Chapter 104

Although not everyone in the hall witnessed that scene, it could be assumed that most people had seen it.

Even those who didn’t see it firsthand probably heard about it from others, which meant it was akin to an announcement to all present attendees.

“Did the princess just……!? Am I seeing this correctly?”

“Yes! I definitely saw it too……!”

Because of that, the atmosphere in the hall was absolute chaos.

Among those who saw the two talking affectionately, some vaguely guessed they might be a couple, but that was one thing; performing a lip-lock in front of others was quite another.

Moreover, it wasn’t like the man standing next to Ariel rushed in aggressively; rather, it was Ariel who took the initiative, pulling his tie and kissing him.

If I were to return home and describe what I just saw, I would surely get a beating.

It was far too unrealistic a sight.

“…I’m so sorry. My lover can be quite unpredictable. I hope you weren’t too shocked.”

In the midst of this chaotic situation, only Edgar maintained his composure.

Ariel doing something unexpected wasn’t new to him.

Of course, he was somewhat surprised, but it lasted just a moment; now, he was more worried about the people around them.

With a half-smile, he apologized, and both Rafi and Eryl urgently shook their heads.

Sure, it felt like their hearts sank, but they couldn’t just say that out loud.

In situations like this, they had no choice but to force a smile and bless their relationship.

“Ah, no…! I was a little surprised, but…”

“You two get along really well. I thought you looked like a lovely pair at first glance.”

“That’s a relief. Anyway…”

Edgar glanced down at Ariel, who was about a head shorter than him, and let out a wry smile.

Although he tried to act nonchalant, he probably felt like hiding in a mouse hole right about now.

It seemed best to leave this spot and calm her down.

“Ariel, it’s about time we went to see His Highness, right?”

“Uh, huh? Ah, yes… that’s right.”

Saying he was going to meet Yulken at a coming-of-age ceremony was a bit absurd, but it was the best excuse he could come up with right now.

Noticing his intention, Ariel agreed in a somewhat vague tone.

“I see you have business to attend to. Sorry we held you up…”

“No problem. We just woke up ourselves. If we get a chance later, let’s meet again.”

With a gentle smile, Edgar wrapped his arm around Ariel’s shoulder and turned to leave, while Rafi, who had been watching, felt a mix of disappointment yet had no choice but to let them go.

Maybe it was lucky that she realized she had to give up early, but there was still a piece of regret left since she liked Edgar’s first impression a lot.

Still, she wouldn’t daydream about a tree she couldn’t climb.

“Ugh, my dad always says you should drink in situations like this! Let’s go, Rafi!”


Having a friend to comfort her in times like this was definitely helpful.

Leaving the two who had vanished behind, Rafi quietly followed after Eryl while thinking it wasn’t a bad encounter, even if it felt a bit bittersweet.

Edgar led Ariel to a balcony located a little away from the hall.

While most of the castle was open now, this place could only be accessed via a corridor exclusively for members of the Robeheim family, making it perfect for the two to be alone.

In the moonlight, Ariel’s cheeks, which had been quite red earlier, now looked considerably less flushed.

Still feeling embarrassed about her actions, she avoided her lover’s gaze, but Edgar predicted that she was in a state good enough to chat.

“You really pulled off quite the spectacle.”

“Sh-Shut up. I’m embarrassed too, you know.”

“Geez… have you really not changed one bit?”

If she had acted cool about it after doing something like that, it would’ve looked impressive, but her level of embarrassment over her actions made Edgar feel a bit sorry.

However, knowing Ariel’s personality, she would never regret it; she was not the type to dwell on past events, and he knew that better than anyone.

“Was there a reason?”

“Wh-What reason?”

“I mean, for doing something like that… Oh wait, asking this probably shows I’m really clueless.”

Edgar, who was curious about Ariel’s mindset after causing such a major incident, tossed out a question, but soon realized he had a hunch about it, so he dropped it.

After all, she was quite prone to jealousy.

There was a time she got jealous of him talking with Silvia and even almost targeted Shuri.

Since Edgar was aware of that, he assumed something must have twisted her emotions while she was talking with other women.

He just couldn’t pinpoint what it was.

“Um, not really…”

“If there’s no reason, then that’s even weirder. Just tell me the truth.”

“…That’s a point.”

It would be a bit problematic if she didn’t provide a reason after kissing in front of everyone.

Of course, Edgar didn’t think it that way, but at least that was how Ariel viewed it.

Still, it was impossible to say something cheesy like, “Your lips looked delicious.”

As Ariel chewed on her lips in contemplation of Edgar’s understanding, she cautiously lifted her eyes to look up at him, then playfully bumped her forehead against his chest.

