Chapter 1457


전생검신 Volume 83 Chapter 6

“Mountain Echo, huh?”

Upon hearing Yu Mang’s words, I was momentarily dumbfounded, struggling to grasp what he meant.

But then, a sudden jolt of memory hit me and I shouted, “Ah…!!”

Mountain Echo!

That was a term I had heard just before battling Yu Mang one-on-one when I visited the Underworld prior to entering the Training World. Rummaging through my vague memories, I could feel them becoming clearer.

[Haha, I knew you’d mention that. Any warrior following Mountain Echo typically talks like that.]

[But what is purity, really? Is it pure if you don’t rely on divine power, even when you’re weak and defeated? Why can the pure pursuit of strength not be deemed martial (武) by your people?]

[Is there any foul play in a life-or-death struggle? In fact, I question that so-called purity. Are you satisfied just being pure when you’re weak?]

[I see. Then I’ll go all out, but you must promise me this: If I win, you’ll tell me what this Mountain Echo truly is!]

[I anticipated that. Your kind always seems to long for something you can’t even identify…]


At that time, I brought back Black Woong through the harmonious convergence of divine power and used Black Woong’s strength to engage Yu Mang equally in a fierce battle. Then, I was abruptly moved elsewhere in the Underworld, running around with Fuxi and lost track of everything, leaving my discussion with Yu Mang unresolved.

‘To me, that feels like a century ago…’

As I recalled these moments, I suddenly realized something was amiss.

“…Huh? How did you figure out I was me when I revealed my identity as Black Woong back then?”

Since I wore a mask from the Wheel King and had disguised my name as Black Woong, I believed Yu Mang had no way of recognizing me. So why did he seem so sure about my identity and came to settle the outcome of our duel?

Yu Mang paused, wearing a blank expression, and then burst into laughter.

“Ha ha ha!! Did you really think you could fool me?”


“Obviously, the mask of the Wheel King concealed your true power and aura, so ordinarily, I wouldn’t know. Yet, you hardly changed your appearance at that time! You still had your one arm.”


“Plus, your speech and demeanor gave it away! There’s no way I’d mistake you for anyone else, especially since there aren’t many extraordinary beings who would venture into the Underworld. Sure, a mask like the Wheel King’s might have fooled others, but unlike other divine beings, my judgment is not solely based on power, so I instantly pegged you. You’ve zero conscience switching just one character from your name!”

His logical reasoning left me speechless. Could it really be that way?

“Hah, but back then, you played dumb about not knowing.”

“Of course, I acted like I didn’t know. It was a place where the Wheel King and Shennong were watching! What kind of trouble could arise if I revealed that I recognized you? Takrok Village could land in serious trouble due to lack of management then!”


So, you knew the whole time!

As I stood there shocked, discovering this long-hidden truth, Black Woong, who had been silent beside me, spoke up.

[I vaguely sensed it. He was putting in effort, but the killing intent was subdued.]

Upon seeing Black Woong, Yu Mang grinned.

“So it was you who fought under Black Woong’s body back then, huh? Hehehe…”

[However, that day’s battle was a draw for both sides. I can’t say you lost, so there’s no need for you to settle the wager.]

In response to Black Woong’s query, Yu Mang maintained his smile as he said, “I pride myself on being one of the strongest warriors among the Giants. In billions of years, aside from the Giant King, there has hardly been anyone who could fight me even halfway. So, if I didn’t dominate over you lot, then I’d have indeed lost!”


“Don’t look at me like that. Accept kindness graciously.”

Black Woong glanced at me, and after a moment of thinking, I nodded.

“…Then I will graciously accept that kindness. But before asking what this Mountain Echo is, may I ask you something?”


I cautiously began, “Yu Mang, you surely practice martial arts (武功), right? And they must exceed the Absolute Realm…!! How is that possible?”

This was the biggest question I had back then, but it just slipped past without resolution.

Yu Mang wasn’t just a powerful alien divine being. Unlike Zhu Rong or Xing Tian, he was a master of martial arts in his own right, and without a doubt, he had surpassed the Peak Expert level long ago and reached the Absolute Realm. I had vividly felt this truth during my fight fused with Black Woong, so there was no doubt.

‘If a mind is filled with intent, using the blade, that’s the essence of the technique. If he combines the formless realm, even Miyamoto Musashi’s sword technique would have difficulty surpassing him in pristine skill.’

