Chapter 120

[Please clarify]

Black background with white text.

It’s a simple but strong technique used on YouTube to deliver a powerful message.

[One day, the audience’s fervor for finding Jjuhsim]

[All sorts of incomprehensible circumstances]

[Outlaw’s unrealistic win rate]

[Is Outlaw’s scrim win rate really one hundred percent?]




[YSG’s supernova, what’s the reason Outlaw left the team?]

[A real player’s testimony video]

[A video where Outlaw mumbles about it]

[Clarified but not clarified]




[The number of donations far exceeding the average of rookie BJs historically]

[Who’s behind the abnormal growth of broadcasts…?]

[Suspicious 300,000 donation balloons. Is China behind her?]

The compiled materials were clear.

There are suspicions of Outlaw having engaged in abusing the system, and his abnormal solo queue win rate seems to be thanks to that.

Also, even though he was virtually guaranteed to be a starter, the reason he left the team midway is thought to be because he was running away from the fact that the abusing might get exposed.

Lastly, I have a reasonable suspicion that there might be a Chinese entity behind Outlaw’s actions.

In fact, as evidence, Outlaw’s broadcasts have been hugely successful, generating incredible profits.

The essence of cyber witch hunts lies in not concluding anything, but rather attaching a disclaimer that it’s merely a personal opinion.

Just like right now.

[“…Therefore, I demand a clarification regarding the suspicions related to this.”]

Just thinking a bit shows that something doesn’t add up; there’s an awkwardness to these suspicions.

But it didn’t matter. After all, the audience only sees what they want to see.

[“That’s all.”]

Soon, this video spread like wildfire.

Just as the viewers wished.


Goebbels said.

Propaganda can be done with just a line of text, but to refute it, dozens of documents and evidence are needed. By the time you try to refute it, people are already swayed.

Of course, there’s no evidence that the actual Goebbels said this, but ironically, that very point proves what this statement conveys.

Propaganda, contradictions, paradoxes, irony.

In the end, the truth isn’t really that important.

What the public and the viewers need is just gossip they can chew on for a while, and if that gossip is about Outlaw, all the better.

[Current viewer count: 24,112]

It was a long-awaited hot topic.

Jjuhsim smiled contentedly as he looked at the rapidly increasing number of viewers.

Although Outlaw’s viewership was also increasing tremendously in proportion, perhaps thanks to the managers’ fine control, that growth was relatively slower.

Soon, the viewer gap between Outlaw and Jjuhsim was narrowing at an alarming rate.

-What’s up with that YouTube video?

-Is it real?

-What’s the targeting about?

-Am I the only one feeling weird? I feel like Jjuhsim is just playing games because his viewership has dropped lately.

-Stop it, you’re being ridiculous.

-Just trash it!

-Get rid of it!

“Alright, everyone calm down. The reason I posted that video is… was it targeting? No, it wasn’t targeting. I organized the points you raised. I’m not that immoral of a guy.”

-Next is the witch hunt.

-If that’s not targeting, then what is?

-The cowardly trash is trying to back out even now, lol.

-Just go for it like a real man.

Am I crazy? If things go wrong, I’ll take the fall for it.

Of course I wouldn’t say that out loud.

“As I said before, the video I posted isn’t targeting. What you all want is the truth, right? I do too. Just, Outlaw, you just need to tell the truth. Don’t mumble like before.”




-This is it!

-Welcome back, Jjuhsim!

“Okay… now, let’s sort out the suspicions that have emerged…”

Gradually, the sluggish broadcasts of Jjuhsim started to gain vitality again.

The only difference was that this vitality came from sucking the blood of another.

“Alright, take a look.”

Jjuhsim began to lay out the materials he had prepared one by one.


It was undoubtedly just another ordinary day.

Always the same solo queue.

Always the same search for team members.

Always the same back-and-forth with viewers.

If I just kept broadcasting like this, I believed I could secure the top rank in Challenger within a month and wrap up my broadcasts to create my own team.

Everything seemed like it was going well.

Until today.

[Please clarify]

The link sent to me by a cuckoo, I mean a viewer, contained a shocking and maliciously edited video.

The general content was about me having abused the system in solo queue.

-What complete nonsense, damn!

-Jjuhsim seems to have turned blind with his lower viewership recently.

-Does that even make sense? lol Just ignore it, host.

-Who even believes that?

-Cyber witch hunts. Of course they would do that, lol. Ugh…

The existing viewers in my room shook their heads at the content, but the newly incoming viewers searching for a hot topic were different.

[Current viewer count: 54,154]

-Provide a clarification.





-[‘The Evangelist of Descent’ has been blacklisted.]



-[‘Jjuhsim King God Emperor’ has been blacklisted.]


-[‘IIIIIIlllll’ has been blacklisted.]


The increase in viewers couldn’t be a reason to celebrate.

These viewers weren’t here to watch my broadcast; they came to see me being judged.

Soon, no matter how many viewers got blacklisted, it didn’t matter.

So many viewers were demanding a clarification.


When I decided to start the broadcast, I had thought this day would eventually come.

