Chapter 125


For those truly passionate about Legends of League, this is an opportunity you can’t miss. It’s a great chance to look back on the last match and reflect on what mistakes were made and what went well, allowing for some much-needed self-objectivity.

Of course, this mainly pertains to solo queue warriors looking to climb their tiers, and when it comes to team games, it gets a bit more complicated.

Especially during feedback sessions among streamers in a match like this one.

“Are you all watching my stream?”

[“Yeah, yeah.”]

[“I’m watching.”]

[“Streaming right now.”]


– so annoying so annoying

– Ah

– Look at Jjuhsim getting ready to politic again, lol

– Lol

– so annoying

– Ro

– U

– Jjuhsim, get a grip, man

– Ah

– Lol

The audience’s demands continued, but Jjuhsim bravely ignored them and steadfastly played the replay.

“Welcome to Summoner’s Rift!”

The early invade situation was straightforward, so no need to dwell on that…

“Here. This is where the problem starts.”

The replay paused as Master Yi first appeared on the map. At that moment, our team’s situation was remarkably favorable. However, the failure to capitalize on it could easily be pointed out as a key reason for defeat.

“Master Yi showed himself so openly, and look at our laners doing nothing. Shouldn’t we be calling for the jungler to invade the enemy jungle or something? It was clearly a Master Yi stack composition; there should have at least been some effort to shut him down.”


– Why should the mid do that?

– Me

– You should have called it out, idiot

– Here we go again, blaming others

– Pathetic

– Lock

– Me

– Lock

Perhaps empowered by the comments from the viewers, Router spoke up, albeit a little hesitantly.

[“I admit I made a mistake… but shouldn’t the jungler call that out first? Looking at it here, it just seems like you’re doing nothing but farming…”]

– agreed

– so annoying

– Wow

– Router with the sharp words, haha

– Jungler difference for sure, lol

– Totally agree

– Yep, totally agree again

– Facts, I agree

Of course, it was a familiar situation for Jjuhsim, one he’d expected. How many tournaments had he endured in the chaotic realm of Red TV? This was nothing.

“Sure, I’ve got my faults too. But I’m the jungler. Isn’t it normal for laners to assess the lane situation better? If we’re winning, it’s not just about calling out CS differences; there should have been other calls.”

[“That’s true… yes, I’m sorry. I messed up.”]

Router’s voice became cautious.

Despite game skills aside, Router didn’t have many viewers on Red TV. Thus, this feedback session didn’t start on equal footing.

– Here we go again trying to put him down

– Seriously, this dude needs to hit rock bottom

– Jungler difference, jungler difference

– Why is this the mid’s fault? Why is this the mid’s fault? Why is this the mid’s fault? Why is this the mid’s fault? Why is this the mid’s fault?

– Wow, seriously politicizing this

– Ugh, spit

– so annoying

– Jjuhsim may not know much, but when it comes to politics, he’s a diplomat-level player

The audience’s grumbling was still palpable, but Jjuhsim shrugged it off as he always did after a loss. After all, viewers who watch the game win are like pigs bouncing in nirvana, forgetting everything. There’s no need to respond to every comment.

So far, this was par for the course. As a jungler, if you wanted to blame others, you could endlessly.

Of course, laners could do the same, but very few had the audacity to confront a big player like Jjuhsim in the current team scenario.


As life often goes, things don’t always play out as you’d prefer.

The turning point was, as always, the most crucial scene in this game: Jjuhsim’s downfall began with the iconic Lee Sin solo kill moment.

“First Blood!”

Caught off guard, Lee Sin fell victim to a surprise attack from Master Yi, earning a solo kill without even putting up a fight.

– oh no oh no oh no

– Something big is coming

– Just look at that guy’s face, lol

– First blood, lol

– A jungler getting solo killed by Master Yi? A jungler getting solo killed by Master Yi? A jungler getting solo killed by Master Yi? A jungler getting solo killed by Master Yi?

– So pathetic

– Golshim! Golshim! Golshim! Golshim! Golshim! Golshim! Golshim! Golshim! Golshim! Golshim! Golshim! Golshim! Golshim! Golshim!

“This… yeah, I messed up. I didn’t expect Master Yi to be there. Sorry, moving on to the next scene…”

And the replay smoothly transitioned to the next segment.

– ???

– ?

– ??????

– Wow, he’s just skipping over his own blunders

– That’s where the game went south, but he’s just sliding past his own faults, lol

– So pathetic

– Golshim! Golshim! Golshim! Golshim! Golshim! Golshim! Golshim! Golshim! Golshim! Golshim! Golshim! Golshim! Golshim! Golshim!

“Come on, everyone, people can make mistakes. If you want to get technical, isn’t it more on the laners for not providing vision to the jungler while we were winning?”

– ??

– Here we go again blaming others, lol

– ?

– Lock

– ??????

