Chapter 125

The 1st Army Command. Starting with me, the Acting Chief of Staff, the Commander and the Legion Commanders of each unit.

Field officers and their respective staff members all gathered in the command tent to discuss the future actions.

Naturally, the Princess, Kaya, and Charlua were already present.

“The reconnaissance reports indicate that the fatigue level of the Dedorant forces near Setongrad has significantly increased compared to the beginning.”

“They are attempting to mitigate this through rotation deployment, but it’s like peeing on frozen ground. We need to deploy troops to various frontlines immediately, but is that even possible?”

“Perhaps they are considering giving up on Setongrad. It would be nice if the 1st Legion could cover their retreat, but there’s almost no capacity for that.”

The influence of Seton’s name being etched into the Dedorant’s stronghold was beyond imagination.

It wasn’t like the Battle of Stalingrad, where millions fell.

After all, the 1st Legion’s strength was just 20,000, and Dedorant had mobilized about 80,000.

But the intensity and brutality were remarkably similar.

A battle fought in the harshest season, where each side had debts to settle with one another.

This was not merely a battle to determine victory or defeat but a complete annihilation rooted in pride and honor.

And Setongrad still stood strong. The 1st Legion continued to hold it.

There had been several crises, but each time it was averted by their heroic actions.

The surrounding Imperial Army wasn’t just sitting idly by either.

They applied pressure subtly, making it difficult for Dedorant to ignore.

“The level of the Dedorant Army is still impressive. I never expected them to establish formations to prevent our Empire’s support while besieging Setongrad.”

“Though they seem less spirited than at first, they still possess tenacity. The staff reports that a full-frontal assault would incur devastating losses of at least one or two legions.”

Crazy bastards. These people are not in their right minds. Are they even human?

I grit my teeth thinking about how much I struggled to wear down their power.

Not a two-front battle, not a three-front, but a full four-front line was established.

It must have been an immense burden, yet they still maintain that level?

“Recently, I’ve heard reports that not only the Atria forces but also units brought from DeGale are appearing. The number is said to be at least over ten thousand…”

“Wait, they’ve recruited troops from DeGale? Not conscripts?”

“There are conscripts as well, but all combatants volunteered. Most of them came from the DeGale forces, reportedly driven by their dire circumstances.”

Damn it. I went all the way to DeGale to bolster their anti-Dedorant spirit.

If this continues, DeGale is likely to split in two and wage war among themselves.

I aimed for the complete defection of DeGale, but instead, Dedorant might solidify control over half of it.

I fought for DeGale, but why are you, a DeGale native, fighting for Dedorant?

While you all chant about DeGale, what happens to my family’s livelihood?

If this topic arises, even the Empire cannot recklessly interfere.

The fracture should occur within Dedorant, not DeGale.

“We should act before the situation worsens.”

“The Ministry of War and the staff think so too.”

“The 1st Army also agrees with the Chief of Staff’s opinion.”

“The commanders of Nobogord, the Eastern Allied Forces, and the Southern Kingdom forces agree as well.”

I subtly glanced for dissenting opinions, but no signs of such were visible.

Everyone had suffered at the hands of Dedorant and surely yearned for a proper counterattack.

“What about special power reinforcement for the Northern Legion?”

“As you suggested, we have significantly reinforced our cavalry forces. Currently, the two Northern Legions possess cavalry forces that are about three to five times greater than the previous legions.”

The backbone of the Imperial Legions is naturally infantry. But of those, 10 percent are cavalry.

The cavalry numbers in the Imperial Legions usually range from one thousand to two thousand.

But I decided to introduce a slight change for future large-scale operations.

“So, the cavalry strength of the Northern Legion is…”

“Fifteen thousand. This has been causing the Legion Commanders to request restructuring for a while now.”

“We’ll merge the cavalry strength of the two legions into one and organize a new legion. Let’s call it… Sure. The Imperial 1st Mobile Legion. The commander will be the officer who led the cavalry.”

By the way, Northern Imperial territory is famous for being a horse-rich land.

And the Northern Legion excels in cavalry operations more than other region’s legions.

The heavy infantry of Nobogord found the cavalry of the Northern Legion particularly burdensome.

I’ve amassed nearly twenty thousand of them. That’s equivalent to about fifteen hundred tanks by the standards of this world.

