Chapter 159
The third test’s Ban/Pick featured a showdown between Lucian and Ezreal.
Both champions are quite common in the current meta, and the lane match-up is less extreme than in the first game.
In other words, it could be seen as a relatively decent matchup for skirmishes.
‘And the supporter is…’
There are quite a few new faces among the hot supporters in the current meta. The spotlight falls on Amumu and Maokai.
Of course, some might argue what’s so new about Maokai, but throughout the long history of Legends of League, he has predominantly played in the top or jungle roles rather than as a supporter.
Anyway, statistically, the match-up favors Maokai significantly.
Maokai can poke from a distance using bush saplings, and his W allows for decent gank response, above all, he can push back Amumu’s engage.
On the other hand, the Lucian vs. Ezreal matchup slightly favors Lucian in a standard lane.
Thus, the decided bottom combo was Lucian and Amumu against Ezreal and Maokai.
– 30 seconds until minions spawn!
‘We might find out soon.’
Whether ShowMeTheAgal’s skills are real or fake.
ShowMeTheAgal picked up Lucian first.
The order didn’t matter since it would change in the next game, but what was important was that Lucian was ShowMeTheAgal’s most-played champion.
‘Alright, show me.’
– Minions have spawned!
Before the intense lane phase began, a fierce psychological battle ensued.
Without a jungler, starting the lane normally would mean losing to Maokai, who had saplings prepared in the bush at level 1, so they aimed to clear the saplings he planted.
‘At level 1, the Ezreal and Maokai combo is stronger.’
Due to the lack of an escape ability at level 1, the poke from the Ezreal and Maokai combo overwhelms Lucian and Amumu.
But whether he knew that or not, Lucian bravely moved forward, trusting only his footwork.
‘…Is that right?’
With confusion, the lane phase began.
Though started amidst many concerns, Lucian wasn’t foolish enough to take a hit from Ezreal’s Blind Q.
However, he still could not dodge the damage exchange Q from a legitimate trade.
As with all bottom lane phases, a fierce exchange erupted to hit level 2 first.
[⨷] [⨷] [⨷]
[ShowMeTheAgal(Lucian) designated 3 Min Top School Honorary Member(Ezreal)]
[ShowMeTheAgal(Lucian) designated 3 Min Top School Honorary Member(Ezreal)]
[ShowMeTheAgal(Lucian) designated 3 Min Top School Honorary Member(Ezreal)]
With fervent pings, Amumu’s bandage flew towards Ezreal, but Maokai stepped in to take the hit.
Yet, Amumu still had one bandage left to throw.
Timid Person 190’s Maokai seemed to anticipate even Amumu’s bandage, taking the second one on his body as well.
Now, the situation became simple.
Would the enemy Maokai die first? Or would our Lucian?
Honestly, the answer to that was already almost determined.
No matter how much Maokai was a supporter, he’s fundamentally a tanky melee champion.
And even if Lucian is a champion with short range, his survival isn’t comparable.
– First Blood!
– Our team was defeated!
– Enemy eliminated!
Lucian and Maokai died nearly simultaneously.
It was already obvious who took the bigger loss when an ADC and support die at the same time.
Still, it seemed too early to wrap up the third test, as Lucian and Maokai returned to lane to continue the skirmish.
With all three skills learned, the timing for Lucian to seize control against Ezreal was approaching.
However, lane phases are driven by the supporter.
Amumu is strong in skirmishes and gank assistance, but if no trades occur, the Ezreal and Maokai side obviously has the advantage.
Especially since GetBack was the mid laner, while the supporting Maokai was Timid Person 190.
In a situation where the support match-up is unfavorable, what will the ADC do?
ShowMeTheAgal’s answer was exceedingly simple.
– Our team was defeated!
…What happened?
There wasn’t a particularly enticing trade from the enemy.
In effect, Lucian attempted a forced trade, throwing himself into Maokai and dying for it.
In short, Lucian threw the game.
[All][ShowMeTheAgal(Lucian): GG]
‘……Wasn’t Lucian supposed to be his most played?’
