Chapter 1002
<1002 – Eastern Experience Log (1)>
Once you reach the territory of the Eastern Region across the sea, there’s one good thing.
The types of fish change.
That’s why Oknodie suddenly got hooked on fishing.
“Was that the case? I’m not sure.”
“Sia seems like someone who’d eat fish raw, so I get that image!”
“Who are you calling a barbarian?”
“Sure, I was like that when I was young, but after finding out fish can have parasites, I cook them now.”
“…Don’t you think you should stop prying into others’ minds?”
“Scared that your secret collection of women’s clothing will get discovered?”
Angry, Sing launched a finger flick at the spell, but Sadi Chocolate, who had foreseen the attack with their mental terminal, barely twisted their upper body to dodge.
“Each region has different dominant divine classes, so the fish affected by the Sacred Area also change species. Just like how humans, once a single race long ago, branched out into various races. Hee hee hee.”
“You’re a strange one, no matter how many times I see you.”
When exactly must one have lived to know that?
What does age even mean?
Sadi Chocolate couldn’t hide their disbelief.
But if you’re hanging around the Avatar of the Outsider, Oknodie, wouldn’t that make you one as well?
Thinking that, I became more accepting of their suspiciously sly attitude and statements.
“I caught something!”
The odor of fish constantly being caught was getting annoying.
“How many are you trying to catch?”
“At least ten thousand for the collection, right?”
“Stop it. This isn’t a fishing boat…”
A vile, carnivorous fish, flopping around while biting at the hem of my clothing, jumped from the lifeboat’s floor, its eyes rotten and bulging.
Out of frustration, I kicked it towards Oknodie, causing the shocked corpse to land inside their food pouch.
[You have achieved the Fishing Beginner Level 5 achievement.]
[You acquire the title <UwU Master Fisher>.]
[Due to the title effect, stamina consumption on the sea decreases by 0.1%.]
[As a bonus for acquiring the title, you gain 2500 Points.]
[The fishing encyclopedia has surpassed 1000 species.]
[You have completed Fishing Beginner.]
[You acquire the title <Beginner Fisher>.]
[You can now fish in places without water.]
[Fishing speed increases by 10%.]
Finally liberated from the fishy smell, Sadi Chocolate looked at the seagulls flapping their wings on the deck, all tangled up with the fish lying all over the place.
The birds, which were flapping and pushing the fish everywhere to free their wings, realized they were the ones at a loss and began swallowing the fish indiscriminately.
“What kind of birds are you catching? At this rate, you’ll end up catching time itself.”
“It’s still impossible, but it could be possible later!”
“Are you joking?”
“Hee hee hee.”
Now you know, right? Sadi Chocolate stopped their thoughts at the significant laugh of Okashii-ne.
If they tried to read the true intentions of those monsters, who knows what kind of apocalyptic moment or despairing end of the world they might unleash.
“I’m bored.”
“Want to use a fishing rod?”
“No thanks. Just tell me about the Eastern Empire.”
Rejected by Sadi’s kindness, Oknodie made a shocked face while Sia turned to look at them.
Sing, who knew beneath the beaming smile was the true face of a wicked woman who had led hundreds of students to their demise, struggled to hide a feeling of discomfort as memories resurfaced.
“Sea fishing isn’t that common. The humans of the Eastern Empire usually live off jobs grown inland in their residences. The only way to gain freedom was to wield a sword and train as a warrior or engage in commerce, wandering around while getting promoted in the government.”
“Sounds boring.”
“The Eastern Region is wild, full of ogres and weird creatures. It’s difficult to wander about without profit or duty, not knowing when or what might attack you.”
Ogres and weird creatures.
Interest sparked in Sadi’s eyes.
“Are they like monsters?”
“More like sub-races and mana disasters.”
“Can you give an example?”
“For example, in the sea, there’s an eerie entity called ‘Water Ghost.’ It manifests when someone drowns and becomes a vengeful spirit, trying to drag others underwater.”
“Like this?”
Just then, Oknodie who had caught a Water Ghost reeled it in, bringing it right to the lifeboat’s front.
“Yeah, like that.”
“Hmm. What do I do with this? The spirit counts as a living being, so I can’t catch it. Should I just absorb it as energy?”
“That’ll cause problems. Just kill it.”
The Water Ghost’s spirit couldn’t withstand Oknodie’s immense mana and was obliterated.
“What a rare occurrence. To catch a Water Ghost so far from a village where people still live.”
“Do Water Ghosts usually stay near people?”