In fact, Yu Mang’s martial arts were so overwhelming that Black Woong, unable to withstand the pressure, had to initiate a counterattack first. One couldn’t achieve this unless one polished their intent to the extreme.

But, could this even be real?

All this time, I had thought martial arts were a human exclusive. Yet, was it possible that a warrior from the Giant tribe, deemed one of the strongest races in the universe, was a master of martial arts?

Then Yu Mang’s eyes glinted with intrigue.

“Absolute Realm? Hmm, you mean the ability to wield it freely.”



At that moment, I saw a strong surge of intent radiating from Yu Mang’s crown and widened my eyes. That vivid, intense energy was something I could never doubt. I panicked and exclaimed, “Right…! How did you reach that level?”

“How did I? By diligently honing my martial arts. In doing so, I sought to know what the strongest martial art was, and through long study, I ultimately acquired the most natural form. Considering the years I’ve dedicated to martial arts, it’s frankly more audacious for you, a human, to wonder ‘how’.”


I had nothing to say. Being an alien divine being who lived for at least several billion years, even a mere learning time of one hundred million years would seem infinite by human standards.

“Of course, other Giants cannot learn martial arts. I’m letting you know this in advance, just in case you hear otherwise.”

Taken by surprise, I gawked.

“What? Why is that?”

Yu Mang chuckled.

“Ha, that’s the amusing part… I use this martial arts advantage to easily defeat both Zhu Rong and Xing Tian in one-on-one combat, you know? I’ve fought over thirty-six thousand times, and I’ve never lost. So one day, those two knelt and begged me to accept them as my disciples.”


That arrogant Zhu Rong actually begged to become Yu Mang’s disciple?

This felt like something I could use later…

As I was lost in thought, Yu Mang continued his tale.

“So, about five thousand years ago, I diligently taught those two warriors martial arts. What do you think happened?”

“They couldn’t learn?”

Zhu Rong had never shown any sign of using martial arts in the future. Naturally, he must have failed to learn.

My conjecture was affirmed when Yu Mang nodded.

“Right… Giants were originally unable to learn martial arts. To do so, they would have to cast aside their chaos powers, immersing entirely in martial (武) itself. But the Giants, even infants, possess such immense power that they can crush ordinary demons bare-handedly. How could they throw away the divine power that defines their very lives for something so base? Not just Yu Mang or Xing Tian, but any Giant warrior I taught could not learn martial arts.”


“Well, the Giants are strong enough without martial arts, so it wasn’t a problem.”

Yu Mang spoke with a somewhat bitter smile. Hearing this, Black Woong suddenly interjected.

[Yu Mang, you are an anomaly among the Giants, willing to forsake all divine power to pursue martial (武). That’s why you’re the only Giant who has mastered martial arts.]

At Black Woong’s words, Yu Mang smirked.

“Indeed, I can say that’s because I’m a lunatic. So I evolved my divine power in a way that’s conducive to performing martial arts.”

So that was it.

During my fights, Yu Mang opted for auxiliary powers that required no time to shift stance, rather than using the unique powerful abilities of the Giants. His ability to throw an axe and retract it was intimidating, but in raw power, it was a rather dull third-rate ability. Still, since Yu Mang himself was so strong, those auxiliary powers could surpass ordinary abilities.

As I gathered my thoughts, I ventured back to the main subject.

“But Yu Mang, you mentioned Mountain Echo. That implies you’ve discovered other beings in this universe who have mastered martial arts, right?”


After hearing my question, Yu Mang fell silent for a moment. Then he spoke.

“There aren’t many. In fact, it’s extremely rare. In all these billions of years, I’ve barely encountered even forty.”


So there were indeed beings among aliens who practiced martial arts!

‘I suspected as much!!’

The six-armed cleaver-wielding spirit I had seen at the end of 28 cycles of doom—he was actually a swordsman of the alien martial school called Argel! I had doubted for long, but it seemed there were other practitioners of martial arts outside of humanity.

Yu Mang took out a flask from his waist, gulping it down before continuing.

“The appearances of these practitioners varied greatly, but there was one commonality: Mountain Echo.”

“Mountain Echo refers to…?”

