Chapter 110

Gank, gank, gank.

It’s a bit risky to play as a jungler like Lee Sin, who has decent growth expectations, but things change if you manage to get results.

The top lane was shaky, but it got stabilized thanks to 3 Min Top School Honorary Member’s half-throwing, making my movements a little easier.

“That 3 Min Top School Honorary Member is good at playing… but also bad.”

It’s that strange contradiction that can only be explained that way.


I quickly scouted the upper jungle to prevent any growth gap from counter-jungling and then set my sights back toward the bot lane.

I planned to give them a real hard time down there.

[⬇] [⬇]

[Outlaw (Lee Sin) is on the way]

[Outlaw (Lee Sin) is on the way]

– Bot lane again, lol

– Bot lane is crying

– Obsessed girl, oh no

– Hey, let me obsess over you too, let me obsess over you too, let me obsess over you too, let me obsess over you too, let me obsess over you too

– Just kidding

Let’s go, bot lane.



Once again, as Lee Sin showed up in the bot lane, Kim Ji-hoon’s complaints burst out.

“What if Rek’Sai gets completely crushed by Lee Sin?”

It’s not that Rek’Sai was being completely stomped by Lee Sin, but from the perspective of a laner, when the enemy jungle keeps popping up, it’s natural to think that Rek’Sai isn’t showing any clear results.

Although Rek’Sai isn’t considered a very good pick in the current meta, she’s still a counter against the well-established Lee Sin.

But Rek’Sai’s movements were tied up at the top and not facing Lee Sin at all, which drove Kim Ji-hoon crazy.

[⚑] [⚑] [⚑]

[Timid Person 190 (Leona) requested help]

[Timid Person 190 (Leona) requested help]

[Timid Person 190 (Leona) requested help]

“Come to the bot lane, buddy.”

Does top matter? Does bot matter?

If you ask a hundred people playing Legends of League, you’ll get the same answer.

Of course, that doesn’t mean top ganks don’t matter. Due to the nature of the top lane, if a gap opens early, recovery is tough, and the ganking success rate is the highest, so early ganks are really significant.

If a top gank succeeds, then both the jungler and top laner are good to go.

That’s why everyone talks about the jungle buff route, where the jungler takes a leash from bot and sweeps from bottom to top.

Well… that’s that, but the current exchange between top and bot was far from advantageous for our team.


He’s obsessively showing up in the bot lane.

Kim Ji-hoon felt he understood the purpose.

‘Is he planning his revenge like this?’

Kim Ji-hoon grit his teeth and eyed Lee Sin, who was once again applying dive pressure.

If he gives up a chance this time too, the game would really slip away.

That was something he couldn’t allow.

[BOQ Private (Azir) Teleport – Ready]

[BOQ Private (Azir) Teleport – Ready]


Azir was preparing his teleport.

If the enemy moves in now, it could be a feast.

‘Come on.’

As the enemy began to strut in, Azir activated his teleport immediately.


Azir’s teleport flared up, and just like that, the enemy began to step back.

‘…A bit too early.’

No, the enemy was seasoned.

They were aware of Azir’s teleport, so they lightly pressured without drawing turret aggro and backed off.

[⨷] [⨷]

[Timid Person 190 (Leona) has targeted Outlaw (Lee Sin)]

[Timid Person 190 (Leona) has targeted Outlaw (Lee Sin)]

‘We have to hold on.’

Azir was coming in.

So, the situation was 3:3.

It was a situation we could handle.

Most importantly, since Azir had teleported, if he didn’t make anything happen, they would heavily lose the mid lane.

Looking at the minimap, Rek’Sai was hurriedly going to cover the mid lane, but they’d probably have to give up about one bar of health.

‘No, worst case, maybe even two bars.’

Basically, due to Rek’Sai’s nearly immobile skill set, he couldn’t stop Raise from freely hitting the turret.


Azir arrived, and the battle began.

[⨷] [⨷] [⨷]

But it was not in our favor.

Had Azir been level 6, it might have been different, but right now, he was merely level 5.

– Enemy eliminated!

– We’ve been eliminated!

1:1 trade-off.

Both teams’ supporters were taken down.

Of course, it wasn’t a clear win.

Azir’s teleport was wasted, and they suffered significantly in the mid lane.

Yet a trade like that?

‘Not good.’

Kim Ji-hoon felt it.

