Chapter 1035

<1035 – Lord of Darkness (13)>


<Heavenly Sovereign Phase 1>

<Great Release of Energy>



<Heavenly Sovereign Phase 2>

<Weird Shinigami Beast>


The showdown with the Sovereign.

Many players ventured into battle, thinking the Sovereign’s patterns were limited to the first two shown above.

Clearly distinct attack methods.

Each one a formidable challenge to overcome.

So strong that it felt natural to consider them as separate phases.

But Oknodie knows.

This is all ‘the same phase.’

To be precise, it’s merely various ‘patterns’ within a single phase.


<Heavenly Sovereign Phase 1>

<Sovereign's Power>


The strength of the Sovereign, insisting on being ‘human.’

That is Phase 1.

Overcoming the energy release.

Defeating the Shinigami Technique.

Breaking the space expansion.

Oknodie has finally surpassed the halfway point of the first stage.

“Indeed. Just as ‘he’ said. Is this really something that can be blocked?”

“‘He,’ you say?”

“If you want answers, try surviving.”

Powerful, weird entities manifest around the Sovereign’s body.

However, they distinctly bear the form of ‘equipment items.’

Equipment-type anomalies providing tremendous bonuses.

Even with his high specs, it’s hard for Oknodie to match a powerhouse who ramps up their stats even higher.

A crimson aura emanates from the Sovereign like flames, while azure lightning crackles around his entire body.

The maximum power achievable in human form.

The final pattern of Phase 1, <Full Body Armament>, has now begun.


[Plato’s Giant Statue was hit directly by the Sovereign’s energy wave technique.]

[The Giant Statue’s auto-repair function has vastly exceeded the limit of shocks it can absorb.]


[The Giant Statue’s left leg has suffered <Body Part Destruction>.]

[Restoration of the damaged part is impossible for 30 minutes.]

[The Giant Statue’s right knee…]

[The Giant Statue’s facial laser emission point…]

[The Giant Statue’s left arm Hellfire rocket launcher…]




[Plato’s Giant Statue cannot contain the energy leak and enters self-destruct mode.]

In an instant, the Giant Statue, forced into rampage mode due to the Sovereign’s all-out attack, circled three times, wreaking havoc all around.

Seeing the statue begin to glow white, Oknodie hurriedly launched a paper aircraft filled with defensive techniques toward his friends.

[Barrier Destruction]

[Barrier Destruction]

[Barrier Destruction]

The paper airplanes were quickly reduced to ashes.

The single aircraft filled with paper airplanes was obliterated, but only after unleashing a severing strike that split Sing’s space, leading to a massive explosion.

Ziang, whose resistance to Titosso’s flash had developed, quickly escaped the blinding light and saw firsthand.

The moment Oknodie, sustaining the massive explosion, was desperately evading the Sovereign while using telekinesis to manifest a barrier and combining rolls and jumps in mid-air.

Ziang reflexively channeled his energy into a dagger and launched it.


<Oknodie's Throwing High-Style Attack>

<Strong Throw>


<Sword Mastery High-Utility Technique>

<Concealed Slicing Blade>


<Ziang's Throwing High-Style Attack>

<Assassin's Throw>


A single dagger charging fiercely, accompanied by a multitude of small needles, and one hidden poisoned dart sneaking along with them.

The high-speed series of throw techniques posed an undeniable challenge to the Sovereign.

“Annoying, aren’t you?”

With a single gesture, the Sovereign flung away the needles, and another motion to gather his hands inward saw the powerful throw being crushed under his finger with a crunching sound.


The assassin’s poisoned dart, unnoticed even by the Sovereign, was blocked by the anomaly armor.

An attack that ended in failure.

However, even without hitting bare skin, Ziang’s dart activated a diffusion technique and made the Sovereign frown.

“Ugh. How annoying. I’ll fuse too!”

Using the opening created by Ziang, Oknodie summoned the four Great Beasts.


<Oknodie's Summoning>

<Contract of the Biological Weapons>


Armored Golem.

Giant Monster Buzhaar.

Evil Eye.

Those who could not unite, upon seeing the generous contract mediated by Oknodie’s <Dark Mana>, eagerly grasped the bait.

The Armored Golem became a massive transport-type golem surrounding Oknodie.

The Evil Eye became a long-range strike weapon utilizing its interference capabilities.

Giant Monster Buzhaar morphed into a melee attack unit.

Naming them Fusion-Nodie!

