Chapter 1406


전생검신 80권 15화

What on earth is going on?!

Just as I released the second stage seal on the egg, it ended up right in front of the Outer God Observer!

And what’s with that last comment?!

I was dazed and confused, but finally managed to pull myself together and ask.

“Observer, what do you mean by creating a world? I only broke the seal on the egg at Golden Crow Island for the second time….”

Then the Observer replied as if expecting me.

[Ah, the time axis has gotten tangled again. Or is it just starting to tangle?]


[It’s a complicated branching path, so I won’t bother making adjustments. Instead, tell me how many times you’ve gone through it.]

How many times…?

As I tried to adapt to this sudden situation, I felt my head spinning. In an instant, I realized what he meant by ‘adjustments’.

‘Last time I saw the Observer, he suddenly tried to roll back my count to either the 1st or the 1000th! That’s definitely what he means by adjustments!’

And for some reason, it seemed like the Observer was feeling lazy this time and didn’t want to make adjustments. It was more of a suggestion for me to just be honest and trust him with my answer. Understanding his intent, I calmly replied.

“I’m on the 30th.”

[You must have rolled the Great Cycle, right?]


[I can know this because I’m always observing.]

So this is what being an Outer God feels like, huh?

I nodded helplessly at the Observer’s penetrating words.


The Observer’s eyes spun wildly as he rolled them. When I flinched at the bizarre sight, he spoke with a hint of intrigue in his voice.

[The past assuming the future… Even a mortal can perform such tricks if their ability to read the Law of Cause and Effect reaches its peak… I think I understand why the Coming Chaos accepted that bet.]


What are you talking about?

As I stood there puzzled, the Observer continued.

[It wouldn’t be wise to leave the task of world creation to someone unaware of the context. But even so, I will give you a chance.]

“A chance?”

[The moment you broke the second seal on the egg, you gained the right to create a world. This deed will be achieved with my power, and that world will reflect your will, allowing you to govern it as a god for eternity. In that world, your divine power will become infinite, and you will truly be the ruler of the universe.]


[Reborn Person, will you create a world?]

Wait, are you really asking if I want to create a world?!

I said to the Observer, suspicion creeping into my mind despite the novelty of the offer.

“Creating a world isn’t something anyone can do? Most high-tier divine beings can create dimensions without breaking a sweat….”

[That’s nothing compared to this. You will become the creator of a new God of All, and a separate [cycle] will emerge tied to that world. Additionally, you will be able to establish your own Divine Temple.]

“Huh? Are you saying I could create a completely new universe?”


I don’t know exactly, but that sounds way better than just creating a dimension?!

Is this an amazing opportunity or what?!

But having been fooled too many times, I wasn’t ready to fall for the Observer’s words just yet. If I had an advisor, they would have helped me out in this situation, but with no one around, the best I could do was ‘be cautious’. I stared thoughtfully at the Observer and asked.

“Then, if I were to unlock the third seal of the egg, would I receive something even better than world creation?”

[If you could, yes. But it seems your abilities are far too lacking for that. Achieving it within the 666 cycles seems… impossible.]

“…Wait, so there’s something better than creating a world? What is that?”

[That’s for you to discover. I’ve shared what I can while maintaining my neutrality.]

“Hmm. Then what exactly is the identity of this egg? Whose egg is it?”

[You’ll have to figure that out yourself.]


It seems he has no intention of revealing anything except the right to create a world. Claiming absolute neutrality makes sense, but at that moment, a thought from the Cheon Woo-jin crossed my mind.

[It’s relevant. If only a Reborn Person can access the closed outer universe, then sealing away what that person looks like in your memory is one of the Observer’s intentions. The Outer God pretends to be neutral, but that’s definitely not the case.]

[You should believe there are beings capable of acting regardless of how the story ends. And that being is the Reborn Person… ]

[To sum it up, Rebirth is a concept that surpasses True Martial Home. A Reborn Person can achieve things beyond the scope of True Martial Home.]

Cheon Woo-jin claimed the Observer before me is by no means neutral.

And while it was unclear what the Observer’s intentions were, it hinted at a desire to guide me in a specific direction.

‘So I can’t trust the Observer completely…’

And another thing lingers in my mind based on Cheon Woo-jin’s words.

After a period of deep thought, I finally asked the Observer.

“Observer! Am I the only one who has gained the right to create a world through the second-stage release? Has anyone else ever exercised that right in history?”

[Do you need to know?]

“I don’t need you to tell me if you can’t. I’m just curious.”

[Yes, there is. That being became an absolute creator god, and the relics and powers they left behind are currently asleep within you.]


Is it true?! Someone has actually exercised the right to create a world?!

I couldn’t believe it and said.

“If that creator god is greater than the Three Sovereigns? An Outer God, perhaps?”

