Chapter 11

While Kael was returning to the divine realm, his name was prominently mentioned in the regime.

“Can you believe a fallen meteor is rising again?! We missed a golden opportunity for our army to claim victory! This is all because you foolish, weak moderates are in power!”

“You idiots only know how to flap your gums! This is because your side’s appointed commanders and staff are nothing but below-average morons, causing even Lord Anvar to shake his head in disbelief!”

“Useless cowards!”

“And you war-crazy lunatics!”

At the Demon Tribe Union in Nobogord, insults were flying back and forth among each other.

For now, the council was dominated by the moderates. The leaders of the hardliners were forced into retirement.

However, that didn’t mean all hardliner factions in Nobogord had been eliminated; far from it.

Hardliners can never truly disappear. As long as the Empire exists, that is impossible.

Even if the Empire falls, they will just target other countries and spring back to life.

For that reason, when the army that had advanced near the borders retreated back to the capital, Beograd—

“All commanders are to report to the council immediately!”

“To lose even a small skirmish and then come back being humiliated even further! Every detail must be reported!”

The moderates, as well as the hardliners, were preparing to tear each other apart.

Naturally, their method of attack was to lay blame for the military’s failures on one another.

“Why wasn’t there a night raid on the day the meteor fell?”

“Commander, answer immediately! Why didn’t we strike when our momentum was strong?!”

“Did you think a night raid would be cowardly? Huh? Speak up!”

First, the moderates pounced on the commander who belonged to the hardliner faction.

It meant that the one at the top must take responsibility when issues arise.

Even if they were of the same faction, in a situation where one’s side is at fault, mercy cannot be given.

Like hunting dogs tearing at a wounded deer, the Demon Tribe members unleashed a barrage of verbal attacks.

“Th-That is…”

“I did my best! The reason we didn’t conduct a night raid was—”

“The Imperial Army recovered too quickly. It was impossible to react in time.”

“Honestly! Who would think a meteor would rise again?!”

“It’s unfair! This was beyond our control!!”

No matter how seasoned a commander is on the battlefield, politics is another warzone entirely.

What’s more, they were monsters trained in the political arena from the council.

As a commander with only a smidgen of political instinct, he couldn’t hold out.

“It’s unjust to pin the whole situation solely on the commander!”

Of course, the hardliners weren’t merely sitting back and watching the moderates’ offensive.

Even though they lost a majority of seats in the council, their power still remained.

Moreover, since this was an unprecedented incident, the frontline commanders also needed to face scrutiny.

Since most of the frontline commanders leaned towards the moderates, it was only natural for the hardliners to relish this development.

“Looking at the situation, the frontline commanders continuously protested the commander’s orders! They were hindering every decision, which likely caused delays in command!”

“This defeat was mainly due to the commanders, who are facing the soldiers directly, holding resentment against the higher-ups. This is practically mutiny, wouldn’t you agree?!”

It had been over a week since the army returned, and the tedious bickering between the two factions continued.

The council had turned into a marketplace brawl filled with shouts and curses.

Those once dignified Demon Tribe members barked at one another like dogs, tearing each other down.


And amidst all this, Charlua couldn’t help but let out a sigh at the absurdity of it all.

Regardless, this time it was the Nobogord faction that suffered a clear defeat. That much had to be acknowledged.

While it was said that accountability must be determined, it was also wise to prepare for what comes next instead of lingering too long.

But why were those council members still growling and fighting each other after a whole week?

Just because they were hardliners doesn’t make them all abnormal, nor does being moderates mean they are all virtuous.

It was simply a web of conflicting interests. There’s no right or wrong.

When one says their opponent is correct, words of disagreement reflexively come out.

“My father surely can’t quit this political game…”

…No, wait. Even so, shouldn’t he quit politics altogether?

I once heard that this toxic realm is a leading cause of health issues.

Of course, they cited extreme stress as the main culprit, but still.

‘…I can’t let this go on. If it continues any longer, our Nobogord will exhaust its national power far too much.’

Originally, I had no intention of stepping in; I shouldn’t have to.

Right now, the hardliners were targeting Caland, the council chairman and leader of the moderates.

Just to clarify, I’m not implying they are planning an assassination.

They intend to launch a significant attack using his daughter, Charlua, who has just returned from service.

However, regardless of that, being the Chairman’s daughter carries significant political burdens.

Also, due to having no real power, it would be hard to hold anyone responsible, so they had long suppressed their movement.

But if Charlua were to step in, the dynamics could change dramatically.

“It might be better to remain silent.”

