Chapter 110

Ch’aeng-a and Ch’eong-bin were running on their two legs, not falling behind. I was observing them intently from atop the Nightmare.

This isn’t the usual method of mana usage. In that brief moment, as their legs hit the ground, a flow of mana was released, and the mana that escaped their bodies caused another transformation.


Before the long legs even touched the ground, a weak gust burst forth. The wind created this way lightly pushed their bodies away.

The mana being used is excessively efficient. If I could run like that using mana, I could run at least double, no, triple the time compared to now.

“To the right,” Ch’eong-bin said.

At those words, I swept the Nightmare’s mane aside. At that moment, its mane hardened and emitted a transparent Crystal Stone.


The resulting Crystal Stone vaguely took on the shape of an arrow. I detached a Crystal Stone Arrow, placed it on the bow, and drew the string.

When the string was taut to its limit, I lightly released it, sending the Crystal Stone Arrow flying into the forest with a strange curve.

Pik-! Thud-!

With a faint noise, the presence of two forms disappearing within the forest was palpable. Ch’aeng-a, who had been watching, looked up at me in awe.

“That’s impressive! Did the Blood Dragon House have archery skills like that?”

The ability to talk while running meant they were quite relaxed. I neither confirmed nor denied and pulled out a new arrow.

Even while being with Ch’eong-bin and Ch’aeng-a, the Beastmen’s attacks didn’t cease. It was a better situation than being alone, but the constant loss of sleep at night was an extreme stressor.

Identifying friend from foe was impossible. Because of the relentless Beastmen attacks, everyone approaching felt like an enemy, even if no hostility was evident, despite their intact tails and ears.

In that moment of running, the faces of Ch’aeng-a and Ch’eong-bin, who always appeared to be relaxed, turned rigid.

In the next moment, I understood why they wore such expressions. A massive presence was approaching at a speed incomparable to others.


Descending from the blue sky was a middle-aged man with a massive frame. He had huge muscles, blunt ears rising atop his head, and impressive sharp scars crossing from his face to his upper body.

A Gray Bear Beastman.

“Where are you rushing off to like that!”

The man blocking our way bellowed with a hearty shout as he swung the enormous sword he was holding. This reckless attack, unmindful of his own body, forced us three to retreat at the power matching his great size.

“I, Dae-ryeok-gum Woong-jo, will eliminate you Dragon’s Blood folks!”

The man introducing himself as Woong-jo rushed at me as if he had been waiting for that moment. The sword with a fierce momentum cut through the air toward me when suddenly a blue flash intertwined in front of me.


“I’ll stay. Ch’aeng-a, quickly escape from here.”

Ch’eong-bin stood in front to block Woong-jo’s attack. He swung his sword hard to repel the massive blade.

“You heard him? Let’s hurry.”


“Ch’eong-bin will win. Don’t worry.”

Ch’aeng-a’s voice was filled with conviction. I nodded and pulled the bridle.

Clang-! Cawing! Clang!

The sound of clashing blades behind us faded into the distance.

However, Ch’aeng-a and I couldn’t run for long. Another figure blocked our path. A man draped in a long black cloak had a face as pale as a corpse.


His thin tongue poking out and the smooth scales sprouting all over his body reminded me of a snake. The man was a Black Snake Beastman.

A silent standoff ensued. Ch’aeng-a stepped forward to block me, drawing her sword. The blue sword she drew glinted in the sunlight.

“Black Scale Sword… Why are you here…?”

Ch’aeng-a appeared to recognize the man before her. She adjusted her grip on her sword with an oddly tense expression. The Black Scale Sword, watching her nonchalantly, finally spoke.

“I came because I heard sorcerers are coming… But there were strange rumors.”


“A young Dragon’s Blood child is wandering alone… How many would ignore that rumor?”

“Do you think you can point a sword at Dragon’s Blood and get away with it?”

Sssh- Sssh- Sssh-

The Black Scale Sword chuckled softly, releasing a sound like a snake’s hiss.

“You’re in a place where the power of Dragon’s Blood doesn’t reach, yet you’re still talking about Dragon’s Blood… You don’t still think that the world is in your hands, do you?”

“If you lay a hand on us, you’ll be hunted by Dragon’s Blood until you die…”

“Everyone knows that the power of Dragon’s Blood is not what it once was.”

The Black Scale Sword drew his weapon as if further conversation was pointless. The blackened sword shimmered like a shadow.


“Ah, yes.”

“Can you go on alone from here?”

“Where to…?”

“To your home in Jinchun.”

There’s no way I could. My hometown, our house was not in this area. As a newcomer to this land, I had no clue where Jinchun was.

When I hesitated in my response, Ch’aeng-a’s expression hardened even more. She seemed to hesitate for a moment before whispering in a small voice.

