Chapter 147

If the Reds had lost their will for revolution, Lenin, the idol of communism, and his gang would have given up long ago while in Germany.

Right now, it wouldn’t be accurate to say that communists are being completely crushed.

In Russia, they have certainly failed so spectacularly that they can’t push back anymore, but didn’t they succeed in Germany? That alone provides enough achievement for the communists.

Germany isn’t some nobodys’ country, you know.

After all, they were even competing with the British Empire.

Even though they messed up diplomacy, having a communist revolution in a country that gave the mighty British Empire a hard time carries a different meaning.

It’s like saying they’re trying to leech off the failure they faced in Russia by pulling the communist stunt in Germany.

“That’s just the nature of crazy folks.”

Just look at Trotsky.

After mobilizing the Okhrana for investigation, it seems like he’s escaped quite nicely.

I don’t know if the Americans just haven’t discovered Trotsky yet, or if they’re intentionally leaving him alone.

What’s certain is that Trotsky is definitely sitting tight in Kentucky.

That’s why he’s managing to hold on until now.

Of course, while the Okhrana turns a blind eye, he seems to be making moves that aren’t typical for communists.

It looks like they’re shifting towards racial equality to draw in people of color.

Anyway, the important thing is that such a crazy guy exists.

I don’t know when he’ll get up with a chicken leg to spark a revolution! But still, with him setting up shop in Kentucky and naming his organization KFC, I can’t help but think his revolution might end up looking like a chicken revolution.

“Still, can we just sit back and watch for a bit?”

“Those hard-nosed guys can certainly escape, so it’s best to keep close watch.”

They might just be low-ranking Bolsheviks who kill too many, but think about it.

There could be named individuals who take a different path in history and become significant.

Who knows, they might even bounce to communist Germany.

Of course, you might wonder what a bunch of clueless folks would do in a communist Germany.

“Oh, you don’t need to worry about that.”


The Reds are incredibly tenacious.

After all, didn’t the likes of Stalin, Trotsky, and Lenin manage to escape numerous times and ultimately succeed in the revolution?

“I heard that the Roman Nationalist Party is specifically selecting White Army re-education officers to monitor and educate them.”

“White Army re-education officers?”

What the hell is that?

Once the White Army won in White Russia, I started hearing all sorts of things I’ve never heard before.

Are White Army re-education officers just like those labor re-education officers?

They work hard in brainwashing people, trying to turn them around.

I’ve heard things like that from the world I used to live in.

North Korean agents dispatched to Japan to abduct Japanese women and bring them back to North Korea for re-education, or something like that.

Is it anything like that?

Well, considering the cockroach-like mentality of Bolsheviks, they definitely need to turn them around somehow.

“They’re the officers responsible for completely re-educating the Bolsheviks ideologically.”

Is it similar to a political officer?

I’m starting to feel anxious.

Am I really such a huge idol in this country?

Recently, Alexei Gastev hasn’t been churning out propaganda like crazy, but the latest materials include slogans like “Mother Tsarina watches over us,” effectively deifying her. They’re advertising that the White Army is Mother Tsarina’s army.

Thanks to that, the White Army soldiers are increasing, even though it’s not wartime.

There must be over three million in the regular army alone, right?

Given the Great War and the Civil War, that’s an enormous number.

The propaganda about being watched over has spread well, but they’re just keeping an eye on how things go concerning Mother Tsarina’s army.

When preparing for a fight against Germany, it’s essential to have a significant military force.

“How is the anti-communist ideology in textbooks going?”

“Students nowadays see communists as bugs.”

“Yeah, that’s good.”

They stomp on those communists. It’s all about instilling such ideology.

Isn’t that a bit harsh?

But it’s an act to eradicate communists in the future.

If only our Britain or the United States would do the same, we could brand communism as something worse than cockroaches in the future.

Now that history has changed because of me, the demise of communism’s shocking end will be proven by the disappearance of China and North Korea.

Then what kind of countries will the communist states be when that time comes?

– We might even have people trying to glamorize it.

