Chapter 419

Chapter 412 – VS Reaper (5)

Kim Shinwoo is just an idiot who can only approach.

That was the information obtained before the wolf beastman arrived here.

Based on that info, she thought this job would be a piece of cake.

Just beat him up a bit, grab the coat, and that’s it.

But gradually, things unfolded quite differently from her expectations.

At this moment, she desperately wished to meet the person who first shared that information.

She just wanted to land one solid hit on that ridiculous head.

Kim Shinwoo can only approach?

No way.

Well, yeah, idiot does fit.

Anyway, that information was completely wrong.

The thing is, when the wolf beastman fought directly,

it turned out Kim Shinwoo was just a lucky idiot who only knew how to approach.

Magical power condensation?

Sure, I can understand that to some extent.

Some hunters who fight from a distance use it occasionally.

Of course, no one has ever used it at point-blank range like Shinwoo.

Especially not in the weird way he gathered magical power earlier.

Anyway, let’s just gloss over that.

Magical power tattoo?

Maybe a bit insane, but not beyond understanding.

Some hunters who enhance and condense magical power sometimes get them.

Though, the pain that comes with it is something they’d rather die than endure.

If a mediocre person handled it, they might end up living life as an idiot forever.

But this weirdo has even stuffed a weapon into it?

Is he really insane?

Does he not have a single thought in that thick skull?

Or is he just living life haphazardly?

Still, so far, she could manage somehow.

But fighting Kim Shinwoo?

That’s a serious problem.

From the perspective of the wolf beastman facing Kim Shinwoo,

to be honest, she had confidence in her approach skills until now.

Being a top executive in the Reaper Guild wasn’t just given away for nothing.

Plus, she had grown even stronger since then.

So, she was rating herself pretty highly.

If she unleashed her wildness, she could stand a chance against the top hunter, Cheonma.

That much faith in herself was massive.

But with each moment of battling Kim Shinwoo, her confidence kept being shredded.

As the size of her lost confidence skyrocketed, so did feelings of defeat, doubt, and distrust.

Now she was seriously contemplating if her confidence in herself was manipulated emotion.

She was definitely stronger than Kim Shinwoo.

That stemmed from an objective evaluation based on cold facts.

To be precise, she used to be strong.

But now, the wolf beastman was slowly drifting away from that position of strength.

For obvious reasons, she was getting closer to being weak.

Thanks to the countless injuries inflicted by Kim Shinwoo.

Her entire body was filled with substantial wounds.

Counting the untouched spots would be quicker at this stage.

If she weren’t a beastman, it wouldn’t be surprising if she had died long ago.

“No matter what, this is just too much!”

“Shut it, you dog! You deserve to be hit even more.”

In just a few minutes of dozens of exchanges,

Kim Shinwoo began to step into the realm of strength.

At first, it was one-sidedly unfavorable.

She had lost most of her many weapons.

But how is it now?

With just one two-handed sword drawn earlier, he started responding to her attacks gradually.

And sometimes even launched counterattacks.

In the end, the gap between the strong one—her—and the weak one—Kim Shinwoo—began to narrow.

Slowly, but steadily, without letting anything else happen.

Yet, it didn’t mean the wolf beastman could escape and join up with the same crew.

To back down from here would be against her pride and hostile nature.

Even if she joined, there wouldn’t be any praise for smashing the target.

Most of all, every time she thought about it, Kim Shinwoo clung to her relentlessly, somehow realizing it.

Thinking more about it drove her mad.

But even without considering everything else,

there’s one thing the wolf beastman found incredibly annoying:

that she kept twisting the results she was trying to achieve through regression.

How many times had she failed? She couldn’t remember clearly now.

She had tried in many different ways, and each time ended with the same result of failure.

“But I dodged that easily!”

“Damn, this is just ridiculous!!!”

Even now, it’s the same.

“Yeah, that’s because you’re incompetent.”

“Ah, you little piece of…!”

In between, the insults were a bonus.

Seeing him talk like that,

it was clear Kim Shinwoo was indeed a harmful species.

As a beast of doom, no doubt about it.

Anyway, she just couldn’t understand.

How could he predict all this and mess it up?

As if he knew the future from before the regression.



He knows…?

At that moment, the wolf beastman’s head spun wildly.

What if…

Just what if.

It couldn’t be, but could Kim Shinwoo read the regressions?

In that instant, her rationality quickly denied it coldly.

How could that be possible?

Reading regressions? Does that even make sense?

There’s no value in testing that.

Now was actually the time to calm her head.

But her emotions were passionately arguing against it.

Isn’t it unfair to just be on the receiving end?

Wouldn’t it be better to try something?

What’s wrong with betting on even a sliver of possibility?

Honestly, calling it the Application of the Phantom Ghost Light wasn’t crossing the line?

Their conflict ended abruptly.

In the end, rationality gave way to emotion.

If it kept going like this, the situation would continue to deteriorate.

Moreover, what was called the Application of the Phantom Ghost Light was something even reason couldn’t forgive.

Thus, the wolf beastman immediately took action.

To verify if Kim Shinwoo could read regressions.

She quickly moved again and grabbed some coins from her pocket.

And the moment she got close to Kim Shinwoo’s left,

she scattered all the coins on the ground.

Then, swiftly moving to the other side, she aimed her claws at his side.

Using the sound of coins dropping as a signal.

cling clang cling!


This was an attack that didn’t harm her at all.

If it led to a critical hit, it could turn the tide.

Even if it gets blocked, that wouldn’t be a problem.

Originally, this was a kind of verification process.

