Chapter 414

Chapter 407 – Seeing a Different Place in the Same Spot.

This might come out of nowhere, but let’s take a moment to think.

Everyone’s actions usually serve more than one purpose.

In the end, they desperately struggle to achieve what they want.

So, what happens when that goal comes right in front of you?

Does your mouth feel dry and anxiety set in? Of course, it can.

Do you want to take another step forward? Naturally understandable.

Do you want to grab it right there and then? Anyone would feel that way.

It’s an emotion that everyone has.

And the folks in the Reaper Guild felt no different.

Especially the Wolf Beastman, who was closest to that goal.

“This request is just to take a stroll around the newly formed dungeon with this person.”

The receptionist was passionately explaining the upcoming request while accompanied by the association president’s son.

But no one in the Reaper Guild was paying the slightest bit of attention to the receptionist’s words.

“A newly formed dungeon, you say?”

“Yeah, it’s been around for a while now, but nothing has happened yet. Perfect place for a tour.”

They just kept sneaking glances at Kim Shinwoo, who was busy asking questions.

“But if it’s as you say, it’s okay if we don’t exterminate the dungeon?”

“You can exterminate it if you want, but there’s really no need. After all, it’s just a tour.”

“Not bad.”

Specifically, referring to the Defensive Coat Kim Shinwoo was wearing.

“But if this guy gets hurt, it’s absolutely not acceptable.”

“Yes, I’ll be careful.”

According to the info they got from the guild, it was an original piece that’s extremely rare, not some fake.

That’s why the Reaper Guild was collaborating this time.

To snatch away the Defensive Coat that Kim Shinwoo had.

By any means necessary, even if it meant resorting to extreme measures.

The compensation promised by the association president?

It’s a large sum, but compared to the value of that original Defensive Coat, it’s nothing.

After all, it was a priceless item that couldn’t be valued in cash.

“Where the hell did that bastard get that?”


The Wolf Beastman muttered to herself when the Bald Hunter scolded her.

In a voice only the keen-eared Wolf Beastman could hear, low enough to not attract attention.

“Be careful. Don’t get hot-headed like before.”


And the Wolf Beastman acknowledged her mistake without hesitation.

This was a chance that needed to be handled with utmost caution.

Especially, if the opponent was the infamous harmful species Kim Shinwoo.

But she reassured herself that it was still okay.

Excluding the fact that they would take the initiative quite aggressively.

Up to this point was within the realm of expected scenarios.

Honestly, the association’s request was an unexpected stroke of luck.

But it successfully served to lure out Kim Shinwoo.

And the prediction that Hyeji would likely show up turned out to be accurate too.

“As I said, you all hold your ground against the natural disaster. It’d be even better if you win.”

“Got it.”

“……It’ll be… okay…?”

They decided to go over the plan one last time.

The Wolf Beastman would handle Kim Shinwoo.

The Bald Hunter and the Elf would take care of Hyeji.

This arrangement had its reasons.

“It’s fine. Considering matchups, we have the advantage.”

“That’s true…”

Hyeji was too famous, and thus there was a considerable amount of intel available on her.

So they brought along the minimum number of hunters who had the upper hand in matchups.

Of course, they had no intention of requesting additional reinforcements.

“By the way, once this is over, the incentive is split 2:2:6, right?”

“Let’s talk about that after it’s all done.”


The simple reason why the Wolf Beastman was assigned to Kim Shinwoo was that there was solid intel indicating Kim Shinwoo was an ‘idiot who only knows close combat’.

And the Wolf Beastman was powerful enough to rise to a senior position within the Reaper Guild with just close combat skills.

“Anyway, I’ll quickly wrap this up and join you.”

It did gnaw at her that she had no additional information.

But looking at their current armaments made the estimate obvious.

Fighting while hoping for luck, by enduring with the Defensive Coat and a Japanese sword strapped to his waist.

“That jerk has surprisingly scant info compared to his bad reputation. Why’s that? Didn’t you investigate?”

“……Turns out it was all just insults.”


In reality, there was a ton of information about Kim Shinwoo.

But since every hunter had merely dished insults, a lot of valuable intel had unintentionally faded away.

Of course, the Reaper Guild hunters couldn’t know this.

Anyway, just when they thought the operation had been roughly reestablished,

The Wolf Beastman gritted her teeth upon suddenly hearing the Elf’s words.

“But it was a shame that the poisoning plan failed.”

In the pre-regression future, Hyeji drank a poisoned tea, but Kim Shinwoo never drank it.

And regretful that she had suggested it to Kim Shinwoo immediately upon returning.

Instead, it led to the worst outcome where even Hyeji didn’t end up getting poisoned.

It would’ve been easily beneficial if only Hyeji had sipped even a little.

