Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Former Hero Alexander

I felt as though my heart had been seized in a vice.

Until now, I had been in a daze, half-dreaming, but suddenly, all color drained from my body.

Had the demon discovered my true identity?

—This can’t be real. All my efforts would go down the drain.

“What’s this about?”

I played dumb, but I could feel my voice trembling.

“What do you mean, what’s this about? …Fufufu, ahahahahaha!!”

For a moment, the demon girl looked stunned, then she doubled over with laughter, clutching her stomach as she sat sloppily on her throne.

She was laughing so hard that tears flowed down her cheeks.

“That’s obvious. Here, take a look for yourself.”

Alongside me, the demon girl traced her finger, and suddenly there appeared a full-length mirror.

And I saw it.

I saw—


It was a pitifully gaunt man. Brown hair, sunburned skin. His eyes were sunken but glimmered with a strange light. The figure of the fit ‘Hero Alexander’ I’d once known was nowhere to be found, but beyond doubt, it was me—‘Hero Alexander.’

What was most bizarre was that my body was riddled with holes like it had been eaten away, filled with a bluish, translucent substance.

Almost as if—like the skin of a demon.


This was the unstable material world of the Demon Realm.

And I was—no matter what anyone said, Hero Alexander.

“It’s rare for someone like you to come here.”

The words of Odigos flickered suddenly in my mind—

“What are you?”

I was left speechless, only to snap back at the question.

Panicking, I cast my gaze around me, but the hall was surrounded by walls. The corridor I thought I had come through was nowhere to be found.

No escape.

“Hehehe, you’re a cute one. You think you can escape?”

A sickly sweet breath brushed against me, sending chills down my spine.

Before I knew it, the demon girl was right beside me.


What should I do? How am I supposed to deal with this unfathomable demon—

“Hehehe. Going silent, are we?”

The demon grinned.

“—[Silence is forbidden.]”

An overwhelming pressure and compulsion struck me.

“…I am Alexander. A hero of the human race…”

Against my will, my mouth started moving.

“…and now, I am also the Prince of the Demon Race… I defeated the Demon Lord and found myself reborn…”

What the hell! Stop it!!!

I shoved my hand into my mouth to forcibly halt my speech.

But it was too late. I had already revealed the very thing I wanted to hide the most.

“Oh! A reincarnate, are we? I’ve never seen one maintain so much of their original form before.”

As the demon paced around me, I could feel her keen, interested eyes on me.

“You said you were defeated by the Demon Lord… Did you fall prey to the Curse of the Cannibal?”

—The soul-consuming forbidden art.

“But you couldn’t fully digest it. Remarkable power you possess. Humans really are not to be underestimated… So, what brings you here?”


“[Interference is forbidden.]”


Desperately struggling, yet my lips moved of their own accord—

“I have grown horns… I came to the Demon Realm… seeking power to defeat the Demon Lord…!”


“How pitiful. And how noble. Even though your soul is frayed, and you’ve been reborn, your hatred for the Demon Race never fades. You can scarcely remember your past life.”

“…What are you saying? I remember.”

“Oh? Then tell me, where were you born? What is the name of your hometown?”

“That thing—”

I tried to answer, but froze.

Despite being forbidden from silence.

The name of my village just wouldn’t come to me.

—No, this is crazy. This can’t be!

“What about your parents’ names?”

Mother is Mother, Father is Father. Their names are—


“What is the name of your closest friend?”


That’s right. And her father, Cedric the baker.

“What is the name of your mentor?”

Which mentor? The orphanage teacher? The instructor of the convent? The teacher from the Holy Kingdom?

“…The instructor, Miralda…”

Only one name surfaced.

I felt a cold chill run down my spine. My memories are intact. I can recall the flow of events. Yet, why can’t I remember most of the names?

My memories were worm-eaten. It was as if—


In the mirror, I saw my own reflection.

“Have you realized? How pitiful you are.”

A giggle followed.

“Indeed, those of mortal lineage are simply fascinating to watch. So noble, yet so ridiculous… Now, you may remain silent.”

“…Who are you?”

The compulsion lifted, but I pressed on.

“If you allow silence, will you chatter? Very well. My name is—”

Sitting on the throne, she replied.

“—My name is Antendeixis. The Forbidden Demon God.”

Demon God.

A title held by the rulers who dominate the Demon Realm.

Their trouble and malice—far beyond that of mere demons!

“…So, what shall I do with you?”

She licked her lips.

“Thanks to the agreement made by Cannibal, we must cooperate with the Demon Race as much as possible.”

“…You’re a Demon God, yet you obey the Demon Race?”

