Chapter 1550


전생검신 87권 20화

What the heck? What was the enlightenment that blocked the Sword Saint Ajidahaka’s Divine Skill?

I had a hunch about that being, but I couldn’t wrap my head around what exactly it was. Since I blocked the Divine Skill, it stands to reason that it was some sort of enlightening concept, but here I was completely clueless about its essence. How absurd is that?

‘Soul of the Evil God? Nah… I didn’t activate that at all.’

Even if I had used the Soul of the Evil God unconsciously, the opponent’s Divine Skill packs a monumental punch that such a feeble manifestation couldn’t possibly block. No matter how great the Soul of the Evil God is, it’s just not enough to counter the raging force of the Divine Skill.

Yet no matter how hard I thought, I couldn’t recall ‘what’ I possessed. Lost in thought, Ajidahaka chimed in.

[Need some time to think?]


[Instead of wasting time, let’s talk with our swords!]


Out of nowhere, Ajidahaka unleashed a colossal Divine Technique and charged at me, swinging his sword head-on. I expected another swing of the Divine Skill, but to my surprise, at that moment, he released an onslaught of sword energy, unlike anything I had seen before.

Argeldo, the Sword Emperor, Immortal Outer Thousand Machines

Fifth Style, Five Hundred and Fifty-Eighth Move

Ink-Wiping Dragon Slayer


I calmly read the intent of the sword path aimed at my left side, realizing his Absolute Slash was targeting my left side. Instinctively, I attempted to parry, but as I sensed the [flow], I was flustered.


After a moment of hesitation, instead of going left, I turned my body to the right and swung my sword. Normally, that would have meant wildly swinging at nothing in the air, but the next moment was astonishing.


I successfully blocked Ajidahaka’s first move! However, that small delay meant I couldn’t channel my intent fully into my strike, so I couldn’t withstand the powerful aura, likened to the Ink Dragon, emanating from his sword and was sent flying back, bouncing through the pages.

‘Ugh. My arm’s tingling…’

I grimaced slightly in pain, and Ajidahaka spoke.

[Impressive. In my entire life, there have been hardly three who have properly blocked this technique…]


[Have you truly become accustomed to reading the flow itself instead of relying solely on intent…?]

“……You seem to enjoy pulling off tricks like that, especially with that earlier attack and your deceitful moves.”

I spat out the words.

“Who would have thought that there was a technique in the Absolute Realm capable of fooling even one’s intent…?”

This was truly a first for me. Luring out an opponent’s flaw using phantom moves is basic swordplay, but Ajidahaka’s attack executed a genuine intent that had existed just moments before, only to strike from the opposite direction. Unlike other sword techniques that deceive visible ‘phenomena,’ Ajidahaka’s recent Absolute Slash manipulated the very essence of intent—it was a technique of a completely different dimension. What principle was it woven from? I couldn’t even begin to guess; it was some high-level mystery.

‘Without the ability to read [flow], I would have undeniably fallen victim to this attack.’

How could one create an intent that is ‘present while not present’?

To think it could even completely deceive the Absolute Realm—that was beyond my expectations.

Ajidahaka relaxed and let his sword hang.

[This technique was devised by my ancestors with the presumption of facing other Absolute Realm masters. There used to be quite a few experts in that age.]

“……? Ancestors?”

[Indeed. I hadn’t planned on revealing this, but I shall do so as a mark of respect.]


Ajidahaka used his aura to form a sound-blocking shield before speaking softly.

[The Sword Emperor’s Immortal Outer Thousand Machines is an Absolute Realm technique that has been passed down by the Sword Saint of the Universe, the Argeldol [Style] experts through generations.]


I widened my eyes at those words.


Transmission implies that it has been handed down through generations. I mulled over the meaning of that statement, and after a moment, I realized and blurted out in disbelief.

“Are you saying there’s an Absolute Realm specialized in receiving techniques of the same sect…?”

[That expression is inaccurate. From the First Generation to the present, all of us transmit a single will. Within that grand lineage, each of us becomes a branch, creating our personal martial world, passing that will down to the next generation.]

“Is that really possible? That sounds more like a supernatural ability than martial arts!”


Seeing me flustered, Ajidahaka remained silent for a moment before speaking again.

[Our clan—the Argeldol [Style]—originally consisted of experts in supernatural abilities and magic. Yet, when we encountered a Martial God during the cosmic awakening, we were inspired by his mighty martial prowess, choosing to abandon all existing supernatural abilities and focus solely on martial arts.]


You met the Martial God…?

[We have practiced martial arts for an extremely long time… However… we found no end in sight, feeling as though even our thousands of years of life seemed insufficient. Thus, we ended up beseeching the Martial God to impose restrictions on our own martial lineage.]

Ajidahaka’s eyes suddenly sparkled.

[In exchange for completely losing all latent supernatural abilities in our bloodline, we’ve been granted the ability to inherit the Absolute Realm…!!]


[Thus began the Sword Emperor’s Immortal Outer Thousand Machines, and we, at the Divine Seat, have maintained a single inheritance throughout generations. Each generation perfects and develops their own unique technique, recording it under the name Immortal Outer Thousand Machines. That’s what we’ve continued to pass down…].


Ajidahaka’s sword lunged straight at me. The intent radiating from it felt incredibly intense, like a raging flame.