Just like how they preemptively blocked Makhno from re-emerging as a red character, it’s about blocking any thoughts of communism altogether.

After all, communist Germany is a collapsing entity.

It’s necessary to show that communism is indeed garbage.

“How about proposing anti-communist education to the British?”

Other nations would surely accept it.

Naturally, Austria, which is facing a direct threat, would be on board. Despite that, since Germany fell into a communist revolution instead of uniting with history, there must be those wanting a reunion with communist Germany!

In that case, it would be essential to change things internally within anti-communist treaty nations.

Implement some anti-communist education adequately.

After all, with the Great Depression, I plan to use anti-communism as leverage then.

“Britain has already supported Germany, so wouldn’t that be something?”


That’s true. Now that I think about it, Britain is quite scared now.

They are focused on their colonies and would surely dislike seeing red seeds being sown in them.

So they wouldn’t want to initiate education that might provoke communist Germany.

That’s just the worst.

It’s infuriating how those hegemonic countries are now bowing to the Reds.

Can’t they just get rid of their colonies?

No, wait. If they ditched them, a communist regime might spawn.

The communist Germans would probably claim they helped in rebuilding the nation’s colonies when establishing their regime.

“It’s going to be tough.”

“Those Brits always are.”

Hmm, then what about France?

They seem to be alright with some compromise regarding the Ruhr, and seemingly have no surface issues about their colonies.

Though they appear quiet, it’s likely brewing internally.

“Is France worth trying?”

“Personally, I don’t think they’ll accept it since they need to appease their own communists right now.”

That makes some sense.

With the emergence of communist Germany, a lot has certainly changed.

As a result, many businesses have moved towards Volga Germany, which is a benefit for us, but it seems France is facing a lot of problems.

The war has ended, yet the damages are extensive, and despite being foes, the newly risen communist Germany isn’t a nation that has collapsed the German Empire, which might be France’s eternal enemy.

The French government must suppress any movements by the French Commune seeking to ally with them under some pretense.

What would happen if they were to stop anti-communist education meanwhile?

Come to think of it, Maria has great instinct.

How has she already come to this conclusion?

“Indeed. Maria has strong instincts.”

I said so with a gentle expression of pride, and Maria scratched the back of her head and smiled happily.

“Hehe. It’s all thanks to Your Majesty that I’ve advanced.”

Could it really be attributed to her rise?

She’s more like a servant or secretary within the Kremlin.

Well, of course, it makes sense for a girl who lived poor in Yekaterinburg to get into the Kremlin.

Of course, Maria still needs to dress more formally to stay at the palace.

But since I grew up as a commoner in Hell Joseon, I appreciate her straightforwardness.

“If it weren’t for the citizens of Yekaterinburg, I wouldn’t be here today.”

What if the gambling hadn’t turned out well, and the people of Yekaterinburg had secretly sold me off to the Reds?

Hmm, but that would be another interesting development.

“Still, with the establishment of communist Germany, isn’t this a good thing for us? Since so many German companies are coming into Volga Germany.”

“That’s true.”

They’ve also gone into Austria and here.

Though communist Germany has become the epicenter of communism, Russia has also frequently benefited as a side effect.

Austria is becoming stronger with the influx of Germans.

“Your Majesty, Beria of the Okhrana London branch has submitted a report.”

“Hmm. Is that so?”

Though the Okhrana falls under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, given that it’s the Tsar’s secret organization, we receive plenty of updates as well.

Especially in the case of Beria, he often comes to report directly to get on my good side.

The contents conveyed via telegram are straightforward.

“I have become close with the pigeon. This pigeon chirps every day like a sparrow. It’s so frequent that I could memorize its chirping.”

That’s roughly what it says.

It’s just a sort of coded message.

In simple terms, it means he has become friendly with some sort of jet engine inventor named Frank Whittle, referred to as a pigeon, and he’s shared that he’s become pals with this guy.

Chirping like a sparrow means he talks a lot, right?

It’s probably all about engines.

Since Beria is an engine enthusiast, he seems to have blabbered everything to this guy while throwing him lots of cash.