She had let her greed spoil a situation instead.

Wondering what Hyeji was up to now, the Wolf Beastman quietly shifted her gaze to Hyeji.

“It’s truly an honor to see you in person, Hyeji!”

“Thanks. Want me to give you an autograph?”

Hyeji was currently engaged in conversation with the association president’s son.

“Please sign on this baseball bat! If your name’s on it, it’ll be a significant artifact!”

“Hold on a sec.”

The association president’s son looked to be in middle school and was sparkling with excitement at seeing Hyeji.

Of course, that reaction was entirely warranted.

At that age, everyone idolizes absolute strength.

“Here you go.”

“Yes!!! When I see hunters later, I’ll just whack them on the head with it!!!”

“You learned well from your dad.”

“Of course!”

By this point, it was clear why the association president had requested his son’s tour.

To show him how hunters worked under him.

To have the son understand how trivial their lives could be.

No matter what, the only emotion the Wolf Beastman felt was singular.

‘What a waste, damn it.’

If only Kim Hyeji had taken even a small sip of that poison earlier.

By now, she would have been screaming in pain and taken to the hospital.

The fact that it didn’t come to that was too disappointing.

“But when we enter the dungeon, don’t be in my line of sight.”

“Why not?”

“Because you’ll die.”


Ignoring their lighthearted conversation.

“What if I bring another hunter?”

“I’ll let you live.”


The Wolf Beastman quietly apologized to her guildmates.

After all, it was due to her own greed in the end.

“Sorry… for almost making Kim Shinwoo drink it too…”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“Just keep your eye on that harmful species. If anything happens, just handle Hyeji first.”


But so far, there hadn’t been any significant deviations from their original plan.

So the Wolf Beastman decided to steel herself again.

To steal Kim Shinwoo’s Defensive Coat.

Despite being a request with simple content, the explanation had been quite lengthy.

But finally, it was coming to an end.

“Alright, everyone please enter through this gate.”

Now was the time to start in earnest.

The moment to achieve each of their different goals.

“Let’s go, Hyeji.”

“Got it, Shinwoo. You keep up well too.”

“Yes! I’ll only trust you, Hyeji!”

“We should go too.”

As soon as they entered the dungeon, Hyeji and Kim Shinwoo took the lead.

The association president’s son followed closely behind them.

Meanwhile, the hunters from the Reaper Guild exchanged signals.



And they decided to take action immediately.

Starting with the fastest one among them, the Wolf Beastman.

She approached the association president’s son and swiftly struck the back of his neck with her palm.

He wouldn’t die, but he’d at least lose consciousness.

“Hyeji! Let’s go together—”


Thus eliminating a minor variable.

In fact, this alone brought them a step closer to achieving their goal.

However, the Wolf Beastman wanted to try every possible means.

If necessary, she could always come back through regression.

Before the association president’s son had even fallen to the ground, she quickly approached the biggest variable, Hyeji.

With her claws extended, she aimed to stab deeply into Kim Hyeji’s neck.

Unlike when she attacked the association president’s son.


‘Got it!!!’

Putting real intention to kill behind it.

She could feel her claws piercing through Kim Hyeji’s neck and arteries.

Smiling at the thought of having eliminated a major variable, the Wolf Beastman grinned.

But the moment she noticed the huge hole forming in her own chest.


“You want to die, you damn bastard?”

Her smile became drenched in flesh and blood as it faded away.

In that brief moment, Hyeji had summoned a file bunker in her hand and countered.

Even in a situation where her head could roll off any second.

‘What kind of crazy bitch is she!!!’

She truly was not just called a natural disaster for nothing.

To retaliate with such ferocity even in the face of death.

‘This is just a monster!!!’

Holding onto her fading consciousness, the Wolf Beastman quickly attempted to regress.

Retreating from Kim Hyeji and the Wolf Beastman would put them at a disadvantage.

Having regressed back to the exact moment after knocking out the association president’s son and approaching Kim Hyeji,

She thought it was better to regroup rather than repeat the same mistake again.

And just when the Wolf Beastman was about to increase her distance.

Two strange sensations enveloped her entire body.

The feel of a sharp blade piercing her flesh.

And the sudden emptiness and relief she felt in her right arm.

The last sudden sound of landing was just a bonus.



The information she couldn’t process made the Wolf Beastman’s head spin rapidly.

What on earth was happening…?

No, I surely regressed safely…?

Wait… what’s that over there falling…?

…….Is it my arm…?

Following the fallen arm with her eyes, before she could even absorb the pain and emotions.

Something even stranger began to enter her field of vision.

“Have you lost your mind, you bastard?”

It was Kim Shinwoo, now holding a Japanese sword and wearing a serious expression.

Strangely, his left red eye seemed to glow ominously.