“Obey? What foolishness is that? I merely respect the agreement. They are the ones who bow to me and seek my power. Moreover, due to them, the Demon Realm is brimming with energy like never before. Enriching the territory is the duty of a ruler.”

With a bored expression, Antendeixis rested her chin on her hand.

Then, her vividly colored eyes twisted in delight.

“…A human, especially a vengeful hero, disguising himself as the Prince of the Demon Race. This is quite the significant matter. If I were to expose this, it would surely be amusing, wouldn’t you agree?”

That which I feared the most.

“…Please, don’t.”

“If you tell me not to, I’ll do it even more. I am the one who governs the forbidden.”

“But you’d do the opposite if I said, ‘Go ahead,’ wouldn’t you?”

“Naturally. That’s far more entertaining.”

Either way, it seems I’m screwed. This is ridiculous.


“If that’s the case, then would it satisfy you more if it were truly entertaining?”

I sensed that even in this brief encounter.

This demon was bored.

Rotting away in this musty palace.

“Oh? What do you have in mind?”

Antendeixis narrowed her eyes.

“Are you actually suggesting I make a contract with you? How pathetic for self-preservation.”

“…What sort of contractor would be fitting for you?”

“That’s obvious. One who breaks taboos. And not just any taboo.”


I looked straight into Antendeixis’ eyes.

“There’s no one more fitting than me. I am a hero. I protect the human race and fight against the forces of darkness. Yet, I am also the Prince of the Demon Race. To solidify that position, I will abandon the innocent. I’ll use them as stepping stones. I will trample on them, cast them aside. I will stain my hands in the taboo of killing those I should protect.”

Ah, that’s right.

I’ve been thinking about this all along.

Even if my ultimate goal is to annihilate the Demon Kingdom.

I know that along the way, it’s an unavoidable process.

“—At the same time, I am the Demon Prince. I inherit the will of the Demon Lord and dedicate myself to the kingdom. Yet, I shall bring ruin. I will betray the loyalty of my subordinates, the loyalty of the father and mother of this body, and turn my siblings into sacrifices. Born a prince, I will become a traitor to destroy my own kingdom, staining my hands in the greatest taboo.”

Platy, who has expectations of me.

Sofia, who cares for me despite her complaints.

The Night Elves and Beastmen serving by my side.

I intend to betray them all and send them straight to hell.

“As a hero, as a Demon Prince. As a member of the human race, as a member of the demon race. I will stain my hands in every conceivable taboo.”

With a heartfelt resentment, I asked.

“Demon God. Is there anyone more fitting as a contractor than I?”

—Antendeixis reclined back on her throne.

“……Indeed, I can hardly think of another talent like yours. I acknowledge that.”

But, as she crossed her legs, the Demon God continued.

“However, it’s insufficient. You lack what it takes to move me, the Demon God. Your standing as a contractor is not enough. If you wish to move me, a corresponding price must be offered.”

A price sufficient to convince the Demon God.

“I’ll tell you this now: I am not as petty as Cannibal. The power you could offer is unneeded. That wouldn’t fill even a hollow stomach. I have no interest in your soul, either. Receiving such a worthless thing would be a nuisance for me. Show me something more attractive, something that makes my heart race.”

What could I possibly offer this Forbidden Demon God?

Outside of power or my soul?

There’s really only one thing.

“I offer you a taboo.”

—What? With that puzzled look, I continued.

“I will destroy the Dark Portal.”


“I don’t know how I’ll do it. I don’t know when I’ll do it. But to diminish the power of the Demon Race and obliterate the Demon Kingdom, I will definitely do it. So cooperate with me.”

I grabbed Antendeixis by her slender shoulders.

“Even though you’re a Demon God. Despite being one of the ruling powers of the Demon Realm. You would sprinkle sand on the agreement, diminish the wealth of the Demon Realm, and tarnish your dignity and status. Just imagine how despairing and sorrowful the demons descending to the mortal realm would be, having lost their place to return to.”

I spoke as if pouring poison into her ears.

“—I offer you the opportunity to commit that taboo.”

Her vividly colored eyes trembled.

“…Don’t talk nonsense.”

With a sharp movement, my hand was swatted away.

“Stop with the delusions. Do you think I’d cooperate to destroy the Dark Portal? Do you realize how many powers flow in through that portal, bringing vitality to this realm? And to defy the agreement as a Demon God? To torment those cute little demonlings? …Such actions would drag my dignity and reputation through the mud—”

Antendeixis, rubbing her thighs together slightly.

“—Oh, how delightful.”

She placed her hand on her flushed cheek, sighing in rapture.