Chapter 129

After finishing a decision that felt long yet short,

one letter, one letter,

I cautiously began to write.

[Um… have you heard that I’m forming a new team?]

A reply came back quickly.

[Ah, yes yes]

So you knew after all.

Now, this is where it gets important.

[Um… if it’s okay, do you have thoughts about joining our team as mid?]


Even though it was a short response, I could feel the surprise through the screen.

Well, I can’t blame him…

Getback is a retired professional gamer.

Even though he’s retired, there were definitely some overseas offers, if not domestic ones, right before he quit.

Yet, Getback chose retirement.

How much thought did he put into making that decision?

My actions now are trying to reverse Getback’s choice.

Naturally, I have to present terms and merits worthy of that.

[Uh… just a moment]

And then, a long silence followed.

As I buried my head in the streaming computer, the audience started to stir.

-? What’s the host doing?

-Why are you looking somewhere else?

-Who are you talking to?

-Is it your boyfriend?


-What are you doing, what are you doing, what are you doing, what are you doing?

“Ah… I was doing something for a moment.”

This is why no streams are tough.

Even if I want to take a little break, the audience won’t let it slide.

‘It’s because the time not streaming has been long…’

Generally, when other streamers take breaks, they keep their cameras on and sometimes even sleep-stream.

But I can’t do that for various concerns, so I leave the stream on while turning off both camera and mic while I sleep.

It’s basically as good as the stream being off.

On top of that, I adopted a sleeping schedule that’s two hours longer than the commonly set eight-hour standard, going for ten hours or more.

So, considering the circumstances, since I’m claiming to be taking a break, I had no excuse to be bothered by the viewers while the camera is on.

‘Well, if it was before, I’d collapse from a four-hour stream, let alone fourteen…’

But I suddenly realize how robust my health is.

As if trying to repay the life that had been taken from me until now.

“Um… I’m going to the bathroom for a moment.”


-What’s up?

-Is something going on?


-For real, is it your boyfriend?


“It’s not like that. I’ll be right back.”

The viewers sent me strange looks, but for me, the part related to recruitment was slightly more important, so it couldn’t be helped.

‘It should be fine if I handle it quickly.’

The reason I’m hesitant to hide this from the viewers unlike others is because I’m worried about what kind of backlash I might face if Getback rejects this offer.

Unlike the likes of 3 Min Top School Honorary Member or Timid Person 190, Getback is a live BJ actively working at Red TV.

‘This is Red TV; I need to make sure nothing bad happens even if Getback refuses.’

I took my smartphone and headed straight to the bathroom.

[Are you really okay with me? Should I consider someone else…?]

The reply I received exposed Getback’s concerns.

I wouldn’t call his traces a failure, but it’s still hard to consider him a success as a professional gamer.

An average pro, one who’s been through it all.

That’s who Getback was, and that remained true even after retirement.


I’ve already seen it.

The potential that Getback possesses.

He still has one last spark left to ignite.

He can’t go with just any jungler.

He can’t go with another team either.

Only with me, within the team that I’ll create, can I fully draw out Getback’s potential.

I’ll make it happen.

[Of course]

The reply came swiftly.

[Then I’ll do it.]

[I really want to.]

From someone who seemed negative about returning to being a pro gamer just moments ago, I could feel a strong will.

After all, who would want to end their life as a professional gamer voluntarily?

Pro gamers have a notably short lifespan compared to other professions.

And that short span is usually decided more by others than by themselves.

Because there aren’t any teams calling them.

There might be a team, but they don’t want to go overseas.

They’ve reached an age where they have to serve in the military.

If there was a chance to continue on from a pro gamer career that ended due to external factors?

I think most pro gamers would want to grasp that lifeline at least once, right?

[Good job thinking it through]

And so, Getback became part of our team.

… Even if it’s a team without a proper name yet, for now, that’s how it was.

[Oh, can I mention the recruitment on stream?]

[Yes, yes, go ahead]

It’s going to get noisy for a while.

[Okay, then I’ll contact you later]


Emerging from the bathroom, I headed back to the computer with a light step.


-Host, where are you? Host, where are you? Host, where are you?

-I’m here

-Sis, waiting for you is killing me!








Is it safe to say this was expected?

The chat was literally bursting with messages.

“I’m back.”

-What happened?





-Get rid of the explainers

-Get rid of the explainers

-I’m here


“‘Outlaw Love You’ has gifted ‘10’ balloons.”

“Explain your boyfriend.”

As if I’d have something like that.

“Alright, everyone calm down. I’m going to say something very important now.”



-What’s up?

-For real, I need to be in the loop too, come on!

-We don’t know either, idiot

-For real haha

“Um… I’m creating a team, right? I finally found a mid laner.”


-No way…

-Are you thinking of ‘that guy’?

-No way haha

-Don’t die waiting for me, don’t die waiting for me!

-But isn’t that guy already retired? Can he still do it?

The moment I opened my mouth, the viewers seemed to have predicted what I was going to say and began talking about Getback.

“You’ve all expected that, huh? Yes, indeed. Getback is joining our team as the mid laner.”

-What the hell



-Definitely Getback is good

-He’s the real deal

-Being a pro… but…

-How do you think he’ll do until the second division? After that, it’s uncertain, right? He’s a mid tier…

-That’s just the rough idea; being back a pro will be different

-Yeah, he was even going toe-to-toe with Router last time, haha, Router is a Challenger level!

-For real

“I get what you’re all worrying about. But there’s no need to worry too much.”

I said with conviction.

“Getback is a skilled player.”

If he were a bad player, he wouldn’t have lasted in the monster-infested first division for years.

Even if he didn’t produce great results, just being there already made him one of the top mid laners in the country.


-Didn’t he solo kill Rainbow?

-Yup, that was when Getback hard carried!

-For real haha

Fans too seemed to be coming around to reminisce about Getback’s past with all kinds of stories.

Well… my focus on Getback wasn’t on his past looks, but rather on his current potential.

-So, is only ADC left?

-No way, are you thinking of recruiting Nilliri?

-Dude haha that would be a joke

-For real, that’s crossing the line

“Um… I’ll look for the ADC later. I haven’t found anyone suitable yet.”


-The guy mentioning Nilliri, step up

-That’s totally crossing the line for any pro

-For real haha

BJ Nilliri was certainly a decent ADC for being a Dia 1 player… but no way he’s pro material.

Someone could argue that the gap between Getback and just Dia 1 or Master isn’t far, but Getback is a veteran from the first division. They simply weren’t on the same level.

‘So then…’

The outline of my new team was mostly set.

Top: 3 Min Top School Honorary Member

Jungle: Outlaw

Mid: Getback

ADC: Open

Support: Timid Person 190

While it may not seem impressive now, I will make those lineups the top players in the country within a year.

‘Finding an ADC is important, but there’s something even more crucial.’

To create a team, funding is essential.

And to gain that funding, I need to win the bet with my father.

‘There’s not much time left.’

This unexpected event kept me from proceeding as quickly as I wanted.

The remaining time is only a week now.

It’s about time to wrap up this stream.