Chapter 485

Chapter 478 – The Day Will Come Like a Thief.

There’s a saying that you should know the timing to hit and run in life.

That saying applies to any aspect of life.

Conversations, relationships, coins, stocks, investments, and so on.

And it was the same for Caressy at this moment.

She could have explained the Old Testament briefly and moved on.

But instead, she gained unnecessary confidence and ended up boasting.

What awaited Caressy afterward was the judgment for her arrogance.

[Your parents messed up the timing, and that’s why you were born.]

‘You did well, yet you were born anyway. Amazing.’

[No, f*ck. Why am I so mad when I don’t even have parents?]

That too was an inescapable judgment and one form of suffering.

Honestly, Caressy was partly to blame for this situation.

After all, this was the Japan Hunter Academy, where there wasn’t a single human.

Given that they were taking offerings, that should have been considered.

“Indeed, incest doesn’t seem to be an issue!”

“N-no, that’s not right!”

In response to the female student’s revelation, Caressy frantically retorts.

But not just her; even the woman next to the female student jumped in.

“No! There are many problems!”

She looked a bit too young to be called an aunt but not young enough to be a student.

It seemed the woman was trying to support Caressy.

“No matter how you think about it, incest just doesn’t make sense!”

[Japan is definitely a place where people live.]

‘The standards for humanity seem a bit too low…’

Thanks to that, Caressy and the female student showed opposing reactions to the woman’s statement.

The female student felt a bit of anger and unfairness towards the woman’s comments.

On the other hand, Caressy was relieved to have finally found an ally in this maze.

“Huh? Why is incest wrong?”

“Well said! Incest is wrong!”

And even as the woman continued, their reactions remained opposite.

“In incest, it’s not sex, it’s self-pleasure.”


“Stop spouting that kind of nonsense, you dog bastards!”

This time, even the subject of the emotions flipped oppositely.

‘…so this is where people live too.’

[Why is it so hard to meet just one person?]

‘Sodom and Gomorrah seemed realistic after all…’

Soon, Caressy showed a slight expression of betrayal.

Quickly, she switched the conversation from the female student to the woman.

“Why the hell is incest considered self-pleasure?!”

But the woman calmly listened to Caressy’s words.

As soon as Caressy began to calm down, she slowly opened her mouth.

Starting with a somewhat sudden remark.

“Saintess, self-pleasure is called Onani.”

“What does that have to do with anything?!”

Though Caressy replied disinterestedly, the woman continued.

“Do you know where that term originates from?”

“Isn’t it just from Onan?”

But Caressy couldn’t complete her sentence.

Because of a realization she suddenly grasped.

“Ah… Mom.”

This reaction came from her knowledge of the Bible.

Caressy’s face began to turn pale.

“As you mentioned, Onan had relations with his sister-in-law, so it could be considered incest.”

In Caressy’s silence, the woman quickly continued speaking.

To explain why she had said that in the first place.

“Therefore, according to the Bible, incest and self-pleasure are considered the same.”

It’s a somewhat forced syllogism, but it wasn’t completely wrong.

If you think about it, since the act of incest finished with merely an external ejaculation.

[Is this humanity’s bestseller…?]

‘It’s just so provocative that it sold well.’


Still, perhaps not wanting to back down, Caressy snapped back.

“Anyway, incest is a bad thing!”

And did that mean being a saint wasn’t just for show?

This time, she cited examples from the Bible to make her threat.

“Think of Sodom and Gomorrah! Fire and sulfur will rain down!”

She thought this was quite a valid statement.

No, there was nothing more intuitive than this.

Because Sodom and Gomorrah fell because of human lust.

Group sexual activities that didn’t discriminate between genders were the basics.

Not only did they have incest, but they even didn’t shy away from bestiality.

Not to mention the bizarre-looking angels who they found attractive.

Thanks to that, they met the outcome of destruction.

[……Isn’t that just the Hunter Academy?]

‘…….Oh, f*ck. That’s right…’

However, in response to Caressy’s words, some people raised questions or objections.

“So does that mean this place will also face divine retribution like Sodom and Gomorrah?”

“That can’t be true. I just did it a moment ago.”

“Yeah, I did it with a dog, and I’m still fine!”

In response to that, Caressy’s voice began to rise.