Caland had initially tried to dissuade his daughter from taking action. He stressed there was no benefit to be gained.

Yet, after Charlua’s strong request, he ultimately conceded, saying, “Do as you see fit.”

And the next day. Charlua personally attended the council.

“Honorable council members. First and foremost, I stand not as the daughter of Council Chairman Caland Estania, but as a member of the Imperial Army who briefly clashed with our forces.”

She made it clear she was not there to favor one side over the other.

This made the moderates tilt their heads in confusion, while the hardliners stepped back to keep an eye on the situation.

“To address the situation, yes, there was friction between the commander and the frontline commanders. However, it wasn’t to the extent that it disrupted the chain of command. Instead, it was more of a healthy supervisory relationship.”

“Miss Charlua, are you suggesting that there can be friction in a healthy supervisory relationship?”

“That sounds as if the higher-ups must always make the right decisions and subordinates must adhere to any foolish order without question, doesn’t it, council member?”

At that, the hardliners’ side began to raise their voices in protest.

However, the moderates barked back, keeping the opposition’s voices in check.

“Subordinates must follow the orders of their superiors, true. But if there’s a problem with those orders, they should at least be able to voice it. And while superiors must indeed make the right choices, it can’t always happen. Thus, subordinates must listen. That’s how a healthy supervisor-subordinate relationship works.”

“So you’re saying this was handled well?”

“Yes. That is correct.”

Just then, a moderate noble who had been gauging Caland’s mood continued questioning.

“Then, despite that healthy relationship, how did things end up like this? From what I hear from you, it sounds like our army had no issues whatsoever.”

“Exactly! Council member, our army really had no problems!”

Charlua’s affirmation sent a stir among the members.

Before the commotion could escalate, she quickly continued her point.

“We must focus not on Nobogord but on the Empire.”

“What do you mean we need to focus on the Empire?”

“The strategies from the Imperial Army exceeded our expectations significantly. They knew precisely what decisions we would make and what actions we would take; they could see through us like reading a palm.”

Just recalling that moment sends shivers down my spine.

How long and how many times did they go over those strategies, just to avoid leaving a single weak spot? To prevent giving any opportunities for a counterattack?

“In the unique environment of the battlefield, sudden fog, morale that had dropped to the floor—they crafted a plan that took into account the certainty that we had lost the direction to initiate full-scale combat. They filtered everything down, creating an outline. Even if it were a different commander or other frontline leaders, at that moment, everyone would have made the same judgment and committed the same mistakes.”

“But I heard the frontline commanders raised questions?”

“They didn’t push strongly. Hence, the frontline commanders, too, lacked confidence and leaned on the commander’s decision, council member.”

Further factional disputes are meaningless. This council must conclude here.

If we deplete our national power like this, it could expose Nobogord’s weaknesses.

If the Empire were to break the accord or neighboring countries were to provoke us again?

Naturally, the moderates who have just seized power would lose their footing, and the hardliners would rise again.

“…Could it be that internal information has leaked?”

Amidst all this, one oblivious moderate council member clung to the conversation until the end.

Can’t he see that he’s trying to tie a knot that should be cut?

A curse almost slipped out at the corner of my lips, but with extraordinary patience, Charlua held it back.

“If that were the case, would the Imperial Army have let us go so easily? Devouring even one of Nobogord’s main forces would certainly be far more profitable for them.”

With an expression that radiated the intent to rip him apart, Charlua spoke as politely as possible, making the council member meekly concede, “I-I see!”


A sigh instinctively escaped. Finally, things seemed to be falling into place.

What a ridiculous mess had unfolded for over a week.

‘Perhaps the Imperial Army anticipated even this turn of events.’

Yes, with high probability. No, it must be so.

The letter mocking us was undoubtedly written with this very point in mind.

After exiting the assembly, Charlua headed to the War Department.

“Could you please reiterate that?”

“I’d like to know the chain of command for the Imperial Army that participated in the recent event. Is that possible?”

“It will take some time.”

“I can wait as long as needed.”

She believed that discovering the chain of command would lead her to find out who had devised that strategy.

Then, a few days later, receiving the information she sought, Charlua began to meticulously verify everything.

“The Legion Commander… along with the staff below… each of the frontline commanders…”

At that point, she was only scanning through the older individuals.

As it was only natural to presume that only someone of sufficient age could put forth such a strategy.

In the meantime, new updates from the agents embedded in the Empire reached her.

The identity of the strategist was none other than a fresh-faced young noble.

Upon hearing this news, Charlua found herself in shock.