Chapter 392

Chapter 385 – Read the Terms Carefully


Just when I thought it was quiet for a while, things went crazy again.

I had done everything written in the contract, but still…

Still, I decided to listen to the reasons for the sake of employee welfare.

“What’s the problem?”

“Seriously, this is too much!”

In response, Choi Da-eun started to spill all her complaints.

Surprisingly, she pointed out facts we hadn’t cared about at all.

“Our guild’s ratings are getting trashed on the anonymous guild board!!!!!!”

“Eh? Why?”

“Because of that Hyeji!”

At that, I turned my gaze to Hyeji.

“Hyeji, did something happen?”

“It was those damn idiots, so I dealt with them.”

“And where’s the fault in those people!!!”

Choi Da-eun explained next.

She said that Hyeji had received invitations from various guilds for several days.

Hyeji went to those invited parties.

And not long after, she had made all those visiting guilds completely incapacitated, according to Choi Da-eun.

“Hyeji Kim, are you out of your mind? It’s an invite, not a stamp club!!!”

“Then do I have to sit and watch those bastards go crazy?”

Emotion bubbled up inside Hyeji, and she growled.

But still, that didn’t justify her actions.

No matter how little rights hunters had, at the very least, hunters belonging to the same guild should get along.

Because you never know when and how you might need help.

Especially being the invited one and then returning after wrecking the guild that invited her.

I hadn’t been paying attention, and problems arose because of it.

This must be entirely Hyeji’s fault.

Fcking bastards were shaking their chests in front of me.*”

You were just going down the stairs, and your chest shook!!!

It wasn’t Hyeji’s fault.

“It’s just natural movement, Da-eun!”

She’s just a suicide-wishing person!

Haven’t you read the disaster rules? You dumbasses.

Even Spider-Man says, big shakes come with big responsibilities.

That was also written on the first page of the hunters’ disaster rules.

When encountering wild Hyeji, restrain those movements.

Especially the movement of the chest.

If it shows any profane actions, it could backfire on you.

Anyway, this wasn’t the fault of Hyeji at all.

I immediately started to pet and comfort her.

“Hyeji, you did well. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“I’m so unfair. If you have a problem, then go detach your chest, you bastards.”

[……Was it detachable?]

‘If you can’t do it, you should! How dare they shake it in front of Hyeji?’

Moreover, judging by her reaction, Hyeji seemed to have restrained her movements with superhuman patience.

With this much restraint, shouldn’t she receive thanks instead of condemnation from those idiots?

After all, she had facilitated survival from what would have ended in death.

To be ungrateful like that, truly, hunters had no humanity.

“Hey, Da-eun. What’s the deal with the guild rating dropping?”

“If the ratings drop between guilds, then experienced members won’t join unless they’re new, right?”

“That would be the case. But I don’t care.”

Honestly, I didn’t feel much concern about the lack of new members.

We were, after all, an elite group.

Our number of guild members is significantly lacking compared to other guilds.

But the power of each individual, excluding me, is overwhelming.

It was all about quality over quantity.

[So you mean the combination of both is the best?]

‘Shut up, you crazy woman.’

However, Da-eun burst out with anger once more.

“If they don’t come, I can’t quit my job!”

“Oh, right.”

As she openly revealed her desires hidden in her heart.

Indeed, there was a clause in the contract that Da-eun had signed.

Without appointing a successor upon resignation, she couldn’t escape.

And if she tried to flee, she’d have to pay a hefty compensation.

“Congrats! You’ve got a lifelong job!”

Fck you…*”

Is it malicious?

I don’t care.

Hunter contracts are something you should closely examine.

But she didn’t seem to want to back down.

Da-eun sharply pointed out again.

“If this continues, the guild could really get disbanded. You really don’t care?”

Well, being forced to dissolve the guild is indeed a serious matter.

All the hardships and money we spent would only fill the pockets of those damn bastards.

But I wasn’t worried about this either.

“Is that really what you’re worried about? You’re such a drama queen.”

“……What are you thinking?”

Since we had Ayeon working deep in the shadows for us.

“Recently, I’ve been running a business with a succubus. Sending a few to the association will at least ensure we won’t get disbanded.”

“……Our country is doomed.”

“What do you mean ‘our country’? It’s my country now.”

“Ah, f*ck.”

Just like the Nobelpia where this story is serialized.

Ultimately, Da-eun realized that her worries were utterly pointless.

