Chapter 110

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“Yes, Your Majesty. We will review it at the Navy Department as well.”

In short, while Russia in the 30s pumps up its national power, it can surely crank out ground weapons.

Whether Japan stirs up trouble or not, it can’t be bad for us Russians at the very least.

“But if the Japanese Navy dominates Asia, our Far East could also be threatened. Just taking the Russo-Japanese War, it wasn’t a war proceeded without their declaration. As you said, if they succeed in Asia, they could target our United States in the future.”

They might be targeting the United States.

Right. If they run out of places to hit, they might take aim at Russia.

They could turn China into a puppet state. If they deal with France in a southern operation to gain Indochina and take the Philippines from the United States…

Since they’ve already defeated Russia once, they might try again.

However, the crazy Imperial General Headquarters probably won’t choose a peaceful method that deviates from history.

“At that time, God will help us.”

“Excuse me?”

I shook my head.

“Oh, it’s just a saying. Nothing in this world is certain. We’re preparing for a war with Japan anyway, so we should just build up the Far Eastern army under the guise of preparing for China.”

But, if Japan really becomes enthusiastic, couldn’t they invade the Philippines for the sake of Asia?

Still, since they are aligned with Britain, the pressure would be less, and they might just swiftly take the Philippines and negotiate with the United States.

For example, if they say they will recognize Japan’s interests in the Philippines and the Pacific in exchange for anything.

The Japan Empire of the era would definitely come up with some miraculous logic, like if they slap the United States with a Pearl Harbor attack, they’ll oblige to negotiate.

Of course, that’s just my theory.

We don’t know what will actually happen.

But by then, they might have developed nuclear weapons.

For instance, if Japan aims at Russia rather than the Philippines, they might just have to focus on defense and securing air superiority before dropping nukes.

“That is indeed true. Understood.”

“Excuse me?”

“I will follow His Majesty’s intentions.”

The military simply follows what I say without question.

What strange people they are.

If we go by this theory, Japan is destined to fail and Britain’s colonies won’t last long.

Especially now that Communist Germany is causing disruptions, Britain might grant independence not just for non-communist regimes but to establish pro-British ones later on.

No matter what, once Communist Germany has sown its red seeds, it will be difficult for Britain, the old lion, to maintain its colonies.

Germany must be trying to drain Britain and France of their strength as much as possible.

If the Reds in Germany touch Britain and France’s colonies first, it’d put them in a tricky position.

So, I have a question.

“Has there been nothing going on in Britain and France?”

Aren’t those guys struggling because of Britain?

Russia currently has nothing else. The Red Army forces have all been eliminated in Central Asia and the Caucasus, and we’ve integrated those areas into the United States.

While we look on from across the river, it’s concerning if Britain and France drain their strength too much in their colonies.

Britain has its fleet, but its army is weak and needs to rely on Commonwealth nations for support.

If Britain focuses its military on its colonies, it wouldn’t be able to hold the line in France when France is in danger.

It’s obvious if the strong French army is tied down in colonies.

“I don’t think France can hold on in the Ruhr for long.”

“Why is that?”

Historically speaking, I thought they wouldn’t last long anyway.

But judging by the current developments, I wonder if they have some different thoughts in mind.

They might have no choice but to pull out of Germany, for instance.

For example, there might be some colonial issues erupting such that they can’t maintain the Ruhr.

Germany could use this as leverage.

“There are news reports that Britain and France are protesting to Germany about the spread of communism from the colonies,”

They usually wouldn’t protest unless it really was a nuisance.

Their protest must mean it’s quite bothersome for them.

“That won’t be easy.”

After all, the Reds can just stick to their stubbornness. Communist Germany would rather die than admit it.

Whether they have the ability to support resistance movements in the colonies is honestly questionable. But if they did, it would be something.

“Your Majesty.”

“Yes, General Ungern. Speak.”

“I listened to your radio broadcast, and I, Ungern, have truly been moved.”