I don’t get it.
The more I watch, the less I understand what he’s up to.
If his most played is like this, I can’t even imagine what the bottom-tier Ezreal must look like.
…It should have been normal to expect that.
– First Blood!
– Enemy eliminated!
In the fourth game, where they swapped combinations, he succeeded in getting a kill against Lucian using Ezreal.
What the heck?
What are you even doing?
I, unable to contain my curiosity, asked GetBack what exactly happened between the third and fourth games.
[GetBack: Well…]
[GetBack: Amumu support was throwing a fit and just feeding.]
This primitive caveman!
There are those ADCs who, when a new support pick comes up, refuse to accept it and clinging to their past, forcing only the picks they know.
For them, champion tiers and whatever are irrelevant. If it’s not to their liking, then it’s just a troll.
ShowMeTheAgal was a perfect example of such.
‘Maokai has been used as a supporter for a while, hasn’t he?’
Or maybe it’s just that Maokai as a champion has a long history in itself, leading to this attitude.
What a narrow mindset.
Yet it’s unfortunate that despite that mindset and a critical lack of understanding of Legends of League, ShowMeTheAgal had something that none of the ADCs I had seen so far possessed.
‘Pure skill.’
This so-called physical skill combines the sensory ability for damage trading and essential positioning as an ADC.
Despite countless shortcomings, ShowMeTheAgal had that ability.
There is such a thing as talent.
And within that talent, some things can be taught, while others can’t.
If so, is ShowMeTheAgal’s shortcoming something that can be corrected or not?
I already knew the answer.
The judgment scale began to tilt slowly.
In the fifth test, ShowMeTheAgal picked Kalista.
A champion that boasts monstrous lane power, but isn’t particularly high tier in the current meta.
In that regard, it’s honestly not the best choice for an ADC who needs to participate in qualifiers a month later.
But because of that, it raises expectations.
The champion chosen by the 3 Min Top School Honorary Member was Kai’Sa.
While Kalista is somewhat advantageous in lane, statistically, this pick isn’t particularly great or bad against Kalista.
It’s a true 50-50 match-up.
The supporters for both teams were seemingly chosen simultaneously with Ruler and Yuumi picked.
ADC: Kalista / Kai’Sa
Support: Ruler / Yuumi
With this, the ADCs’ influence became relatively stronger than in previous games where the support’s role was crucial.
A Challenger top laner and a Dia ADC.
In many ways, it was a game to watch.
‘Well, that’s not what’s important.’
What’s important is whether ShowMeTheAgal’s talent is truly real.
– Welcome to Summoner’s Rift!
The game has begun.
Kalista’s lane prowess is well-known to all.
But she’s also a champion that requires a certain level of skill.
ShowMeTheAgal consistently pressured the enemy lane based on Kalista’s unique powerful laning abilities.
With no jungler and Yuumi being the enemy support, there was no reason to hold back the push.
Push, push, push.
Eventually unable to withstand the harassment, Kai’Sa dashed in, but the result was disastrous.
– First Blood!
– Enemy eliminated!
[All][TimidPerson190(Yuumi): GG]
The sixth test commenced.
This time, Timid Person 190 picked Thresh.
It seemed he judged that a supportive type like Yuumi simply couldn’t win.
And that plan worked perfectly.
– First Blood!
– Our team was defeated!
Thus, the fifth and sixth lane tests concluded.
The result was 1:1.
The first game was won by ShowMeTheAgal’s team, and the second by Timid Person 190’s team.
‘……Looks like they’re really taking this seriously.’
Up until now, Timid Person 190 had played the games relatively casually.
But in the final lane test, it felt like he was showing true dedication.
A mere Dia ADC managed to draw out the genuine effort of a supporter I had acknowledged.
‘…It’s almost there.’
Now all that’s left is the 5v5 test.
This can be seen as the real test.
No matter how important lane ability is in the current meta, the lane phase with a jungler and other teammates differs from that without.
[Outlaw: I’ll go right away.]
Alright, show me.
Is your ADC truly the person I think they are?