This time, she pointed her finger at me, pointing out another issue.

“Okay, up until now, but you’re a problem too, you bastard!”

“What is it?”

“Who brought drinks with all the contributions for the guild’s founding!! Are you insane!!!”

“Oh, that?”

I indeed received a small amount of funding from the association for the founded guild.

And yes, I did buy drinks with it.

But I slowly opened my mouth in grievance.

“Hey, what do you think alcohol is?”

“It’s bad for your body, causes various diseases, and is the cause of accidents and incidents.”

Da-eun’s words were definitely correct.

Alcohol makes you feel good when consumed, but at the same time carries a dark side.

In the end, it belongs to the category of bad things.

If you’re not careful, the world could suffer because of alcohol.

So here, I couldn’t back off.

“You’re right. Alcohol is a bad thing.”

“So what about it?”

To make the world a little more beautiful.

“So I purified all that bad stuff with my body.”

“Shut up with your drunk talk!!!”

“I told you to use it for good.”

But perhaps due to the backlash from earlier anger,

Da-eun spoke in a dispirited voice like a delicate doll about to break.

“Whatever happens, if there’s a net profit, you’ll still give me my allowance…”

“This is experience, a profit. The world has been cleaned up, so it’s all good.”

Damn…. If only I’d put it into coins, I could have made money instead, you bastard…

At those words, Elcia suddenly felt emotional and reacted immediately.

Stop it! How can you make money with coins!

“Don’t say that crap, you crazy ear goblin!!!”

In response, Da-eun’s depleted anger was instantly recharged.

That anger got Da-eun moving her body again.

By presenting a copy of the contract we had previously handed over.

“And as part of guild welfare, there’s unlimited access to the Green Star Cafe!!!”

With that remark, Da-eun dumped items all over the desk.

A mobile phone with an apple logo, a pad, a watch, and even a music player.

Those were items we had temporarily loaned as part of welfare.

“Where does it say this is an access pass!!!”

“Look at the contract again. It says unlimited ‘entry’ pass.”


At her words, Da-eun stared at the contract as if it would fall apart.

“Oh, f*ck.”


Finally, she let out a sigh mixed with resignation.

“Who plays word games with contracts! I could enter anyway!”

“Shut up. Last time I brought a Lenovo laptop, and they denied my entry.”

You went in drunk, so of course they’d stop you!!!

But what could we do?

[Still, if that’s the case, it’s a perfect entry ticket.]

‘Of course, I’d throw the vibrating bell to the ground, so you better catch it.’

[Not the new model?]


We were just fulfilling the contract.

Meanwhile, we were casting our gaze over the items Da-eun had dumped on the desk.

It was outdated, but it still wasn’t broken, so it could still be used.

“Shinwoo, this all expired service support, right?”

“Is it out of date like an ear goblin?”

“It doesn’t matter if it’s old! Besides, our husband, Juji, will keep servicing me, so I don’t care!”

“Indeed, our lord is the CEO. Team Cock it is.”

[……This is definitely getting cut.]


But still, perhaps not satisfied with the guild welfare,

Da-eun shifted her focus to Caressy again.

“And Guild Master! This is too much!”

“What are you talking about?”

In response, Caressy lazily replied.

“You said you’d provide dormitories!”

“We did.”

Then Da-eun quickly showed a photo on her mobile phone.

“Look at this!!!”

“What is it?”

What appeared was a dormitory obtained solely for Da-eun.

That was way too spacious for just one person to live in.

If we had to argue, it had some flaws, but…

“This is a crime scene with a dying message written! How can you say this is a dormitory, you insane cat bastard!!!!!!”

There shouldn’t really be a problem living there.

To be so greedy like this, it was really excessive.

Meanwhile, Caressy looked at this with open disdain.

“Well, maybe you should clean up a bit before living there. It’s way too dirty.”

“You f*cking bastard, seriously!”

“It’s not a dog, it’s a cat.”


In the end, perhaps Da-eun was tired, and she collapsed on her own.

She cautiously offered her last wish to Caressy.

“At least change the location. The dormitory is too far from here.”

Indeed, the location of the dormitory given to Da-eun was quite a distance away.

No subway, only buses to get there.

“It takes too long.”

Da-eun’s earnest wish.

Of course, that was as Caressy muttered in a serious tone.

“Not everyone can live in Seoul.”

“Ah, fcking btch!!!!”

It faded away like a midsummer night’s dream.