“So what will happen to the remaining Northern Legion without the cavalry forces?”

“One will serve as a reserve for the Eastern Legion, which will maneuver to one side, and the other will be a reserve for the Nobogord forces. The crucial point here is that their movements must be concealed from Dedorant. We must ensure that moving the cavalry forces doesn’t become obvious.”

After reorganizing the mobile legion, I pointed at the map to explain what comes next.

“The initiations will start with a flank assault from the Western 5th Legion and the Eastern Allied Forces against Setongrad. However, the Eastern Allied Forces should engage adequately and then retreat amidst Dedorant’s resistance.”

“Why must it be so?”

“The goal is to make Dedorant believe this is their final offensive, prompting them to launch another assault on Setongrad.”

Then, finally, the Eastern Allied Forces, the representatives from the three Eastern Kingdoms, were present. Bethel spoke up, who had been quietly listening until now.

“Chief of Staff. You mean that even though Dedorant realizes the Empire’s counterattack is imminent, they will still make one last attack instead of retreating? As far as I know, Dedorant is not that foolish.”

“Of course. Perhaps Prince Georg of Dedorant had contemplated retreat long ago. However… What about the thoughts of Dedorant’s current field commanders? What do the frontline soldiers think?”

Two scenarios exist. They either want to hurry home, exhausted from the war.

Or they have become near fanatics, deluding themselves that they must win against us.

Based on past Dedorant activities, the odds lean toward the latter.

They’ve been celebrating the glory of the Deo Ethnicity, encountering glorious moments continuously.

Defeating that annoying DeGale and achieving great victories against the Empire.

If anyone doubts the glory of the Deo Ethnicity, they will surely be the first to take a beating.

Before such people stands a name that directly denies that glory.

Setongrad. A city that recalls the yoke of Seton, their humiliation.

Imagine asking to withdraw without retaking it. Who would voluntarily follow that?

“But, Chief of Staff. If the commanders persuade the soldiers…”

“Even if they are not emotional, they are rather rational. If they feel they could reclaim the place with just a little more effort, stepping back will be incredibly challenging. They have invested time, resources, and soldiers into this. Isn’t that right, Charlua?”

Charlua, already clued in by my earlier hint, nodded.

“You speak of the sunk cost fallacy, correct, Chief of Staff?”

“That’s right.”

“Huh? The sunk cost fallacy, Charlua?”

“The Chief of Staff mentioned it before. It refers to a situation where one continues with an endeavor due to the costs, efforts, and time already invested, believing that stopping now will incur losses rather than gains.”

The commanders gathered around nodded, seeming to understand Charlua’s explanation.

In reality, many fall into the sunk cost fallacy and make unreasonable choices.

They too must have experienced situations like that, making them empathize with Dedorant’s commanders.

“Throughout last winter, they relentlessly battered Setongrad. Even though the 1st Legion fought with everything they had to hold it, it was a narrow line they held. Yet, right on the verge of the final moment, if they propose a retreat, can we guess what reactions would arise?”


“Of course, there will be some in favor of retreat. But remember, folks. The rational moderates won’t be able to overcome the emotional extremists, no matter what. Those who act out of fervor will be even more fixated on their feelings.”

This way, we induce the final attack on Setongrad. No, we force them to do so.

While in the meantime, the wings of the 1st Army will quietly spread, initiating a full-scale attack.

Once Dedorant gets wind of that news, they will surely prepare to retreat.

Looking at their movements, it seems nearly impossible for them to close the siege.

Hence, I established the 1st Mobile Legion. I have augmented the cavalry strength of the Northern Legion to its limit.

“The 1st Mobile Legion will infiltrate the Dedorant rear far faster and more rapidly than their flanks. The objectives are twofold: to block and annihilate the support from the enemies behind while imprinting the tangible fear of being surrounded upon the Dedorant Command at the front.”

The encirclement strategy that Dedorant had employed so effectively, its power is something they best understand.

The moment they find themselves surrounded, the possibilities of their future would flash vividly before them.

They would undoubtedly gamble their lives to prevent such a situation.

The only difference is that, while Dedorant aimed to eliminate as many Imperial troops as possible with their encirclement,

Our Empire seeks to send what we need to send and trap as many Dedorant troops within the siege as we can.