[You can’t measure it with such concepts… He merely became the owner of another [cycle], so comparing ranks is beyond impossible… It seems part of him exists in your world, but you can’t compare ranks based on the strength of that part. If the Three Sovereigns were given the same chance, they would undoubtedly have dispatched parts of themselves to other worlds in the same way… ]


[Since you seem hesitant, I’ll tell you one more thing… Becoming a new creator god means… you will create your own unique power system… If you don’t give up on seeing the end, you could use it as a means of enhancement.]


I’m not sure what that means, but it seems they really want to assure me it would benefit me. And if it’s from a being as significant as the Outer God, it feels unlikely to be a lie. After all, it would be strange for such a high-being to risk their reputation and prestige just to deceive me.

But then I steeled myself and looked the Observer straight in the eye, saying.

“Is creating a world truly greater than the True Martial Home?”


For the first time, the Observer didn’t respond. He didn’t even hesitate nor reply to my question.

And the fact that he can’t give a yes or no answer meant my assumptions were correct.

I nodded with certainty.

“Then I won’t create a world. Please send me back to where I came from.”

[So be it.]


I felt my body slowly disintegrate into a white chaos. The Observer must be in the process of sending me back.

As I faded away, I thought.

‘Cheon Woo-jin… thank you.’

Had Cheon Woo-jin not warned me about the Observer, I might have been tempted by this offer.

But according to Cheon Woo-jin, the Observer’s words felt too suspicious.

‘Cheon Woo-jin said that Rebirth is a superior concept to True Martial Home and can achieve greater feats. So… it’s only natural to compare whether creating a world is better than True Martial Home!’

And the Observer did not respond to my words. Not responding could mean denial, but it’s more likely that these are completely separate matters that shouldn’t be compared.

‘The Observer doesn’t just not know the answer to my question. They know everything, but cannot explain it because doing so would violate their neutrality.’

I’m certain of it.

And if creating a world isn’t a concept higher than True Martial Home – then clearly, there’s no need for me to create a world!

Just before I completely faded away, I thought I heard the Observer’s voice.

[You’re making me increasingly curious… ]



I felt a headache as I regained my senses, and there before me was the Golden Crow egg, now released to its second stage, gleaming brilliantly as a golden egg. I stood in the training ground, and Daegwi was still summoned beside me.

I asked Daegwi.

“How much time has passed since I vanished?”

[Huh? You never disappeared.]


It seems the call from the Outer God Observer ignored time and space, and with the power of the Constellation not reaching that level, I couldn’t even recognize the time distortion. Yet still, considering the Constellation is a higher being surpassing the Great Immortal, the Observer’s power is truly impressive.

Without needing to explain it to Daegwi, I just said.

“Is that giant law still attacking you?”

[For some reason, it’s stopped.]

“Good. Then I’ll keep this Golden Crow egg in the wooden armor.”

I picked up the golden egg and shoved it into the wooden armor. Although I was eager to test out the golden egg, after turning down the Observer’s offer, I sensed there wouldn’t be much I could learn from it for now. Instead, I addressed Daegwi.

“Daegwi, didn’t you say you could raise the merchant grade to level 1 with the power of commerce?”

[That’s correct.]

“Then wouldn’t it be contradictory if there were items that I couldn’t evaluate even at level 1? I’d be the world’s best merchant, yet there are items I cannot sell, which contradicts the very definition of being the world’s best merchant. What happens in such cases?”

[You’re referring to a situation where even as a level 1 True Merchant, you can’t assess the value of the Golden Crow egg we just dealt with, correct?]

“Exactly. Right now, no one besides you can grasp this power better than I can without Chi You.”


Daegwi thought for a moment before responding.

[I don’t believe that’s possible. There can’t exist an item that a True Merchant cannot price or sell.]

“A bit overconfident, aren’t you? Chi You was outstanding, but he never completely surpassed the Three Sovereigns. If a Secret Treasure created by beings greater than him exists, even a True Merchant might fail to evaluate it… ]

[It seems it’s time to inform you of something… ]


[I haven’t mentioned this because you never asked… ]

Hearing Daegwi’s continuation, I jolted slightly.

[The power of commerce wasn’t created solely by Chi You. It was developed with the Emperor’s assistance and forbidden knowledge extracted from the Void Record. Chi You laid the foundation of this ability, but the limits were set by the Void Record itself. If even a True Merchant cannot evaluate the value of something, it means the Void Record itself cannot, which is absolutely impossible.]

“H-Hoh… the Void Record?! Are you saying the Emperor reached the level of the Void Record?!”

[That’s not it. Generally, it is known that offering to an Outer God is impossible; however, with Chi You’s request, the Emperor exerted special effort to grant that offering through means that bypass the usual rules, linking the power of commerce directly back to the Void Record. This is different from directly accessing and commanding the power of the Void Record.]

“Hmm. If that’s the case, then being a True Merchant means….”