“They operate within a certain radius around their corpse. If there’s a skeleton lying on the ocean floor, they’ll appear around that spot. So if the water is too deep, they won’t come ashore.”
“You know a lot.”
“Had to train as a warrior for my family’s duty.”
Sadi Chocolate stared intently at the sea.
Splash. Splash.
Like a professor slapping their cheek, small waves hit the lifeboat.
Somewhere beneath the ocean floor, deep down—
There might be countless skeletons piled up, waiting for people to sink into the sea.
Someday, if someone were to drown, they’d be more than happy to welcome them as one of their own.
Still, they would keep waiting, forever, just staring at the surface of the sea.
Sadi’s interest waned.
Her focus was on all living things.
Those she could control with her mental terminal.
Even if she could control the Water Ghosts, the long-dead creatures that only lived in the sea seemed too boring.
“With that much, they could just carry their own bones around.”
“Entities born from ghostly materials have superior higher entities that return to their origin when touched. That’s why the ground spirits cannot leave their territories.”
“Things are getting increasingly boring.”
Despite this, Oknodie continued happily stacking their Water Ghost collection, and something went boom from their fishing rod.
“Oh no! A Water Ghost exploded!”
“It’s a Water Ghost Self-Detonation Bomb, a mutant that releases curses around it when it can’t handle the power it has accumulated while holding onto its grudge.”
“Ah, my curse experience is going up!”
I shouldn’t have said that.
Sing regretted it.
Sadi sighed and pulled out an umbrella from her sleeve.
Boom! Boom! Pitter-patter.
Oknodie, gleefully catching and detonating Water Ghost Self-Detonation Bombs to receive curses, was enjoying the chaos.
Contrarily, Sadi didn’t want to go that far, blocking the exploding corpses with her umbrella.
Sing, spreading his sword’s barrier to prevent any debris from staining their clothes, cast envious glances.
Smiling faintly.
Sadi kept smiling, hugging the umbrella closer to her.
That was clearly a move to indicate she wouldn’t share.
“Hee hee hee. This old man suddenly has a curiosity. Can you answer an old man’s question?”
That was a question from a seemingly all-knowing elder.
While thinking it was strange, Sing politely accepted the question.
Since this guy only lived in the Western World, he might not know much about the East.
“You mentioned that Water Ghosts usually originate from where they died, correct?”
“Usually, yes.”
“Then isn’t it strange that so many Water Ghosts keep getting caught? Fishing rods keep bringing in Water Ghosts from the sea, so far away from land, and they’re reaching their limits and becoming Self-Detonation Bombs because they can’t find someone to pass their grievances on?”
Sing’s expression froze.
Okashii-ne wore a devilish smirk filled with a twisted anticipation.
“How many human corpses do you think are hidden under this sea, and how many more must there be near the coast for this to be possible?”
“…Maybe not. No, it would have to be over ten thousand corpses for it to be feasible.”
It wasn’t an unknowing question.
He just wanted to share something he had realized.
Whatever twisted impulse it was.
One thing was for sure—it wasn’t normal.
The most chilling part was how a Water Ghost Self-Detonation Bomb was born.
Despite many Water Ghosts appearing, there was no one for them to deliver their grievances to.
That clearly indicated one thing.
None of the corpses in the sea had died after being caught by Water Ghosts.
They were already ‘corpses’ the moment they fell into the water.
Among all those bodies.
Those freshly thrown in would be Water Ghosts, while the older ones would be Self-Detonation Bombs.
And there were terrifyingly many of those Self-Detonation Bombs in the sea.
As if someone was continuously creating corpses on land and throwing them into the sea.
The inland was drawing near.
The sea began to turn a red hue.
Without needing to say anything, everyone could guess the reason.
It was blood.
So much blood that the sea itself changed color.
Clothing drifting with the waves, rotten corpses tangled around the reefs.
Groups of Water Ghosts glaring from atop the reefs.
And in the distance, burning cottages and faintly audible screams.
Surrounding it, unmoving official troops and fishing boats.
People were dying in villages, supported by the military.
And those corpses are thrown into the sea.
The heavy tragedy of how many times this had happened came into view.
“Can I?”
If those guys are official troops, it wouldn’t matter if they got cut down.
With that intention in mind, a scream resounded as someone flew through the air.
[You caught an official troop. What are you planning to do with them?]
[Fishing experience +1]
Did I really acquire a fishing permit?!
Sing felt his blood vessels tugging at the back of his neck.