The hooks were thrown at Jjuhsim from all sides.

And the bombardment began.

– Dude, just go die!

– Go die! Go die! Go die! Go die! Go die! Go die! Go die! Go die! Go die!

– Me

– Ah

– Lock

– Me

– Lol

– Lock

Unable to listen any longer, other team members stepped in.

[“That’s a bit much.”]

[“Honestly, making excuses after a solo kill isn’t right. Do you all agree? Yeah, I agree.”]

“…Okay, I messed up.”

In a surprising turn for him, Jjuhsim admitted his fault fairly quickly.

After all, continuing to argue would only lead to more ridicule at this point.

The first game ended in a typical jungler difference outcome. If it were any other day, Jjuhsim would’ve found a way to shift the blame, but unfortunately, one of the common reasons cited for lane differences in Legends of League is simply growth disparities.

Master Yi stack composition.

The opponent confidently played that difficult composition and even finished the game with Master Yi’s hard carry.

Naturally, this raised a contrast between the standout outlaw and the dreadfully struggling Jjuhsim.

The perfect setup.

‘He wouldn’t have calculated that far, would he…?’

There’s no way Outlaw, a broadcasting novice, concocted this strategy with any entertaining elements in mind. That’s absurd.

Jjuhsim thought the objective strength was indeed leaning toward his team.

‘But if they really intended to put together such a composition…’

The backlash from losing today was something he wouldn’t even dare to imagine. A few months off would pale in comparison; YouTube could face serious damage over such an issue.

‘I have to win no matter what.’

Gone was the Jjuhsim weighing broadcast chances here and there; a challenger and Lee Sin master version was present instead.

“…Let’s do better in the next game. The last opponent was well-prepared. We know we’re better, right?”


[“Except for the jungler, agreed.”]

[“That’s also true.”]

The previously downcast atmosphere lifted significantly.

At that moment.

Someone crashed into Jjuhsim’s team voice chat messenger.

[“We’re waiting, are you ready?”]

It was Outlaw.

– oh my

– Jjuhsim’s high school bully has arrived

– Noona, I’m dying! Noona, I’m dying! Noona, I’m dying! Noona, I’m dying! Noona, I’m dying! Noona, I’m dying! Noona, I’m dying! Noona, I’m dying! Noona, I’m dying!

– Noona, beat up Jjuhsim some more, he needs a lesson

– For real, lol

– Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw!

– Noona, don’t go! Noona, don’t go! Noona, don’t go! Noona, don’t go! Noona, don’t go! Noona, don’t go! Noona, don’t go! Noona, don’t go!

As the chat went wild with Outlaw’s appearance, managers hurriedly froze the chat.

– [The chat has been frozen.]

Jjuhsim also regained his composure a bit late.

“…Ah, yeah.”

[“We’re ready.”]

[“Yes, understood.”]

Once Outlaw left the voice chat, the second set officially began.

With teams switched and Jjuhsim now picking last.

“They could pull off another Outlaw stack composition, so let’s go with this.”

To be safe from any surprise strategies, Jjuhsim discussed bans and picks with his team through the streaming computer.

“So, we’re banning these, right?”



Jjuhsim chose to ban Janna, Threak, and Yuumi.

It seemed obvious to him that those three picks were key for the jungle stack comp.

“This should stop them from doggedly pulling off a jungle stack composition.”

A Master Yi without Threak?

That’s like a moth to a flame.

Let’s see them try.

On the other hand, the opponent’s bans were similar to the last match yet left uncertainty.




Once the bans were done, it was time for the opponents to pick, and they did so without hesitation.


“Uh, that’s a bit annoying, but expected. Shall we proceed as discussed?”

[“Let’s go.”]

With this, Jjuhsim’s team revealed their first two picks as planned.



If they could also bring in Jiksoo or Janna, the moment Kamal ties up an enemy would be just the start of toppling one opponent.

No matter how outstanding your stack composition is, it’s useless if you die, right?



Finally, as the opponent’s pick unveiled, Jjuhsim’s face went pale.

Banning Threak and Janna should have been a solid counter against the impromptu composition, but they still had Kindred in their corner.

No, it’s impossible to block every pick in Legends of League with bans.

Especially if your opponent is like Outlaw, who has no champion pool restrictions.

“…No, it’s fine. I’ll just play Lee Sin.”

Lee Sin is often regarded as one of Kindred’s counter picks.

Putting everything aside, Lee Sin can kick enemies standing in Kindred’s ultimate.

It was crazy for the opponent to consider playing Kindred while also allowing Jjuhsim’s signature pick, Lee Sin.

He couldn’t let this slide.

Beyond just being a streamer, his pride as a gamer wouldn’t allow it.

“Give me Lee Sin.”




Everyone’s got a sound plan until they get hit.


It didn’t take Jjuhsim long to grasp that reality.