Chapter 118
With swift feet, I pierced the heart of the stumbling cultist girl.
Her eyes widened as she faded away.
Even a sword master loses their breath when beheaded or pierced through the heart.
There was no difference for her.
After taking care of the remaining one, I quickly reeled back my sword.
Unfortunately, the last girl raised her weapon and shouted loudly.
“You scoundrel!”
With a concise motion, she kicked off the ground and charged at me.
Her movements were not those of someone who had ever undergone professional training. The only outstanding trait she had was the audacity to recklessly charge at one who had just effortlessly killed three of her comrades.
And regrettably, that mere bravery couldn’t bridge the enormous gap between us.
I dodged the clumsy thrust of her sword and retaliated immediately.
I felt the sensation of cutting flesh in my grip. The deep cut would soon steal her breath away.
The problem was not the woman whose future was already set before me.
“These are the ones who have seen our grand plans! Hurry and capture them!”
“Our family of four was just killed in an instant! Watch out for that one with a sword!”
The direct, booming voice immediately fixed the attention of those quietly confirming the magic circle in front of the castle wall.
One by one, they began to swarm toward us, enveloped in sinister intent. Truly, they were nothing but fanatics who worshipped demons. A chilling malice flickered in their eyes.
“Princess Shione, please come this way.”
After all, I was her escort. While being near Ravi was fine, having her by my side offered the most reassurance. I guided Shione, who was fairly ahead of me, to my side.
Just then, other wizards from my team rushed over through the escape route I had created. With the sudden increase in numbers, the actions of those cultists began to slow. It seemed that the sudden surge of our forces intimidated them.
If we were going to flee, now was the best time.
“How about we withdraw? Gathering this much information is already enough of an achievement.”
“…If possible, I think it would be better to subdue them here and capture a few. We have the wizards from the Alenarr Marquis family with us, so it shouldn’t be too difficult. Can you assist a bit more, Sir Ravi Crunel?”
“I can certainly handle these pathetic beings. Moreover… it might be good to quickly check that magic circle. The things I see are anything but ordinary.”
“…Then I will entrust it to you.”
“I will finish it quickly. Please observe comfortably from behind.”
The ensuing battle was neatly handled by the four wizards led by Ravi.
They were wizards specialized for war. Not only were they capable of bombarding enemies from the rear with magic, but they were also adept in close combat. Appropriate responses and just the right level of magic followed one another seamlessly.
As a result, the fanatics, filled with zeal for demons, were left with nothing but a measly amount of magic returned to them, unable to stand against our onslaught.
Only two zealots survived. They lay unconscious on the cold ground, completely subdued.
Shione, who had quietly been watching the battle beside me, slowly stepped forward and spoke.
“We’ve captured those we need to interrogate, and now only the magic circle etched on that castle wall remains.”
Shione’s gaze turned towards the castle wall.
The circular magic circle was filled with geometric designs. The intricately intertwined lines indicated that this was not just some usual magic.
“I will confirm it.”
The first to check the magic circle was Ravi Crunel. The other wizards, having wrapped up the battle, followed behind her.
How much time had passed?
Ravi approached us with a serious expression.
“I’ve finished tracing the magic.”
“Can you share what you found?”
“Yes, of course. The magic is—”
However, Ravi’s voice turned cold.
“Vibrations, explosions, and amplification. It seems they were trying to destroy the Count’s castle wall.”
“To destroy the Count’s castle wall….”
The unsettling winter wind brushed against her hood, revealing Shione’s face.
Her expression had turned frigid. The young lady who had been laughing and celebrating the festival just moments ago was nowhere to be found.
It was only natural.
They were attempting to blow up the walls of her family. To know that it was not by just any ordinary group, but by those fanatical cultists would surely strike fear.
It was only right to worry about how deeply intertwined this situation was with sinister matters.
Shione approached the castle wall and placed her hand over the magic circle.
“Can this magic circle be destroyed?”
