Chapter 100

The game continued.

While I was trying to communicate with the audience, our bot lane got dove.

– First Blood!

– Our ally has been taken down!

– Enemy eliminated!

Fortunately, thanks to Thresh’s agile play, it ended up being a 1:1 trade, but the problem was that our Support died while the enemy took out our ADC.


Not great.

Normally, I would have considered the dive angle for Nyar returning with teleport by now, but unfortunately, I missed the timing due to responding in the chat.

“It’s going to be hard to win like this. I need to focus.”

I forcefully tore my gaze from the chat and concentrated on the game again.

The situation wasn’t looking good.

Despite a balanced fight, we weren’t achieving much in the top lane, while the enemy bot lane was managing to gain some advantages.

“Well, I may have missed the dive timing…”

A dive is indeed the most lethal type of gank, but catching the enemy near a turret comes with significant risk. And since Rek’Sai is a specialist in ganking top and bot lanes, there was no real need for that.

“Besides, the enemy Nyar doesn’t have teleport.”

It was a timing where I normally would have definitely gone home to buy items. So, Nyar was carelessly overextending on the lane a bit.

Little did I expect that Rek’Sai, who appeared at level 3, would be still lurking around the top lane.

“If Nidalee had shown up in the bot lane, it would have been even more guarded.”

I took the same route to burrow behind Nyar. Nyar hastily tried to escape with Flash, but Kennen had been saving his Flash just for this moment as well.


As Kennen’s electricity struck and stunned Nyar, Rek’Sai immediately followed up with an airborne skill.

No matter how you look at it, Nyar had no chance of surviving that combo.

– Enemy eliminated!

However, the enemy team was not idle either.

The moment I entered the burrow, the enemy mid Renekton had used teleport to cover the top minions.

Since backing out would incur greater losses, I managed to take down Nyar, but I couldn’t stop Renekton’s assault.

– We have been attacked!

The screen faded to gray.

Due to the enemy Renekton’s teleport, it turned into a 1:1 trade.

“Mid… Nidalee covered that. From the enemy’s perspective, the damage was minimized.”

Still, I managed to force the enemy to use Renekton’s teleport, so I could consider that a small win.

“I need to accelerate the game’s pace.”

Now that I picked Rek’Sai, it wouldn’t be beneficial if the game dragged on. However, many Rek’Sai players often find themselves falling behind in such a tense situation.

“Stay calm, take it slow.”

While dead, I casually checked the chat; aside from remarks like “Oh.” and “Wow.”, there wasn’t anything particularly noteworthy.

“…Maybe it worked out for the best.”

Though I had turned on the broadcast, to be honest, interacting live with viewers was still a challenge for me.

The chaos continued.

The center of the storm was in the bot lane.

At the time the enemy Renekton’s teleport was on cooldown, our Galion managed to capitalize with his ultimate in the bot lane.

– Enemy eliminated!

– Double Kill!

Fight, fight, fight.

Fighting in the top, mid, bot, around the dragon, and at the Rift Herald.

With a tense atmosphere hanging in the air, the stage was being set for a team fight that could dictate the game in front of Baron.

[⨷] [⨷] [⨷]

Along with that, both teams engaged in a tug-of-war, trying to push the mid lane and gain vision control around Baron.

One mistake in this situation could be fatal.

The first to make a move was our top laner, Kennen.


In a standoff with Nyar in the bot lane, Kennen subtly moved out of vision, then teleported to a ward placed inside mid.

[⬇] [⬇]

[3분탑교명예신도(Kennen)님이 가는 중]

[3분탑교명예신도(Kennen)님이 가는 중]

Loud pinging echoed.

Then, Kennen, suddenly appearing behind the enemies through his teleport, unleashed a massive Volt and literally roasted the enemy ADC and Support.

– Enemy eliminated!

– Double Kill!

– Going insane!

The team fight ended before it even began.

“…What the?”

Honestly, I didn’t have high expectations from the 3 Min Top School Honorary Member.

I thought he might go for an AD build just to win lane, neglecting team compositions or AD/AP balance.

But surprisingly, the 3 Min Top School Honorary Member had a very normal AP build and displayed the typical performance of a top carry in this team fight.

From a jungler’s perspective, there are more cases where a moderately fed bot wins the game compared to a well-fed top, yet at least this time, the top lane was pulling its weight.

No, it was carrying.

“…I guess even I would someday get carried by him.”

Of course, if we’re being technical, my role in supporting that top was not insignificant either.

After that, everything went smoothly.

After our team secured Baron, we pushed down all the enemy second-tier turrets and the mid inhibitor, taking control to grab four dragons before comfortably clinching the victory.