That guy’s been fidgeting since earlier, huh?

He’s been thinking about the radio broadcast all this time.

Come to think of it, before the world collapses, the neighbor next door became completely absorbed in virtual streamer content.

Could it be that?

“That was just a try-out suggested by Baron Beria.”

“In the Roman Nationalist Party, it’s gotten to the point where all members have bought radios.”

Honestly, that’s just like an idol fan club.

I should check how that Nationalist Party operates someday.

“W-what embarrassing thing do you wish to say?”

“If those communist bastards spread Red ideology in the colonies of Britain and France, wouldn’t it be a good idea to spread Your Majesty’s voice to them?”

Why would we do something like that?

Why on earth would this development even come about?

“Oh, that’s actually quite a reasonable method. If we do that, the colonists may think capitalism is better than communism.”

“Separately, isn’t the ideology that excites the colonist the idea of communism promising liberation?”

“But didn’t Your Majesty dismantle that communism? Your ideology, among the subjects of the United States, has become the ‘Tsarina Doctrine,’ and if anyone dares mention Your Majesty’s name, it’s called the ‘Anastasia Doctrine.’”

What? What kind of horrific doctrine could that be?

Anastasia Doctrine? What does that even mean?

It brings to mind Stalinism and Trotskyism.

Right over there in Communist Germany, we have Rosa Luxemburgism and Karl Liebknechtism.

In any case, what is attractive for rebellions in the colonies is the ideology of communism. The head of a revisionist capitalist country, which has nothing to do with colonialism.

With no colonies of our own and a Communist Germany established through revolution from an imperialistic nation, it’s clear which ideology would be more appealing.

Ideologically, it’s communism for the colonists.

Even if those colonists praise revisionist capitalism, it only strays further from the notion of independence.

So, ultimately, it’s pointless.

“Even if we spread that, if they don’t achieve independence, they would think it’s meaningless.”

“Your Majesty, it’s not a bad idea. If communism continues to spread like this, Britain and France would eventually have to reach a conclusion. They would try to establish pro-British and pro-French governments in the once-colonial nations.”

Krivoshein is speaking interestingly.

Is it because he’s the Prime Minister? He seems to know a thing or two.

Establishing pro-British and pro-French governments.

Considering how Britain’s been mobilizing Indians since WWI, isn’t that already the answer?

“That’s true, isn’t it?”

“But if they reach a level where Britain and France are seriously considering forming friendly governments back home, those red-coloured colonists will ultimately fight against Britain and France, and the seeds of communism will spread once again from the colonies.”

“Well, then we can spread that later on.”

If it’s something we can just hear, that’s like a golden plan.

If it works, that is.

Unfortunately, it can’t just be dismissed as a haphazard plot.

“Yes. When the time is right, if Britain has to reluctantly grant independence, we’ll spread that then. That way, independence will not at least be tainted by communist ideologies.”

On one side, we spread communism, while on the other, we spread revisionist liberalism.

How crazy can this plan be?

What if it blows up in our face?

Britain and France might protest at us.

Of course, I don’t think it’s fundamentally a bad idea. However, it’s still a delicate strategy to consider.

The benefits we can gain from this are not particularly great.

What advantages does spreading revisionist capitalism bring to Russia?

It could easily lead to greater spread of communism.

I’m going to relay revisionist capitalism to the colonists through the radio?

Am I out of my mind? There’s nothing I’ll gain from that.

I’ll probably just end up being scorned by the colonists.

“Importantly, I still haven’t decided yet.”

“Ahem. I apologize.”

“I understand why everyone is acting like this. The important note is that I haven’t decided yet. Initially, it’s just a possibility. There’s concern about unnecessarily provoking Britain and France. Sure, I agree with the idea of stopping communism. But I mean, the ones running the Colonies, Britain and France, can figure that out themselves. Britain might even think that Russia is trying to invade India on the pretext of Communist Germany.”