Edgar had a good idea of what that gesture meant, so he silently opened his arms and gently hugged her.

“…I just got jealous. What’s wrong with that?”

Ariel’s curt tone made Edgar smirk as he patted her back.

He had expected it anyway. He was just curious about the specific reason behind it.

“Who said it was wrong? But what were you jealous about?”

“That green-haired girl… what was her name?”

“Hmm… was it Princess Aelgran? I forgot the name.”

Edgar usually tried to remember others’ names, but thanks to the shock he just experienced, he could barely recall Rafi’s family name.

But Ariel seemed pleased that he forgot, as if it was somewhat satisfying.

After all, remembering another woman’s name would be pointless; she would rather have it wiped from his mind entirely.

“Anyway, her gaze towards you felt off.”

“Really? I didn’t notice.”

Although he thought she might be a little shy in personality, he hadn’t considered that.

Ariel, with little expectation, breathed out a short sigh and shot him a glare.

“That’s because you’re an idiot, so it’s to be expected.”

“Hey, I do get hurt, you know?”

“Humph, if you’re going to take it, then take it. It’s the truth anyway.”

Sticking her tongue out to provoke him, Ariel bumped her forehead against his chest a few times.

To Edgar, who didn’t even flinch, it felt more like the gentle headbutt of a puppy.

In the first place, Ariel wasn’t trying to hurt him, so it didn’t matter.

“Ah, anyway, I also think I rushed this time, so… please stop talking about it. It’s embarrassing.”

“How could someone so embarrassed do something like that?”

“M-My body just moved on its own!”

Ariel, with a loud shout, protested as though she didn’t do it out of her own will.

Though people might call this behavior defiant, to Edgar, it looked rather adorable.

All in all, expressing jealousy was a sign of affection.

Sure, jealousy isn’t always a positive emotion and could be dangerous if it crosses the line, but Edgar felt it was his duty to keep that in check.

“Well, thanks to you, there’s no need for a separate announcement now, right? Just think of it as a good thing.”

Holding her cheeks and making her look at him, Edgar smiled happily.

After all, that was one troublesome process that got cut down.

Of course, that process was indeed shocking, but ultimately, it could be seen as a positive outcome.

“Yeah… I did it in a fit of anger but don’t regret it.”

“That sounds just like you.”

It wasn’t like Ariel Robeheim to regret after spilling water and then beat herself up over it.

Moreover, one worry that Edgar had stuck in his mind was now gone.

He had secretly worried that when they publicly acknowledged their relationship, others might regard it as false.

There had been quite a few suitors reaching out to Ariel, and he feared that rumors might sprout up claiming she was merely showcasing a family’s successor to fend them off.

But after such a striking display, he believed those rumors would vanish quickly.

If any gossip did arise, it would just be people who enjoyed slandering others creating stories as they always did, and he could simply ignore it.

“Anyway, got it?”

“What did you get?”

What did she mean by that?

The fact that she was so impatient was a novel revelation?

Or was it about the point that jealousy and possessiveness could take precedence over others’ feelings?

Even after summarizing his thoughts, Edgar couldn’t find a suitable answer and tilted his head in confusion.

At that moment, the embarrassed look Ariel had earlier vanished without a trace, and she stepped out of his embrace, crossing her arms with a triumphant expression.

“It means you can’t go to other women anymore. You showed that scene, so from now on, no one but me will accept you.”


What kind of confession was this in the world?

After locking lips in front of everyone, she’d dare say nobody should approach him?

If only she firmly stated her claim over him, it would have sounded previous even.

While her way of saying to prevent him from getting close to others was cutely twisted, he found it amusing.

“Don’t worry. I won’t even dream of it.”

“Don’t even give them a glance. Got it?”

Asking him not to talk was already a monumental task, but this foolish princess took it a step further, demanding he shouldn’t even look.

“…That’s a bit much.”

“Well then, at least don’t give a smile. I can’t yield any further!”

Cutting off any room for negotiation, Ariel drew a line early on.

When Edgar playfully asked if Silvia and Shuri were excluded, fortunately, she shook her head.

In the end, it turned out that he had agreed to refrain from smiling at other women.

Facing an uncertain future, Edgar resolved to try and manage it somehow, gently embracing Ariel.

‘Speaking of which, what about the maids?’

One thing was certain: the moment he brought that up would likely seal his fate.

He had promised Yulken to respond as soon as possible, but it seemed he’d have to delay that for a while longer.

He firmly believed that Yulken would understand his situation, and Edgar decided he would wait for an opportunity when Ariel seemed in a good mood to bring it up.