“It was a guiding voice, like an unseen echo from within the mountains, beckoning them as they sought the path of martial arts (武). Creatures unrelated to martial arts, like tentacle monsters, the dark drake, and the chaotic magma beasts, were drawn to that voice and began researching martial skills. They referred to that voice as the echo of the mountains—Mountain Echo.”


Upon hearing this, Black Woong and I exchanged glances of realization.

There was no doubt.

This Mountain Echo signifies the martial god (武神)!

Excited, I turned to Yu Mang and asked, “Then haven’t you, Yu Mang, met the martial god?! Or were you not part of the Martial God Council (武神百座)?!”

This was my burning question!

Depending on his answer, I might create another link to the future!

As I eagerly awaited his response, Yu Mang casually scratched his ear and replied.

“Half true. I have encountered the martial god you call Mountain Echo, but I haven’t entered the Council.”



“You met the martial god… right?”

Cautiously, I rephrased the question, and Yu Mang nodded.

“I did. In a dream.”

“A dream…?”

“It’s been so long that the memory is a bit hazy, but that figure definitely appeared in my dream as myself and told me if I found martial arts enjoyable, he’d lend his assistance… After that day, I fully delved into the path of intent.”

“The martial god lent you aid.”

“Well, in that sense, yes. But here’s the funny part.”

I felt perplexed by Yu Mang’s next words.

“The Giants don’t usually sleep. Therefore, that was my very first time dreaming.”


“And since then, I’ve tried to sleep whenever I feel bored, but that figure hasn’t appeared again.”

What on earth was he saying?

I tried to comprehend it but found it utterly baffling.

“Are you saying the martial god can force others into a slumber?”

“More precisely, he can eliminate the chaotic energy completely, leading to a status close to void, at which point the spirit enters a sleeping state. Regular Giants, whose divine power sustains their life, wouldn’t have any reason to consume their essence to reach a near-death state, so they wouldn’t experience this. But during that time, driven by desperation, I burned through my chaotic energy until I reached that state… If you call that ‘sleep,’ then it’s sleep.”


“I imagine you’ve figured out what I’m trying to say?”

I nodded at Yu Mang’s assertion.

“The more you possess a state of order, the easier it is to encounter the martial god!!”


In response, Yu Mang stared at me, shaking his head before suddenly pulling out another flask from his waist and tossing it to me.


As I caught the large flask, Yu Mang curtly ordered, “Drink that all at once as punishment alcohol!”

“…What? Punishment alcohol? Why…?”

“Why would I give you punishment alcohol?”


That meant my answer was wrong.

Intuition told me, and I had no choice but to set the flask down and search for the cap to open it. As I did, a bamboo-like aroma wafted out, tickling my nostrils. Even though I thought I might regret drinking so much, I closed my eyes tight and opened my mouth wide.

Glug glug glug

Gurgle gurgle!

Before I knew it, I was pouring the alcohol down my throat until my shirt was drenched. I had surpassed my tolerance level long ago, and I figured even if I sucked all the moisture from my body, it still would be less than what I was downing. I began to drink madly, finding it surprisingly delicious and getting pleasantly tipsy.

It had been a long time since I drank this much. Right after my reincarnation, I had gone on a mad drinking spree with the Extreme Tiger…


Soon enough, I had finished the alcohol in the gigantic flask, and I wondered just how many jars of wine that would amount to! As I swayed, wet from alcohol, Yu Mang burst into laughter.

“Ha ha ha! You’re not half bad at drinking.”

As I wiped my lips, I replied, “The taste of the alcohol is nice. I hope it wasn’t poisonous.”

Though I had the ‘Ten Thousand Poison Resistance,’ it was still best to check!

“Haha… It’s top-shelf liquor that even Suins crave. You’ll thank me later.”


Was it that good of alcohol?

‘Though the aroma was pleasant…’

Would I really be grateful just for drinking this punishment liquor?

Lost in thought, Yu Mang spoke again.

“Hey. If the more you possess the power of order, the easier it is to meet the martial god, then why can’t both Fuxi and Shennong meet him? Not just them, but among the ancient gods, many beings have the principles of the universe inscribed in their bodies, so shouldn’t those guys have long since mastered martial arts to the Absolute Realm you speak of?”


“Just a simple tendency towards chaos or order won’t bring you to meet him. Those are rules handled by the primordial gods, so the martial god doesn’t place much value on that.”

“But you did say the closer one is to void, the easier it is to meet the martial god.”

