Chapter 106

After weighing all sorts of things, we ultimately decided to stay at the orphanage.

There are a few reasons for this.

First, the government didn’t particularly like the idea of us leaving. Of course, it’s not just because of their words that we stayed.

While there was also the thought that we should show loyalty, to be honest, for me, the most significant issue was personal.

I just couldn’t bring myself to reject Ji-hye, who was looking at me with hopeful eyes.

Moreover, it seemed that the other kids also didn’t really think about going home. They had gotten used to relying on each other over the past time, and the thought of parting made them uneasy.

Above all, we were currently fighting against the enemy. If we separated and couldn’t regroup, we might not be able to win later.

…In the end, they were still just kids, and maybe they thought they’d much rather avoid their parents’ nagging.

Furthermore, it seemed like the government, perhaps anticipating that parents would persuade us to scatter, didn’t plan to send the other kids home anytime soon.

It’s ridiculous. A minor can’t even go to karaoke alone at night in this country, yet that’s all ignored.

Are they not going to protest? Or are they pleased that they can get involved deeply with the government again?

“I need to wash up, right?”

After realizing that I would be staying here at least for today, Ji-hye cheerfully said that.

I couldn’t deny that statement. Well, if you think about it, just coming in here in this state is already a huge breach of etiquette. If my clothes touched the wall, they’d get filthy with black grease and wouldn’t come off.


It wasn’t quite time for bed yet, nor was it dinner time, but I agreed that we should wash up.

Hearing my response, Ji-hye immediately took my wrist and led me to the teacher.

When I mentioned that I wanted to wash up, the teacher happily said that was fine. Not just me, but all the other kids too.

Our orphanage had consistently improved its facilities through several renovations over the years. This was mainly thanks to the donations I had started receiving since I began working in middle school.

The shower room isn’t completely private, but at least there’s a shower room and restroom attached to one of the rooms we stay in. Similarly, the other kids have something like that in their rooms, which means our orphanage has pretty decent facilities.

Though it doesn’t have a bathtub and isn’t particularly large, it’s certainly big enough for one person to wash up.

For the first time in a long while, I could clean myself thoroughly.

While pretending not to see the black something that came out when I lathered shampoo in my hands, I diligently scrubbed myself clean so that I wouldn’t smell.

After wiping off as much moisture from my body as I could and stepping out with a refreshed expression, I noticed my clothes that Ji-hye had laid outside the door.


They were all nicely washed and ironed.

How long had it been since I last saw clothes this clean?

Of course, I had also washed the clothes and underwear we wore, but in that place, where detergent was sorely lacking, no matter how hard we scrubbed, it couldn’t compare to laundry done in a washing machine.

After putting on the clothes that Ji-hye had seemingly brought for me, I stepped out feeling refreshed, and she greeted me with a bright smile.

The other kids were still here and there, looking tired with messy faces.

But seeing the subtle anticipation on the kids’ faces felt a bit strange. After all, all these kids had probably lived in excellent homes that I couldn’t even imagine in my past life.

To be impressed with just a mere orphanage?

…Well, we had been washing ourselves with barely any toiletries, so it made sense that after finally getting clean, I would feel an indescribable refreshment, which would obviously feel even better to those who lived much more comfortably than me.

“…I’ll lend you my clothes. You’ve got a ton in your closet anyway, right?”

Once I realized belatedly that the kids had no clothes to change into, and said that, Ji-hye looked quite shocked.

“No! I’ll lend you my underwear and clothes! I have a lot of clothes too!”

For some reason, when Ji-hye said that, Ha-yoon made a peculiar expression.

Could it be that she didn’t want to wear someone else’s underwear?

But unfortunately, in this room, there were only clothes that Ji-eun or Ji-hye had worn. We weren’t in a position to buy new clothes to wear.

“Will the size be okay?”

“Your clothes might be loose—ah.”

Ji-hye hurriedly stopped when she was a bit too quick to talk.


Seeing my eyes narrow, Ji-hye’s face turned red.

“Uh, um, about that…”

“Well, my clothes might indeed be too big.”

I let out a small sigh and said.

“Then, let’s try it on first and see which is more comfortable.”

To be honest, Jua’s clothes would likely be a bit loose too. But, I guess it didn’t really matter.


Next, Ha-yoon went into the shower room, and we fell momentarily silent.

I’ve been somewhat talking with the magical girls lately, but Ji-hye hadn’t done so at all. For her, this must feel incredibly unfamiliar and uncomfortable. After all, the other party wasn’t just some ‘peer’ but a bona fide magical girl.

I plopped down onto the floor. Even though I hadn’t pulled out a blanket yet, it felt strangely comfortable already.

There was no wind creeping in from outside, nor were there any strange noises unique to the mountains. Above all, this place was my ‘home’ where I had lived all along.

