed eyes, Anela let out a hum. She didn’t seem like the type to ask, but her answers were resolute.

Was she really someone who wouldn’t let a single opportunity slip? She truly appeared to be a disciple of the Crimson.

Of course, she had already heard the reasons behind her desire to join the Purple Square—to take the place of the heir… such a bold reason to have.

But it didn’t seem like a mere bluff. It looked like Baek So-yul had the talent for it. The vast amount of magic power coursing through her was not something one should possess at her age.

In truth, she might be lacking elsewhere, but in terms of magic power, they weren’t that far apart. Regardless of skill level, she had more than enough potential. Since they were the ones who sent out the love call, they had no reason to reject her joining. In fact, there was no reason not to.

As Anela nodded in agreement, she extended her hand in a gesture of acceptance.

“Alright. The Purple Square will welcome you. Let’s work well together.”

“……Thank you!”

As she bent her waist to shake hands, Anela wore a hidden smile. There was no need to go that far. It seemed she was definitely different from her master, Hong Yu-ri. While the Wolf watched, Anela eagerly welcomed her into the group, as the morning light began to brighten.
