Chapter 115

– Top jungle ID lol

– MYE duo omg

– That mid is Nightmare

– Really?

– The support is GuineaPig lol what the heck

– What’s with the lineup lol

– Is this… celestial realm?

– Is it a war of the stars?

According to the audience’s reactions, the Top Lane Training Master was also a jungler for MYE, just like Jungler’s Slave.

He was the one who gave the nickname Jungler’s Slave to MYE LaLaLa, the carry line of MYE.

That’s right, it was MYE Trainer, the Top Lane Training Master.

“Every time I see it, I kinda like that nickname.”

Right, roguish types should be treated like that. Secretly.

– Uh… am I the only one uncomfortable with the jungle top ID?

– Top Minister makes an appearance lol

– Carry “do your thing”

– Top Minister is recognized lol how dare the peasants try to command the noble top laners?

– No, you’re next rogue

– (Bot lane) Doesn’t go (backping) Doesn’t do (ganking) Only comes to top

– WTF lol

– You’re so funny, insane people lol

“Outlaw’s Slave has gifted 10 balloons.”

“Endure. This is the top you chose.”

– For real lol

– That’s right lol

– Ah lol if you’re mad, go jungle lol

The top jungle duo of MYE created a massive hype in the chat merely by making their appearance.

In short, they were friends with star quality.

In the Legends of League arena, star quality doesn’t just come from fun.

Some level of skill is required for that quality to shine, and the top jungle duo of MYE met those skills.

[qq7785dd55 – Yasuon]

[SY GuineaPig – Leona]

Moreover, the mid and support were no ordinary names either.

“Nightmare and GuineaPig.”

Mid laner of the Red Cup runner-up team GRS.

Support of the Red Cup champion team SY.

Each of them were formidable players.

Additionally, they were all very familiar faces.

“This won’t be easy.”

No, to begin with, there’s no such thing as an easy game in the celestial queues.

[⬇] [⬇]

[Outlaw(Eku) is on the way]

[Outlaw(Eku) is on the way]

As the seal of the fountain was lifted, the game began in earnest with pinging everywhere.

[❕] [❕] [❕]

[⚑] [⚑] [⚑]

[⬇] [⬇] [⬇]

First of all, in the early invade stage, it would be fair to say that our side, with Morgana, has the initiative.

While it’s a bit hard to say that either side has a clear advantage, having the initiative in the invade stage is incredibly important.

It’s not for nothing that the extreme initiator Blitzcrank is called the embodiment of invades.

We were heading towards the top side via the straight bush and into the tri-bush.

This route was one of the best invade routes where you could potentially force a flash if the opposing top laner is careless.

“If we apply pressure on the top early on, it’ll be much easier for Jason.”

[⬇] [⬇]

Having entered the top tri-bush and made our way to the opponent’s red, we saw no sign of the enemy.

It seemed that they either left early due to a ward spotting our position, or they didn’t set up defenses from the start.

“It’s more likely the former.”

If this were just any tier, the latter would make more sense, but this is top-tier.

I didn’t expect the opponents to have that kind of careless mindset.

“If this goes on… it’ll lead to a balanced situation.”

If the enemy doesn’t realize that we’ve entered their red and goes for a full camp route, that would be great, but I can’t hope for such luck.

[❕] [❕] [❕]

In time, our bot lane recalled, and the mid also slowly backed off.

All that was left was me and top.

Having received Jason’s leash, I smoothly started at the enemy’s red.

– Oh lol Red got proper

– Not got proper, it’s just a balanced situation

– ? The opponent might not know

– Is the pro level the same as your low-rank level? As if they wouldn’t know

– For real lol

Well, if they really didn’t know and wasted their route, that would be great for me… but as I said earlier, I wasn’t expecting much luck.

I scouted the jungle situation while I spun around the enemy red side.

The situation was roughly flowing as I expected.

“Just as I thought.”

Top is pushing.

Mid is being pushed.

Bot is balanced.

No matter how much Malphite counters Jason, that only counts after items come out and we enter teamfight mode.

Looking just at the 1:1, Malphite can’t easily win against Jason.

In other words, there’s definitely a difference in range champions in the early stage versus melee champions.

“The problem is that the top needs to maximize the gap at that moment.”

It’s not always a good story, as Jason enters a sort of time-attack game.

If you can’t create a significant lead within the time limit, the presence gap between the top laners during the teamfight phase will eventually show.

However, the sergeant was seasoned.

Rather than nervously going for strong trades, he chose to slowly lead in CS.

“Well, that is best for a sergeant.”

As per BOQ’s team color, the sergeant is not a player known for strong lane fights.

Even if they managed to catch Jason, the pilot is still the same.

If Jason was a destructive player like EZ, maybe we would have seen a different sight, but just wanting to play that way doesn’t mean it would happen…

“The top dive angle is… uh. Not coming out.”

Since the situation wasn’t extreme, there was no need to throw in a half-baked bet.

Anyway, Jason must be content just knowing I’m taking the top route.

No, it’s correct to say that he can push so freely because I’m in the top jungle.

I crossed the river and gathered the enemy blue jungle and upper crab before recalling.

As expected, it seemed the opponents also picked a balanced route.

“They probably think they don’t need to rush.”

The true power of their composition shows during the teamfight phases.

They must be grateful that I’m playing as a growth-oriented jungler, Eku.

“I’m not the type to play in a way that makes them feel grateful.”

Level 4 Eku.

It’s still far from calling it a golden age, and the current meta doesn’t even have the rune echo, so that timing is delayed, but still, there’s some things I can do.

I quickly swept through the enemy red’s razorbeak and golem and made my way to the top.

[⬇] [⬇]

[Outlaw(Eku) is on the way]

[Outlaw(Eku) is on the way]

Currently, Malphite, due to Jason’s ongoing assault and not receiving any jungle support, was without teleport.

In other words, it was a perfect timing to deal a fatal blow.

“Just come a little closer.”

Eku’s W skill, when used in areas unseen by the enemy, makes the flight path of the skill invisible.

In other words, it doesn’t give them time to react.

If utilized properly, even a scaling champion like Eku could gank smoothly.


At the moment when the enemy’s vision was completely shrouded.

[⨷] [⨷]

[Outlaw(Eku) has targeted Jungler’s Slave(Malphite)]

[Outlaw(Eku) has targeted Jungler’s Slave(Malphite)]

Eku’s W flew out.

It was a perfect block for Malphite’s flash as well.

In the end, Malphite couldn’t evade, getting caught in the stun instead.

– Oh

– Wow

– So that’s how it goes

– Pure artistry wow

Malphite had only built strictly defensive items.

And Eku is an AP champion.

Let alone that Jason had AP dealing skills, there was no way Malphite could withstand a full combo while standing still.

– First blood!

– Our team was slain!

– Enemy slain!


It wasn’t our first blood.

The cause of first blood was in the mid.

When I was pushing top, the enemy Diana and Yasuon scored a kill against our mid Sylas.

– ??

– What’s happening

– mDChY mDChY okay ok

– We just lost first blood lol

– Wow look at that timing lol

– Isn’t it strange that the top jungle duo is abandoning the top lane?

– Because it’s ‘top’…

– For real lol


The kill score was 1:1.

Both top and mid lanes being pushed is mutual, so it’s fair to say we took a loss equal to the amount of gold from the first blood.

“Considering the lane size, it’s still similar… no, it shouldn’t be similar.”

The first skirmish was a tie.

“Then… it’s time to move on to the next step.”