He realized that at some point, this game was slipping out of his control.


He already knew Outlaw was a capable player.

You wouldn’t achieve those absurd win rates without being pretty darn good.

Because of that, he thought that if he teamed up with Outlaw, even a new team could make it to the first league, but honestly, Kim Ji-hoon didn’t have the motivation anymore to play professionally.


Even if he wasn’t particularly interested in going pro, he wasn’t ready to give up this game.

Kim Ji-hoon wasn’t about to roll over that easily.

‘Time for a bold move.’

[⬇] [⬇] [⬇]

[Timid Person 190 (Leona) is on the way]

[Timid Person 190 (Leona) is on the way]

[Timid Person 190 (Leona) is on the way]

The bold move Kim Ji-hoon chose was to go for the Rift Herald fight.

At this timing, the enemy would probably be a bit relaxed.

‘Even if I have to give up a little on the bot lane, it can’t be helped.’

It would have been great if he could take the bot laner with him to the Rift, but unfortunately, Kim Ji-hoon’s ping was ignored as their AD carry headed back to bot.

He was choosing to minimize risks instead of fully committing to the Rift fight.

‘That’s such a clumsy judgment.’

Kim Ji-hoon clicked his tongue.

This tendency often shows up in AD carries, who have a baseless mindset of “trust me and we’ll win this team fight.”

But the outcome of this game would surely hinge on this Rift fight.

‘…It can’t be helped.’

As Leona appeared in the upper jungle, the enemy team began to gather, reading their numbers.

Since their AD carry was down in the bot lane, the enemy responded by only sending their supporter up.

‘We need to take it fast.’

Leona started hitting the Rift Herald first, Rek’Sai took over and joined her.

When the Rift Herald’s HP was around 50%…

The enemy team started revealing themselves near the river.

4:4 Rift fight.

‘Our combination isn’t at a disadvantage.’

Of course, it was a little unfortunate that Jiksoo, a crucial part of our setup, was missing, but thanks to Azir, who was there, they couldn’t move easily toward the river.

At that moment, Kim Ji-hoon felt an unsettling feeling.

‘Where’s Lee Sin?’

Lee Sin had been missing for a while now.

Where did he go?

It didn’t take long to find Lee Sin; he came flying over the Baron pit wall, landing a kick on Rek’Sai with incredible movement.

It wasn’t just any kick; it was a pool shot that hit even Irelia.

– The enemy has stolen the Rift Herald!

Ah, damn.

Normally, they should have secured that vision, but unfortunately, they couldn’t due to the presence of control wards.

Lee Sin capitalized on that.

With the Rift Herald snatched, the fight began.

[⨷] [⨷]

[Timid Person 190 (Leona) has targeted Outlaw (Lee Sin)]

[Timid Person 190 (Leona) has targeted Outlaw (Lee Sin)]

We lost the Rift, but the bigger deal was the team fight.

If we could win the team fight, we could deny them vision.

‘Right now, Lee Sin is isolated. We need to take him down!’

The moment Leona’s ultimate fell on Lee Sin’s head.


Lee Sin used Q flash to dodge Leona’s ultimate and then avoided Rek’Sai’s follow-up airborn with a Q and dove straight towards Azir.

‘What the hell…?!’

Is that even a human reaction?

What kind of solo mad movie is this?

Rek’Sai, who failed to land her airborn, was left dumbfounded, and the team fight layout was wrecked.

Azir hurriedly pushed Lee Sin back with his ultimate, but the opposing Jason was already standing over Azir with his hammer raised.

– Ally has been eliminated!

One by one,

– Ally has been eliminated!

– Enemy, double kill!

One by one,

– Ally has been eliminated!

Our allies started falling one by one.

Eventually, even Leona, left alone, soon fell to the enemy’s attack.

– Enemy has eliminated!

At that moment, all our allies sensed it.

We lost.

As the average skill level of the game rises, the speed of decision-making about the situation accelerates too.

The first mid turret fell,

after that, the top and bot first turrets were systematically taken down.

Given the situation, our team had clearly lost motivation a long time ago.

[BOQ Private (Azir): GG]

Before we knew it, as the 15-minute mark approached, the surrender vote came flying in,

– Our allies have agreed to surrender with 5 votes in favor and 0 against.


Soon, a whisper arrived in front of Kim Ji-hoon as he landed in the lobby.