[As you guessed, it means you’ll be able to assign value to everything in this world, and transactions will become possible.]


I can’t believe the power of commerce is that powerful!

Suddenly, I pieced something together and said to Daegwi.

“Daegwi, was Chi You’s stopping at level 4 because of that reason?”

[That could be the case. Because he managed to connect with the Void Record, his limits could become infinite, yet this caused him to compare the level-ups to the fair standards set by the Void Record, which could not be achieved by Chi You. After becoming a god, he felt he couldn’t meet those standards even with the power he wielded.]


It’s understandable.

The standards set by the Void Record are literally the standards of the Outer God and the second-in-command of the universe! Imagining just how harsh the conditions would be once those standards became ‘universal’ is mind-boggling. Having experienced how tough the trials and standards laid down by divine beings can be firsthand, I know all too well.

[If I may offer you some advice, it might be better for you to worry about ‘how’ to raise your merchant grade rather than concerning yourself with the limits of the power of commerce.]

“Hmm, interesting….”

This is turning out to be more challenging than I thought?!

I grinned and said to Daegwi.

“Alright. I’ve made up my mind.”

[What are you planning to do…?]


I pulled out all the treasures I had in the wooden armor. Holding the golden egg among them, I proclaimed.

“I’m selling all my treasures, including this egg!! And I’m reaching level 3!!”

Daegwi seemed surprised and exclaimed.

[Are you sure you’re alright with that? Are you including the treasures from the original world after they were petrified and unsealed?]

“Of course, I’m including everything.”

[Be prepared that there’s a high likelihood you won’t get them back if you return to the Takrok Era… ]

“I’m ready for all of that. Plus, there are treasures only obtainable in the Takrok Era, right?”

[That would be the case.]

“Quit the chatter and sell everything! The responsibility is mine!”


Moments later, the treasures began to glow brightly. Daegwi’s gaze shined and, after a moment, he directed that light toward the treasures while shouting.

[All-out Sale!!]


The moment the light touched, the spear of the Demon Path appeared before me, rapidly racking up numbers.


[Calculating the Demon Path… ]


[…… 4,283,182,389…]

[…… 6,991,278,790…]

Wow, it’s stacking up super fast!

While I was in awe, suddenly all the treasures vanished, leaving just the golden egg behind.

Then, as the golden egg shone brightly and disappeared, I saw the numbers skyrocket at an insane speed.





The units are changing?!

I was stunned when suddenly, with a ding sound, the Demon Path calculation halted.

Then, Daegwi’s emotionless voice came through.

[You’ve reached 99,999,999,999.]

[You’ve reached the limit, and the number can no longer increase.]

[The remaining Demon Path will be lost, but would you like to raise your merchant grade?]


999 billion Demon Path?!

And it can’t go up anymore due to the limitation in that figure?!

I gaped in shock, quickly nodding my head.

“Y-Yes, I’ll raise it!”


In the next moment, a dazzling light erupted in front of me, and a spear draped with a shimmering silver veil appeared.

[Your merchant grade has risen. Congratulations on becoming a 3rd grade True Merchant.]

[With the rise of the True Merchant, special bonuses have been released.]

[From now on, you can trade ‘Portrait Ability’, ‘Spirit’, ‘Constellation’, ‘Star’, ‘Galaxy Energy’, ‘Laws’, and ‘Dimensions’.]

[From now on, you can use Demon Path points for ‘Contract Cancellation’.]

[From now on, instead of ‘deleting’, ‘ascending’ will be used when calculating monetary units.]

[From now on, you can convert money into ‘Spirits’.]

[From now on, when establishing a Merchant Association, you’ll receive additional bonuses based on the scale of the association.]

[From now on, the beginner’s special will be dissolved, and you will be obligated to pay taxes to the Void Record.]

[Congratulations on your obligation for sincere tax payment.]


Whoa, this is something big!

But it feels a bit sketchy!

In my confusion, I asked Daegwi.

“Daegwi!! What does it mean to pay taxes to the Void Record?!”

[For the balance of the Law of Cause and Effect, you won’t be able to fully enjoy all the benefits of being a True Merchant, and 20% of your net profit will automatically go to the Void Record.]

“Huh?! Where’s the fairness in that?!”

[Take a close look at the taxation obligation section.]


The moment I saw that item as per Daegwi’s words, I was left speechless.

Daegwi’s emotionless remark made me realize the reality.

[The beginner’s special has now been dissolved.]


The beginner’s special.

In other words, the fact that until now I’ve been treated leniently concerning taxes by the Void Record due to being a beginner through level 4 meant that I had been a novice all this while.

Realization hit me like a shockwave.

‘This is insane…’

It’s evident that the difficulty level of hell starts right now.

Reaching level 1 as a True Merchant will undoubtedly be even tougher than I imagined.
