Chapter 107

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“Wait a minute, can I look into this?”

Right now, Russia is favoring engineers, and the Ministry of Science and Technology is looking for materials to research and develop things that will be useful in the future.

Who knows? There might be someone working on television research.

“Maria, is there any recent television-related research at the Ministry of Science and Technology?”

“I’ll check on that.”

If only the television would catch a break. Didn’t Germany buy multiple patents to broadcast using television at the Berlin Olympics along with their existing technology?

A little while later, Maria returned with a bunch of papers and spoke up.

“Yes, it seems there is. A person named Vladimir Kosma Zworykin is collaborating with Doctor Tesla on wireless research. This person is also involved in television-related studies. The other researcher working with him is Kálmán Tihanyi, an electrical engineer and physicist from the Kingdom of Hungary.”

Yes! That’s exactly what I was hoping for!

Zworykin. I knew I could count on him!

Right, I guess just looking at the people remaining in Russia makes it clear.

He was presumably part of the White Army. In the original timeline, he might have been with the Kolchak government before going to America.

I’m not sure about Tihanyi, but it seems they invited physicists from other countries, even from the Kingdom of Hungary.

Maybe their relations improved because of the anti-aircraft agreement.

If things go well, won’t we get to see television before America?

“That’s a relief.”

Thinking about that, it’s best to start immediately.

To be honest, I feel like there might be a lack of funds, but can’t we try to gather some investors?

Considering that there were talks with the Americans initially, it might be worth aiming for investment from the US.

If they become interested in television, it would be possible to receive some funds while developing it.

If that doesn’t work out, pooling resources with the other anti-aircraft agreement nations wouldn’t be bad either.

“So in the end, is the Ministry of Science and Technology collaborating with researchers from other countries?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

Then there is a possibility.

It might also be a good idea to inquire about investment opportunities from the Hungarian side.

“Wouldn’t it be better to request investment from the inventors working on the television? We should also throw out a bait to the Americans.”

We need to use the Okhrana for the American side.

If we throw out a bait in America, won’t they send engineers, technologists, or inventors related to television?

With that, it would be great to have Russia lead the development of television.

Unfortunately, we need to make sure Germany doesn’t buy any patents.

After all, there’s basically already a regime competition with Germany.

If the war hasn’t broken out yet, we need to seize this technological competition first.

While they are busy entrenching their communist system and causing trouble in the Young Turk colonies, Russia should bolster its national power and technological advancements.

Isn’t that great?

Various technologies can also be used for military purposes.

Like a country that can recruit from the fields based on reform, we should also enhance our military strength.

Especially with the continued development of aircraft, by the 1930s, we should have something that can compete with British fighters.

But the biggest issue is—

It ultimately needs to be decided by the National Duma.

Because that means putting the national budget into technological development.

“I’m not quite sure what that entails, but if Your Majesty decides so, the National Duma will comply.”

The very fact that the National Duma is adamantly following this is problematic.

Is it dangerous if they just listen to me too much?

What if I’m just spouting nonsense?

I even wonder if I’m forcing them in some way.

“I just feel like it might be too much to force it.”

This also ultimately consumes the budget.

If I say so, the National Duma will have to redistribute this budget. I feel a bit sorry about that.

It could also interfere with Russia’s industrialization.

“They will probably accept it with joy. Your Majesty is not developing this technology merely for luxury, right?”

Right. That’s true.

“It is indeed.”

This development of technology will ultimately lay the groundwork to lead the world.

So, this should be done as needed.

After all, it’s not like Anastasia will ever witness the scientific civilization of the 21st century, so it’s not a personal desire.

Ultimately, this is done to change the future.

At the very least, I hope the world that emerges in the 21st century is more advanced than the original one.

“Your Majesty. And we received contact from the Moscow Broadcasting Station.”


Why would the Moscow Broadcasting Station be contacting me?

Did my broadcast somehow displease them substantially?

It’s not paranoia; I occasionally hear things.

Given the poor treatment of the existing Romanov royalty, even if Anastasia has personal authority, I wonder if there might be complaints about the radio broadcasts.

“They suggested that it might be a good idea to establish a personal broadcasting station for Your Majesty in the Kremlin.”

They want me to open a personal radio broadcasting station.

Ah, I see. They can’t just be serving the Tsar; they’re saying they’ll support me, so I can have some fun broadcasting from the palace.

“Hmm. That’s something to consider. So from their perspective, I might be a nuisance. They’ll provide the equipment, so I should broadcast from my office instead, right?”

That’s a bit convoluted.

Even a kind Tsarina like me can get angry sometimes.

“Ah, that’s not it. On the contrary, it’s very effective, and they hope Your Majesty will do something on the radio frequently. So instead of you coming over, they suggested setting it up in the palace.”

“Then, it’s because the response is good?”

“Yes. It was originally received well, and from the broadcasting station’s standpoint, it’s favorable. They wouldn’t dislike having the war hero’s stories broadcast.”

Ah, thinking about it that way, that makes sense.

From the radio station’s point of view, the Tsarina repeatedly commuting to the radio station might be a bit much.

I can’t just hang around the radio station all the time.

If I think about it, broadcasting from there would be for my convenience.

Then I guess there’s no choice.

There are a few vacant places in the Kremlin where the Bolsheviks’ traces can be erased.

It might be good to use one as a radio broadcasting room.

It’s also fine to use Maria for propaganda from the Kremlin.

Not too shabby.

“So this is for my convenience, right?”

“Yes. By the way, they mentioned they would directly install the radio for you. They actually said it would be an honor if Your Majesty would continue to broadcast in the future.”

So it seems my reputation as Tsar helps the radio station flourish.