“TheThird State.”

Yu Mang, having said that, suddenly drew his blade and stood up.

“There exists a different manifestation when the world returns to its origin, clashing with chaos. When that state is strongly realized, the smallest something begins to vibrate. That vibration causes the martial god to respond.”


“But even though I’ve artificially achieved that state numerous times, the martial god never met me again afterwards.”

“Could it be that he simply doesn’t want to meet you again? Perhaps there are other conditions?”

Yu Mang grimaced at my rebuttal.

“No… I can understand. While that being guided me to awaken the level of Intent Pillar (意念天柱), it probably didn’t take me into the Council for the same reason.”


What was he talking about?

As I pondered, Yu Mang slowly aimed his blade at me and said, “I have an inkling you’re plotting some conspiracy which disrupts Shennong, aren’t you?”

Gasp! How did he know?!

Yu Mang’s sharp observation almost made me flinch, but I desperately hid my feelings and responded nonchalantly, “I have no clue what you’re talking about.”

Yu Mang, yawning with boredom, responded, “Yeah, I don’t have evidence either. However, after living this long as the top warrior of the Giant tribe, you develop instincts through billions of years. By that instinct, I reckon you’re planning to draw in outside forces to create chaos.”


“Otherwise, forget it.”

Wait, he’s guessing without evidence?! Isn’t that hitting the nail on the head?!

Internally panicking and wanting to shout, I kept a poker face, saying, “I have no intention of causing chaos. But what does that have to do with you pointing a weapon at me right now?”

“You also feel something’s off, don’t you?”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re a warrior at the top of the Giant race, but it just seems odd to say you can defeat me simply because of your little martial arts skills against both Zhu Rong and Xing Tian. After all, you fought with me before and created a draw…”


I glanced sideways at Black Woong. The truth was, while I had lent my body to Black Woong, he was the one truly fighting, so he had the best handle on how strong Yu Mang was. Black Woong crossed his arms and said, [Yes. Just as I thought, you weren’t fighting at full strength back then.]

I was taken aback by Black Woong’s comment and turned to him.

“What? You weren’t using your full power?”

Calmly, Black Woong replied, [Though Yu Mang pretended to fight earnestly, his attacks were oddly exaggerated while low on substance. His power manifested strongly, yet his essence didn’t match that energy. Moreover, the way he switched weapons didn’t present overwhelming power compared to the abilities of other warriors. Especially when comparing to Zhu Rong, the whip of Zhu Rong was much deadlier.]

“That means…”

[Yu Mang recognized your identity and merely played along as a friendly match. In truth, he is much stronger.]


As I turned, skeptical, towards Yu Mang, he smirked.

“Buddy, Black Woong. You know I treat you well, even giving you fine liquor, right?”

“…Because I’m good-looking?”

In a flash!

At that moment, a bloody glint flashed in Yu Mang’s eyes, and as I met his gaze, my heart dropped. I suddenly realized that the “true intention” I had sensed was as if he wasn’t fighting me at full strength.

A menacing killing intent radiated from him as if he could eliminate anything in this world!

‘If I say something stupid, I’ll die.’

Yu Mang’s energy plainly expressed that sentiment, forcing me to zip my lips.

Yu Mang, having effortlessly brushed aside my previous remarks with his overwhelming spirit, let forth a bloodthirsty light from his eyes as he proclaimed, “I’ve been dreadfully bored and lonely so far. No matter how much I trained in martial arts, the unquenchable thirst remained, and the vastness of martial arts seemed to have no limits, leading to endless frustrations. I feel I need more than just billions of years in pursuit of that path…”


“To a martial artist, those who cultivate martial arts are comrades, yet they are competitors as well. However, none of the practitioners I’ve encountered has been a true match for me, and whenever I found someone worth fighting, they dropped dead after one stroke, leaving me consistently troubled.”


From Yu Mang’s blade, a crimson glow began to coalesce, seeming almost like vivid droplets of blood ready to burst forth. It was as if red rays painted the air beautifully while concurrently emitting a sense of unconceivable killing intent!

Was that the blade’s intent (刀罡)?

‘No… that’s… something beyond trivial!’

The pressure from accumulating intent within the sword seemed unreal; its potency felt distinctively otherworldly. The power it radiated was undoubtedly out of the realm of anything I could comprehend as mere martial arts!