During the Great Game, Britain kept a close watch on Russia too.

Of course, they might cause their own downfall.

But at least it’s better than Russia interfering and dictating to them.

“But it may not be entirely a bad idea. For instance, why not suggest that Britain and France relinquish their colonies first?”

“Do you think they would listen?”

“Usually, they wouldn’t. But if issues arise in the colonies due to the expansion of Communist Germany, wouldn’t they listen under condition? When the discussion of colonial independence surfaces, that’s the time to suggest it. Instead of spreading revisionist liberalism via radio.”

“Oh. That’s quite a valid perspective.”

“They wouldn’t want to admit it, but if they say, ‘Let’s slowly hand it over since we’re anti-communist nations,’ they might just grant it saying, ‘Oh, we can’t help it.’ That would surely be better than trying to escape the colonies through a disgraceful communist revolution.”

It’s also good to set the stage from now.

Whether Britain and France are spilling too much communism in their colonies or not.

Naturally, Russia would appear to be working to liberate the colonies. Afterward, the colonists would likely praise Russia.

“Darn. It’s unfortunate. I should have made sure the colonists heard Your Majesty’s strong anti-communist voice to civilize them.”

“Well, that side isn’t urgent, so let’s observe for a while.”

Above all, if we spread revisionist capitalism in the colonies, we could inadvertently provoke Japan as well.

After all, this revisionist capitalism is essentially represented by me.

Attach some nonsensical theory saying that revisionist capitalism is the philosophy suitable for countries striving to become independent from colonies! Let’s do that.

On the surface, it may seem as if we treat the royal family well and formally merged with the Korean Empire. However, Korea is still Japan’s colony.

I plan to liberate them one day, but it’ll be tricky if the Koreans solely trust revisionist capitalism and think, “Russia will help us!”

For now, we can’t start waving our flags and taking on the role of ideological authority just yet.

Of course, by the time Germany initiates war, Russia will also prepare much.

But that’s something to keep an eye on.

* * *

1925 Berlin, Germany.

The French ambassador now knocked on the door of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the German Free Socialist Republic with an accustomed stride.

“What on earth is going on?”

“What do you mean?”

“You’ve planted communists in our Algerian colony!”

The French ambassador scolded Rosa Luxemburg, the Foreign Minister of the German Free Socialist Republic.

It’s truly exhausting to hear the same thing over and over again.

It’s not the first time he’s knocked on the doors of the foreign ministry upon hearing that communists of German descent are found in Algeria every single day.

At this point, it’s sickening.

“We know nothing about it.”

Really. It’s because of these pretentious Reds, who consistently feign ignorance.

“Then was the red guy caught in Algeria sent by the Kaiser of East Prussia?”

“Red? These colonists living under the Colonial Empire are pitiful. We cannot possibly refer to those who voluntarily enter the colonies to demand for workers’ liberation with such derogatory terms.”

“Your cover’s blown! Aren’t you the culprits?”

They’re now so blatant that they don’t even bother hiding their intentions anymore.

Honestly, it was easier dealing with Kaiser’s Germany.

These guys are literally soulless creatures with no integrity whatsoever between nations.

This is how they end up isolated from the world.

At first, I thought they were a bit pitiful for being torn apart by Poland and losing Silesia and Danzig, but now I feel no sympathy.

“Well, we’re not doing anything wrong,” they just keep insisting.

Even so, they deny that they’ve done anything.

If this were a battlefield, the French ambassador would want to smack that woman’s head with a rifle butt to see what’s inside there.

There must be a hundred snakes wriggling around in there.

“Even those communists caught for the Tsarina’s terror in Poland shamelessly confess they did nothing!”

“Can your colonial empire control every single one of your citizens enforceably? Righteously. We cannot control those communists who’ve jumped into the fray for the liberation of suffering colonists.”

What a ridiculous utterance.

She speaks as if she’s got a silver tongue.

Is it true that the Kaiser lost his country to such lunatics?