Chapter 14

[Author: SuperMalingExpress*]

[Title: Reoa’s Lamb Rib Collection Guide ─ Colette Bloodberry]

Today’s lamb rib is~~

Colette Bloodberry!

She’s the hidden boss you can meet in the High School Chapter, and if newbies encounter her, they’ll get slaughtered. Even veterans need to prepare before fighting her, or else they’ll have to reload their save. Let’s dive into how to defeat this lady.

【Murmur Greeting Emoticon】

1. How to meet the hidden boss

2. Preparations

3. Strategy

4. Must-have rewards

1. How to meet the hidden boss

Colette can be encountered after the first year of the High School Chapter.

Her appearance event changes depending on whether Esme is alive or not.

If Esme is alive ─ After defeating Esme in the promotion exam for ‘Magic Theory’ available from the High School Chapter.

If Esme is dead ─ Colette can be encountered anytime after her appearance.

Once the above conditions are met, when you talk to Colette:

『So, you’re the shining star of that prestigious academy. Did you think you could escape the consequences of your actions?』

If this dialogue appears, you’ll immediately enter a battle with Colette.

As you can see, the event scene starts right after the dialogue, so you won’t have time to prepare. Make sure you have all your items ready before talking to her.

I tried to cheese it by talking to her unprepared once, and got absolutely wrecked lol.

By the way, when talking to Colette, choosing the following options can give you bonuses, similar to when fighting Professor Marea:

『The Crown Princess knows exactly what you’ve been up to. Your reputation at the academy means nothing.』

If your Charm is 17 or higher, choosing option 3 (“Then tell that esteemed Crown Princess to come herself”) will apply the ‘Overwhelmed’ debuff to Colette.

『Do you think you can defeat me with the magic you learned at that academy? I am the Magic Minister of the Magica Kingdom, dear.』

If your Intelligence and Wisdom combined are 30 or higher, choosing option 2 (“If you’re so skilled, you should know what magic I can use”) will apply the ‘Enraged’ debuff to Colette.

These debuffs aren’t necessary to defeat Colette, but if you’ve made it to the High School Chapter through normal gameplay, you should have the stats to pull them off. It’s worth it.

2. Preparations

The debuffs mentioned above are nice to have but not essential. However, the following are absolutely necessary.

If you don’t prepare these, you’ll either have to grind excessively, or even if you clear the fight, the rewards won’t be worth it.

A. Character Affection

Nicasia Holimpia < Level 3 or higher.

This is absolutely mandatory. You'd be a fool not to bring her against a magic-using enemy.

At Level 3 affection, she activates an aura that reduces magic damage, so she's a must-have.

Some people ignore this because they think their magic resistance setup is enough, but it stacks separately, so don't skip it.


Citrine < Level 2 or higher.

At Level 2 affection, bringing her as a party member gives you +1 Draw Card and a card that blocks Colette's magic casting once.

She's nicknamed the "Item Queen" for a reason, so don't forget to bring her.


Saintess < Level 1 or higher.

Our Saintess heals the entire party once every turn, even if she's not in the party.

Honestly, it's hard not to have her at Level 1 affection unless you're doing a challenge run, so no need to worry too much.


B. Faction Reputation

Cosmos Academy < Must be 60 or higher.

This is absolutely necessary.

At the end of the event scene, the Headmaster appears and prevents Colette from summoning trash mobs.


Mage's Tower < At least 25 or higher.

You can still clear the fight without this, but you won't get the rewards.

[Murmur Side-eye Emoticon]


C. Elemental Magic

You must have at least one spell from each of the four major elements.


3. Strategy


A. Recommended Party

Nicasia, Citrine

These two are mandatory. The buff conditions only apply when they're in the party, so you have no choice.

If you ask if you can clear it without them, of course you can, but I have no idea how.


For the remaining slots, you can bring supports or brainless DPS like Daemos or Balkan.

Nicasia can handle the damage, and with Citrine, you'll have +1 Draw Card, so it won't be too tight.


B. Mechanic Explanation

Colette's action pattern is simple.

If there's an enemy nearby, she uses 'Harpy's Feather' to push them away.

If there are no enemies, she recovers mana.

She then casts a spell targeting the ally with the lowest HP.

She repeats this.


At first glance, it seems straightforward, but there are key points you need to pay attention to.


Ⅰ. Colette's magic casting is reduced by the number of 'Magica Kingdom Court Mages' remaining at the start of the battle.

What does this mean? Just like how players need to discard cards or endure turns to reduce casting, Colette operates under the same system. If you don't clear the trash mobs?

You could get hit with Meteor, Perfect Freeze, Meteor, Perfect Freeze, Meteor in one turn, and your entire party gets wiped.

So, make sure to max out your Academy reputation.


Ⅱ. All of Colette's spells leave status effects.

For example, her Meteor inflicts Burn (adds junk cards to your deck), and Perfect Freeze causes Freeze.

So, don't hold back on using your cards just to save them for more damage.


Ⅲ. Colette leaves behind elemental residues when casting spells.

If you've played up to the High School Chapter, you should know about elemental advantages. Exploit these to stack the 'Overwhelmed' debuff on Colette.

Once 'Overwhelmed' stacks to five, Colette will skip a turn, giving you more time to deal damage.

The problem is that the element Colette casts and the element you can counter with don't always match.

She's not playing Go-Stop with you. She might say she's casting Meteor, but it's actually Earthquake. Always check the details or infer the element from the color of the light around her.