I felt as if the strength was silently draining from my body.

It made me want to just lie down and let it all go.


So this is it.

Here, I could just roll around on the floor without much thought. After all, it’s technically ‘indoors,’ right?

It wasn’t a dilapidated ruin abandoned for decades, lacking even doors, where dust creeps in with the wind.

As soon as I thought that, I sprawled out on the floor.


Ji-hye said, a bit flustered. Well, Ji-hye must still feel uneasy with the magical girls. Was I being too absorbed in my own thoughts?

But once my mind unwinds, it’s hard to pull it back.

There were still many unresolved matters. Above all, I had to find Pang-pang. Who knows what kind of treatment she is receiving as a hostage by the Chairman?

Thoughts were swirling in my head, but it was a little hard to get back up after sprawling out on the floor.

There were just too many things happening. Perhaps, during this time, my mind had been tightly wound with tension. A portion of it remained tense to this day, but the relief of being back home felt far greater for now.

Right. Until the government brings in information, there’s ultimately nothing I can do, and if I keep fighting like this, I might just collapse altogether.

Rest is important.


Did Ji-hye get worried when she suddenly saw me lying down?

Of course, if someone who had seemed fine just a moment ago suddenly lay on the floor and wasn’t getting up, you’d naturally start to worry. If the person looked noticeably exhausted both mentally and physically, then even more so.

I bent forward and reached out my hand toward Ji-hye, who was peering at me with a worried expression.

Did she think I was asking her to help me sit up?

Ji-hye grabbed my hand, but I pulled her in closer.

I lay her beside me.

Well, it’s not like Ha-yoon would snuggle up against me as she usually does. That’s just who I am; I’m not the type to be that bold.

But still.

Lying side by side and staring at the ceiling was something we had often done since childhood.

Should I play some music?

I had no idea if the player still worked. The last time I checked, it was in a terrible state on the floor. The music CDs Ha-yoon had gifted me a few times.

It felt like ages since that kind of situation had occurred.

Even though I didn’t want to think that way.


Looks like I ended up relaxing too much.

My consciousness started to drift away slowly. It didn’t seem like I was fainting, but I was just so tired that as soon as I lay down, my eyelids felt heavy.

Perhaps, as much as Ji-hye needed me, I, too, had been missing Ji-hye and my home.

The familiar ceiling, the familiar floor. The familiar person. These existences I thought I might have to forever give up during the time we were apart.

Thinking that these existences were right beside me slowly relaxed my heart.

Even if it’s only temporary. Even if I might have to leave again.

I faintly felt the warm sensation of holding my hand.

In the end, I pushed aside part of my thoughts that said, “This shouldn’t happen,” and fell into a sleep like fainting.


Ha-yoon, holding back the strong desire to wash up for a long time, quickly finished things up and came out. Of course, even so, she was able to wash much cleaner than she ever could in the abandoned place.

However, Ji-eun, who she wanted to talk to, had already fallen asleep sprawled out on the floor.

Without a blanket or pillow, but it looked like lying there was the most comfortable thing in the world.

And the girl lying next to her was Ji-hye.

Ji-hye was lying next to Ji-eun, one arm tucked beside her head as she looked at Ji-eun.

One of Ji-eun’s hands was held in Ji-hye’s.

Had they possibly overdone it since this morning?

No, it wouldn’t be that. Ji-eun was a child who, even after fighting much harder than this, could return perfectly fine.

This meant that all the situations up to this point had been weighing down on Ji-eun.

An environment where she couldn’t ever be at ease, couldn’t even rest comfortably. An environment where one has to remain vigilant, never knowing when something might happen.

In such a situation, of course, a person’s spirit starts to crumble.

This was Ji-eun’s ‘home.’

It was only natural that she felt a sense of relief after being able to be here again after a long time. Moreover—


Ji-hye silently lay beside Ji-eun, looking at her.

It wasn’t like she was actively hugging her like Ha-yoon or Jua, nor was she clinging to her side.

She just held one of Ji-eun’s hands lightly and was watching over her.

Just that alone was enough for Ji-eun to fall into a deep sleep, enveloped in a sense that everything was okay and without any wariness.


The circuit on Ji-eun’s wrist glowed white whenever Ha-yoon and Jua clung to her.

When Ha-yoon lightly kissed Ji-eun near her mouth, it shone with intensity.

However, that light soon turned dark due to the incident of Ji-eun’s friend being kidnapped.

Both Ha-yoon and Jua couldn’t revert that light back to its original state—

But now, on Ji-eun’s left wrist, which was rising and falling gently as she comfortably slept, a soft white light was shining, different from when Ha-yoon and Jua were clinging to her.


Existences that cannot be replaced by anything in the world.

From Ji-eun and Ji-hye, that kind of atmosphere could be felt.