Well, I suppose I’m the one opening that wallet for him.

In truth, I don’t particularly have anything to hide, but still. Our side probably wouldn’t understand the significance of the name Frank Whittle.

I’ll have to reveal it as a surprise later on.

But was it really about memorizing all that chirping?

There must be some meaning behind it. Isn’t it possible that Beria is going to uncover things about jet engines?

Would he really want to flex and create one himself?

How ridiculous would it be if Beria became the inventor of jet engines in Russia, contrary to actual history?

“This guy is quite competent.”

He’s indeed doing his job very well.

At this rate, it seems likely this guy will eventually become the head of the Okhrana branch.

This dude will run the Okhrana. Hmm, I can’t really imagine that.

“By the way, are you managing things overseas?”

Maria tilted her head and asked.

Overseas? Then he should be doing just that.

It’s only natural to have that perverted Beria work outside.

Well, that’s because I know the original history.

“The more competent individuals from the Okhrana are kept running bases abroad. They must certainly be excellent in intelligence too.”

There’s no reason to drag Beria back to Russia.

It’s much more beneficial to let him roam around rather than wasting time in Russia acting stupid.

“But what kind of person is this pigeon?”

“Do you remember the stingray I drew before?”

“Yes. That oddly-shaped aircraft?”

“Exactly. He’s the one who will create it.”

Maria should have a decent understanding of the situation.

After all, she’s a witness to the miracle I showcased in Yekaterinburg.

I can’t give her detailed technical jargon because I don’t know it myself.

“Is there a possibility? It doesn’t seem like you’re too confident, Your Majesty.”

I’m not sure about that.

The good ol’ US of A gave up on developing jet engines due to political and budget issues and only managed to produce them later on.

If it were to happen now, Russia would be creating something akin to the Nazi’s ho-229.

“Don’t just shove in the engineers, we must try first.”

It’s about giving them a thrill while urging them to create diligently.

That pioneering spirit is crucial.

Besides, there’s no need to mass-produce it. Just showing it off would suffice; deploying them in large numbers would probably look ridiculous.

Creating two or three large ones and filling the rest with massive bombers would be preferable.

“Still, I believe you mean what you say in this regard.”


What I’m most looking forward to is ultimately the nuclear weapon.

Once that’s completed, I can confidently guarantee victory.

If nuclear weapons aren’t ready on time, I might have to pound the communist Germans with the military, but as long as I can get my hands on the nuclear weapon—

I want to shoot that missile straight away.

Those Reds are incredibly pesky.

After all, the legitimate German government lies in East Prussia.

Berlin is just like some commune in Paris.

If we can’t prevent Berlin from being destroyed, then why not throw a nuclear bomb at it?

“Your Majesty, Igor Sikorsky is requesting an audience with you from the Ilya Muromets Company.”

Ilya Muromets Company.

Igor Sikorsky created that.

During the Civil War, the Imperial Russian Air Force had been affiliated with the White Army and developed a new air travel system, but they didn’t have a proper air force commander.

Having Igor Sikorsky as the air force commander suggested that they truly valued aircraft development and air power.

Yet, as Igor Sikorsky got down to serious aircraft development, it became somewhat awkward for him to remain as commander.

Since I, the Tsar, became the air force commander, it held no meaning; thus, Alexander Mikhailovich Romanov, who was once the air force commander in World War I, was formally appointed as air force commander.

Being Nikolai II’s cousin, the criticisms against him were relatively few compared to Nikolai II.

After all, the Romanovs were a disgraced royal family, so he was criticized along with Nikolai II.

With me, Tsarina Anastasia, taking the throne and proving my abilities, the insults directed at the Romanovs subsided, and even Nikolai II and his wife, who gave birth to me, were reevaluated, allowing Alexander Mikhailovich Romanov to take office as air force commander.

Thus Sikorsky established the Ilya Muromets Company, in which the Romanovs held shares.

Originally, it was the Sikorsky Design Bureau, but it got rebranded as a company as it felt too Soviet.

Now, let’s see Igor Sikorsky.