Chapter 110

The Villainous Noble Who Kept Rewinding After Death: The Story Somehow Changed When I Committed Suicide

Chapter 110: Acceptance

Having dealt with Ryan, I joined Fiera and the others who had been watching the interactions from the corner.


Just then, Shuvina seemed like she wanted to say something, but I ignored her and walked past, heading back inside the house.

At that moment, the other elves surrounding us looked at me with fearful eyes and naturally parted the way.

Back inside, we silently took our seats, and a thick silence fell over us.

However, after taking a deep breath, Shuvina changed her expression to one of determination and looked at me.

“Eir. About what just happened…”

“What is it?”

“It’s about Ryan-sama… Don’t you think that was a bit excessive?”

“Why? He’s alive now, so what’s the problem?”

“That’s true, but still… to torment him in such a one-sided situation…”

Shuvina seemed to have been affected by how I had last tormented Ryan, as her expression shifted to one of mild reproach.

“And when you were fighting Ryan-sama, you seemed to be looking at him, but you weren’t actually seeing him. Who were you really fighting at that time?”

It seemed that during the fight with Ryan, due to the similarity in actions between him and the protagonist, I had started to feel as if I was facing the protagonist instead, and that had been noticed.

But I had no intention of confessing that to her, and of course, I wasn’t going to talk about my past either.

“Hey, Shuvina. What’s our relationship?”

“What are you suddenly asking for?”

“Just answer me.”

“Well, we’re party members.”

“Yeah. That’s all there is to it. Just because we’re in the same party doesn’t mean I have to share everything.

Just like you have things you don’t want to talk about, I also have things I don’t want to discuss or want you to get involved in. This situation is exactly that. So don’t ask again.”

To emphasize my point, I used my magic power to intimidate Shuvina, who nodded with a cold sweat.

“Fiera. I’m going to rest in my room. I feel sick because of that guy.”

“Understood. Do you want your tail?”

“…I’ll ask later.”

“Got it.”

Perhaps because I had been allowed to touch Fiera’s tail whenever something happened, I had started thinking that I wanted to be healed by her tail whenever I was stressed or emotionally drained.

(I can’t resist that fluffy texture. It can’t be helped.)

It’s not that I was getting attached to Fiera or that I was particularly interested in her, but in my whole life, I had never found anything that felt so comforting and calming. So when I was tired, I tended to seek it out.

After that, mentally exhausted from Ryan’s antics, I stayed in my room until Fiera woke me up.

—Side Fiera & Shuvina—

When Lewis returned to the room, looking worn out, only Fiera and Shuvina remained there.

“Fiera? Where are you going?”

Seeing Fiera also getting up to head somewhere, Shuvina inadvertently stopped her.

“To my room. I have to get my tail ready for El to touch it later; it has to be in perfect condition!”

As she said this, Fiera wagged her tail cheerfully and smiled, which was rare for her.

However, seeing such Fiera, Shuvina questioned why she didn’t seem affected at all by Lewis’s earlier behavior.

“Fiera. Didn’t you feel anything when you saw Eir just now? Like it was odd or abnormal…?”

“Hm? Not really. I was surprised when El got angry at first, but more than that, I was happy that he got emotional over something other than fighting. I was glad to see a new side of El. That’s all.”

Fiera’s words were her sincere feelings, and the truth of them shone from her eyes, prompting Shuvina to swallow her words.

“…It’s still strange. Eir’s behavior and way of thinking are abnormal, but… Fiera, you’re strange too. I can’t understand it…”

Shuvina thought she had somewhat understood both Lewis and Fiera during this journey.

Even if they hadn’t revealed their true identities or goals, she had tried in her own way to see and understand the two of them.

However, the result was that she had failed to grasp their true essence, and she began to wonder if she was just like Sonia.

“Shuvi, you once told Sonia yourself, didn’t you? That a person’s values and thinking change according to their experiences and environment.

I believe that too. Just as Eir has his past, I have mine. It’s the same for you. Since you also have experiences and a past, it’s impossible for us to fully understand each other.”

“I get that… but that just means I’m also like Sonia…”

“But, Shuvi, you’re different from Sonia. You’ve tried to get closer to us and understand us, and that’s why you haven’t been able to understand. So don’t worry about it.”


Shuvina liked the two of them. Lewis was brutal and merciless to enemies, but remarkably kind and gentle to his companions.

While Fiera also prioritized Lewis, she had been kind to Shuvina as well, and even though her expression rarely changed, her lively tail and ears were endearing.

That was precisely why she regretted not fully understanding them.

“I’m so envious of how Fiera seems to understand everything about him.”

Shuvina let slip her honest feelings, envious of Fiera’s attitude that seemed to grasp everything about Lewis.

“Hm? I don’t understand everything about El either. I just accept him for who he is.”

But Fiera replied while tilting her head at those words.

“Accept him?”

“Yeah. I don’t know what happened to El. But I love him, no matter what. Even if he says he wants to destroy the world, I will stay by his side. That’s how much I love him, and I’m just accepting him as he is.”

“Why are you so…?”

“Because I love him. Also, I feel like I shouldn’t leave his side for some reason.”

“Haha, I can’t compete with that.”

Hearing Fiera’s resolve, Shuvina couldn’t help but crack a dry smile.

“I really am just getting in the way of you two, aren’t I?”

“No, that’s not it.”


“I do love El, and I do want him to love me back. But that’s not just me. I want him to have many important people in his life, too.”


“Despite how he looks, El actually enjoys connecting with people. You, Shuvi, should understand that given how kind and caring he is.

But it’s precisely because of that feeling that he is trying to distance himself from people due to something in his past.

I want El to be happy. And when the time comes, I want him to pass away surrounded by those important to him. After that, I’ll follow him too.

If you were among those important people, I would be happy. You’re drawn to El too, aren’t you?”


What Fiera was saying came purely from her feelings for Lewis, and Shuvina could sense how much she cherished and cared for him.

Then, as Shuvina realized that her own feelings for Lewis had been called out, she instinctively murmured his name.

“The one who decides in the end is Shuvi. I wouldn’t mind staying with you, Shuvi.”

With those last words, Fiera turned her back on Shuvina and headed back to her own room.

“I’ll decide…”

Left alone, Shuvina etched Fiera’s words into her heart and contemplated what she truly wanted.