Ⅳ. Demon Race characters must never approach Colette.

The special pattern 'Bloodberry's Heirloom' is triggered when a 'Demon Race' character approaches Colette.

There's no way to dodge it, and if you get hit, your mana drops to 0, and half your deck burns. So, never let them get close.


Ⅴ. Legendary Action: Dual Casting

Colette's legendary action is casting two spells at once. It's like attacking twice in one turn.

You can counter this by exploiting elemental advantages, but to cancel both casts, you need to succeed twice. Debuffs also only stack in this case.

You must neutralize the elements in the order they were cast.


It might seem complicated, but if you keep using the right elemental spells, the debuffs will stack quickly, and you'll clear the fight in no time!


4. Must-have Rewards

This is the whole reason you go through the trouble of defeating this hidden boss.

【Punishment Murmur Emoticon】

And that is...

* * *

【Strength 6, Agility 6, Health 6, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 10, Charm 10】

If I didn't mess up the strategy, there's no way you can defeat 'Colette Bloodberry' with these stats.

But, the situation I'm in now is quite different from the main story, right?

Esme isn't a High School student but a cute and soft Elementary School kid.

Colette Bloodberry isn't the terrifying Magic Minister of the Magica Kingdom but just a petty person aspiring to be one.

The situation is subtly different.

If you ask if it's in my favor, I can confidently say yes. I'm overflowing with confidence.

"Mu, Murmur? Are you listening to me? I know you're angry!"

Nicasia, clinging to my side, was adorably trying to persuade me while holding me up with one hand.

"I'm angry too! I'm so angry I could kick her! But, Murmur! We can't do this."

"It's okay."

"Murmur, this is really dangerous!"

The situation is a bit different from the main story, but it's really okay.

Colette didn't kill Murmur even when she became the Magic Minister. Now? There are more eyes on her, and she can't just kill me right after starting a conversation.

If it comes to a proper fight, I can definitely win. I feel so fired up that I feel bad for making Nicasia worry.

"Really, it's okay."

"I'm worried! I don't like that woman either. I hate her! But I hate seeing Murmur get hurt even more."

"Murmur is okay. I don't plan on getting hurt."

"I don't want to see my friend get hurt twice a day! The opponent is Colette Bloodberry! That woman! She's a psychopath who thinks she can do anything with her sister's backing."

Just before stepping into the garden where Colette was sure to be, Nicasia grabbed my shoulder and shouted.

"Nicasia. Thank you."

"Suddenly thanking me... Are you even listening to me?"

"Yes, thank you for worrying about me, a demon. I'm happy you called me your friend. But..."

I gently held Nicasia's trembling hand.

"Murmur is a little angry today."

I let go of Nicasia's hand, who was looking at me with wide eyes, and moved my small feet quickly.

In the center of the beautifully decorated academy garden, as expected, 'Colette Bloodberry' was sitting. She had a mountain of sweet-smelling desserts and food piled up, sipping tea with steam rising.

After tormenting Esme and trying to kill me.

"Hohoho, it's a relief that kids these days are so spirited."

"Ah... I wish the Crown Princess would return soon so we could see her at the academy."

"Don't worry. It will happen soon."

Around Colette were academy staff and nobles from nearby, chatting away.

"Oh my?"

One of them noticed me approaching and covered her mouth in surprise.

"Where did this dirty demon brat come from..."

"Ah... My, it must be the demon that the failed hero took in. How embarrassing."

"I don't know what the Cosmos Headmaster is doing."

Unlike the nobles who openly insulted me, Colette Bloodberry didn't even glance at me.

As if even looking at a bug like me was a waste.

As if she never expected Esme to kill me.

"Colette Bloodberry."

"Oh my, oh my! Look at this kid!"

"No manners at all!"

"Sigh... This is why demons are no good."

The jeers were familiar by now.

Colette still didn't look at me.

Expecting this, I raised my heel and slammed my palm down on the table in the middle of tea time.

"... Mu, Murmur!!!"

Nicasia, who was following behind, screamed, but Colette finally looked at me, so that was enough.


"Colette, ma'am."

"... What did you say?"

"Fight Murmur in a duel."

Colette's eyebrow twitched.

"Kukuku... What a foolishly demon-like idea."

"Dear! Countess Colette is about to become the Magic Minister of the Magica Kingdom!"

"Sigh... Where did you hear about duels!!"

While those who didn't understand the situation laughed at me, Colette didn't laugh.

"How dare a bug like you use such magic..."

When I moved my small hand, there was a magic circle drawn on the white table with tea.

The Oath of Duel.

A magic where the loser must obey the winner's demands.

"W, wait... That's the Oath of Duel!"

"H, how did a child use that? Professor Aiaie wouldn't teach something so vile!"

"C, Countess Colette... I'm sorry. It seems an Elementary School child learned some strange magic."

Colette glared at me as if she wanted to kill me.

"Ma'am. Are you scared? Afraid you'll lose to Murmur?"

"Hohoho... Hahaha!!! Fine. Miss Murmur. I, Colette Bloodberry, will humor this ridiculous duel."

Colette smirked and infused her mana into the magic circle I drew.

"Dear. Don't regret this? If I win, I'll make you strangle yourself with your own dirty neck."

"You should prepare yourself too, ma'am. If you lose to Murmur, you'll have to apologize to Esme."

"Playing friends with a demon, are we? Keep dreaming. If you can even scratch me, I'll admit defeat and cry like a dog."

You should prepare yourself.

There's a power in children that adults can't even imagine.