Her voice was laced with cold fury.
Ravi Crunel simply nodded silently in response to Shione’s words.
After the wizards finished their work, all that remained for us was to return to the Count’s residence.
Upon returning to the Count’s residence, Shione handed over the captives to the soldiers, changed her clothes, and headed towards Ainel.
I remained behind her, following her orders to wait while I reflected on everything that had transpired today in her room.
Those damned demon worshippers had turned out to be from the Shianella Count’s house. Not only that, but they had devised a plot to tear down the lofty castle walls of the Counts. And coincidentally, why was it that just recently, orcs had swept through the region from the Beltlin Mountain Range?
It was suspicious, suspicious indeed.
Knowing that this world is entwined in demons’ plots, the malevolent antics of the cultists and the rampage of monsters that would become the demons’ armies could only add to my unease.
“…This is maddening.”
It is certain that one day, the demons will tear through dimensions and cause chaos.
But with this foreboding, it seems as though that day might not be far off.
Still, as of now, I was in a state where my abilities were laughably inadequate unless I fought alongside Siabel and Shione.
What would happen if demons indeed crawled out to wreak havoc on the Count’s estate?
The lingering irritation creased my brow.
As I pondered deeply in silence, a woman strolled into the serene room.
Shione’s listless sigh filled the room.
The weight of all her negative emotions coalesced into that deep breath, allowing anyone who heard it to feel her burden.
“Have you been waiting long?”
Shione forced a weak smile.
She slumped down into the seat before me.
After a moment of looking at me, she released the hairpin that had been stuck in her bangs since this morning.
As she stared at the small ornament resting in her hand, she clenched her fist.
“I was really looking forward to the festival…”
When we first stepped out onto the main street of the estate, her shoulders had been lifted high, but now, she was utterly deflated and drooping.
“…I’m sorry.”
I stared intently at her.
For some reason, she found it hard to meet my gaze.
I sighed softly before speaking up.
“From now on, don’t act recklessly and put yourself in danger.”
“I told you. Shione is more important to me than Shianella.”
“Although I’ll let this slide since the outcome wasn’t all that bad… you stepped foot in a dangerous area, and there was even combat. This is the last time. Understood?”
Shione gently nodded.
After that, I went on to lecture her for a while longer.
Shione, who was numerically diminished in spirit, must surely keep my words imprinted in her mind, so she wouldn’t act recklessly next time.
When I finished my lecture, I simply patted her head, which hung low enough for me to see the top of it.
Then, Shione subtly lifted her head and peeked at me.
“Have you calmed down…?”
I realized that, as I went on and on, she had probably been waiting in a daze for my tirade to conclude.
I pinched her cheek, finding her annoying.
Ainel Shianella was deep in thought.
After Shione had visited her office, she called upon Ravi Crunel and her companions to discuss matters. Ultimately, she listened to a rather troubling account.
Currently, cultists were being interrogated in the underground prison of the Count’s estate. While awaiting their testimonies, she pondered how to resolve this situation.
In the midst of her thoughts…
“Scout team returning from the Beltlin Mountain Range!”
Finally, the long-awaited news arrived at the Count’s estate.
The team had been sent to confirm the ominous movements in the mountains and check on the safety of the scouts dispatched earlier.
It had been quite some time since they were sent out, but they returned only after the estate’s grand festival commenced.
“Bring the returnees here!”
She awaited the news they would bring, filled with anticipation.
But soon enough, that anticipation shattered.
The one who limped into her office was a ghastly sight.
His body was drenched in blood. For some reason, his left eye had been torn out, leaving a hollow socket where his eye should have been.
He knelt before her, trembling, as if barely managing to lower one knee.
“Ranger Tiya, of the Shianella Count’s house…! Reporting to the Head of the Family!”
Tiya’s voice sounded like rusty iron scraping together.
“A total of thirty rangers and soldiers of the Count’s house! Survivors… only one…!”
