Chapter 14

On the second floor of the annex overlooking the party hall,

in a shady area controlled by suspicious Suit Men, a spy met another spy.

The security officer and I sat across from each other at a small table.

“Before we get into the main conversation, I want to inform you that this bomb incident has no connection to our Kien Empire’s royal family.”

“Is that so?”

“The Emperor Himself has expressed His regrets.”

The Emperor has expressed regrets. And the royal family is unrelated to this situation.

Whether that statement is true or not, I do not know. Politicians are a breed that denies everything whenever an incident occurs.

So I took it to mean that the Emperor is indeed paying attention to this matter.

“I want to convey my regrets regarding the terrorism. Are you okay?”

“Fortunately, there are no casualties.”

“That’s good to hear.”

The Suit Man brought the glass to his lips and deliberately tilted it.

Gently sipping the drink, he wiped the fingerprints off the glass with a napkin and spoke.

“In diplomacy, there’s a manner of not bringing up important matters hastily, but given the circumstances, I’ll get straight to the point.”

“Please do.”

“Our intelligence agents say that a second act of terrorism is expected to occur.”

Episode 2 – Heroes of the Continent

On the first day we arrived at the cult, a bomb exploded. A homemade bomb using industrial explosives went off.

A total of 62 civilian casualties were reported. The most likely targets were Camila Lowell or Cardinal Raphael.

It was the work of a Dark Magician. Rumors swirled claiming it was the doing of a religious reform group. It was a terrorist act initiated by the Empire, among others, and these were suppressed under the media control of the Inquisition.

At first, suspicion fell on the Kien Empire. More precisely, I suspected the Imperial Guard HQ was behind it. It seemed suspicious. They were traditional enemies of the kingdom, and they began intelligence operations without any formal statement right after the terror.

Perhaps it was not the Empire, but rather an insider from the cult. The former director of the Inquisition, Raphael, had many enemies. There was a chance that someone, harboring resentment from reckless inquisitions, instigated the terror.

There was no solid information.

I proceeded with the investigation based on gut feelings. It was then that a previously silent agent from the Imperial Guard HQ approached me.

With information that a terror act was going to occur.

“…Thank you for the good information. Can I ask you something?”

“Of course.”

The security officer readily permitted me.

“You said you were dispatched from the Overseas Counterintelligence Department to the embassy. What exactly do you do to have obtained this terror intel?”

I wasn’t asking because I didn’t know what Counterintelligence does.

The job of embassy’s counterintelligence agents typically involved preventing leaks of confidential information, disrupting espionage activities, and approving contacts with foreign intelligence agents.

What I wanted to ask was, how a counterintelligence agent came to possess information related to terrorism.

“If you’re asking for the source of the information, I can’t disclose that.”

Did the Suit Man pick up on my feelings? He slipped away like a catfish.

“As you know, I have an obligation to protect the identity of my informants. You know the regulations, right?”

“Ah, yes. That’s right.”

He can’t disclose the source.

Fine. Right now, the source isn’t what’s important.

“…Do you know where and how the terror will be carried out?”

“We don’t know that either. However, unlike the last attack which employed a bomb, we speculate they will use a different method.”

The identity of the terrorists has yet to be revealed.

Usually, when terrorism occurs, the perpetrators publicly claim responsibility and boast about their actions. But until now, the terrorists have not released any statements or demands.

This means that the purpose of the bomb attack is not to spread ideology or impose demands, but rather to focus solely on assassination itself.

The Suit Man opened a new bottle and filled his glass.

“Do you have any guesses on who the target of the terror is?”

“…I suspect it may be either Camila Lowell or Cardinal Raphael.”

“That’s right. Then, if the hero or the cardinal dies, wouldn’t those who stand to gain be the suspects? Of course, it could be someone other than the hero or cardinal.”

Someone other than the hero or cardinal.

Is he referring to me?

“Are you saying that I could be the target?”

“Considering you’re the hero’s companion, it is plausible that you could be a target of terrorism.”

“…Well, that’s enough of that.”

I paused for a moment. As silence lingered, the Suit Man tilted his head in curiosity.

“…Why exactly are you sharing this information with me?”

If they’re to obtain this kind of intel, there must be some connection between the terrorists and the Imperial Guard HQ.

Whether it’s through local aides or spies they have planted, they must have gotten wind of the impending terror.

“You’re wondering why our Guard HQ has information only the terrorists might know, and why we’re revealing it, right?”


“It’s simple. We are not the terrorists.”

The Suit Man smiled gently.

“The Emperor eagerly awaits the hero’s arrival. However, since you’ve been targeted by terrorists, your schedule has been delayed.”

In short, he meant, “We are not the terrorists.”

Upon reflection, it made no sense for the guards, waiting for Camila Lowell at the Emperor’s behest, to have bombed something that would delay the schedule.

“Then who do you think is behind the terror?”

