Chapter 15

The Sky Realm acquires points to assist the Current Realm’s Nirvana.

The Current Realm gains points to expedite Nirvana time.

This is Fiore’s system to prevent excessive influence from one side.

It’s a loss if the opposing Sky Realm gains points and descends to the Current Realm, only to die after a forced engagement.

However, it’s not an accident.

It’s the intentional flow of the game system.

If the opposing Sky Realm descends and no harm occurs during a confrontation between a few versus many, it’s a commendable play.

If successful, the Sky Realm teammates hear things like “Nice” or “Good job.” Thanks to this, the voided Sky Realm can breathe a little easier.

Conversely, it’s an accident if our Sky Realm comes down and ends up dying.

This goes against the game system.

And players refer to that as a super play.

It’s rare for Fiore’s game to have an “unbeatable gap,” but if such an event occurs, winning the confrontation becomes a bit tougher. To turn things around, the opposing side needs comparable super plays or several situation wins.

Furthermore, if they manage an annihilation, both sides gain a significant advantage.


Local (Sky Realm/Archer): ???? What’s going on?

Stagnant (Sky Realm/Warrior): What is this, what did you do?

Anywhere Door (Sky Realm/Swordman): Nice!

Breathe Heavy (Sky Realm/Wizard): Aah, we can win like this!


As the phrase ‘Triple Kill’ lifted into the air, the teetering Cactus (Sky Realm) allies regained their morale.

At 8 minutes, the Current Realm Fighter and Current Realm Priest’s Nirvana points surpassed 80%.

If they catch the descended Sky Realm and achieve an annihilation, additional Nirvana points stack up. This is Fiore’s reward system.

Even with the absence of one enemy in the Sky Realm, they benefited during the resurrection wait time. This allowed them to gain various buffs based on the victorious confrontation.

After that, various confrontations occurred.

Thanks to the initial annihilation’s impact, the game progressively became more tangled.

As a result, the once-tilted victory turned to an easy grasp.

– Enemy defeated.

– Double Kill!

“Nice~ Our team’s fighter is so good~”



Lol, they’re grinning like that, haha.

The Current Realm support is playing so comfortably; they just need to glide around and carry.

The team’s morale was sinking just moments ago.

Suddenly their expressions brightened; I feel like I want to smash something…

That fighter is really good!


“But hey, everyone. Is that person really a fighter by trade?”

The Cactus, feeling a bit more at ease, asked.


The change of title is infuriating too.

Yeah, they’re one-champ.

If you check their record, they’ve only been a fighter.

Damn, you said that, but they’re a Garbage Fighter One-Champ.

Looking at the account level, seems like a secondary character.

This guy really goes mental and doesn’t check the chat.


That fighter’s record donated 1,000 won.

Looking at that fighter’s record is hilarious, hahaha, they flopped and won; when they failed, the game time was all cut short by five minutes.


“Really? Wow… well, seeing the plays makes sense…”

The Priest loosely waved his arms forward while answering.


Ooh is donating 1,000 won.

But it is really a unique playstyle; they have the heart of a beast. I’ve never seen someone use parrying like that.


“Wow, that’s true. Exactly what I was thinking. When did that parry become area-effect? Oh, 5 stacks? Wow… So they aim for an area parry while dodging skills and use them late? And the enhanced parry judgment shouldn’t be that lenient, right?”


But I’ve only seen successful area parries by chance.

If it’s two in a row, is that calculated?

It really reminds me of the old Kima era.

Seeing this makes me want to play a fighter too.

Once that YouTube video goes up, I’ll have to avoid solo queue for a while.


After that, the game was won easily. The fighter who quickly rose to Nirvana wrecked the Sky Realm repeatedly, wrapped in all kinds of buffs, annihilating the Sky Realm four or five times. Sunlight burst forth time and again. Each time, the enemies fell instantly.

The demoralized enemy team clicked surrender at 15 minutes.

“Nice!! Damn! Had we dropped again, I might truly have quit Fiore… Really… I need to type in the chat. Wow…”


If the demotion defense succeeds, it’s boring, but this time it was fun.

YouTube is going to be sweet for sure.


Cactus (Current Realm/Priest): Thank you, Current Damage!

Cactus (Current Realm/Priest): I really appreciate the carry!