In that instant, Kim Shinwoo briefly looked away at the sound of coins dropping,

then reacted to the wolf beastman’s voice, barely managing to block the incoming attack.

“Consciously throw down 500 won coins.”

Instead of responding to Kim Shinwoo’s words,

the wolf beastman immediately chose regression.

Back to just before she was about to toss down the coins.

Just like before, the wolf beastman scattered the money and moved to the same position,

but this time, instead of attacking, she just took a stance as if she were going to jump at him.

Without making a sound to avoid detection.

Yet Kim Shinwoo looked significantly different from before the regression.

He had already finished preparing to counterattack within his range.

cling clang cling!

Not even giving a glance at the falling coins.

As if he already knew the coins would drop.

Only the wolf beastman who regressed was aware of that fact.

Seeing this, the wolf beastman couldn’t help but smile.

Of course, this confirmed her hypothesis.

Kim Shinwoo could indeed read regressions.

Thanks to the countless injuries, it felt like she would lose consciousness any moment now.

But once again, the wolf beastman forced her body to move.

To take advantage of the fact that Kim Shinwoo could read regressions.

Darting around him quickly, she moved to his blind spot and intentionally slowed her claws as she aimed for his leg.

Then Kim Shinwoo reacted quickly to block her,

“Too slow.”


She hit the wolf beastman’s head with the pommel as a counterattack.

Blood spurted, her vision blurred, and pain surged,

but she gritted her teeth and clung to her fading consciousness.

Now was the crucial time to aim for Kim Shinwoo.


‘Just move one more time for me!’

Soon after, the wolf beastman regressed back to the moment she had circled around Kim Shinwoo.

Perhaps Kim Shinwoo would be wary of her attacking in a different way.

If so, then she should just exploit an unexpected lead he hadn’t considered.

Following the same trajectory as before, she again aimed with her claws.


“Did you say that?”

Merely, this was much swifter than before.

“Too slow.”

“Ah, that little f*er.”

Thanks to that, for the first time, the wolf beastman successfully hit Kim Shinwoo.

This attack deeply sliced through one of Kim Shinwoo’s thighs.

This much would certainly make standing difficult for him.

Just to prove it, as Kim Shinwoo’s balance severely faltered,

the wolf beastman stomped down on his shoulder with her leg.

Though Kim Shinwoo barely managed to react and block,


“Ah, damn it.”

Unable to spill it like before, Kim Shinwoo’s sword was brutally shattered.


“Die, you harmful species bastard!”

Her kick drove deeply into Kim Shinwoo’s shoulder.

And the ominous sound of something breaking followed.

In the end, Kim Shinwoo collapsed, clutching his shoulder.

Thinking this was going to end it, she aimed to kick his injured thigh once more.

Just as she was about to slice at his neck with her claws,

suddenly, she felt a heat in her side.

A faint starlight pierced through her side.

That caused blood to surge within her, leading to a wave of nausea.

Of course, the cause was again Kim Shinwoo.

“Really amazing… Ugh… you bastard…”

“Haah… haah…”

Only moments ago,

Kim Shinwoo was panting heavily for some strange reason.

Anyone would misinterpret that he was the one injured.

Now the wolf beastman was left in disbelief.

He got hurt like that and he’s still fighting back?

In a situation where it wouldn’t be strange for him to lose consciousness?

Even delivering a critical wound with just a desperate attack?

No matter how she looked at it, he was far from normal.

But it didn’t matter.

“Try your regression… Haah… go ahead…”

“You’ll do it anyway… cough… you idiot.”

Since she could just regress again.

The regression point would be exactly when Kim Shinwoo fell to the ground.

If she returned to that point, the wounds she suffered would vanish.

On the other hand, Kim Shinwoo would still be in a wounded state.

With that thought, the wolf beastman grinned viciously.

Just as she was about to make another regression,

the world suddenly froze.

The colors of the world disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, nothing moved, and no one could move.

Everything just stayed frozen in place.

An utterly incomprehensible scenario.


Why is this happening?

But it didn’t seem like something Kim Shinwoo had done.

He was still frozen with his arm outstretched.

Without even a blink.

Then who in the world could create this?

As the wolf beastman’s mind got twisted up,

suddenly, an unknown gaze was felt,

and chills started to run through her entire body.

Whatever was going on, one thing was clear.

A very dangerous presence was watching her.

At a level she couldn’t gauge at all.

Tears almost came to her eyes, but her frozen body refused even that.

Desperately seeking a god she didn’t believe in, praying that this situation would end,

she heard a chilling voice that felt like it was squeezing her soul.

“Give it to me.”

With that, the world started flowing again.

Colors returned, and her stiff body moved as if nothing ever happened.

Everything had returned to normal.


“Haah… hey, what are you doing?”

Just one thing was different, though.

“This can’t be happening!!!”

“…You… no way…”

The fact that the wolf beastman’s regression had vanished.

In disbelief, she slammed her fist into the ground.

While looking up at the sky, she yelled with all her might.

Ignoring the blood oozing from her side.


“Who are you! Give it back! Please! Why now!!!!”

Then suddenly responding to her words,

the wolf beastman experienced a sudden anomaly.

But it wasn’t the kind of response she wanted.

Bang bang bang!!!

“Black NTR is absolutely not allowed!!!”

With an unexpected sound of gunfire, many bullets pierced through the wolf beastman’s limbs.

Her pleas were drowned in screams.

“Give it back!!!”

While the wolf beastman still sputtered out small wishes through her breath,

sadly, the following answer was quite distant from her hopes.

“Don’t you dare stick your long thick one into Shinwoo, you b!!!”

That’s right.

It was Hyeji’s Gangrim.