“While it’s just my personal opinion, not the official stance of the Guard HQ, I suspect it might be an internal faction within the cult…”

“That’s sufficient information.”

I stood up abruptly and headed down to the first floor.

The chaotic conversation laden with shocking news had ended in just over thirty minutes. I immediately canceled all my appointments and returned to the embassy.

Upon hastily relaying the information and returning to the embassy, it had already turned into a chaotic scene.

“What the hell is going on right now?!”

“What did the Inquisition say? What? Why is someone who doesn’t know anything sitting there? Connect me at once!”

“I’ll relay the details, so send a telegram to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Hurry!”

What a mess.

My mind was completely jumbled, and nothing was prepared.

The ambassador stood there with a dazed expression of someone who had lost their country, while the secretaries were fidgeting uneasily. Fortunately, thanks to agents who had finally regained their composure, I was able to reach the conference room.

I locked the conference room door and pulled the curtains shut, then strode to the center of the room to operate the communication device.

“Thank you for your hard work despite the busy schedule. According to the information I received, a second act of terrorism targeted at the hero is anticipated. Colonel? Can you hear me?”

-‘I can hear you. So, there’s a threat of a new terror, huh?’

“Yes. The information was passed directly to me from the person I just met.”

I relayed the information I had heard as concisely as possible. The colonel listened in silence, while the agents hurriedly wrote down my words.

-‘Fredrick, thanks for the situation briefing. I have a few questions—can you tell me the source of the information?’

“The intel was passed from an agent of the Imperial Guard HQ’s Overseas Counterintelligence Department. They were dispatched to the Kien Empire’s embassy.”

-‘A counterintelligence agent from the embassy. Summarize the information you received.’

“There’s a second act of terrorism expected. The means and methods are unknown, and the exact date is also unclear. It seemed they didn’t know any detailed information either.”

The colonel and I exchanged a few questions, while the agents scribbled down notes as quickly as they could.

During this exchange, the ambassador suddenly interrupted.

“So, what you’re saying is, there’s going to be another bomb aimed at the hero? Am I hearing that right?”

“I don’t know if it will be a bomb or a bullet. What is certain is that another act of terrorism is going to occur.”

“Ah, um, yes. Thank you, Colonel Frederick. I have a few queries. Can you analyze who the mastermind of the terror might be and where it’s likely to happen?”

“…Are you asking me to do that right here?”


What kind of nonsense is this?

How can you analyze intel without cross-referencing it first? Even the CIA grandfather couldn’t pull that off.

As I contemplated whether to spit in the bald idiot’s face, Colonel Clevenz interjected.

-‘Ambassador, the process of turning intel into actionable information takes time. It’s not something that can just be whipped up like a cheap snack.’

“I know that, but we can’t afford to wait around leisurely now that the hero’s official schedule is right around the corner.” The ambassador continued explaining, having finally regained his senses.

“There are currently almost dozens of schedules that need to be executed by the cult. All the ambassadors from every nation are eagerly awaiting the hero’s official appearance at these events. If we delay the schedule again, what do you think will happen?”

-‘The Ministry of Foreign Affairs would be displeased. If you delay the schedule, what kind of repercussions might arise?’

“Most of the international businesses currently in progress would be affected. Companies with overseas branches would need to pull out, and every project initiated by the kingdom would be impacted, shaking the kingdom’s economy.”

In short, it would be disastrous.

It’s hard to believe that just one hero’s absence can cause such turmoil, but this was the harsh reality. Just then, an agent running in with a paper opened the door.

“The Inquisition has stated they have no information regarding the second act of terror.”

“As I said earlier, this information was conveyed from the Imperial Guard HQ. Naturally, the Inquisition wouldn’t know.”

While I was skimming through the document the agent handed me, the ambassador cluelessly piped up once more.

“Then how about sharing that information with the Inquisition? Since the investigation of the terror falls under their jurisdiction, it would be prudent to share information and establish countermeasures.”

Is he an idiot?

You expect me to share intel acquired through espionage with an anti-espionage agency?

-‘The moment you pass that information to the Inquisition, the agents from the Imperial Guard HQ will be slaughtered. Do you think the Guard HQ will just sit there quietly?’

“Ah, yes! I see your point.”

Possibly picturing his future of dying on his way home, the ambassador quickly rescinded his words. Once their exchange ended, the ambassador’s advisor raised their hand.

“What if we officially announce the fact that a terror act is expected?”

What kind of ridiculous idea is that?

I grimaced at the thought but the oblivious spokesperson kept rambling.

“If we publicly state that we’re aware of the impending terror, wouldn’t the scared terrorists hesitate?”

“You idiot—”

“Excuse me?”

“Uh, no, that’s not what I meant, Advisor? Your insight is truly appreciated, but I don’t think the terrorists who just detonated a bomb in the middle of the cult would care about an official announcement from the embassy and stop their planned terror.”