Cactus (Current Realm/Priest): I won’t forget this for a lifetime.

Moon Si-hyun (Current Realm/Fighter): Thank you ^^ This is my first master, so I don’t think I’ll ever forget it. Great job to you too.


“But why do you talk like that—What? You’re a master now? So you went from Fighter One-Champ to master? But I saw in the chat you were level 50.”


Yeah, that person was in promotion matches last game.

Wow, a master in fighters, hahaha.

So this is how you become a master with a fighter…


“Wow… I’ve never seen someone reach master with a fighter before. Oh, is there one master fighter? Oh, that person is not one-champ.”


Can we just edit today?

I’d agree, post the full video too.

This Current Realm stuff is so boring, yet it was fun with the fighter.



The Cactus surveyed the chat.

He wasn’t materialistic, but he was good at broadcasting.

The YouTube material had already presented itself, and he was considering how to make it even more entertaining.

Wondering if he should leave now, the Cactus quickly tapped the air keyboard.


Cactus (Current Realm/Priest): Hey, Fighter,

Cactus (Current Realm/Priest): Is this your main account?

Moon Si-hyun (Current Realm/Fighter): Yes, it is.

Cactus (Current Realm/Priest): So, do you only use this account? You don’t have others?

Moon Si-hyun (Current Realm/Fighter): No.


“Wow, damn…”

The Cactus facepalmed.


Talent disparity, damn, hahaha.

<< This is someone who hasn’t seen the light of day for 7 years.

This feels like reality hitting hard.

Maybe talent really matters in the game?

Cactus' theory of effort suffers another defeat, season 2390320. T.T


“Can this actually happen? Is this the first time in Fiore? Is that account really the main? Level 50?”


Cactus (Current Realm/Priest): This makes no sense;;

Cactus (Current Realm/Priest): Their physical skills are really insane.


"Wow, I want to duo with this person... But masters can’t duo anymore. Based on their playstyle, I think I might get a bit stressed, but anyway, they’re really good."

As the Cactus typed this, he started licking his lips while looking at the fighter's record.


Moon Si-hyun (Current Realm/Fighter): I’m not that physically skilled. It’s all brainpower.




Cactus (Current Realm/Priest): Huh?

Cactus (Current Realm/Priest): But you seem purely physically skilled.

Cactus (Current Realm/Priest): Brainpower 0, Physical 100.

Moon Si-hyun (Current Realm/Fighter): No, it's the opposite. Brainpower 100, Physical 0.

Moon Si-hyun (Current Realm/Fighter): Purely a brainpower powerhouse. I only play using my head.

Cactus (Current Realm/Priest): But then...

Moon Si-hyun (Current Realm/Fighter): It's brainpower.

Cactus (Current Realm/Priest): Ah... I see.


Giving up on the conversation, hahaha, damn.


Physical 0 (after repeatedly defeating enemies 2v2 or 2v3, I still win).

Regardless of speech or behavior, I know they’re not normal.

There wasn’t a single moment where brainpower was evident in chat…

I wonder if brainpower was visible before... hmmm…

Fighter evaluations, hahaha.


A somewhat strange conversation occurred, but it ended warmly.

The next day, a video appeared on the Cactus channel with 1.2 million subscribers.

The title was.

"The Mysterious Master Fighter Artisan."

That unrealistic title caught the attention of many, and the video's content created a tremendous sensation. Any community slightly mentioning Fiore was filled with discussions about that "Mysterious Master Fighter Artisan."

In particular, it was most mentioned and analyzed in the largest Fiore community, "Pazzk Minor Gallery."

Pazzk Minor Gallery


– The first Fighter One-Champ Master is born.jpg

(Photo of record search results for username ‘Moon Si-hyun,’ recent records, and a master icon included).



Wow, a One-Champ Master Fighter, hahahaha.

There’s really nothing impossible for humans.

Watching the Cactus live made me feel incredible.

I thought they were just a brute.

What if I found out that the former champion’s fighter was a diamond beater? D-d-d-d-d.

And that talk about diamond being a terrible match against pros is just for the lower tiers.

But can a pro become a Fighter One-Champ master?

Yeah, they probably could, but they probably wouldn’t.