Could I possibly manifest that level of energy within my own martial arts?


Even condensing the energies of the Nine Chambers of Thunder Technique into one point would hardly compare to what Yu Mang wielded!

His very blade encompassed strength beyond what any human could imagine, and I could feel it growing stronger still. As I unconsciously swallowed hard, Black Woong uttered, [This is astonishing.]

Following that, Black Woong remarked, [If the master can defy the Three Sovereigns, then one can truly engage in a few exchanges without fear of reprisal. It appears you’re revealing your true self here…]

“What do you mean?!”

I glared at Yu Mang and he simply smiled faintly.

“Whatever you think, it’s impossible to accomplish if you can’t deal with me!”


“Let’s have a splendid fight!”


A powerful energy emanated from Yu Mang, causing my head to spin.

No doubt about it.

Yu Mang was looking to reveal his true abilities and jump into a life-and-death decision with me!

In sheer panic, I shouted, “You must be crazy! Why would I get involved in satisfying your desires?!”

Upon my outburst, Yu Mang frowned.

“You drank my liquor.”

“I drank it because you offered it; it was punishment liquor, so that doesn’t count as a debt!”

“Oh, come on… stop being such a spoilsport. You’re a divine being; you won’t die even if your limbs were torn apart.”

Complaining in this demeanor, Yu Mang suddenly had a bright idea.

“How about this: If you manage to withstand my honest ten attacks by any means necessary, I’ll impart my martial arts to you.”


“If you’re truly a martial artist, you should at least be able to handle this much.”

Damn… even in this prehistoric age, there exists a battle maniac ready to fight at the drop of a hat!

I felt a mix of incredulity and a throbbing headache, but Yu Mang’s offer was undeniably alluring.

‘What kind of martial arts does he possess that could overwhelm other warriors?’

I suddenly had an urge to witness his ‘true intentions.’ Moreover, considering my own years of training, I could feel the fire of competition igniting within me, which led me to nod.

“Alright then.”

“Hehe, it’s settled.”

Overjoyed, Yu Mang gleefully exclaimed.

“Then let’s start with an easy slash…”


It felt as if the light from every galaxy coalesced into countless clusters, ultimately transforming into the form of a gigantic translucent arm of the Giant, ready to be imbued into his blade.


Under normal circumstances, I would have perceived this as mere flamboyant narration with the essence of the supreme divine arts controlling energy at its absolute peak. But now, it didn’t feel that way at all. I sensed that this wasn’t mere description; it was genuine, powerful energy that transcended explanation!

In the next moment, Yu Mang’s blade unleashed a chaotic tempest of brilliance, intertwined with crimson fire.

Hell to Heaven Sword!

Star God Slash!


With the colossal eruption, I had combined with Black Woong and found myself barely holding my own against that celestial strike for a single second. However, the state I was in was utterly tragic, as relentless pain was surging from my arms.


In that fleeting moment – instead of using the Three Treasure Technique or Peerless Technique, I had chosen to use the Blade-less Technique to deflect the incoming attack and observe Yu Mang’s martial prowess in its entirety, thinking it was still somewhat friendly. But that was a miscalculation—it resulted in my techniques being torn asunder, and all my intent got erased by just one of his strikes.

It felt like an overwhelmingly enormous force!

Even though I’d seen that blood technique before, it felt weaker by dozens of times, and yet at that moment, I had no choice but to channel all of Black Woong’s divine powers into defensive abilities to withstand it. With both arms nearly severed and my upper body wrecked, I staggered, but in the end, I utilized my divine power to recover.

‘Damn it…!!’

I just wanted to observe him, but I hadn’t expected his power to be this formidable! Even if I had tried to block or dodge perfectly, it was going to be extremely tough! A cold sweat broke out as I realized how close I was to disaster!

‘Still, I saw it.’

The true essence of the cosmic martial arts he possessed!

As I regained my composure, Yu Mang looked stunned.

“What? You endured all that with virtually no preparation? Your divine energy is incredibly impressive…”


“Well then, let’s continue…”

As Yu Mang positioned himself, I quietly interjected.

“I believe I understand what Your Excellency’s powers are.”

“Oh? What is it?”

“Although I can’t be entirely sure…”

Responding to Yu Mang’s curious prompt, I answered, something I hardly believed myself, “I think you possess the ability to convert your divine power directly into intent!”