Common sense dictates that those who commit terrorism aren’t operating on a normal wavelength.

Even after the bomb attack and given the time elapsed, the terrorists have yet to release any statement or demands, indicating they have no intention of negotiating.

In other words, they’re purely focused on assassination, with no room for bylaws.

His understanding seemed to click as he nodded and closed his mouth. Then, a meticulous staff member wearing glasses posed a question. I didn’t know his affiliation.

“Let’s leave that aside for now. Is the embassy safe from the terror?”

A terror aimed at the embassy.

It was indeed a plausible scenario.

I quickly recalled the layout of the embassy building and the locations of the knights stationed around it.

“Considering the guard forces stationed around the embassy and its structure, even if a terror should occur, I think it will be safe for a reasonable time.”

“Are you implying that a terror aimed at the diplomatic office could take place?”

“How the hell would I know?! If I knew, I would’ve opened a fortune-telling shop!”

“It’s not an impossible scenario, but the likelihood is very low.”

With those words, the bespectacled man seemed to panic and rubbed his face with his thick hands, while the ambassador wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.

I placed my hands on the table and lowered my voice.

“Since the bomb attack, the terrorists have not issued any statements. In other words, they have no desire to negotiate for anything. Therefore, their sole target is the assassination…”

As I trailed off, everyone focused their attention on me.

“…Please reconsider the hero’s external activities just once more.”

I took a gulp of water to hydrate my parched throat. Suddenly, images from a film I had seen in my past life flashed through my mind. It was a scene featuring gunfire at an embassy; what was the name of that movie? Was it “13 Hours”?

I envisioned special forces sprinting along the embassy rooftop with a rifle in hand, resisting the attackers. If things went wrong, I might end up sprinting across the embassy rooftop wielding a pistol like them.

Before I knew it, the atmosphere in the conference room had settled, leaving only an empty silence lingering in the air.

I couldn’t determine how much time had passed when the silence was finally broken by a faint whisper.

“It seems we should take a little break…”

Thus, a void meeting lasting three hours ended inconclusively.

A few days went by.

All the embassy staff scurried about preparing for official schedules. They continued with preparations as no directives had been issued from the kingdom.

And this morning, we finally received communication from our home nation.

On the terrace of the embassy’s second floor, with one hand stuffed in my pocket, I nervously tapped my leg and answered the call.

“What’s the situation? Colonel?”

-‘Sorry, Frederick. It’s been settled to proceed with the schedule as planned.’

I was left speechless by the absurd decision.

“Just continue as scheduled?”

-‘…That’s how the higher-ups decided.’

That meant a direct order. If they were issuing commands to the intelligence agency, it must be either the military high command or the king himself.

A sigh escaped me as I wrapped my head around this decision, but what could I do? It is the duty of a soldier to comply with orders. I simply continued trembling my leg and spoke.

“What should we do?”

-‘You, being the hero’s companion, will take on the closest task of protecting the hero. And your subordinates, Pippin and Jake, right? I have separate assignments for those two.’

“May I ask what those tasks entail?”

-‘Tasks like information gathering and security checks. Just ensure that you support the hero’s protection from the rear.’

Now the duty of hero protection had been added to my responsibilities.

From being a manager assisting the hero into a mere meat shield who would take bullets and knives in case of emergencies.

At least it was a relief that Pippin and Jake escaped the dangerous assignments.

I was thankful there wouldn’t be an incident where my subordinates turned into bullet catchers. This was probably a consideration by Colonel Clevenz for those two.

“Thank you, Colonel.”

-‘…Just take care of yourself.’

Once the brief advice concluded, the colonel explained my assigned duties and authority.

-‘Since terror can occur at any time or place, you may control the situation in agreement with the relevant authorities, or even cancel schedules if needed. Just ensure to avoid being placed in dangerous situations.’

I had now been endowed with the authority to negotiate with the cult and adjust the schedule. It was a significant authority for someone of my quasi-diplomatic status.

-‘We will be diverting a few intel agents operating from the cult to be part of the hero’s protection force. You can command them as you see fit.’

It was an authority that completely ignored hierarchy and procedures.

This was clearly an overreach into the domain of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs while disregarding ranks, but all of it was carried out with the higher-ups’ tacit approval.

At this point, anxiety started to creep in.

-‘And the most crucial authority has been bestowed upon you. Though it’s somewhat illegal.’

The leg I’d been nervously bouncing immediately came to a halt.

The Military Intelligence Agency routinely engaged in ‘illegal activities’ as part of their standard practice.

Considering that the colonel, working in such an agency, had mentioned “somewhat illegal,” I couldn’t even begin to fathom how horrifying the next statement would be.

Thus, with an overwhelming surge of questions and dread, I managed to finally speak up.

And then,

“What does that mean…?”

-‘The higher-ups have granted you command over a black operation.’

I felt a blade grip firmly in my hand.