“It’s hard alone, help me with your archery.”

That was the end of it. Ch’aeng-a and the Black Scale Sword swung their swords at each other. The clash of the blue sword and the silent black shadow intertwined chaotically.



As soon as I called out Nightmare, I jumped down from its back. Upon realizing my intention, Nightmare stomped on the ground.

Bam-! Swoosh-!

With a single stomp, white Crystal Stone clumps began to blossom around us. The elongated Crystal Stones could be used as arrows.

Now there was no time to clear up misunderstandings. It meant, whether I liked it or not, I had to follow Dragon’s Blood Ch’aeng-a and Ch’eong-bin. If I fled alone on Nightmare, I’d undoubtedly be continuously attacked by Beastmen.

Careful aiming isn’t necessary. Anyway, the powers held by this bow would help the arrows fly toward where I wanted them.


I loaded five arrows at once and drew the string. The moment the string stretched to its limit, I released it, firing five Crystal Stone arrows rapidly.


The five arrows flew in a strange curve toward the Black Scale Sword all at once.

“This can’t be…!”

Terror rose on the face of the Black Scale Sword, who was grinning derisively while trading blows with Ch’aeng-a. He quickly stepped back, swinging his sword at the pursuing Crystal Stone arrows.

Thud-! Bam-!

With a single swing, three of the arrows shattered. As he swung his sword again to deflect the remaining two Crystal Stone arrows, Ch’aeng-a seized the moment and charged in.


The long swing of her blue blade left a deep gash across the Black Scale Sword’s chest. A moment later, red blood splattered out.



The Black Scale Sword staggered back, destroying the remaining two arrows, looking at me with a shocked expression.

“Keep shooting!”

That was Ch’aeng-a’s voice. Even without her saying it, that was my intention. I pulled out five new Crystal Stone arrows and placed them on the string.

“Truly a Dragon’s Blood child…!”

Ignoring the charging Ch’aeng-a, the Black Scale Sword began to charge at me. The way he approached, gliding, resembled a snake’s movement.

In that moment of silent sprinting, a black shadow lunged forward. It was Nightmare, providing me with Crystal Stone arrows from behind.


Thanks to Nightmare, a brief opening arose. I immediately sent an arrow flying and pulled out a new Crystal Stone arrow.

Pow-! Pow-!

With a slight gap, a total of ten arrows were consecutively fired. The arrows shot carelessly into the air, tracing a strange curve as they flew toward the Black Scale Sword.

“This mad…!”

Seeing the ten arrows flying toward him, the Black Scale Sword’s face grew even paler. His already corpse-like face looked as if it were turning into a skull.

Ten arrows, along with Nightmare’s interference, plus Ch’aeng-a’s assault, poured down on the Black Scale Sword. He could only retreat as he desperately tried to defend himself.

“Good! Keep it up!”

Ch’aeng-a wore an arrogant grin on her face. She let out a chilling laugh, relentlessly pressing the Black Scale Sword.


With every swing of the sword, a blue chill swept the surroundings. The ground, tinged in blue, froze starkly white, and the green leaves swaying in the wind burst into pieces.

I continued shooting arrows. Aiming wasn’t necessary, so it took less than a second to send off five arrows.

The consumption of arrows was intense. Nightmare had to continuously produce Crystal Stones beside me.

Bam bam bam-!

“Cough, cough! What on earth is this archery…!”

The arrows I shot targeted only the Black Scale Sword. Even if they interrupted Ch’aeng-a’s movements, the arrowheads never aimed at her.

As dozens of arrows and Ch’aeng-a’s attacks fell upon him, the Black Scale Sword began to allow more hits. The Crystal Stones stuck into his back, legs, and arms started to take root.

The moment his movements slowed, dozens of arrows soared in succession, embedding themselves into his body.

Pop pop pop-!

“Ugh, ugh…!”

The Black Scale Sword, white screams escaping him, began to spew blood, his sword slipping from his grasp as he started to fumble around his body.

Crack-! Swoosh-!

The white Crystal Stones began to cover the body of the Black Scale Sword. He looked down at himself with a pale expression, soon being entirely enveloped by the pure white Crystal Stones.

“What in the world…”

That was Ch’aeng-a’s voice. She breathed heavily, looking at me with complex eyes. Or more precisely, the bow I was holding.

“What kind of bow is that…?”

Did she recognize the bow’s uniqueness?

I hid the bow behind my back.

“Oh, don’t take it away…”

Ch’eong-bin returned after quite some time. He was covered in blood and panting heavily. He immediately approached me and opened his mouth.

“Are you safe?”

“Don’t you dare ask me?”

That was Ch’aeng-a’s question. She glared at Ch’eong-bin as if feeling a little resentful.