“Fifteen combat priests and ordinary priests from the church! Again, only one priest has returned…!”
“A total of forty-five, including myself—only two have managed to survive!”
They were carefully selected elites. There was no way they could easily perish, so what on earth had happened?
Moreover, the church had sent not just ordinary priests but combat priests as well. They were supposed to be tougher than common soldiers and demonstrate greater capabilities, yet they all died, with only one survivor?
It was hard to comprehend. No, what in the world had transpired? It was beyond imagination.
“…What happened in the mountains?”
Tiya could not answer easily.
She stared blankly into the void where her eyes should have been.
Swallowing hard, she finally spoke.
“The mountains have been seized by the enemy. The towering range can no longer serve as our shield.”
“Explain in more detail.”
“We encountered dozens of demons in the mountains, leading to an unavoidable battle. We were gradually pushed deeper into the mountains, trapped, until the surviving scout team could literally see nothing else.”
The fountain pen in Ainel’s hand snapped.
What sort of place was this?
Were the duplicitous, wicked worshippers of demons truly laying claim here?
Tiya continued her story, unfazed by Ainel’s reaction.
“The ones who bear the power of demons have employed some sort of magic. Countless monsters gathered from the demonic realm are now congregating in the mountains. It is our worst-case scenario, as they could very well invade the estate.”
The Beltlin Mountain Range.
When Siabel and Shione had gone to cleanse it, they had found and destroyed the demons’ altar.
Afterward, they had routinely dispatched knights and soldiers to keep an eye on things. How could these demon-worshipping miscreants concoct such schemes?
…It was only while our gaze hadn’t been directed toward the mountains, during the princess’s coming-of-age ceremony when we ascended to the capital.
After returning to the Count’s estate, those briefings had hardly mentioned anything regarding the mountains. For quite some time, no signs of activity had surfaced there, and when Siabel stood in for the realm’s governance, dealing with the monsters invading the estate had taken precedence over the mountains.
… I should have been more vigilant regarding the mountains. It was a huge oversight.
Amid my thoughts, Tiya’s voice held the chilling words I dreaded to hear.
“It would be wise to prepare for war.”
An invisible pressure began to pour forth from Ainel Shianella. Her eyes ignited with a fierce blue flame.
“Did you say war.”
“Yes. They are slowly advancing from the mountains toward the estate, towards our homeland. Unless they change course…”.
Tiya bowed her head deeply.
“They will come this way.”
Ainel shut her eyes.
The nefarious characters inscribed the magic circle upon the castle wall. It was said to be magic solely intended to breach the walls.
What a twist of fate. Does it not perfectly align with the unfolding tale?
It was the worst of news.
Just as Diolia had warned.
The calm before the storm. No phrase could better fit the current situation.
Ainel quietly brushed aside the broken pen and retrieved a new one and some paper, writing furiously. Once she finished, she pressed the seal exclusive to the head of the Count’s family onto the expensive letter.
“Send this letter to the church.”
“Yes, I shall convey it urgently.”
The maid received the letter from Ainel, bowed politely, and hurried out.
Ainel rose to follow her.
At that moment, Tiya, who had been keeping her head bowed, spoke again.
“I have one request.”
“A request, you say?”
“There is a friend of mine not far from here. If I could just retrieve her body—”
“Attach two soldiers to you. Swiftly recover her.”
“Thank you…!”
With those words, Tiya exited the office.
Ainel donned a thick coat and gazed out the window.
Unlike the darkened room, the weather outside was strikingly bright.
She looked at the world with a gaze more chilling than ever before.
“First… we must eradicate all the flies within the estate.”
If Tiya’s words held any truth, war was inevitable.
This estate stood at the precise juncture connecting the demonic realm and the kingdom. If they were not coming here, where else would they turn?
The early signs of war realized far too late.
All I could do was prepare as much as possible, even if it meant wielding a sword instead of a pen.