A typical top carry game.

Thanks to that, it wasn’t as hard as it could’ve been, but perhaps because this was my first time engaging with viewers, I felt twice as exhausted as during a usual game.

[3분탑교명예신도: Carry]

With that, an orange light flickered in the client.

[Friend Request (1)]

[3분탑교명예신도] [Accept / Decline]

Was it expected or what?

The 3 Min Top School Honorary Member sent me a friend request.

“Hmm… what should I do?”

Logically thinking, declining would be the right choice.

It would be better not to mix paths again, given my past ties with the Prisoner.

Yet for some reason, perhaps due to recent events or other reasons, I found myself clicking to accept the friend request without a second thought.

“After all, the 3 Min Top School Honorary Member doesn’t know much about the Prisoner. Merely game buddies, so… it’ll be fine.”

It was a self-excusing justification.

[3분탑교명예신도: ㅎㅇ]

[3분탑교명예신도: Wanna duo?]

That little rascal caught on quickly to my performance.

[3분탑교명예신도: If we do it like last game, I’ll carry you again.]

It would’ve been nice if he’d left out the unnecessary side comments.

[Me: Ah, I have something else to do right now. Maybe later.]

[3분탑교명예신도: Kkbye]

[3분탑교명예신도: Thanks, take care.]

The conversation ended there, but the 3 Min Top School Honorary Member didn’t delete me from his friends list.

Neither did I, for that matter.

After all, there’s a chance of duoing in the future, even if not immediately.

“He still loves junglers, doesn’t he?”

No, probably most top laners are like that.

“Alright then… the real issue starts now.”

I quietly turned my gaze to the broadcast window.

[Viewer Count: 1]

The audience wasn’t increasing.

“…I thought too easily.”

To be honest, I assumed that just turning on the stream with my looks and skills would attract viewers easily.

I admit, I was arrogant.

In the world of internet broadcasting, dozens or even hundreds of unknown streamers vanish without a trace every day.

I had overlooked that fact. The online streaming sphere wasn’t as simple as it appeared.

“I need to strategize.”

Of course, if my sole focus was solely on broadcast success, there were options available. For instance… targeting famous BJs or streamers in ranked games.

“I can’t go that route.”

My goal is to become a pro.

But can someone aiming to be a pro create controversies by targeting famous streamers?

That would be madness.

“How about sending donations to major streamers to draw the viewers’ attention?”

That’s a decent plan.

However, that would have been a very burdensome approach for my shy personality.

Well… expecting to stream while having that sort of personality also seemed somewhat ridiculous.

“…That’s a last-resort method. Let’s postpone that idea for now.”

– Are you not doing duo?

In the midst of this, the one viewer I had was somewhat consistently chatting.

Given that it was just the two of us in the broadcast, it would be awkward if we didn’t say anything.

“Uh… well, I thought I might be a nuisance to you since this is a broadcast.”

To be frank, I didn’t want to duo with the 3 Min Top School Honorary Member.

– Ahah

By the way, it seems I really need to figure something out…

Red TV is a typical winner-takes-all broadcasting platform.

The so-called “taste algorithms” are few and far between, and the sorting of broadcasts revolves thoroughly around viewership and buzz.

In other words, succeeding as a newbie BJ with no connections on Red TV is absurdly challenging.

Of course, if I plan to stream indefinitely, I could slowly gather viewers over time.

But the duration allotted to me is a month.

It was a tight timeframe to be overly relaxed.

“To succeed on Red TV, I absolutely must make connections with big BJs. But… I don’t know anyone.”

Still, I opted for Red TV rather than Blue TV, where the algorithms are more active, due primarily to the difference in viewer demographics.

Red TV has numerous big spenders.

Since my primary goal is to make money rather than aiming for broadcasting success, it’s a decision I made.

“…Ultimately, that may have been a bad move.”

During my time as a Prisoner, I did have made acquaintances with a few BJs and streamers, but that was strictly during my days as the Prisoner.

The Outlaw is a complete isolated island now.

“Should I switch platforms now?”

Just as I was lost in thought…

-? You’re actually streaming.

Suddenly, a new viewer entered, out of nowhere, with an oddly significant comment.


The previously sparsely populated viewer list began to swell unexpectedly.

[Viewer Count: 2]

[Viewer Count: 15]

[Viewer Count: 37]

[Viewer Count: 103]

– ????????? Is the cam real?

– For real, Grandmaster?

– Sis, I’m dying! Sis, I’m dying! Sis, I’m dying! Sis, I’m dying! Sis, I’m dying! Sis, I’m dying! Sis, I’m dying! Sis, I’m dying!

Everything became a bit… dizzying.