[We have reincarnated over thousands of generations, cultivating our martial skills in the singular pursuit of reaching the Martial God, and we, Argeldol [Style], can proudly declare ourselves the ancestors of martial arts.]


[Baek Woong! Can your martial prowess surpass the weight of our title as the Sword Saint?]

In that instant, I felt utterly speechless.

‘…If what he says is true, then they’ve been honing their martial arts for… hundreds of millions of years…’

To think a clan like this existed!

I was momentarily dazed at the reality of the Sword Emperor’s Immortal Outer Thousand Machines. I had never imagined a lineage so utterly devoted to martial arts could thrive.

And at the same time, I couldn’t help but consider the question.

Am I truly as serious about martial arts as they are?

Absolutely not. I make resolutions, contemplate, and strive for that desire only in this one lifetime.

In contrast to that clan’s relentless pursuit across thousands of generations, my aspirations pale in comparison.


After a silence, I slowly opened my mouth.

“I still haven’t reached the level of seriousness that you all possess. Though I yearn to meet the Martial God one day, my current resolve is simply to save the world as a reborn individual.”

[Is that so?]

“But… that doesn’t mean my heart for martial arts is shallow.”


I met Ajidahaka’s extended sword with my own as I continued.

“I don’t know where you aspire to reach. It’s likely a level far beyond what I can even imagine at this point. And I’m fully aware that while I consider martial arts a means to save the world, it won’t aid me in discovering the path shown by the Martial God.”


“But even considering martial arts with that purpose aside… I’m not training to become a Martial God like you guys.”

[Then why are you practicing martial arts? For power?]

“No. It’s not like that.”

I refuted Ajidahaka’s statement and paused to take a breath.

Then I said.

“I practice… because I find it fun.”

At my words, Ajidahaka looked at me in surprise.



[You’re telling me you’re challenging the limits of martial arts with such a trivial mindset? I can’t believe it.]

“……I’m sorry for being trivial. But that’s just how it is.”

I smiled bitterly.

“I’ve thought about it endlessly. Why do I cling to martial arts so eagerly, despite having zero talent…? I wondered hundreds of thousands of times in the training world what the point was when I would never be able to surpass Jin So-cheong.”


“I thought and thought, but no answer came. Yet… after all that, I’d mindlessly move my body, train, and… it became enjoyable.”


For a moment, the sound of swords clanged. In that instant, I felt Ajidahaka’s aura shift.

[Hmm… ]

I knew why Ajidahaka was making that noise. He didn’t want to hear my rambling any longer and intended to resume the battle through a wordless exchange, but right before he could make his first move, I successfully read the [flow] and got the jump on him.

It may have seemed unremarkable, but at our level, just being preempted by the first move means a drastic shift in the ongoing battle, forcing Ajidahaka to pause. And honestly, I wasn’t even sure why I managed to suppress Ajidahaka beforehand.

I continued.

“No matter how hard I try, I know I can never match the geniuses. But knowing that, I’m not about to just chase after the Martial God’s shadow or conform myself to fit that image. I shall simply… pursue what I find enjoyable.”

[Those are words one might not expect from a master of martial arts. They sound as naive as a beginner wielding a sword… ]

“What’s wrong with sounding like a beginner? Why does it have to be so serious when learning martial arts? Why am I not allowed to enjoy it?”

In that moment, my emotions boiled over.

“Is it so wrong to enjoy it just because I lack talent?!”



The sound of swords clashing again resonated. This time, because I had succeeded in my counterattack, I took a step forward, while Ajidahaka took a step back.

With that, it was clear.

I had achieved the ability to read [flow] from the realm of the unconscious without even realizing it.

Ajidahaka, who had been staring at me, spoke.

[Even so, you will reach the Divine Realm’s White Seat someday. You will come face to face with the Martial God. It is impossible for anyone who has met the Martial God to harbor no sense of awe towards him.]

“……Is it that significant?”

[You will understand when you meet him. That being is… ]

As Ajidahaka seemed to want to say something, he suddenly closed his mouth. After a moment of silence, he spoke again.

[If you, as a master, do not wish to become a Martial God someday, then what do you want to become? Speak, Baek Woong!!]


What do I want to become?

Those words resonated deeply within me.

For all this time, I had just pursued [goals], never really made a resolution about what I wanted to become. Especially since I lacked talent, I had only contemplated on simply becoming an expert. But now that I’ve reached a level among the notable masters, it was time to decide what height I would aim for, and if the Sword Saint—a master of the Divine Realm—was asking, I had to provide an answer.

‘Sword God? Sword God, huh…’

Now that I think of it, there is the Sword God Kamizumi Nobutsuna down on Earth. Sure, Nobutsuna is a hundred times weaker than Ajidahaka, so comparison doesn’t truly hold, but I can’t help but feel the title “Sword God” is a bit more commonplace than I thought.

Is there something cooler and more magnificent?

After a brief moment, I found myself speaking without even realizing it.

“Sword God.”


I deflected Ajidahaka’s sword with my own, sending a clear sound ringing through the air. Ajidahaka stumbled back, unable to withstand my momentum, taking three steps back.

I shouted, imbued with my intent.

“At the very least, I will become a God of the Sword in terms of swordsmanship!!”

That should be enough to finally defeat Jin So-cheong!