She thought it would be disastrous if she were pushed out of here.

“Ah, anyway, incest should definitely not be allowed!”

But her efforts did nothing to calm the public sentiment.

Instead, sharp words stormily surged towards Caressy.

“But Lot, the righteous man, actually committed incest.”

“Sure, it was while he was asleep, but can we say one accident means two accidents?”

“Honestly, Lot probably enjoyed it by that time!”

“Plus, one of David and Jesus’ ancestors was born out of incest!”


In the end, Caressy found herself unable to speak further.

[But isn’t it said that Lot’s two descendants were cursed because of that?]

‘And yet in the New Testament, Lot is declared righteous.’

[….The Bible is complicated… for real…]

It wasn’t entirely wrong to say they were wrong either.

Did the crowd take Caressy’s silence as a sign of approval?

Or did they think they had won?

Soon, the crowd began to joyfully embrace one another.

“I’m going to start doing this properly from today.”

“You are slow, my son. Even realizing this takes you time.”


It was truly a scene that couldn’t be differentiated from a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah.

“I’ll create a baby from the sperm of my dad!”

“Oh come on, I told you it’s brother, not dad, how many times do I have to say this?”

In the end, all Caressy could do was let out a sigh mixed with curses.

Truly containing serious contemplation about her profession’s identity.

“…this sht is too fcked up to be a saint…”

Now, there were absolutely no brakes in this whirlpool of chaos.

Suddenly, one male student approached Caressy.

“Saintess, I have one question for you.”

“……I absolutely will not answer any questions about the Old Testament…”

Caressy instantly expressed her strong refusal.

“No, I want to ask about the New Testament.”

“Then go ahead and say it.”

As the male student continued, Caressy gathered some strength.

“God NTR’d Mary, right?”

“That’s right.”

The male student, with a carefree appearance and tanned blonde hair, was the typical Golden Sun.

“But personally, I don’t think that’s the case.”

“Are you saying Jesus’ birth is completely fake?”

Yet his courteous manner did not match his appearance, showing a different perspective on the Bible.

“No, I acknowledge Jesus’ birth, but it’s hard to accept that God NTR’d.”

“Oh? Is that so? Then what do you think, huh?”

Though shocking, he was a student worthy of high praise.

[Honestly, isn’t it a bit odd for Golden Sun to be wholesome?]

‘So why do you look like that while acting crazy?’

[……You dog bastard…]

Evaluating someone based on their appearance is one of the worst acts.

“Jesus’ conception likely occurred after the Eastern wise men, the alpha males, visited Mary.”


Truly, the saying “don’t judge a book by its cover” exists for a reason.

“When Joseph said, ‘This is God’s child,’ it was an excuse for a defeated man who was NTR’d by them.”

“……Are you insane…?”

That was truly something only Golden Sun could say without sanity.

Now I finally understood why he claimed God didn’t NTR.

His different perspective was about the subject of the NTR, not the act itself.

In other words, it wasn’t God who NTR’d, but the Eastern wise men.

“But then, with three of them, who the real father is remains unclear.”

“Hey, you f*cking bastard!!!!!!!!!”

And at that moment, when Golden Sun’s words broke Caressy’s patience…



Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck down from the sky onto Golden Sun’s head.

It wasn’t raining, nor was there a cloud in the clear sky.

Moreover, it wasn’t just one bolt; several bolts fell.

Seeing that, surely even the Lord must be quite pissed off.

[It’s probably because Jesus is strong and well-versed with the whip like the Eastern warrior’s descendant.]

‘You better say, “Here it comes,” if you get hit by lightning too, you f*cking head.’

But this was just the beginning.

Now, fire and brimstone started to rain down from the sky.

And it wasn’t just random; it aimed precisely at those declaring incest moments ago.

“Somebody save me!!!”

“LET ME GO!!!!”

“What’s wrong with incest anyway!!!”

“It’s not my d*ck that got my mom pregnant, it’s the Lord’s tongue, you know!!!”

“Honestly, the Lord probably enjoyed it too!”

The last two bastards were hit not only by fire and brimstone but also struck by lightning.

Even those who attempted to escape didn’t fare much better.

As they moved, the fire and brimstone pursued them, changing orbits in a chase.

“Die, you dog bastards!!!”

Truly, the day of the Lord had come like a thief.