They could, but even a pro couldn’t climb with that win rate, right? A former pro fighter got the master mission and only barely made it up with a 50% win rate and MMR bonus.

Pros sometimes mess around with fighters, but the comments reveal they’re just not that good.

That’s not the vibe at all.

(TOP-LE / Grandmaster) Not just anyone who happens to reach master with a fighter is thus talented in Fiore.

It’s clear that Moon Si-hyun is exceptionally skilled at being a fighter.

But then again, if they’re named Si-hyun, could they be female?

I’m named Si-hyun, and I’m a guy.

Si-hyun’s a name that can be used by both genders, but more males have it.

Damn, would there really be a Fighter One-Champ female?

Hahaha, think reasonably.


– The phenomenon of consecutive 3-person parries is totally nonsensical because this fighter character has skills that are equally terrible for both 0.5-second stagger with 1-stack parry and 1.5-second stagger with 2-stack parry and 2-second area stagger with 5-stack parry.

So excluding added damage, there’s no difference between 2-stack and 5-stack, so it’s practically meaningless to stack to 5-stacks.

Loading those stacks is nearly impossible, and the risk-return is just abysmal.

But what’s amazing about that fighter play is…

(The GIF of the fighter dodging skills from three opponents).

If you look closely, whether it’s blades, magic, or holy power coming in separately, they just dodge them.

(The GIF of the fighter parrying skills from three opponents simultaneously).

When it truly comes in at intervals of mere 0.X seconds, they react and perform the parry.

So they wait when it comes in separately and explode the skill when it arrives simultaneously.

Seeing them succeed in this twice in a row, it can’t just be luck.

For pure physicality, no one even matches that in pros.


You gotta be kidding me, hahahaha, are pros looking that bad?

You idiot, bring a pro who can match that in the diamond tier.

No, no, no, is it true that pros are just as mediocre in terms of reaction speed?

they’re just overall better abilities.

Those tier-specific traits: in pros, you imagine them as new types of lifeforms with insane reaction speed and ten times faster brain functioning.

Are you brain-dead? Then this person must be a pro, why’m I seeing this as some pathetic tie?

Hahaha, “Mastercream” “Mastercream” makes “Ma-dak” look so bad.

No, no, you’re the one who’s got no game sense. Looking at comments, it is evident they have a poor understanding of game operation yet have desperately climbed to master with insane physical skills.

No, no, it’s hilarious, haha, searching for that Cactus video or the fighter’s record to grasp the gist.

But are they really the same as their main?

Damn, we need to enforce tier designation.


Fiore Tournament Gallery

– So Pebby <<< Did this guy surpass that?

(Thumbnail of Cactus’ video).
That’s the 'Mysterious Master Fighter Artisan'.
Can Pebby, notorious among pros for being physically terrible, truly bring Cactus (who's only barely managed master with 3000 matches) into the fighter's master tier and create a surrender at the 15-minute mark?
Is that even possible? Big vote up.

No! Pebby would be dead; there's no chance he'd manage that. Vote down.

497 upvotes, 314 downvotes.


Isn't that true for impact players too?

Yeah, impact players have carried as fighters before, idiot, haha.

Since when is a KDA of 0/5/4 considered carrying?

Are you talking about the players who bragged with 0/6/0 last time insisting they need to be taken seriously?

At least those impact players (who ultimately lost) aren’t as bad as last week’s 0/20 players refusing to leave, right?

Right, about that, it's referee bribery, our fans of Pebby have agreed to publicly not acknowledge that match, so you can just take a hike.

Haha, "Mastercream" acting like a "Drop" yet still stays a "Drop" regardless.

Sure you can keep dodging the main topic while being that clueless, haha.

"Impact Player" with intellect in the top 0.1% 😂😂.


Thus, 'The Mysterious Master Fighter Artisan' stirred both positive and negative comments in Fiore’s galleries for a while.

If no prohibition against mentions occurred, any gallery related to Fiore or personal broadcasting was inevitably discussed, in varying degrees.

Pazzk Minor Gallery, Hako Mini Gallery, Broadcaster's Gallery, Hako Virtual Minor Gallery, etc.

And in one of those galleries, the Hako Virtual Minor Gallery, a post went up.


Is there anyone watching the Squirrel broadcast?

tlgus123 << Isn’t that Moon Si-hyun? (serious).