Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Guidelines for the Collapse of a Nation

It was a gut-wrenching book written by the Demon Lord, but there were points that made me glad I read it.

One was that I learned the Pan-Humanity Alliance would not be destroyed while I waited for my growth.

Through stories I heard from Sophia and reports I read while studying letters, I had a general grasp of the battlefield situation.

The Alliance seems to be continuously losing. However, the Demon Lord Army’s invasion is absurdly slow compared to their fighting strength. This tendency has existed since my active days, but recently, it’s particularly slow.

It’s like a giant’s march—slow movement, but steadfast and unyielding.

For instance, they might capture a front fortress in just half a day, but take weeks to pacify and dominate the surrounding areas, resting thoroughly before moving on to the next fortress.

Even if they are wary of rebellions in the controlled areas, this overly cautious and un-demonic approach was puzzling, but thanks to “Demon Lord Nation Building Chronicles,” my doubts have been resolved.

If they annihilate everything at once, they would be troubled by the absence of “enemies.”

If they completely crush the Alliance with their overwhelming strength, causing a collapse or unconditional surrender, that would also be a problem. Thus, they continue this drawn-out war, akin to a death sentence. They are waiting for the Alliance to regroup their strength. Once that’s done, they will strike decisively, digesting the fighting spirit of the Demon Lord Army.

Recently, they have been sending envoys to the Alliance before opening new fronts, allowing the Alliance to decide which fortresses or towns near the Demon Kingdom to attack.

The designated nations, of course, rush to carry out internal sabotage to ensure their own country isn’t targeted, causing the Alliance’s cooperative efforts to crumble. Moreover, the Holy Kingdom, which held a leading position in the Alliance, has been worn down by the previous battles and is gasping for breath. It can no longer exert strong leadership beyond its religious influence.

Now, whether challenging for a decisive battle or choosing to surrender, there is no nation capable of leading the charge within the Alliance. It sounds nice to say we are in this together, but there’s no way to step off this sinking ship or to sink it honorably.

The temperature difference between the frontline nations bordering the Demon Kingdom and the supporting rear nations (which don’t fight but can comment on the next “attack targets”) is significant.

This is ruthless… They are acting in a way that isn’t typical of demons. Demons are nasty, but they are more impulsive. I can’t shake the feeling that this strategy involves the Night Elves.

…To say, “I’m glad we weren’t completely crushed at once,” is hardly a cheerful sentiment. Even if we defeat the Demon Kingdom, lingering resentments are sure to remain.

Moreover, the ones suffering to support this prolonged war are the people. The same goes for the Alliance, and the treatment of the human race in the Demon Lord’s territory is utterly devastating. They exist at the lowest stratum, beneath even goblins, more like livestock than slaves. At this very moment, lives are being lost, one after another.

There’s still time before the Alliance collapses.

—But that doesn’t give me a reason to waste time.

Next, the second point.

The existence of the Dark Portal has been confirmed.

For years, the Alliance wondered how the Demon Kingdom mobilized so many demons, but who would have thought there was a direct gate to the Demon World?

“Did Sophia come through the Dark Portal too?”

“Of course. Nowadays, there aren’t any demons who’d respond to a summoning.”

While taking a break from sparring, I asked Sophia, who replied as if it were obvious.

“The summoning ritual is a dangerous magic that consumes not only the caster’s magical power but also their life force, and it’s rather unpleasant for us demons as well.”


“If I were to explain it simply to Lord Zilbagias… it feels like being forced into an incredibly tiny hole while twisting your body.”

“That sounds… painful.”

“Yup. You could say it’s ‘painful.’”

Sophia looked somewhat displeased. Maybe she’s had experience being summoned.

“Is the Dark Portal different?”

“Completely different. It’s like a tunnel you can walk through normally.”

“Then why haven’t the demons been using the Dark Portal to come over for ages?”

You’d think they’d flock through it.

“It’s simple. We demons cannot reach ‘this world’ by ourselves through the Dark Portal. We need someone connected to ‘this world,’ specifically someone from the Demon Race, to accompany us.”

That’s what Sophia said.

From the Demon world’s perspective, the Dark Portal is a dimensional hole that could lead anywhere.

No demon has returned after venturing in alone.

“They probably connect to a place that does not exist anywhere. As a knowledge demon, I can’t imagine jumping through that, not without first learning all the knowledge that exists in this world.”

“…But we can go to the Demon World from our side, right?”

“Likely, because of the will of the first Demon Lord.”

…What, is Raougius up to something again?

“When the Dark Portal was discovered, the first Demon Lord was searching for a way to gain power. I believe that desire influenced the dimensional distortion.”

“…Can an individual’s will truly affect a phenomenon born from a battle of gods?”

Even demons can’t change the weather by just wishing for rain! That’s a dimensional matter.

“If that were possible, it seems like we could change the destination from the Demon World as well.”

“It’s difficult. The Demon World is less material compared to ‘this world,’ but its concepts are solid. Conversely, in this world, the materials are stable, but concepts are fluid—”

…It’s starting to sound like magic scholar talk.

“Moreover—until the first Demon Lord jumped in, this world’s distortions were pristine. And it was an extremely unstable environment. That’s why it can be said that ‘the Dark Portal was created the moment the Demon Lord jumped in.’”

So it was because the first Demon Lord sought power that it led to a connection with the Demon World?

What a bothersome story.

Raougius has had an enormous impact on this world…

But one thing is clear: To weaken the Demon Kingdom and the Demon Race, we must find a way to deal with the Dark Portal.

Honestly speaking, I’m not sure if I can handle something as massive as a dimensional distortion—it’s probably far stronger than the Demon Lord army…

But I must do it. As long as demons are around, the already mighty power of the Demon Race will be further amplified.

On the contrary, if I can ensure that we can’t borrow the demons’ strength any longer.

Alongside that, if I can somehow deal with the ‘Spear of the Demon Lord’ while driving a wedge into the fragile bonds of the Demon Race.

Then there’s a chance for victory for the Pan-Humanity Alliance.

“Wow, soon, Lord Zilbagias will be heading to the Demon World, huh?”

Sophia nodded reflectively.

“What do you mean?”

“What do you mean, of course, it’s the entry of Lord Zilbagias into the Demon World.”

Sophia said so casually.


“Your horns have grown, and your magical power is more than enough. The first prince, His Highness Aiogias, entered the Demon World and contracted with demons at the age of 8. Your entry at 5 would likely have Lady Platy considering it.”

She’s definitely considering it.

There’s no way that Platy would let such a delicious opportunity pass.

“As Lord Zilbagias’ tutor, it’s quite moving. I’m curious to see what sort of demon you’ll contract with.”

Sophia says this with a smile, but…

I see…

I, the former hero… visiting the Demon World to contract with demons?

What a terrible fate…

But it’s fine.

I must defeat the Demon Lord.

And I must bring ruin to this country.

To gain power, I’ll contract with demons if necessary.

“By the way, how do I find the demon I’ll contract with?”

“Don’t worry. If you go through the Dark Portal, you’ll naturally encounter a fitting demon.”


What kind of fitting demon would show up for a former hero like me…?

“That will be fun…”

All I could manage was a strained smile.

—and then, just a few days later.

“Zilbagias! Head to the Demon World!”

Platy declared to me.

“Before entering the palace, you need to find a fitting demon.”