Chapter 103

-What? A hundred per kill?

-Isn’t that a bait?

-That guy’s a hardcore Jjuhsim fan, so it doesn’t seem like a bait.


-That’s crazy, lol.

-Hardcore bankruptcy style, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!

-It’s not like it’s Survival Ground, going for kill missions in Leo Ri without fear, haha.

-For real, lol.

‘A hundred per kill, huh?’

My heart’s racing.

Does that mean if I get 10 kills in this game, they’ll give me a thousand, and if I get 20 kills, I’ll get two thousand?

‘Ah, I wish we had a Raise on our team right now!’

Feeling a little regret over missing out on the well, I realized I’m becoming a streamer.

“I’ll do it. Absolutely!”

It’s non-negotiable.

This is something I must do. Without a doubt.

-? Wow…

-Did you just see that face?

-No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.



The audience’s reactions felt strange and bizarre, but I tried to ignore it.

『‘Jjuhsim’s Slave’ gifted 10 balloons.』

『“Let’s go”』

And so, my very first mission began.

-Please, no bankruptcy.

-Gonna work on well kills, let’s go.

-Can’t I tell the opponent I’m donating half and rig it?

-Jjuhsim’s foreign currency leakage emergency, haha.

-Breaking News) JjuhsimOnAir.

-No, he didn’t go live, you idiot.

-You got me there.

As always, leaving behind the dizzying chat, I looked at the loading screen.

‘Let’s see, their side….’



SSC Super – Kennen

BOQ Private – Xin Zhao

BabaMabababa – LeBlanc

MAX KingGodEmperor – Ezreal

BOQ Corporal – Nautilus




Is it a jungle support duo?

If so, that could be a bit annoying…

If I were to ask where the jungle and duo combo showed the most destructive power in Legends of League, the support would probably rank second after mid.

Of course, those users might argue it’s top after mid, but sadly, suitability and game influence are different realms, so that argument is dismissed.

‘The opponent will likely play a bot-focused game. King God Emperor seems pretty solid too.’

King God Emperor, newly recruited by MAX, has been getting a lot of attention for his confident plays typical of a rookie.

In other words, it looks like it’s going to be a tough game.

-Welcome to Summoner’s Rift!

Finally, the game began.

[⬇] [⬇] [⬇]

[❗] [❗] [❗]

[⨷] [⨷] [⨷]

Without any insightful words, pure ping communication went back and forth.

The conclusion was simple.

‘I should probably play defensively for early invades. I don’t really want to.’

The biggest variable was indeed the lack of information about Akshan.

Sure, as a new champ, I’ve dabbled a few times in practice mode, but I still don’t know how impactful Akshan is during early invades.

Soon, ignorance becomes a variable.

‘And… the opposing invade combo is quite strong.’

If the opponent’s combo had been vague, it might have been worth going for the invade even with variables, but unfortunately, that wasn’t the case.

The invade setup was straightforward.

Mid goes to check the mid-side invade vision, top goes to check the invade vision on the top jungle…

Bot went to check the opponent’s movements at the bot tri-brush, and I checked the tri-brush near the river.

‘Nope, they’re not coming in either.’

The enemies weren’t just blindly diving in since our combo wasn’t a complete feeder combo.

In fact, to be precise, this is the standard setup.

In the past, I didn’t really prefer invades, but ever since I gained confidence in my fighting skills, I often found myself opting for invades.

[❕] [❕] [❕]

I pinged retreat for my bot team.

‘Don’t leash, guys.’

The enemy ADC is Ezreal.

If we lose early bot control, Ezreal has too smooth of a growth potential.

After safely securing my first red, I took a quick look at the lane situation.


Top is Kennen, a ranged champ, holding a momentary lead and pushing.

Mid is just farming without any notable trades.

Bot is… both sides are tense, trying to hit level 2 first, but a bot gank from me would be too risky.


There’s only one place I can go.

Generally, players using champions like LeBlanc, who have great escape abilities, tend to enjoy risky plays.

They believe they can survive even if the enemy jungle comes, and even if they do, they think they could at least get a turn out of the enemy jungle.

‘That’s the blind spot.’

I headed straight to mid.

A textbook gank.