If the response is good, it’s not going to end with just one or two broadcasts.

As the radio station said, if I’m going to be doing it often, it would be better to settle it in the Kremlin rather than heading to the radio station.

If that’s the case, I could just wash up and sit in front of the radio in the Kremlin.

“That sounds good.”

Using radio means I can directly deliver my speeches all over Russia.

Of course, I’ll have to see how the wireless revolution goes.

Wait a minute. Doesn’t this mean that Yusupov’s radio business is going to succeed?

“The fact that the radio penetration rate has increased means that it implies an increase in buying power for radios, doesn’t it?”


“That means the radio business will develop further.”

In the end, if I look at it broadly, I’m increasing the radio penetration rate using the propaganda benefits of anti-communist efforts.

Then maybe I can push for investment in television from Yusupov’s business?

Anyway, Yusupov says that’s mine, so it wouldn’t be a bad idea to slip television right into there.

I have already mentioned the importance of television multiple times.

Isn’t television something indispensable for humanity?

Plus, delivering what was said through the radio on television would be even more effective.

So, television really needs to be out quickly.

In this case, I need to squeeze Tesla for more—should I see the results from that side?

“Uh, Your Majesty, I—”

“What is it?”

“It’s almost time for the National Duma. You’re scheduled to attend today.”

Oh, right. The class time (meeting of the National Duma) is coming up.

What perfect timing.

It might be good to bring this up during the meeting.

* * *

The agenda at this Duma meeting was the military.

Since the anti-aircraft agreement, issues related to the military have been a sensitive topic in the Duma alongside industrialization.

“This landing training is good, but landing means we need to gain maritime supremacy. For that, a strong fleet is necessary. The Italian fleet in the Mediterranean cannot be disregarded. Is it really feasible to gather the Baltic fleet and the small fleet from the Far East and attempt a single strike?”

Could we really take on the Italian fleet, even in hard times?

No, what if that red Mussolini focuses all his efforts on his fleet?

“If only we hadn’t gotten smashed during the Russo-Japanese War. Sigh.”

“Still, Britain and France are allies. The British Mediterranean fleet should be able to annihilate the Italian fleet along with our Black Sea fleet, right?”

We could sink the Italian fleet alongside the British fleet.

Honestly, it seems plausible.

From the surface, if Japan and Germany have to dodge us, they’ll likely target China since they’re members of the anti-aircraft agreement.

Given that they are part of the same faction, they probably won’t disturb French Indochina or plans in the south.

At least the British Eastern fleet won’t head to Japan. In other words, fighting against the communist axis means we won’t lose in a naval battle.

Ah, but that means chaos must unfold in the colonies.

“The important thing is, we need to invest in the navy as well.”

The one overseeing the Navy Department, Kolchak, broke the silence.

Now that I think about it, if he’s supposed to lead the landing training, Kolchak should make an effort too.

Looking at his track record, it seems he fought a bit during World War I as the commander of the Black Sea fleet.

“Uh, about that, there seems to be a misunderstanding from the Navy Department,”

Right. Even the Prime Minister has something to say.

I wonder what he’s trying to point out.

“What misunderstanding?”

“We’re currently constructing the Pyotrov class battleship after having already received German technology. The Kaiser of East Prussia even sold us a battleship when he couldn’t handle it anymore. Although it’s not on par with British ships, it’s still not inferior anywhere else.”

Oh, I see. So the navy has been sufficiently strengthened.

While we need to continue bolstering military power, isn’t the main battlefield of Russia not at sea, so there’s no urgent need?

“Ahem. With Her Majesty the Tsarina present, isn’t this a bit much? What I mean is we need to secure aircraft carriers like the British or Japanese.”

“Aircraft carriers? Hmm. I’m not sure if they’re truly that useful.”

Ah, right. I guess we do need aircraft carriers.

They would be crucial for bombing and supporting landings.

Isn’t it a common dream to have an aircraft carrier?

Even an aircraft carrier from World War II.

Not from other major powers, but from Russia. An aircraft carrier of White Russia in World War II.

That’s kinda badass, right?

“Having an aircraft carrier seemed like a good idea.”

Ah, I let that slip out without thinking.

In reality, there’s no need to rush into building an aircraft carrier.

It’s more like a personal desire to need an aircraft carrier. That’s how I’d phrase it. If we build it and something happens to the Russian Empire, that would be troublesome.

“Your Majesty, do you believe an aircraft carrier is useful?”

Once it’s been thrown out there, I can’t just cancel it now.

I should probably steer things toward acquiring an aircraft carrier since it’s already out of my mouth.

“Couldn’t it be good for the aircraft carrier to support landings? It might be nice to create landing ships for the landings as well.”

Anyway, Russia is a country that had its own Great Game with the British.

We should develop our fleet to match that.

“Then we need to allocate some of the budget toward aircraft carriers.”

“If we use Tesla’s radar, it should work well in fleet battles.”

Ah, I see. Kolchak must have wanted to strengthen the fleet since we have radar now.

The Yagi radar created by Doctor Tesla has somehow become Tesla’s radar in this context.

“Hmmm. As you say, we will also need to create aircraft for the aircraft carriers. The Air Force Department needs to develop more aircraft as well.”

“Aircraft are already being developed by Igor Sikorsky, the Air Force Minister. Although he hasn’t arrived here, a person named Sergey Ilyushin is designing the planes. They seem to be quite desperate in the aircraft development aspect. For now, aircraft carriers and landing ships might be a stretch.”

Sergey Ilyushin?

Oh, I’ve heard that name quite a bit. Isn’t that the guy who developed aircraft for the Soviet Union?

Then we definitely can’t pull the budget from the Air Force.

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