“…I’m going to wash up.”

After quietly watching the two for a while, Jua, who had forgotten it was her turn, said that a bit late and headed into the shower room.


Someone lightly tapped Ha-yoon on the shoulder, and when she turned around, it was Rose.

“Keep it up.”

After saying that softly, Rose left the room. Even though she hadn’t washed up yet, she might have gone out to drink water after volunteering to wash last.

…Keep it up.

Where do I even start to muster strength?

Ha-yoon sat down against the wall, lost in thought.

Thoughts flooded her mind.

Perhaps Ha-yoon’s emotions were different from Ji-hye and Ji-eun’s. Family… Friends, aren’t they the same thing?

But for some reason, Ji-hye’s gaze at Ji-eun strangely felt different from that sensation.

Was Ha-yoon just misinterpreting her own feelings?

Watching the two of them lying together, Ha-yoon thought so.


I woke up in a daze, thinking I was ‘hungry.’

It was probably because the circumstances I found myself in made resting comfortably impossible, and I couldn’t eat whatever I wanted.

As the sun, which had been high just a moment ago, had nearly set.

It felt like waking up from a Sunday nap. Yet, I didn’t feel that peculiar loss one gets from wasting a holiday.

Rather, it was simply the thought that I had ‘slept well.’

Even without a blanket or a pillow.

Slowly turning my head, I jolted in surprise.

Ji-hye was sleeping right next to me.

I didn’t think we had been that close when I had pulled her in to lie down, but it seemed she must have also fallen asleep afterward, getting much closer to me.

We were much closer than we usually slept together.

My hand was still held by Ji-hye. It was warm and soft, yet at the same time, a little damp. It seemed our body heat had caused us to sweat.

So, what should I do?

I… didn’t particularly want to remove Ji-hye’s hand. I thought that if I did, she might cry or something. It’s a strange thought. Ji-hye isn’t a child a year or two younger; no one would disappear just because I let go of her hand.

After all, for a while… yes, at least for a while, we wouldn’t be leaving here.


My stomach growled again.

This was also strange. Even during those incredibly meager meals at the abandoned place, my stomach didn’t make noises like this very often. Well, perhaps because I had chosen to eat small quantities steadily instead of big meals to control my hunger, that’s why.

In that sense, I hadn’t gone that long without eating at all.

Would it be rude to just get up and demand food?

No matter what, meal time should be respected. Orphanages always have fixed meal times. Even though I had gotten quite free after entering high school, if I showed up late, there would be no mercy.

The teacher was kind-hearted and usually would give me food if I showed signs of hunger, but I knew that was a bother.

But even so, I couldn’t just sit around in this state indefinitely.

Even if I couldn’t eat, I wanted to fill my stomach with something. There’s my savings box in this room. Ji-hye probably hadn’t touched it, so I could just tell the police nearby and go to the convenience store.

Thinking along those lines, I attempted to rise, but I couldn’t get up.


Unlike Ji-hye, who was sleeping a little farther away while holding my left hand, Ha-yoon had maintained her habits from the abandoned place even here.

She had somehow managed to insert her arm beneath my back and was holding me tightly with her other arm wrapped around my waist.

I was starting to sweat a bit from her side.

What’s more, Ha-yoon had naturally used my right arm as a pillow, which made that side feel a bit embarrassing.

She lay there quite confidently, making it feel somewhat awkward for me to say anything.

But then again, my right hand wasn’t entirely free either.

My right hand was also being held by someone. Holding onto my hand was Jua.

Jua was also just lying there without a pillow or blanket.

…It seemed that I wasn’t the only one who felt at ease here.

Well, compared to that abandoned place, even this orphanage was as good as a hotel.


What should I do?

If I moved, at least one of them would wake up.

I didn’t want to forcibly wake them up. All the kids must have been just as exhausted as I was. I couldn’t see where the other three went, but I somehow felt they’d be sleeping somewhere else—

While I was thinking like that, the door swung open.

And in came someone—

“What? Until when are you planning to sleep?”

Rose said as she pressed the switch on the wall.


The lights came on, and bright beams shone right into my eyes as I was looking at the ceiling.


Ha-yoon murmured a sleepy sound. It was a cute sound that wasn’t very much like her, and normally I would tease her about it, but—

“Uh? Unni, why are you all like this?”

…It seemed that the kids at the orphanage really liked Rose, as there were several kids hanging off her waist.

“Who knows? We’re so close that maybe it’s too much, huh?”

While lifting one of the kids and placing them up on her arm, Rose said that. It seems magical girls have incredible strength, as expected.

“It’s dinner time, friends. The three of us worked super hard to make it! So why don’t you all come and eat? You must be hungry, right?”

…Even if I wanted to get up, I’d need to be able to do so first.

I laid my head back down on the floor and let out a long sigh.