Controversies were like the two sides of paper for online broadcasters, and once you decided to start broadcasting, avoiding it was simply impossible.


‘It wasn’t supposed to be like this.’

I already knew that my previous clarification was somewhat lacking.

But… this feels…

‘It feels malicious.’

I had felt this malice before.

The jungler who had been pushed out of YSG and was in danger of losing his starter position, DieHard Choi Woo-jin.

It was similar to what I felt from him.


Before, I would have been anxious and troubled by such malice, but after a few days of broadcasting, maybe my mental had toughened because I was feeling more anger than worry.

‘Jjuhsim, that bastard.’

Should I file a lawsuit?

Bring along Lawyer Kim, Lawyer Choi, Lawyer Park, and all of them?

Or maybe even the entire law firm?

‘Or should I just tell my mom?’

Even if I might hear nagging for being a mama’s boy, she would definitely handle it firmly.

Because, despite everything, my mother’s overprotection was still somewhere within me.


Imagining my mother angrily stomping around made me chuckle subconsciously.

I already know it.

How futile and meaningless this thought is.

Of course, I could really bring along a lawyer and sue Jjuhsim if I wanted to.

But what would I gain from it?

I had already seen through the results that extreme measures yield.

The result of leaving the team out of hatred.

That outcome was now right in front of me.

‘Extreme methods only lead to extreme results.’

In this situation, that extreme method meant suing Jjuhsim.

The worst of the worst.

I had no intention of repeating such foolishness.

‘What should I do…?’

While I was pondering, the chat kept scrolling without stopping.




-Rid the clarification idiots.







Even if I wanted to ignore it, there was no way to proceed with a normal broadcast.

In other words, I had to respond to this controversy if I wanted to conduct a normal broadcast.

‘Suing is the worst option. Then what are my options…?’

There’s a saying: “Broadcast is broadcast.”

It doesn’t have any special meaning; it simply means to watch the broadcast for what it is.

The reason I’m saying this now is simple.

This is Red TV.

It’s the platform for broadcasting.

What happened on a broadcast is best resolved on that same broadcast.

‘Even though I can’t forgive Jjuhsim for targeting me… it can’t be helped.’

Though I’m the victim this time, I also understand Jjuhsim’s reason for taking such an extreme step.

That’s because I’ve seen the shifts in Red TV’s dynamics recently.

‘He probably thinks I stole his viewers.’

Red TV operates on a strict winner-takes-all structure.

In that kind of platform, if a broadcast that holds the first place in its category is streaming without a break, it’s natural for the other BJs to feel a decline in viewership.

The dynamic where the previously scattered viewers were all gathered in one place instead of being spread across various channels.

Of course, if we were to scrutinize it, they could feel justified in losing viewers for being outperformed in competition, but it was obvious that the affected parties would not feel that way.

‘These are the kinds of situations I have to keep facing, not just in broadcasts but for the long term. I need to get used to it from now on.’

I won’t resort to the same measures as before.

I pulled out my smartphone.

To message Coach Park Tae-Hyung from YSG.

[Coach Park Tae-Hyung]

[Sorry to trouble you, but could we possibly do a collaboration at some point later?]

It was indeed a shameless request, but it was a necessary step to resolve my current situation.

‘Now that’s done, what’s next…’

I couldn’t just sit around waiting for a response from Coach Park, not knowing whether he would accept the collaboration offer.

I moved on to the next step, turning on Red TV.

[Category] [Legends of League]

1. Outlaw111 [54,644 viewers]

2. BJ Jjuhsim [28,411 viewers]

3. Gankgankgankgankgank [1,354 viewers]

4. Carry Well [441 viewers]

5. Bot Lane God Kim Wondil [381 viewers]

The gap in viewers between me and the other BJs, excluding the first and second places, seemed to narrate what was occurring in the Legends of League segment of Red TV.

I can’t say it directly, but Outlaw’s presence was like a suddenly appearing dinosaur in the Legends of League segment of Red TV.

If a big BJ like Jjuhsim couldn’t hold up, there was no way for smaller BJs to endure.

‘…That’s why I couldn’t just ignore him.’

I had a rough idea, but seeing it with my own eyes was a different feeling entirely.


Taking a deep breath, I immediately joined Jjuhsim’s broadcast.

The chat exploded with excitement at my sudden action.


-Are they going to confront?

-Wow wow!

-Outlaw is finally moving, whoa!


-Get him, sister! Get him, sister! Get him, sister! Get him, sister! Get him, sister!


-Wow wow wow!

-Something big is coming!



In the end, the main concern was whether my skills were genuine or not.

If that’s the case, all I needed to do was prove it.

To show everyone that my skills are real, right in front of them.

‘And I need to ensure that my broadcast, as well as others, stay afloat.’

Coexistence and mutual benefit.

That’s the method I chose.

[“Hey, did you say Outlaw is here?”]

『‘Outlaw111’ has gifted 10 balloons.』

『“If you doubt my skills, would you want to do a 5:5 match?”』

I said to Jjuhsim.

So, want to go for it?