However, there’s a reason why a textbook is a textbook.

[⨷] [⨷]

[Outlaw(Jarvan III) has targeted BabaMabababa(LeBlanc)]

[Outlaw(Jarvan III) has targeted BabaMabababa(LeBlanc)]

‘The enemy LeBlanc used W at level 1.’

And that W was used just now for pushing the wave.

‘W is on cooldown. If I reveal myself now…’

As I emerged from the bush, LeBlanc started moving around, trying to go back with W, but at that moment, a flag landed right above her head.

But the opponent is a Challenger.

This level of reaction is definitely doable.

So what should I do?

‘I’ll trust the opponent’s play.’

I too follow up with my flag toss and flash it over.

As LeBlanc uses her flash and is airborn, so does Akshan, not holding back on his spells and responding with his own flash in the front.

-First Blood!

With that, the chat exploded.



-Flash prediction, whoa!

-That’s insane.

-Sis, die! Sis, die! Sis, die! Sis, die! Sis, die! Sis, die! Sis, die! Sis, die!

-Girl crush, whoa!

For a moment, glancing at the chat made me dizzy again, but I also felt an odd sense of exhilaration.

‘This start is good.’

In fact, for Jarvan III, a quick mid-level 2 gank is basically a fundamental skill.

If you pick Jarvan III, going for a red first and then a level 2 gank mid is like the textbook route.

However, it’s been quite a while since Jarvan III has been in the game.

Even players who frequently faced Jarvan III would inevitably stumble at first.

And that could be considered one of the strengths of a champion that hasn’t been around for a long time.

Because the meta just recently changed, users who aren’t yet familiar with this champion are going to respond a beat too slow.

‘Was this champion that good?’ they’d wonder.

‘Well, to be exact, it’s thanks to the buffs.’

The game continued.

Starting with the mid kill, the previously superior Akshan and LeBlanc matchup soon crumbled.

LeBlanc, who needs to roam around, became trapped in mid.

Naturally, as the jungler, that was super convenient for me, and soon victories echoed from everywhere.

-Enemy slain!

-Double kill!

Top jungle fight won.

[Outlaw(Jarvan III): Xin Zhao flashed.]

Jungle fight won.

-Enemy slain!

-Going on a rampage!

Bot gank successful.

Every time that happened, the chat exploded with reactions.




-How did that happen?

[Jarvan III (3/0/2)]

The game was essentially on fire.

Of course, even though the game was on fire, the opposing team was still solid, opting to follow a meticulous strategy of yielding.

-Our team slayed the Dragon!

But such time-wasting was just a balloon vending machine for me.

The item build I chose was high-damage Jarvan.

I aimed to improve sustain with lifesteal and went for a damage build to secure kills.

The results were quite excellent.

-Enemy slain!

-Double kill!

-Avatar of the battlefield!

The chat was going wild.

-Wow, lol!

-What’s going on?

-How does he do that?

-Yo, I missed that.

-Is this really Jarvan? Why is he not worse than tank Jarvan?

-Realistically, his tanking amounts must be way higher than tank Jarvan, haha. No, really, his sustain is absolutely bonkers.

Am I tipsy from this cheering?

‘What’s going on?’

I was starting to take unnecessary risks.

-Wow, lol!

-Is this… a hundred percent win rate?

-Sis, die! Sis, die! Sis, die! Sis, die! Sis, die! Sis, die! Sis, die! Sis, die!

-I can’t even follow the plays with my eyes. What is this? Is Jarvan really this kind of champion?

‘This… is something…’

It’s fun.

-Info) Jjuhsim on the brink of bankruptcy, haha!

-Was this eunuch looking for money? lol.

-Jjuhsim, who had been secretly watching, is crying over the leakage of foreign currency. Haha.

-Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw!

-At this point, am I the only one thinking about ‘that guy’?

-Oh… Ah!

-No mentioning, delete that.

-Wow, what is this? haha. Is Jarvan III some Malphite now? How is it so easy to get a four-man airborn?

More, more, more.

-Enemy slain!

-Double kill!

Had I gotten too wrapped up in the cheer of the chat?

The screen turned gray.


-You were slain!

-You have been eliminated!

I threw it.