Oknodie charged ahead confidently to showcase the power of 1 + 3.

And then, the Sovereign’s kick resulted in Giant Monster Buzhaar losing a chunk of its tentacle.

“Damn. If it were the complete Professor Buzhaar, it would have been much stronger. Isn’t it too late even now?”

Shall I call the professor directly at this opportunity?

Attempting to summon Professor Buzhaar with a casual summoning spell, Oknodie found that the perceptive Professor refused the summon, suffering the pain incurred instead and going into hiding.

As the master of all beasts, he had noticed that the Giant Monster Buzhaar’s clone was struggling and in agony.

‘Still, the strategy is possible!’

In the first place, the core strategy for defeating the final pattern of Heavenly Sovereign Phase 1, <Full Body Armament>, relies solely on the Evil Eye among the four Great Beasts.

Though the Sovereign’s actions can’t be controlled due to his high resistance, he has to consciously raise his resistance.

If the Sovereign’s power and mind are even slightly diverted, it creates gaps even in his nearly perfect martial arts.

‘Giant Monster Buzhaar, infiltrate!’

Giant Monster Buzhaar is a thoroughly time-buying tool.

Oknodie showed no hesitation in sacrificing it.

The more clones to maintain the balance while weak, the better, but sometimes bold sacrifices are necessary.

What’s scarier than a Professor Buzhaar who has regained his strength is the scenario where the Sovereign, who was doing just fine in the Eastern Empire, feels discontent and makes a mess of things.

If Oknodie withdraws here, the Sovereign will sacrifice the entire Eastern Empire for divine ascendance.

The appearance of a hostile god towards the players.

Even if Sadako, Chairman of the Foundation, or Mahabharata were to protect him, it’s doubtful they could fully safeguard him.


Giant Monster Buzhaar

Forced Consumption


As the Armored Golem closed in, taking hits like a champ, Giant Monster Buzhaar penetrated the anomalies engulfing the Sovereign.

True to his title as the master of all beasts, Buzhaar’s defensive range allowed for anomalies to be included.

If he can swallow anything from any continent, he possesses a remarkable capacity of acceptance!

“Are you insane? You think you can devour a beast as big as mine?”

The Sovereign stared incredulously at Giant Monster Buzhaar, who was adhering to his armor and seeping in.

If a creature was chosen by the Sovereign, it must indeed be a mighty being, capable of rivaling the Giant Monster.

There’s no way such an imposing entity would let someone invade its mental world and simply send them away alive.

An act of spiritual suicide.

Becoming nutrients to enhance the equipment item’s rank is pure madness.


<Giant Monster Buzhaar>

<All of Oknodie's Applied Consumption>


If it were just Giant Monster Buzhaar, disaster would surely follow as the Sovereign thinks.

However, the Giant Monster Buzhaar combined with Oknodie’s acquired magical knowledge did not get easily consumed by the enemy.

‘If you transform the species’ values yourself, you won’t be able to clearly discern the invader’s entity!’

It’s easy to deny a defined existence, but it’s tough to disown something that’s still undefined.

This is not just a single move; it isn’t limited to the support from Oknodie’s knowledge alone.


Terminal of Sadi Chocolate


Sadi Chocolate, who had already implanted a terminal through the Evil Eye, instilled unease into the treasure’s solid self.

-If your sturdiness is compromised, will the Sovereign still care for you then?

-No, he won’t. There are many anomalies by the Sovereign’s side, and worn-out equipment is destined to be consumed as growth materials.

-Only those who are unafraid of being discarded should defend against attacks.


Those afraid of being discarded and used turned away from attacking and did not protect the Sovereign!

The Sovereign was simply awestruck by the sudden betrayal of his appendages.

Such cunning words that corrupt not only the grotesque beasts but the anomalies as well, on top of controlling such aberrant abominations.

Truly, what a villain drawn from the masterful brushstrokes!

As a fellow villain, one cannot help but recognize this magnificent display of one-upmanship.


Equipment Pollution

Equipment Release


With the forced loss of his full-body gear, the Sovereign now admits that he can’t fully overpower Oknodie in human form.

“I acknowledge your tenacity. Then, let us settle this as true masters of monstrosities.”

The crimson aura surrounding the Sovereign seeped into his entire body, twisting his human form.

What emerged from that was the most noble and ancient monster bearing a long body and short limbs.

The ‘Dragon’ species, which was also part of the Shinigami.

The Eastern-style Dragon had arrived.